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View Full Version : Reagan insider: 'GOP destroyed U.S. economy'

10-01-2010, 10:12 AM
David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

No more. Today there's a "new catechism" that's "little more than money printing and deficit finance, vulgar Keynesianism robed in the ideological vestments of the prosperous classes" making a mockery of GOP ideals. Worse, it has resulted in "serial financial bubbles and Wall Street depredations that have crippled our economy." Yes, GOP ideals backfired, crippling our economy.

Stockman's indictment warns that the Republican party's "new policy doctrines have caused four great deformations of the national economy, and modern Republicans have turned a blind eye to each one:"

Stage 1. Nixon irresponsible, dumps gold, U.S starts spending binge
Richard Nixon's gold policies get Stockman's first assault, for defaulting "on American obligations under the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement to balance our accounts with the world." So for the past 40 years, America's been living "beyond our means as a nation" on "borrowed prosperity on an epic scale ... an outcome that Milton Friedman said could never happen when, in 1971, he persuaded President Nixon to unleash on the world paper dollars no longer redeemable in gold or other fixed monetary reserves."

Remember Friedman: "Just let the free market set currency exchange rates, he said, and trade deficits will self-correct." Friedman was wrong by trillions. And unfortunately "once relieved of the discipline of defending a fixed value for their currencies, politicians the world over were free to cheapen their money and disregard their neighbors."

And without discipline America was also encouraging "global monetary chaos as foreign central banks run their own printing presses at ever faster speeds to sop up the tidal wave of dollars coming from the Federal Reserve." Yes, the road to the coming apocalypse began with a Republican president listening to a misguided Nobel economist's advice.

Stage 2. Crushing debts from domestic excesses, war mongering
Stockman says "the second unhappy change in the American economy has been the extraordinary growth of our public debt. In 1970 it was just 40% of gross domestic product, or about $425 billion. When it reaches $18 trillion, it will be 40 times greater than in 1970." Who's to blame? Not big-spending Dems, says Stockman, but "from the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."

Back "in 1981, traditional Republicans supported tax cuts," but Stockman makes clear, they had to be "matched by spending cuts, to offset the way inflation was pushing many taxpayers into higher brackets and to spur investment. The Reagan administration's hastily prepared fiscal blueprint, however, was no match for the primordial forces -- the welfare state and the warfare state -- that drive the federal spending machine."

OK, stop a minute. As you absorb Stockman's indictment of how his Republican party has "destroyed the U.S. economy," you're probably asking yourself why anyone should believe a traitor to the Reagan legacy. I believe party affiliation is irrelevant here. This is a crucial subject that must be explored because it further exposes a dangerous historical trend where politics is so partisan it's having huge negative consequences.

Yes, the GOP does have a welfare-warfare state: Stockman says "the neocons were pushing the military budget skyward. And the Republicans on Capitol Hill who were supposed to cut spending, exempted from the knife most of the domestic budget -- entitlements, farm subsidies, education, water projects. But in the end it was a new cadre of ideological tax-cutters who killed the Republicans' fiscal religion."

When Fed chief Paul Volcker "crushed inflation" in the '80s we got a "solid economic rebound." But then "the new tax-cutters not only claimed victory for their supply-side strategy but hooked Republicans for good on the delusion that the economy will outgrow the deficit if plied with enough tax cuts." By 2009, they "reduced federal revenues to 15% of gross domestic product," lowest since the 1940s. Still today they're irrationally demanding an extension of those "unaffordable Bush tax cuts [that] would amount to a bankruptcy filing."

Recently Bush made matters far worse by "rarely vetoing a budget bill and engaging in two unfinanced foreign military adventures." Bush also gave in "on domestic spending cuts, signing into law $420 billion in nondefense appropriations, a 65% percent gain from the $260 billion he had inherited eight years earlier. Republicans thus joined the Democrats in a shameless embrace of a free-lunch fiscal policy." Takes two to tango.

Stage 3. Wall Street's deadly 'vast, unproductive expansion'
Stockman continues pounding away: "The third ominous change in the American economy has been the vast, unproductive expansion of our financial sector." He warns that "Republicans have been oblivious to the grave danger of flooding financial markets with freely printed money and, at the same time, removing traditional restrictions on leverage and speculation." Wrong, not oblivious. Self-interested Republican loyalists like Paulson, Bernanke and Geithner knew exactly what they were doing.

