View Full Version : Which kind of rebreakable to buy?

10-16-2007, 07:48 AM
Hi All,

i am trying to find the hardest to break reusable board for practicing as my current one has weakend too much.

Want it to be as advance as possible - maybe the equvalent of 3 inches of wood.

Preferable in the UK too but not essential.


10-16-2007, 08:56 AM

has some good ones. but not the best. there is one out there that is a solid inch of plastic and very hard to break.

10-16-2007, 12:02 PM
Sorry my ignorance, how is a board rebreakable?

10-16-2007, 03:18 PM
Sorry my ignorance, how is a board rebreakable?

Its made of plastic. Kind of like a giant lego, except instead of the connection being straight on its offset to require a certain amount of force to break the seperation.

until they start to warp and wear out.

10-04-2010, 01:24 PM

I saw this guy did a zero-distance breaking, how is that kind of board? I saw the logo of Century, is it a good brand?

how hard is the black grade? is that good?

10-04-2010, 01:45 PM
Buy these (http://www.martialartsmart.com/20-31.html).

Note that Tiger Claw Rebreakable boards (http://www.tigerclaw.com/re-breakable-boards-martial-arts-c-355-p-1-pr-6557.html) are completely redesigned with the help of World Champion Breaking Legend Dr. Dan Netherland. Features extra-wide handles and protective foam padding on both sides.


KC Elbows
10-04-2010, 01:48 PM
Buy these (http://www.martialartsmart.com/20-31.html).

Note that Tiger Claw Rebreakable boards (http://www.tigerclaw.com/re-breakable-boards-martial-arts-c-355-p-1-pr-6557.html) are completely redesigned with the help of World Champion Breaking Legend Dr. Dan Netherland. Features extra-wide handles and protective foam padding on both sides.


If someone with the AGGRESSIVE approach of a Gene Ching recommends them, I'd buy them.

10-04-2010, 02:00 PM
...is that you can get your aggressions out over and over again. I can just have a set by my desk here and think "ooooh, that KC Elbows makes me so mad :mad:" give those boards a slap and *snap* I feel much better.

10-04-2010, 02:06 PM
is that tiger claw brand shipping to canada? anyone tried it or have any video of it?

I was thinking.. thiat guy in the video did a zero distance break, wow, that means the one-inch break story is gone? ...um...

hey wait.. that site you recommended have HOLY COW price on the shipping.. $35 bucks at least for shopping over $60 USD?? wow.. I have to pay so much more for the boards!

10-04-2010, 02:08 PM
how can u make a broken board back together? i confuse

KC Elbows
10-04-2010, 02:10 PM
...is that you can get your aggressions out over and over again. I can just have a set by my desk here and think "ooooh, that KC Elbows makes me so mad :mad:" give those boards a slap and *snap* I feel much better.

I've finally found my target market for a line of talking KC Elbows punching bags. I'm afraid, since there's just one of you, the price might have to be a bit steep.

taai gihk yahn
10-04-2010, 02:12 PM
how can u make a broken board back together? i confuse

another plot by whitey to keep the CHinaman down

10-04-2010, 02:15 PM
Shipping to Canada is pricey for us, mostly because Canada has this nasty habit of refusing parcels at customs. Sorry about that Thekungfumania. You might look for a Tiger Claw dealer in your area. They'd buy in bulk so they would be cheaper.

10-04-2010, 02:16 PM

be a man

KC Elbows
10-04-2010, 02:21 PM
how can u make a broken board back together? i confuse

It's part of the Lazarus fist of the kung fu Jesus. I don't expect you to understand, you'd have to practice your form more and pay $4000 baise fee, then play lion's ass part in special dance to long dead martial saint who now cry over you doing kungfu demo in underfunded middle school gymnasium to win medal over kid with hairlip.

10-04-2010, 02:27 PM
Shipping to Canada is pricey for us, mostly because Canada has this nasty habit of refusing parcels at customs. Sorry about that Thekungfumania. You might look for a Tiger Claw dealer in your area. They'd buy in bulk so they would be cheaper.

thanks, I will look for it!

