View Full Version : am I the only one that noticed...

10-19-2010, 08:06 AM
that both Knifighter and HW108 continually use the word,"Clueless?"
They are at opposite sides of the spectrum, yet their arguements are strangely similar.
They are both articulate, intelligent, and completely out of their minds...
They both chime in and hijack every thread, steering it towards their own personal agenda...
AND...you never see them together at the same place, at the same time...
you don't suppose...?

I bet if you put glasses and a suit on Dale, he'd look exactly like HW108...

10-19-2010, 08:09 AM
that both Knifighter and HW108 continually use the word,"Clueless?"
They are at opposite sides of the spectrum, yet their arguements are strangely similar.
They are both articulate, intelligent, and completely out of their minds...
They both chime in and hijack every thread, steering it towards their own personal agenda...
AND...you never see them together at the same place, at the same time...
you don't suppose...?

I bet if you put glasses and a suit on Dale, he'd look exactly like HW108...

I was thinking that too. But hw8 yells way louder at the mma crowd than Dale does at the tcma crowd. Plus, Hw8 is always talking about the "real" kung fu but never gets specific. Dale gets specific. Hmmm. Maybe they are the same person now that I think about it? LOL.

How come you do not support hw8?

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 08:10 AM
that both Knifighter and HW108 continually use the word,"Clueless?"
They are at opposite sides of the spectrum, yet their arguements are strangely similar.
They are both articulate, intelligent, and completely out of their minds...
They both chime in and hijack every thread, steering it towards their own personal agenda...
AND...you never see them together at the same place, at the same time...
you don't suppose...?

I bet if you put glasses and a suit on Dale, he'd look exactly like HW108...

It's the same "type" of thinking that drives their posts.

Unable to accept much beyond the blinders they put on themselves, it only makes sense you will see similar patterns of communication, albeit opposite opinions.

ego. overinflated on both counts.

10-19-2010, 08:12 AM
I've noticed it to, but I tend to have more in common with Dale than the other retard. I guess they are both passionate about what they believe.

10-19-2010, 08:13 AM

I was thinking that too. But hw8 yells way louder at the mma crowd than Dale does at the tcma crowd. Plus, Hw8 is always talking about the "real" kung fu but never gets specific. Dale gets specific. Hmmm. Maybe they are the same person now that I think about it? LOL.

How come you do not support hw8?

I think you might be all of them dude.

10-19-2010, 08:18 AM
How come you do not support hw8?
I actually agree with alot of things he says, (not everything) it's just that he completely blows it by going off on his spiel.
His thread hijacking is embarrasing, so who wants be associated with that kind?

Bottom line is, anytime you speak of specific skills, power generation, techniques, there will always be some douchebag to say, "Put it up on a video,yadda-yadda.." rather than having an intelligent discourse. It goes nowhere.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 08:19 AM
I think you might be all of them dude.

I think there's probably a few people here with several accounts.

This is usually because they are not comfortable in their own skin, probably are a bit bi-polar or at least a little afraid of the PC world in which we live here in "the west" or to drop it more sincerely, they are trolls who don't want to jeopardize the accounts they feel represent their true selves (when in fact the exact opposite is the real truth) lol.

10-19-2010, 08:20 AM
there is also a great deal that he himself is clueless about, such as other versions of training, technique.
My feelings is that if you don't have the knowledge or experience, then you should not put it down.

10-19-2010, 08:24 AM
also, since I do "crosstrain" and advocate SJ, MT,grappling,conditioning,sparring, etc so I cannot support much of his rants.

10-19-2010, 08:27 AM

10-19-2010, 08:28 AM
also, since I do "crosstrain" and advocate SJ, MT,grappling,conditioning,sparring, etc so I cannot support much of his rants.

Interesting. I just find it surprising that you and hw8 always seem to end up butting heads.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 08:28 AM

crikey that's creepy man...wtf?

10-19-2010, 08:36 AM
no freakin sh!t that's creepy as hell.

