View Full Version : Su Kong Tai Djin ????

Phil Redmond
10-11-2010, 08:45 PM
Here's a link to a school in New Orleans where they say that
Su Kong Tai Djin, the Kung Fu Werewolf is one of their Grandmaster.


I've never heard of him but I'd like to know if anyone else has.

taai gihk yahn
10-11-2010, 09:04 PM
um, Phil, I know that you may not get "out" much (meaning beyond the confines of the WC Forum), but the answer to your question about Jojo the Dog-Faced Boy would be found in the longest running thread on KFMF:


I know it's hard to believe that any system other than WC could conceivably cause some controversy, but hey, there you have it! :p

10-11-2010, 09:36 PM
Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I heard from a SD student that Sin The is very poor, so the SD students took a collection to buy him a car.

10-11-2010, 10:34 PM
I have a BB in Shaolin-do from way back and I would have serious doubts about that (him being poor NOT them buying him a car), unless he made some really bad investments. He did try to build a sports complex years ago that tanked. If I remember correctly all testing fees go to him.

10-11-2010, 10:46 PM
Sifu Redmond,

If you want to see a thread related to this which has shot it's wad and NEEDS to be locked for the name of all that is good and holy..check out "Shaolin-Do..is it real"(or words to that effect). It's got to be the longest thread in martial arts forum history...

10-11-2010, 10:48 PM
That's because every thread that starts up about Shaolin-do is placed there. Like this one will be.

David Jamieson
10-12-2010, 06:17 AM
shaolin do is the koolaid for the desperate yet lazy minded that want to be david carradines.

10-12-2010, 08:46 AM
as a survivor of that horrid school i can say its 100 percent bonafide bs.

Thes system and the history

no 16 year old should be able to beat up grown men who have been practicing an art for years