They wanted the economy, markets and the government to be under the absolute control of Wall Street's too-greedy-to-fail banks. They conned Congress and the Fed into bailing out an estimated $23.7 trillion debt. Worse, they have since destroyed meaningful financial reforms. So Wall Street is now back to business as usual blowing another bigger bubble/bust cycle that will culminate in the coming "American Apocalypse."

Stockman refers to Wall Street's surviving banks as "wards of the state." Wrong, the opposite is true. Wall Street now controls Washington, and its "unproductive" trading is "extracting billions from the economy with a lot of pointless speculation in stocks, bonds, commodities and derivatives." Wall Street banks like Goldman were virtually bankrupt, would have never survived without government-guaranteed deposits and "virtually free money from the Fed's discount window to cover their bad bets."

Stage 4. New American Revolution class-warfare coming soon
Finally, thanks to Republican policies that let us "live beyond our means for decades by borrowing heavily from abroad, we have steadily sent jobs and production offshore," while at home "high-value jobs in goods production ... trade, transportation, information technology and the professions shrunk by 12% to 68 million from 77 million."

As the apocalypse draws near, Stockman sees a class-rebellion, a new revolution, a war against greed and the wealthy. Soon. The trigger will be the growing gap between economic classes: No wonder "that during the last bubble (from 2002 to 2006) the top 1% of Americans -- paid mainly from the Wall Street casino -- received two-thirds of the gain in national income, while the bottom 90% -- mainly dependent on Main Street's shrinking economy -- got only 12%. This growing wealth gap is not the market's fault. It's the decaying fruit of bad economic policy."

Get it? The decaying fruit of the GOP's bad economic policies is destroying our economy.

Warning: this black swan won't be pretty, will shock, soon

His bottom line: "The day of national reckoning has arrived. We will not have a conventional business recovery now, but rather a long hangover of debt liquidation and downsizing ... it's a pity that the modern Republican party offers the American people an irrelevant platform of recycled Keynesianism when the old approach -- balanced budgets, sound money and financial discipline -- is needed more than ever."

10-01-2010, 11:02 AM
That guy is wrong on so many levels I couldn't even finish reading it.

FYI, Obama himself said 'you do not raise taxes during a recession'. So how you/he can blame only the GOP for not wanting the Bush tax cuts to expire is beyond me. Even many Congressional Democrats are calling for those tax cuts to not be allowed to expire.

As for class warfare, it's not the GOP that is picking and choosing which groups of Americans get tax cuts and which get tax increases. The GOP is for ALL Americans having their tax rates remain at current levels. How you can say a group that demands ALL working Americans be treated the same is the divisive group defies logic.

10-01-2010, 11:06 AM
Let me guess, that genius didn't say a word about the subprime issue in relation to the economy's problems, did he?

10-01-2010, 01:44 PM
David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

No more. Today there's a "new catechism" that's "little more than money printing and deficit finance, vulgar Keynesianism robed in the ideological vestments of the prosperous classes" making a mockery of GOP ideals. Worse, it has resulted in "serial financial bubbles and Wall Street depredations that have crippled our economy." Yes, GOP ideals backfired, crippling our economy.

Stockman's indictment warns that the Republican party's "new policy doctrines have caused four great deformations of the national economy, and modern Republicans have turned a blind eye to each one:"

Stage 1. Nixon irresponsible, dumps gold, U.S starts spending binge
Richard Nixon's gold policies get Stockman's first assault, for defaulting "on American obligations under the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement to balance our accounts with the world." So for the past 40 years, America's been living "beyond our means as a nation" on "borrowed prosperity on an epic scale ... an outcome that Milton Friedman said could never happen when, in 1971, he persuaded President Nixon to unleash on the world paper dollars no longer redeemable in gold or other fixed monetary reserves."

Remember Friedman: "Just let the free market set currency exchange rates, he said, and trade deficits will self-correct." Friedman was wrong by trillions. And unfortunately "once relieved of the discipline of defending a fixed value for their currencies, politicians the world over were free to cheapen their money and disregard their neighbors."

And without discipline America was also encouraging "global monetary chaos as foreign central banks run their own printing presses at ever faster speeds to sop up the tidal wave of dollars coming from the Federal Reserve." Yes, the road to the coming apocalypse began with a Republican president listening to a misguided Nobel economist's advice.