10-19-2010, 08:41 AM
which is creepier-the guy nuzzlin the kid, or the fact that the kid isn't even phased by it? As if it was an everyday thing...ewwwwww

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 08:43 AM
which is creepier-the guy nuzzlin the kid, or the fact that the kid isn't even phased by it? As if it was an everyday thing...ewwwwww

well, the kid is innocent, it may have become his normal reality?

I don't know, it's a gif, a clip, a tiny moment with zero context.
It's still creepy though because I judge it to be so based on my own experience.

10-19-2010, 08:46 AM
OK....i can watch beheadings, public executions and sh1t but that clip MK posted up is the only thing that has ever turned my gut. WTF!!!!!!!

10-19-2010, 08:46 AM
well, the kid is innocent, it may have become his normal reality?

I don't know, it's a gif, a clip, a tiny moment with zero context.
It's still creepy though because I judge it to be so based on my own experience.

Why does you having experience with something like that not surprise me.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 08:48 AM
Why does you having experience with something like that not surprise me.

why does a comment that would be not unsurprising coming from a teenager coming from you not phase me at all? :rolleyes:

10-19-2010, 08:48 AM
which is creepier-the guy nuzzlin the kid, or the fact that the kid isn't even phased by it? As if it was an everyday thing...ewwwwww

the way he bit his shirt....man......uhhhh.....OMG .......it was so sexual.....thats just nasty and he deserves to live inside bawang's room. LOL

need a roommate bawang? LOL

10-19-2010, 08:48 AM
Interesting. I just find it surprising that you and hw8 always seem to end up butting heads.
like I said, some of what he says has merit, but his delivery and his rantings completely overshadow anything of value he has to offer and makes it into a joke.
If he knew when to stop, he would actually contribute to the topics.
He actually does know a bit, but it's like eating those tiny snails at yum-cha. It's alot of work to get just one morsel. Not really worth the effort...

10-19-2010, 08:52 AM
I had to look twice-I thought it may have been some SNL or Mad TV thing with John Candy or someone.
(look twice is a figure of speech, Knifighter...calm down)

10-19-2010, 08:55 AM
that both Knifighter and HW108 continually use the word,"Clueless?"
They are at opposite sides of the spectrum, yet their arguements are strangely similar.
They are both articulate, intelligent, and completely out of their minds...
They both chime in and hijack every thread, steering it towards their own personal agenda...
AND...you never see them together at the same place, at the same time...
you don't suppose...?

I bet if you put glasses and a suit on Dale, he'd look exactly like HW108...

Yep, we are one and the same. You caught me. Good work.

I invented HW as the clueless kung fu guy who knows nothing but thinks he knows something and alienates people.

I invented knifefighter as the knowledgeable MMA/BJJ guy who is experienced and knowledgeable and alientates people.

More people hate the knife persona, even though he is equally obnoxious as the HW because he threatens their world view of kung fu, while the HW does not.

That was the experiment.

My job is done here. ;)

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 08:58 AM
really? because hw108 comes across as a narrow minded blinders on fool as you do most of the time. lol

10-19-2010, 09:00 AM
LMAO, I just put in another thread how MK will always post the most vile, disgusting pic imagninable. He didn't disappoint.

10-19-2010, 09:04 AM
Oh, btw, I also invented the hskwarrior, Earth Dragon, mooyingmantis, and David Jamieson personas.

I developed the first three to parody the completely clueless kung fu sifus who steal people's money and the last one as a caricature of the gullible, chi-hugging hippy kung fu dude who believes all their cr@p.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 09:07 AM
Oh, btw, I also invented the hskwarrior, Earth Dragon, mooyingmantis, and David Jamieson personas.

I developed the first three to parody the completely clueless kung fu sifus who steal people's money and the last one as a caricature of the gullible, chi-hugging hippy kung fu dude who believes all their cr@p.


just can't get over yourself eh?

10-19-2010, 09:17 AM
why dont we rename this forum "handjobs for knifefighter" since all you guys do is talk about him all day long. jesus

10-19-2010, 09:20 AM
why dont we rename this forum "handjobs for knifefighter" since all you guys do is talk about him all day long. jesus

Hahaaa... good idea. First they had me on ignore (but read my posts anyway), now they can't shut up about me.

I liked it better when they simply used the ignore button. Then I could prove how stupid they were in one post instead of having to go back and prove them stupid again and again when they respond.

