View Full Version : MA Press Releases

09-30-2010, 08:33 AM
So I've been trying to write some press releases for the local newspapers about seminars and other events being put on by my kung fu family...so far with very little success.

I've done a good bit of research on press releases and think I have the form down, but I haven't been able to find a hook that catches. Even failed to catch them with free child safety seminars...can't figure out how they didn't snap at that. :(

Anyone here have any luck with martial arts oriented press releases for regular newspapers? What do you think got you in the door?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a bunch.

David Jamieson
09-30-2010, 08:41 AM
So I've been trying to write some press releases for the local newspapers about seminars and other events being put on by my kung fu family...so far with very little success.

I've done a good bit of research on press releases and think I have the form down, but I haven't been able to find a hook that catches. Even failed to catch them with free child safety seminars...can't figure out how they didn't snap at that. :(

Anyone here have any luck with martial arts oriented press releases for regular newspapers? What do you think got you in the door?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a bunch.

children -discipline -street proofing etc.

A lot of people don't want to work hard and become adepts at martial arts. I mean, lol, take a look around! With a 65% obesity rate it would seem that the majority is not really into much at all.

So, appeal to those things that people do want.
They want their kids to have characters and have discipline.
Moms wanna look good.
Dad's want to have quality time with the kids.
Kid's need structure.

Your martial arts can offer all these things. Look for the desirable aspects of the demography you are dealing with. What do they want, work towards that end.

Also consider having a professional writer do the ad for you.

Xiao3 Meng4
09-30-2010, 08:43 AM
Find a bunch of successful Clubs online which offer similar or competitive products and services.

Look through their marketing material and find the bold, CAPITALIZED or highlighted words that are the MOST COMMON ACROSS ALL OF THE SUCCESSFUL SITES.

Write your copy and use those words. In fact, focus on them. Make the whole press release about like 3 to 5 key words.


Common word: Confidence

Copy: A season of Kung Fu practice will increase your confidence!

Or whatever.

09-30-2010, 09:02 AM
Thanks guys. Some helpful stuff so far.

BTW anyone in Western MA who's interested in a weekend workshop series of internal and external training (Oct. 14 - 17), can get more info at www.kungfuofamherst.com :)

09-30-2010, 09:15 AM
Any journalistic source is inundated with press releases. They are all basically pleas to get free advertising. Any print publication is struggling to get paid advertising. So buy a small ad. That will get their attention. Then they'll be more likely to run your present and future press releases.

09-30-2010, 09:33 AM
Thanks Gene! Guess you would know. :p I'll keep that in mind...At some point I'm going to try to write something for KFM. :)