Stage 2. Crushing debts from domestic excesses, war mongering
Stockman says "the second unhappy change in the American economy has been the extraordinary growth of our public debt. In 1970 it was just 40% of gross domestic product, or about $425 billion. When it reaches $18 trillion, it will be 40 times greater than in 1970." Who's to blame? Not big-spending Dems, says Stockman, but "from the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."

Back "in 1981, traditional Republicans supported tax cuts," but Stockman makes clear, they had to be "matched by spending cuts, to offset the way inflation was pushing many taxpayers into higher brackets and to spur investment. The Reagan administration's hastily prepared fiscal blueprint, however, was no match for the primordial forces -- the welfare state and the warfare state -- that drive the federal spending machine."

OK, stop a minute. As you absorb Stockman's indictment of how his Republican party has "destroyed the U.S. economy," you're probably asking yourself why anyone should believe a traitor to the Reagan legacy. I believe party affiliation is irrelevant here. This is a crucial subject that must be explored because it further exposes a dangerous historical trend where politics is so partisan it's having huge negative consequences.

Yes, the GOP does have a welfare-warfare state: Stockman says "the neocons were pushing the military budget skyward. And the Republicans on Capitol Hill who were supposed to cut spending, exempted from the knife most of the domestic budget -- entitlements, farm subsidies, education, water projects. But in the end it was a new cadre of ideological tax-cutters who killed the Republicans' fiscal religion."

When Fed chief Paul Volcker "crushed inflation" in the '80s we got a "solid economic rebound." But then "the new tax-cutters not only claimed victory for their supply-side strategy but hooked Republicans for good on the delusion that the economy will outgrow the deficit if plied with enough tax cuts." By 2009, they "reduced federal revenues to 15% of gross domestic product," lowest since the 1940s. Still today they're irrationally demanding an extension of those "unaffordable Bush tax cuts [that] would amount to a bankruptcy filing."

Recently Bush made matters far worse by "rarely vetoing a budget bill and engaging in two unfinanced foreign military adventures." Bush also gave in "on domestic spending cuts, signing into law $420 billion in nondefense appropriations, a 65% percent gain from the $260 billion he had inherited eight years earlier. Republicans thus joined the Democrats in a shameless embrace of a free-lunch fiscal policy." Takes two to tango.

Stage 3. Wall Street's deadly 'vast, unproductive expansion'
Stockman continues pounding away: "The third ominous change in the American economy has been the vast, unproductive expansion of our financial sector." He warns that "Republicans have been oblivious to the grave danger of flooding financial markets with freely printed money and, at the same time, removing traditional restrictions on leverage and speculation." Wrong, not oblivious. Self-interested Republican loyalists like Paulson, Bernanke and Geithner knew exactly what they were doing.

They wanted the economy, markets and the government to be under the absolute control of Wall Street's too-greedy-to-fail banks. They conned Congress and the Fed into bailing out an estimated $23.7 trillion debt. Worse, they have since destroyed meaningful financial reforms. So Wall Street is now back to business as usual blowing another bigger bubble/bust cycle that will culminate in the coming "American Apocalypse."

Stockman refers to Wall Street's surviving banks as "wards of the state." Wrong, the opposite is true. Wall Street now controls Washington, and its "unproductive" trading is "extracting billions from the economy with a lot of pointless speculation in stocks, bonds, commodities and derivatives." Wall Street banks like Goldman were virtually bankrupt, would have never survived without government-guaranteed deposits and "virtually free money from the Fed's discount window to cover their bad bets."

Stage 4. New American Revolution class-warfare coming soon
Finally, thanks to Republican policies that let us "live beyond our means for decades by borrowing heavily from abroad, we have steadily sent jobs and production offshore," while at home "high-value jobs in goods production ... trade, transportation, information technology and the professions shrunk by 12% to 68 million from 77 million."

As the apocalypse draws near, Stockman sees a class-rebellion, a new revolution, a war against greed and the wealthy. Soon. The trigger will be the growing gap between economic classes: No wonder "that during the last bubble (from 2002 to 2006) the top 1% of Americans -- paid mainly from the Wall Street casino -- received two-thirds of the gain in national income, while the bottom 90% -- mainly dependent on Main Street's shrinking economy -- got only 12%. This growing wealth gap is not the market's fault. It's the decaying fruit of bad economic policy."

Get it? The decaying fruit of the GOP's bad economic policies is destroying our economy.