10-19-2010, 09:21 AM
I do think I made the David Jamieson persona a little too stupid, though.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 09:26 AM
still can't get over yourself eh? :rolleyes:

10-19-2010, 09:28 AM
u guys r gay. BE MEN

10-19-2010, 09:31 AM
Yep, we are one and the same. You caught me. Good work.

I invented HW as the clueless kung fu guy who knows nothing but thinks he knows something and alienates people.

I invented knifefighter as the knowledgeable MMA/BJJ guy who is experienced and knowledgeable and alientates people.

More people hate the knife persona, even though he is equally obnoxious as the HW because he threatens their world view of kung fu, while the HW does not.

That was the experiment.

My job is done here. ;)

you are better than you realize. HW threatens the world view of Kung-Fu more than Knifefighter.
HW and Knifefighter are the Fat Man and Little Boy of MMA vs TCMA.

10-19-2010, 09:32 AM
you are better than you realize. HW threatens the world view of Kung-Fu more than Knifefighter.
HW and Knifefighter are the Fat Man and Little Boy of MMA vs TCMA.

OMIGOD!! MK is a freakin genius!! He posted Fat Man and Little Boy !!!!
wow..talk about subliminal messages...

10-19-2010, 09:32 AM
you are better than you realize. HW threatens the world view of Kung-Fu more than Knifefighter.
HW and Knifefighter are the Fat Man and Little Boy of MMA vs TCMA.

THATS JUST NASTY!!!!!! But DALE does like to hump the legs of men and roll around with them. LOL

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 09:40 AM
There are very few of us here who are who we say we are, do what we say we do and don't play small minded games to amuse us when our ***** has failed to do so. :rolleyes:

I'm not really all that crazy about the trollshido crowd feeling settled here at all. They bring zero to the table and have next to no knowledge about chinese martial arts beyond regurgitating what someone else has told them and spend all their time hurling insults towards people whose practice is not like theirs...if they practice at all.

Any good that jerk wads Dale the "knifefighter" :rolleyes: might have to offer is washed away in their raging torrent of ignorance, rudeness and general animosity towards that which they do not invest any time into and all the while holding up what they have decided to focus on as the be all and end all of whatever it is they feel like knocking on someone for that day.

I'm good with mma. I see it as a worthwhile discipline that is pursued by many guys who are really great people. I've met more than a few and have learned from the experience every time.

I'm good with Kung Fu too! I like watching people perform sets when done well, demonstrate the use of antiquated weapons, lion dance prowess, swordsmanship and unique aspects to their style or history or whatever.

I'm not crazy for the PRC sponsored wushu, but I understand the focus, strength, flexibility and general skill that a person would have to work really hard at to get good at it.

I do not admire anyone that fleeces anyone else, anymore than I would admire anyone for arguing from ignorance such as is done with the "I hate forms but don't know any myself" crowd that gathers here in droves all too often.

It's easy to see who's on the level here and who is a broken minded person. Just keep reading, that's all that has to be done really. It is a prerequisite to forums after all, I mean, being able to read and understand.

gross misinterpretation, forcing words into other peoples intent is a cause of discord and chaos and it is virtually always the same players that do this.

should we just let the skunks run wild here? Or do you tire of the stink of it too?

I like Kung Fu. If you can't live with that, tough beans, go cry about it or something. lol

10-19-2010, 09:45 AM
dale is a ju jitsu black belt with lots of fight experience while sanchez lopez is some random guy with autism who did 5 months of wing chun.
one has all the rights and reason in the world to act like that, hes entitled and speak from experience and truth. the other is a gay.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 09:50 AM
dale is a ju jitsu black belt with lots of fight experience while sanchez lopez is some random guy with autism who did 5 months of wing chun.
one has all the rights and reason in the world to act like that, hes entitled and speak from experience and truth. the other is a gay.

Your experience in the world gives you no right whatsoever to call down another man for enjoying his pass time.

It's as simple as that. Nobody has the "right" to amuse themselves at the expense of others and certainly not with intentionally trying to harm someone either physically or by attacking their sensibilities.

