View Full Version : Prove you cross train

10-14-2010, 02:22 PM
From the recent eye opening expereience I got while on on another thread of mine it was brought to my attenetion that MOST kung fu schools that call themselves TCMA DO NOT cross train, I could not believe this was true so i am calling out ALL TCMA schools and asking them to prove how and why you you cross train.

I personally am including some pics of other techers, styles and systems that I have invited adn or flown in to teach my students other things that I cannot to give them a full perspective of whats out there not just take my word that it works 5859


10-14-2010, 02:26 PM
as well as professional boxer Paul marrinaccio the italian hit man.Pancrase champion Yoshiki takahasi, BJJ Chuck Anzelone, iron palm master John Newberry, the national tawianese Taji team, empire stae wrestling champion Keith Mutey



10-14-2010, 02:29 PM
Cross training does not make you any less of a cr@p teacher/fighter/practitioner.

Posting pics of you with different instructors doesn't make you any less of a cr@p teacher/fighter/practitioner.

The fact that, at 44, you can't even roll some grappling with some 20 year olds, says as much about your cr@piness in cross training than any pictures standing around with other people ever will.

10-14-2010, 02:31 PM
sorry knife i cannot read your posts as you are the only one on my ignore list. you probably have some negative thing to say anyways.

But just the fact that you posted shows your reading comprehention sux.
ITS SAYS TO ALL TMCA INSTRUCTORS!!! of which you are not so why post?

Violent Designs
10-14-2010, 02:45 PM
KnifeFighter says:

"Cross training does not make you any less of a cr@p teacher/fighter/practitioner.

Posting pics of you with different instructors doesn't make you any less of a cr@p teacher/fighter/practitioner.

The fact that, at 44, you can't even roll some grappling with some 20 year olds, says as much about your cr@piness in cross training than any pictures standing around with other people ever will."

10-14-2010, 02:49 PM
LOl thank violent, i knew he still loved me.
you know you gotta be somebody when others go out of thier way to say somethign about you, good or bad, as they say in hollywood even bad press means your worth talking about.:D

PS sorry this screen is so large makes it hard to read my apologies

David Jamieson
10-14-2010, 02:50 PM
Knife, you're not coming on to ED are you? lol

sounds like you need him up and inside you or something as absolute proof for... uh, whatever it is you want proven I guess which is?


10-14-2010, 02:55 PM
LOL I think its the tat's.... funny thing is he used to call me a short fat out of shape guy, then when a pic of me was posted for the time being he stopped calling me short and fat. now its just random usless attacks.

I am dying to see what he looks like, secret admire's rarely ever do show thie face though. I think I will befriend him on facebook so he can continute to obsess, I denied his first friend request

David Jamieson
10-14-2010, 03:03 PM
think lawn jockey or garden gnome..lol

if you friend him up, i would keep him on a limited profile.
bit of a loose cannon running amok in your actual pool of friends is no good. :p

10-14-2010, 03:06 PM
LOl I know I couldnt beleive he asked me to be his friend? I was like WTF? LOl funny thing is he didnt have a profile pic of himself, just his kids, weird dude for sure

10-14-2010, 03:20 PM
Cross training/full contact:


Waiting for your proof.

10-14-2010, 03:26 PM
so did you want us all to line up and golf clap while we wait to shake your well trained hand???

why do you continuously post clippings and pics??? the whole mma vs tcma thing makes you feel insecure huh..?

you'll be much better off if you stop caring what anonymous thinks of you and your methods...

besides, posting pics and thankyou letters doesnt prove much... even if you did a month long, 8 hours a day training seminar you still cant really say youve learned the art in which you briefly trained... let alone a few hours for a day or two, maybe a weekend, of training with other arts... thats not cross training... thats dabbling...

im not trying to beef with you, but your continuous posting on the subject in question has prompted me to throw down my three cents...

10-14-2010, 04:10 PM
so did you want us all to line up and golf clap while we wait to shake your well trained hand???
not at all syn7, just wanted to let you know I can back up whatever I say adn not just talk out of my arse like others do.

why do you continuously post clippings and pics???
becuse its proof of who i am and what i have done unlike some of the postes on here who are armchair wqarriors wo dont train in anything.

the whole mma vs tcma thing makes you feel insecure huh..?

LOl on the onctarty read the thread titale its asking for other TMCA to prove what they have done.. so far noone can read.

you'll be much better off if you stop caring what anonymous thinks of you and your methods...