David Jamieson
10-04-2010, 05:31 PM
Shipping to Canada is pricey for us, mostly because Canada has this nasty habit of refusing parcels at customs.

It's all about Tariff codes man.

I Hate Ashida Kim
10-04-2010, 06:38 PM
I have a Tiger Claw one. Whatever the thickest one is (there were multiple thicknesses available when I ordered it years ago). I like it. It doesn't have those cool handles like the one Gene posted does, but I also got mine like 8 years ago.

How much of that zero distance break in that video is force, and how much of it is him using his weight to break the board?

Just saying...

10-04-2010, 08:12 PM
Boards don't hit back... :mad:

(they just snap back together :p)

I Hate Ashida Kim
10-04-2010, 10:24 PM
Boards don't hit back... :mad:

(they just snap back together :p)

Actually mine kinda slides back together.

I guess you could snap it back together, but it seems like that would put more wear on it.

10-05-2010, 09:24 AM
Tiger Claw (http://www.tigerclaw.com/re-breakable-boards-martial-arts-pr-6557.html) started working with Dr. Dan Netherland (http://www.dannetherland.com/)a few years ago. He's based in TN near our TN office, and a few of the employees there were training under him at the time. He was the perfect person to work with to improve our rebreakable boards.

Dan Netherland's official World Records (http://www.dannetherland.com/)

* Most concrete slabs broken by hand with a single strike. 30 slabs. 7 / 16 / 2007
* Most Locks Broken In 60 Seconds By Hand 32 Yale Padlocks. 5 / 25 / 2008
* Most Locks Simultaneously Broken With A Single Strike. 4 Yale Padlocks. 5 / 25 / 200
* Most Concrete Broken in 60 Seconds By Hand 3,014 lbs in 17.45 seconds. 2 / 26 / 2003
* Most Concrete Blocks Broken in 60 Seconds By Hand. 55 Slabs of Poured Cement. 2 / 26 / 2003
* Most Concrete Broken Through a Class 3A Bullet Proof Vest With Steel Trauma Plate By Hand With A Single Strike. 380 lbs of standing concrete. 6 / 26 / 2007
* Most bricks broken by hand with a single strike 19 bricks. 5 / 25 / 2008
* Most Tiger Claw Black Extra Strong Re Breakable Boards With a Single Strike By Hand. 10 Black Extra Strong Boards. 8 / 23 / 2007
* Most Weight Lifted In An Incline Bench Press While Weighing Less Than 300 lbs. 650 lbs with body weight at 281 lbs. 1 / 11 / 2005
* Most concrete slabs broken by hand with a single strike. 2,000 lbs (1 ton) 7 / 16 / 2007

The Ohs with Dr. Dan.

I love the rebreakable arm concept, Andy. I need to think about if that's actually feasible.

10-05-2010, 05:51 PM
Most Weight Lifted In An Incline Bench Press While Weighing Less Than 300 lbs. 650 lbs with body weight at 281 lbs. 1 / 11 / 2005

Holy sh*t.

10-05-2010, 07:35 PM
Dr. Dan looks very unhealthy though... yeah, he got lots of weight to loose.. tons of fatty from doughnut and McD...???? Typical american cop size.. oh man..

I will surely not want to look like that...

I Hate Ashida Kim
10-06-2010, 10:29 PM
Dr. Dan looks very unhealthy though... yeah, he got lots of weight to loose.. tons of fatty from doughnut and McD...???? Typical american cop size.. oh man..

I will surely not want to look like that...

If he can actually incline bench 650 @ 281 pounds, I don't think he really cares what you think of his looks :p

11-30-2010, 03:08 PM

really??? and they work well??? ive never been into breaking boards... but i proved the guy wrong who said boards dont hit back when i was like 13 and took some shrapnel of the side of my dome from a piece of cedar(real hard to break on the grain too, sh!t you may even need two whole fingers to get er done:rolleyes:)...

i also broke a red brick with my palm on the first try ever with no breaking training... i totally lost respect for it all after that... maybe i oversimplified it in my mind... coz i think guys like teetsao are impressive... esspecially since the lil slaps look so pathetic and weak... but sure enough, breaks the blocks, no spacers... i could get into trying again...