People that act like that deserve to receive it all back.

10-19-2010, 10:00 AM
Your experience in the world gives you no right whatsoever to call down another man for enjoying his pass time.

It's as simple as that. Nobody has the "right" to amuse themselves at the expense of others and certainly not with intentionally trying to harm someone either physically or by attacking their sensibilities.

People that act like that deserve to receive it all back.

LMAO, like you have never insulted someone on here.:rolleyes: Come on, man, it seems your trying to take the high road, which is cool, but don't be a hypocrite.

10-19-2010, 10:00 AM
u made fun of jesus so many times. u can mock king of king lords of lords the lion of yehuda, but someone talks down on chinese farmer boxing, nooooooooo

thats right man. i remember when u made fun of jesus my lord and savior. thats right man. i wont forget this.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 10:02 AM
LMAO, like you have never insulted someone on here.:rolleyes: Come on, man, it seems your trying to take the high road, which is cool, but don't be a hypocrite.

I've only returned what I was given that I didn't want. :)

What is Jesus?

10-19-2010, 10:03 AM
u made fun of jesus so many times. u can mock king of king lords of lords the lion of yehuda, but someone talks down on chinese farmer boxing, nooooooooo
well, yeah. that whole turning the other cheek thing is lame.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 10:04 AM
I hardly think Bawang is an advocate of Christianity. He's barely indicated he was religious.

as for Jesus, if you see him on the road, kill him. :p

10-19-2010, 10:13 AM
I hardly think Bawang is an advocate of Christianity. He's barely indicated he was religious.

as for Jesus, if you see him on the road, kill him. :p
I live in the Barrio. It would be a bloodbath....

10-19-2010, 10:23 AM
I live in the Barrio. It would be a bloodbath....

you shouldn't leave the house in the Barrio with that type of mentality. i live in the Barrio too and there is a tree near my place that had a branch cut off and what appears to be an image of the virgin mary was on the tree where it was cut off. people STILL put flowers on that tree and take pieces of bark from it. LOL

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 10:27 AM
Fervent belief is a thing to see isn't it? :)

10-19-2010, 10:29 AM
your blind faith in kung fu is more sad

10-19-2010, 10:30 AM
Fervent belief is a thing to see isn't it?

I don't care for religion...but i do feel there is "the other side". There could have been a jesus. but religion is way out there

10-19-2010, 10:32 AM
i live in the Barrio too and there is a tree near my place that had a branch cut off and what appears to be an image of the virgin mary was on the tree where it was cut off. people STILL put flowers on that tree and take pieces of bark from it. LOL
Yeah, we have one of those two, only it's a phone pole. People put wreaths and flowers and candles there too.
It's where a drunk guy got hit by a car...

10-19-2010, 10:33 AM
Yeah, we have one of those two, only it's a phone pole. People put wreaths and flowers and candles there too.
It's where a drunk guy got hit by a car...

yeah we got those all over the place here.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 10:35 AM
I don't care for religion...but i do feel there is "the other side". There could have been a jesus. but religion is way out there

Dude, you are an immortal being by virtue of physics alone.

All religion aside all you need to bend the noodle a little is this:

"all matter changes, but energy is never lost"

by that simple fact, YOU, me and everything thing on this earth is eternal. Even after the physical part of it is gone! :)

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 10:36 AM
your blind faith in kung fu is more sad

lol, I don't have blind faith in craftsmanship.
I don't have blind faith in anything.

I do understand facts though, and accept them when presented.

10-19-2010, 10:37 AM
Dude, you are an immortal being by virtue of physics alone.