Warning: this black swan won't be pretty, will shock, soon

His bottom line: "The day of national reckoning has arrived. We will not have a conventional business recovery now, but rather a long hangover of debt liquidation and downsizing ... it's a pity that the modern Republican party offers the American people an irrelevant platform of recycled Keynesianism when the old approach -- balanced budgets, sound money and financial discipline -- is needed more than ever."

No matter what each party says, or how it blames the other, these are just "cosmetic" arguments to hide the fact that both parties have their strings pulled by the same corporate and hidden political structures.

That means that some where along the line the real people in charge decided to "restructure" the US economy and to destroy the middle class, and by so doing rob their assets, savings, etc.

So this long term plan may have started by the GOP, but it is continuing with Obama, the new corrupt crook in the Whitehouse.

I just can't see why some of you guys cannot connect the dots and see beyond the "movie version" of reality presented to us by our controlled medias, that are owned by the same people who own the President and his government's @ss!!!!

Is it so difficult to come out of your emotional/psychological comfort zones????

10-01-2010, 01:47 PM
supply and demand

anything in excess becomes bubbles.

the very thing that makes the market goes up also makes the market goes down.

1. biotech stocks---

2. internet stocks---

3. housing market

within 500,000 gain with no tax, triggered the housing boom, along with it the second mortgage

housing prices go up, the fed had to raise interest rates to curb inflation

the higher interests triggered default on many 2nd mortgage

thus current sogging housing market and banking crises

there are more houses repro and auctioning then new houses being built for sale.


any goverment issuing things to remedy will only bring on downfalls later on.

thus less government intervention is better.

let the market correct itself.

if too many government controls, then the society will be like socialist or communist state--

the fed is keeping interests at record low, that is enough.

10-05-2010, 10:42 AM
Stockman has no credibility. Hes a hack and an indicted felon. I think in 07 08 his firm was indicted and raided for widespread fraud. he is no more then bernie Madhoff wanna be.

David Jamieson
10-05-2010, 11:22 AM
Stockman has no credibility. Hes a hack and an indicted felon. I think in 07 08 his firm was indicted and raided for widespread fraud. he is no more then bernie Madhoff wanna be.

what exactly was it that Bernie Madhoff did that any major bank isn't doing? lol

10-05-2010, 12:08 PM
what exactly was it that Bernie Madhoff did that any major bank isn't doing? lol

Oh geez. :rolleyes:

If you can't figure that one out, you really shouldn't be posting on threads involving economics.

David Jamieson
10-05-2010, 12:40 PM
Oh geez. :rolleyes:

If you can't figure that one out, you really shouldn't be posting on threads involving economics.

you want to try answering that again?

what is the difference between what Bernie Madhoff did and what any major bank does now?

especially in light of the sub-prime fiasco.

He was doing more or less the same thing as mac and may, AIG etc, etc, except that he was one guy, but still, what's the difference?

just answer the question.

10-05-2010, 12:52 PM
you want to try answering that again?

He ran a friggin Ponzi scheme. You can't compare what banks are doing to that. Actually the best comparison you can make with Bernie Madoff would be Social Security.

He was doing more or less the same thing as mac and may, AIG etc, etc, except that he was one guy, but still, what's the difference?

This may also be news to you, but in our country we don't charge people with crimes for doing "more or less" what other criminals do. We charge people with violating specific laws on the books.

Can I now ask you an econimic question and expect an answer? ;)

David Jamieson
10-05-2010, 05:45 PM
He ran a friggin Ponzi scheme. You can't compare what banks are doing to that. Actually the best comparison you can make with Bernie Madoff would be Social Security.

This may also be news to you, but in our country we don't charge people with crimes for doing "more or less" what other criminals do. We charge people with violating specific laws on the books.

Can I now ask you an econimic question and expect an answer? ;)

not yet.

What Banks took care of those billions for Maddoff?

surely you don't think he had his own money supply do you? how did he move the money around if not for banks? 60+ billion is a lot for one guy to handle.

yeesh, even Ponzi himself only got about a million. lol

10-05-2010, 06:01 PM
No matter what each party says, or how it blames the other, these are just "cosmetic" arguments to hide the fact that both parties have their strings pulled by the same corporate and hidden political structures.

That means that some where along the line the real people in charge decided to "restructure" the US economy and to destroy the middle class, and by so doing rob their assets, savings, etc.