11-30-2010, 03:29 PM
gene, are you part owner of tiger claw??? or is it just a symbiotic relationship??

11-30-2010, 03:30 PM
Gene's left hand is actually a tiger's claw. He's like a mascot...



11-30-2010, 03:31 PM
Wood Board - 8mm/12mm/18mm (http://www.martialartsmart.com/20-35081218.html)

I never formally trained board breaking, but I've had to break a few for demonstrations. I did a spacer break for the DVD insert we gave to subscribers in our Shaolin Special 2010 issue (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56631) (BTW, that Shaolin Kung Fu and Iron Body Tournament DVD is available as a premium for a $50 or more purchase at MartialArtsMart.com (http://www.martialartsmart.com/freegift.html) - that's the only place you can get it because we aren't selling it - when the supply runs out, we probably won't make any more). Anyway, that break was fun to stage. I like breaking stuff. ;)

11-30-2010, 03:32 PM
I hear you like breaking things in a lot more.

11-30-2010, 03:34 PM
...or maybe I just like breaks. I think I'll take one right now. :cool:

11-30-2010, 03:40 PM
Now that is a grand idea.

Violent Designs
11-30-2010, 04:58 PM
Boards do "hit back" I fractured my secondary middle knuckle breaking boards with my panther fists.

Took about a year to fully heal.

11-30-2010, 05:03 PM
the third law

11-30-2010, 05:10 PM
Syn7, I work for TC Media, International, which is a division of Tiger Claw (https://www.tigerclaw.com/home.php). TC Media produces Kung Fu Tai Chi (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/) and DVDs (http://www.martialartsmart.com/dvd-video.html), as well as designs logos for Tiger Claw clients. It also oversees this website (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/) and forum. In short, TC Media is my employer. Is that symbiotic?

Violent Designs
11-30-2010, 05:27 PM
the third law

yep .

11-30-2010, 10:02 PM
Syn7, I work for TC Media, International, which is a division of Tiger Claw (https://www.tigerclaw.com/home.php). TC Media produces Kung Fu Tai Chi (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/) and DVDs (http://www.martialartsmart.com/dvd-video.html), as well as designs logos for Tiger Claw clients. It also oversees this website (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/) and forum. In short, TC Media is my employer. Is that symbiotic?

duuude... much respect fpor making ur passion ur a viable career... everyone could take notes on that one... goood on ya...

11-30-2010, 10:04 PM
Syn7, I work for TC Media, International, which is a division of Tiger Claw (https://www.tigerclaw.com/home.php). TC Media produces Kung Fu Tai Chi (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/) and DVDs (http://www.martialartsmart.com/dvd-video.html), as well as designs logos for Tiger Claw clients. It also oversees this website (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/) and forum. In short, TC Media is my employer. Is that symbiotic?

so did you start the mag then sell the brand to them??? or stat the mag then shop for partners??? how did that all work out... u did start the mag yes??? i just assumed that one...

12-01-2010, 10:26 AM
Roger Haygood started Wushu Kung Fu in 1992 (see our first issue here (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=171)). That was purchased by TC Media and it was cooperatively run until Roger broke away. Gigi Oh took over in Winter 1994 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=45). I was writing freelance articles for all that martial arts magazines since '91. I was hired by TC Media as a full-time employee in fall of 1999. Announcement of my position as Assistant Publisher was withheld until the Shaolin Special 2000 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=152). We've gone through several title changes (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=823146&postcount=2) since our inception and settled on Kung Fu Tai Chi.

If you really want to know the history of our mag, check out our 10th Anniversary issue (http://www.martialartsmart.com/kf-200110.html).

12-01-2010, 11:50 AM
What is the spec on rebreakables?
What kind of PSI is required?
They are equivelant to what?

12-01-2010, 02:43 PM
What's the PSI on a wood board? :rolleyes:

Actually, I suppose that's something we could calculate for the rebreakables, but we haven't bothered. I imagine would only be challenged by the extra strong one when used alone. I can break all three levels, but I've seen a few practitioners who took a few jabs at the extra strongs ( :o ) before snapping them. Of course, you can stack them, with spacers or without, to increase the difficulty.