All religion aside all you need to bend the noodle a little is this:

"all matter changes, but energy is never lost"

by that simple fact, YOU, me and everything thing on this earth is eternal. Even after the physical part of it is gone! :)

Whatever makes you sleep better, just remember, you won't be drinking beer, sitting in horse stance, or trolling KFM when you are six feet under and worm food. It's all good.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 10:49 AM
Whatever makes you sleep better, just remember, you won't be drinking beer, sitting in horse stance, or trolling KFM when you are six feet under and worm food. It's all good.

lol. 6 feet under? not going there.
facts don't make me sleep better one way or the other, they're just facts.

do you need to see the information regarding the qualities of matter and energy?
what i say has nothing to do with perception and everything to do with observation of reality.

guy in the sky with a pie? nope, can't prove that.

matter changes but energy is not lost? + human beings are matter/energy? yeah, I can prove that in spades.

i don't sit in horse stance

10-19-2010, 11:48 AM
burial is such a waste of space... just another trapping for the people left behind who cant let go properly...

we all learn energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only change forms in high school... but is it true??? theres alot they leave out, alot of unanswered questions and contradictory evidence... i understand they cant get into it all at such a low level, but you would think they would be more objective about it... like how we are told about the THREE states of matter... wtf is that all about... they teach it like its truth and leave so much out...

10-19-2010, 11:53 AM
david j is right on with what he says. Its all energy in different shapes, that for example is what reincarnation is, returning energy........ any spiritualist knows this, its the ignorance of religon that dont understand ......

a must see documentary is what the bleep down the rabbit hole, if you have not seen this rent it today. it will explian your confusion

10-19-2010, 11:55 AM
Dude, you are an immortal being by virtue of physics alone.

All religion aside all you need to bend the noodle a little is this:

"all matter changes, but energy is never lost"

by that simple fact, YOU, me and everything thing on this earth is eternal. Even after the physical part of it is gone! :)

Most atheist scientists like Dawkins and others, would disagree.

10-19-2010, 11:56 AM
david j is right on with what he says. Its all energy in different shapes, that for example is what reincarnation is, returning energy........ any spiritualist knows this, its the ignorance of religon that dont understand ......

Don't confuse disagreement with not understanding.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 11:57 AM
burial is such a waste of space... just another trapping for the people left behind who cant let go properly...

we all learn energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only change forms in high school... but is it true??? theres alot they leave out, alot of unanswered questions and contradictory evidence... i understand they cant get into it all at such a low level, but you would think they would be more objective about it... like how we are told about the THREE states of matter... wtf is that all about... they teach it like its truth and leave so much out...

lol, fukin magnets!!! How do they work!?

(sorry man, :D )

3 states(phases actually) of matter= liquid/solid/gas

how matter and energy flow/transform.

there are pre-requisites to understanding this lesson:

10-19-2010, 12:35 PM
light has mass therefore it is matter... its a particle and a wave... is it a solid liquid or gas???

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 12:46 PM
light has mass therefore it is matter... its a particle and a wave... is it a solid liquid or gas???

I think you mean photons and not light.

show your work. :-) (or the work of another that is repeatable).

Sanjuro - Dawkins cannot refute physics, also, atheists are equally as in the dark as true believers.

the line of questioning goes like this:

1) did we come from something or nothing?

2) we can establish that we came from something.

3) what is that something?

God doesn't have to be a person, and what part of you is in "his" image? Is a woman made in "his" image". What is the face of god?

I believe in God, I don't believe in the writings of men as the "word of god" all scripture is the word of men, the interpretations of men and a written diary of perceptions of men.

If god were to write a book for us, it would not require translation and would be quite simple to see and oh yeah! the word, language, mathematics, music (not songs, tone itself). That's the programming languages for us in this form. :)

So, there's a short overview of my belief. It relies more on observation than repeated belief.

10-19-2010, 12:55 PM
lol, fukin magnets!!! How do they work!?

(sorry man, :D )

3 states(phases actually) of matter= liquid/solid/gas

how matter and energy flow/transform.

there are pre-requisites to understanding this lesson:

4 states of matter: liquid/solid/gas/plasma

10-19-2010, 12:56 PM
you are all just a fragment of my existance. you are all here for me, when i am gone you will never have been. get used to it. reality is mine.

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 01:01 PM
4 states of matter: liquid/solid/gas/plasma

sorry, my education is somewhat dated on the topic.
You are correct, plasma is now considered the fourth state/phase of matter.

also, syn, it covers your photon question as far as mass goes.

and hey, for the record, this field of study is growing exponentially.

10-19-2010, 01:07 PM
its all about exotic matter!!