So this long term plan may have started by the GOP, but it is continuing with Obama, the new corrupt crook in the Whitehouse.

I just can't see why some of you guys cannot connect the dots and see beyond the "movie version" of reality presented to us by our controlled medias, that are owned by the same people who own the President and his government's @ss!!!!

Is it so difficult to come out of your emotional/psychological comfort zones????

So, a thread about some shameless grub trying to sell a book sinks even lower now that this fool has taken the opportunity to blather on about yet another asinine conspiracy theory that only those as mentally ill and fundamentally stupid as Grandmaster Fraud would take seriously.


10-05-2010, 08:45 PM
not yet.

What Banks took care of those billions for Maddoff?

surely you don't think he had his own money supply do you? how did he move the money around if not for banks? 60+ billion is a lot for one guy to handle.

yeesh, even Ponzi himself only got about a million. lol

You should probably stop. The stupid hole you are digging just keeps getting deeper. Face it. You were wrong. Drink water and drive on.

David Jamieson
10-06-2010, 09:15 AM
You should probably stop. The stupid hole you are digging just keeps getting deeper. Face it. You were wrong. Drink water and drive on.

uh no. lol

i asked a question, i didn't make a statement.

how is asking a question wrong? there's another question for you.

neither of you have answered. 1bad made a lame attempt in regards to maddoffs criminal conviction but could not accurately describe what happened or where that 65 billion is.

can you perhaps? I mean, it doesn't just dissappear, someone has it.

10-06-2010, 10:02 AM
i asked a question, i didn't make a statement.

I honestly am confused as to what you want me to answer. I'm confused because your entire premise is not based in reality.

You really should take Drake's advice. But if you are determined to go on embarrassing yourself, go right ahead on.

David Jamieson
10-06-2010, 10:59 AM
I honestly am confused as to what you want me to answer. I'm confused because your entire premise is not based in reality.

You really should take Drake's advice. But if you are determined to go on embarrassing yourself, go right ahead on.

lol. duck duck duck.

nothing enbarassing about it.

i see you are confused and cannot respond because you think the premise is wrong?


lol. and you think yourself some sort of economics wiz?


you think ss is a ponzi scheme too! so...uh, what is it that you intend to do about that?

for instance, compare maddoff to ss. Is that the same to you?

10-06-2010, 11:24 AM
How can I duck a question I cannot understand? Hell, even Drake is laughing at you, and we all know he rarely agrees with me.

Ask the question again, and explain what you mean.

And don't be throwing stones when you live in a glass mansion. You've been ducking my question for days now. :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
10-06-2010, 11:46 AM

excuses, excuses. lol

10-06-2010, 11:58 AM
WTF do want me to do? I cannot give an answer when I dont understand the question. Rephrase it or something.

First off, I need your definition of a Ponzi scheme. That should help me out.

David Jamieson
10-06-2010, 12:21 PM
ah forget it.

I figured you wouldn't be able to comprehend.
It's not because you can't, it's because you won't.

such is life.

10-06-2010, 12:34 PM
ah forget it.

Are you ducking now? :rolleyes:

I figured you wouldn't be able to comprehend.
It's not because you can't, it's because you won't.

Neither could Drake. Be sure and attack him too now.

I'm gonna try and take a stab at this. Wish me luck.

What Banks took care of those billions for Maddoff?

Who knows? It's moot anyway. Unless you can prove they took in money from Madoff knowing the money came from illegal activities, they did nothing wrong. And iirc, Madoff refuses to help the Gov't find/recover any of the money. I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Madoff does not have bank accounts across the globe under the name 'Bernie Madoff'. Just a hunch though.

surely you don't think he had his own money supply do you? how did he move the money around if not for banks? 60+ billion is a lot for one guy to handle.

He didn't need a money supply. That's how a Ponzi scheme works, there is no product, or legit company, or investment, or whatever the con is saying the victims are investing in.

And again, he moved money around from banks and the banks had no idea the money was aquired illegally. Once the banks he had money in found out it was 'Madoff money', they notified Federal authorites and the money was siezed.

As to it being alot to handle, Madoff did just fine handling it on his own. The guy is a criminal, but he is pretty intelligent. He swindled alot of 'smart' people, and he still has tons of money hidden that the Feds (and other foreign Gov'ts) still can't find.

If these answers are not sufficient, please rephrase the question(s), and also tell us what similarities the banks share with Bernie Madoff.