View Full Version : Three Steps Mallet demonstrated by 82 years old Master He Shanfa

10-08-2010, 02:07 PM

From the Description:

Fujian Yongchun Taizuquan disciple He Shan-fa, 82 years old, demonstrated the brilliant "Three Steps Mallet" which is one of the representative kung fu weapons in Taiwan. It is known that this art was lost for many years. It was He who resurrected it and passed it on to the Mainland. This mallet approach uses a ten foot long club, using the energy in Dantian (point two inches below the navel where one's qi resides) and the waist as the axis, pouring energy into the weapon and thus generating an instantaneous springing and vibrating power that converts both void and solid. This was performed for the 2008 Opening Ceremony of NTDTVs Traditional Martial Arts Competition.

I never heard of this style, but I find his performance quite awesome. So I wanted to share with you, the demonstration of this master. PS: There is a Yong Chun Taizu Quan mentioned. I never heard about it. Maybe you did.

Kind regards,