10-19-2010, 01:40 PM
sorry, my education is somewhat dated on the topic.
You are correct, plasma is now considered the fourth state/phase of matter.

also, syn, it covers your photon question as far as mass goes.

and hey, for the record, this field of study is growing exponentially.

yeah i knew the answer... i asked the question to make a point... there is no mention of plasm untill after high school level... it leaves a very incomplete picture...

they produce these theories and sell em as fact... relativity = theory, quantum mechanics = theory... these arent facts...

like your energy cannot be created or destroyed statement... how do you explain a singularity... our thoughts are too linear to grasp the realities of these things, imo...

taai gihk yahn
10-19-2010, 01:41 PM
Dude, you are an immortal being by virtue of physics alone.
"all matter changes, but energy is never lost"
by that simple fact, YOU, me and everything thing on this earth is eternal. Even after the physical part of it is gone! :)
yeah, and if you manage to be able to maintain the cohesion of that "eternal" energy as the temporary consciousness that you identify as "David Jamieson" after that physical substrate has cease to function, I'd me mightily impressed...

man, everyone's going to be real disappointed when they don't wake up after death...

Most atheist scientists like Dawkins and others, would disagree.
we also get a warm fuzzy glow every time we do that...

10-19-2010, 05:25 PM
THATS JUST NASTY!!!!!! But DALE does like to hump the legs of men and roll around with them. LOL

Stimulates clitoris?:D

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 05:58 PM
yeah, and if you manage to be able to maintain the cohesion of that "eternal" energy as the temporary consciousness that you identify as "David Jamieson" after that physical substrate has cease to function, I'd me mightily impressed...

man, everyone's going to be real disappointed when they don't wake up after death...

we also get a warm fuzzy glow every time we do that...

I don't think our consciousness is carried forward, but that's just what I think. I expect that when my life as david jamieson ends, that's it for david jamieson, gone nothing, zip zero nada. But the energy, that's different. It's transformed, spread out, worked back into the same place it comes from.

That's what I think anyway.

I don't expect some heaven, or a hell, or a god. I expect to merge back into the sea of energy. Not as an individual consciousness, but just as pure atoms, free of consciousness.

as for singularities, I don't there's too many of those close by so no worries about taht til we get there! I think cern has done some study on that very question recently syn7.

Might be worth a look, but iirc, they are saying that the energy is not lost in the singularity but that it travels through?


Yum Cha
10-19-2010, 06:43 PM
I've just been skipping HW108's posts, you can't tell me I've been missing anything?

David Jamieson
10-19-2010, 06:51 PM
yeah i knew the answer... i asked the question to make a point... there is no mention of plasm untill after high school level... it leaves a very incomplete picture...

they produce these theories and sell em as fact... relativity = theory, quantum mechanics = theory... these arent facts...

like your energy cannot be created or destroyed statement... how do you explain a singularity... our thoughts are too linear to grasp the realities of these things, imo...

mmm relativity is closer to being a physically demonstrable reality with each passing day. I wouldn't give it a wash because it's a theory. It's not like some dullard penned out the higher math. lol and quantum mechanics can be observed in repeatable experiements using colliders. The theory applies to what to do next these days.

in context to a high school kids understanding of his physical reality, I woudl say that liquid/solid/gas pretty much covers the scope of ability to understand and yes, plasma introduces wild and exotic forms of matter and would only serve to confuse an uneducated mind.

every piece of schoolwork is designed to prepare you for the next. You are being given tools to learn how to learn in the long run.

once the educated mind is there, it can go to the next level of understanding which opens up entirely new dimensions in thought.

it all boils down to this, don't give acid to a 6 year old. There's not enough context for them to get anything meaningful out of it, and if there is, be afraid, be very afraid. :p

Yum Cha
10-19-2010, 06:55 PM
Energy is explainable, but the soul isn't.

Like, you got it, or you don't... :D

10-19-2010, 07:05 PM
I've just been skipping HW108's posts

that makes you the 3749th person on the forum to do so, welcome to the club. Your lapel pin and membership card is over on the table

Yum Cha
10-19-2010, 07:13 PM
that makes you the 3749th person on the forum to do so, welcome to the club. Your lapel pin and membership card is over on the table