I have many students on here, also I have been doing MA for a long time and know many people out here and many know me, I am trying to help the annoymous understand just a little of what i know , thats why i am a teacher at heart.:D cuz I do care about others

besides, posting pics and thankyou letters doesnt prove much... even if you did a month long, 8 hours a day training seminar you still cant really say youve learned the art in which you briefly trained... let alone a few hours for a day or two, maybe a weekend, of training with other arts... thats not cross training... thats dabbling...

your assuming again , walk in my shoes then make a statement. Ive been cross training since the 81's problably before you were born.

not trying to beef with you, but your continuous posting on the subject in question has prompted me to throw down my three cents...

its ok brother you have the right to your opinion, just make sure its a educated one. and its all good.ijsut to let you know this thread was to invite other TCMA to posts proof of THIER cross training that is all so far no one has come forth and maybe this is the problem adn backs up the whole MMA vs TCMA stuff. perhaps right?:cool:

10-14-2010, 04:32 PM
yeah sure.... but what have you proven here??? i dont get it...

you did a thing for muscular distrophy and sponsored and/or attended seminars... took some pics... and have a fighter from early ufc(not the same as ufc now) in your stable... how can you prove you cross train..? online??? aside from video of you actually training, what else can be used as proof?

10-14-2010, 04:42 PM
Cross-training refers to training in different ways to improve overall performance. It takes advantage of the particular effectiveness of each training method, while at the same time attempting to neglect the shortcomings of that method by combining it with other methods that address its weaknesses.i.e with other people, styles, schools and techniqes.
from the pics and the letters you can see I have done all the above for many years since I have been teaching and training. I train with boxers, wreslters, judo guys, bagua guys, taji, guys the list goes on.

Most TCMA will never train with anyone outside thier style so I guess its my way of showing I have done what I have done. again the thread way intended to ask other TMCA guys to prove what type of cross training they have done , not for a critique form a non TCMA guy such as yourself, no offence, but please read the thread and its reason for my posting it.

10-14-2010, 04:57 PM
i didnt mistake the meaning of the post... i chose to respond anyways...

if im not a "tcma guy" then what am i??? im not an mma guy... im not a bjj guy.... im not a judoka... im just a fighter... most of me best experience comes from actually fighting... no pads, no rules, weapons possible, dark alley type sh!t... i roll for fun and its helped me become a better fighter just like all the arts ive trained have helped... but a wild youth and too many to count street fights and a touch under 3 years in prison is my real experience...

10-14-2010, 05:05 PM
fair enough, just wanted to point out what the thread was geared towrds. I find it strange that other TMCA dont cross train and therfore TCMA is getting a bad rap. so I wanted to find out why other TMCA dont cross train or at least why other teqchers dont encourage thier students to cross train..... thats all. I am fighter through and through always have been, done a federal bid myself and grew up in NY, so I relate, but if what you spend your life doing doesnt work there a problem. If it doesnt work you better switch your practice otherwise your wasting your time dont you agree?

David Jamieson
10-14-2010, 05:31 PM
maybe just take pictures of your weights, your heavy bag, your gloves, gear pile, ragged mats, worn out shoes, faded gi's and if you have any items with some of your blood still on it, photo graph that too I guess.

alternately, he may just want a video of you going out and cleaving a bandit in half with a pu di dao.

which would also be awesome by the way, but there's the legal issue.

horses don't know they have blinders on.

10-14-2010, 05:43 PM
alternately, he may just want a video of you going out and cleaving a bandit in half with a pu di dao.

yeah, that!!! i wanna see that!!! make it happen captain...

horses don't know they have blinders on.

i worked at the track for awhile as a youth... hot walking... its when after they run, you walk em around for half an hour or so... you cant open them up, full tilt, on the track then just shove em back in their lil box... gotta walk it off...
anyways, my point for trlling you that: trust me, they know the blinders are on... theyre aware of all the gear you strap on em... takes awhile for them to be okay with it all... they are pretty smart tho... some of em even bully people a bit... this one horse, huge thouroughbred, when you were between him and the cell wall, he would slowly lean towards you so you barely notice... once he had you wedged against the wall he'd start applying pressure... he was a sinister pr!ck, that one... same horse almost double barrelled me in the back of the head in the ring... i felt the wind on the back of my ear... lucky, was a close one... it woulda hurt alot... wrestling horses is good training tho... lots of stance work and wrestling involved...

David Jamieson
10-14-2010, 05:47 PM
point taken, i will change it to, "horses don't know what's on the other side of the blinders." :)

10-14-2010, 05:50 PM
this is an ironic Q.

I meant just about every one IS trained crossly

or hybrid of many things/styles from several teachers.

we learn and pick what we like to keep.
