View Full Version : MMA better than TCMA!

10-19-2010, 09:30 AM
this is mainly for Earthdragon.....to show him how foolish he really is.

You wasted years of physical training, blood, sweat and tears to learn your tradition MA and become an instructor. Spending time with living breathing humans, training, asking questions, fighting......ALL A WASTE OF TIME!!!!!

Here you go my friend. This just came across my email. You can become a Certified MMA conditioning Coach for under $500.00. You can do it all on line, never touch a person......just spend time on the computer.


I know....I know...this is for a "MMA Conditioning Coach" but still.........

10-19-2010, 10:03 AM
LOL and to think all these years I put in, I could have just paid the 495.00 and been done with it... go figure:p
geez what was I thinking?

10-19-2010, 12:58 PM
Oooooooo! I want in too! Will it make me a boneyfide billy-badass? Is there a decoder ring?

10-19-2010, 02:25 PM
LOL boneified! love that term

taai gihk yahn
10-19-2010, 03:13 PM
umm, when u guys get over yourselves, you might note that the program is for a CONDITIONING Coach certification; in other words, it's not saying anything about one being a fighter per se (and as such it's totally feasible to complete this sort of thing in this format; assuming, of course, that the content is good)

of course, we all know that TCMA would NEVER offer any sort of on-line / video certification program; nope, that wouldn't be authentic - you need to be certified by a real life, bona fide Chinese sifu for your fake credentials to be legit :rolleyes:

taai gihk yahn
10-19-2010, 03:16 PM
the outline looks pretty good - a lot more comprehensive in scope than what most TCMA teachers are aware of, that's for certain; in fact I'm guessing most of you guys have minimal to any clue about some of the topics covered...

Science Review
General Adaptation Syndrome
Energy Systems
Anatomy and Physiology
Muscular System
Skeletal System
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Endocrine System
Basic Biomechanics
Types of Movement
Describing Human Movement
Linear Kinematics
Angular Kinematics
Forces on the Human Body
Linear Kinetics
Angular Kinetics
Training Science
Health Assessments
Fitness Assessments
Biomechanic/Movement Assessments
Cardiovascular Assessments
Metabolic Assessments
Skill (MMA Specific) Assessments
Program Design Theory
Maximizing Performance
Proper Progression
Minimizing Injury
Program Design Application
Progression for Mixed Martial Artists
Advanced Training Protocols
Olympic Lifting
Clean and Jerk
Bench Press
Speed, Agility and Quickness Drills
Lower Body Drills
Upper Body Drills
Full Body Drills
Turkish Get Up (and variations)
2-Arm Swings (and variations)
Front Squat (and variations)
Bodyweight Training/TRX
High Intensity Circuits
Medicine Ball Training
Stability Training
MMA Specific Drills
Striking Drills
Stand-up Grappling Drills
Ground Grappling Drills
Safety and Injury Prevention
Basic First Aid Principles
Sports Medicine for the MMA Conditioning Coach
Anatomy and Biomechanics of Common Injury Sites in MMA
low back
Nutrition Science
Nutrition for the Mixed Martial Artist
Sports Psychology for MMA
MMA Coaching Business

10-19-2010, 04:10 PM
well taai slapped you guys down :D

10-19-2010, 05:24 PM
the outline looks pretty good - a lot more comprehensive in scope than what most TCMA teachers are aware of, that's for certain; in fact I'm guessing most of you guys have minimal to any clue about some of the topics covered...

I love it when others make assumptions about those they don't know! Always an ignorant approach to social situations.
BTW, I work in the medical field. I would tell you which part, but I would rather you use your super-assumption abilities to figure it out.

Yes, it does sound like it covers some interesting topics.

10-19-2010, 05:58 PM
I love it when others make assumptions about those they don't know! Always an ignorant approach to social situations.
BTW, I work in the medical field. I would tell you which part, but I would rather you use your super-assumption abilities to figure it out.

Not a lot of applied exercise science in the field of phlebotomy... as he can probably tell by your posts.

10-19-2010, 07:17 PM
If you would have noticed I put conditioning in BOLD letters in my original post.

I read through what is offered. It is a lot of good information and I am sure worth $500.00.

I think I may not have had experience or knowledge of SOME of the topics...but many are covered by the time we are through the eighth grade. It does look impressive to break down one subject into many different catagories like they did for anatomy and weight lifting.

In fact...I did a personal trainer program that probably has all of the same stuff in it.....they may have even used the same book for much of it. After I finished I thought "Man, I learned a lot from this and it was worth the money....but what the hell good is the certification and why do I have to pay every two years to get recertified"?

I could do the same thing for a program for leaving the room.

For $500 you will learn to leave the room by by using this system: ( have to admit most of my training manual have previously been developed by others..I just put it together to make it look like I did years of research) But you will be certified and you have to recertify every two years.

Here you go....we can apply all of this to leaving the room more effectively.

Science Review
General Adaptation Syndrome
Energy Systems
Anatomy and Physiology
Muscular System
Skeletal System
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Endocrine System
Basic Biomechanics
Types of Movement
Describing Human Movement
Linear Kinematics
Angular Kinematics
Forces on the Human Body
Linear Kinetics
Angular Kinetics
Training Science
Health Assessments
Fitness Assessments
Biomechanic/Movement Assessments
Cardiovascular Assessments
Metabolic Assessments
Program Design Theory
Maximizing Performance
Proper Progression
Minimizing Injury
Program Design Application
Progression for Mixed Martial Artists
Advanced Training Protocols
Olympic Lifting
Clean and Jerk
Bench Press
Speed, Agility and Quickness Drills
Lower Body Drills
Upper Body Drills
Full Body Drills
Turkish Get Up (and variations)
2-Arm Swings (and variations)
Front Squat (and variations)
Bodyweight Training/TRX
High Intensity Circuits
Medicine Ball Training
Stability Training
Safety and Injury Prevention
Basic First Aid Principles
Sports Medicine for the MMA Conditioning Coach
Anatomy and Biomechanics of Common Injury Sites in MMA
low back
Nutrition Science

I am just a little confused about why you need to be Certified.

10-19-2010, 07:26 PM
this was posted as joke, not to be too serious.

of course, we all know that TCMA would NEVER offer any sort of on-line / video certification program; nope, that wouldn't be authentic - you need to be certified by a real life, bona fide Chinese sifu for your fake credentials to be legit

I dont know why you would say this, but to set you straight. I personally hold 6th lineage to ba bu tang lang, this is documented in the U.S.A, Tapei Tawian and Shan dung provice in gimo county ROC. I am also listed on the mantis cave which is based out of Brazil. My O.M.D license is certified through Beijing medical university, so my title, generation and name is listed throughtout the world. But you call me and my teacher fake??? Ask anyone in mantis about Shyun Kwon Long or Wei Xiao Tung.

Just because you are a nobody in the grand sceme of things please refrain from making silly assumtptions and speaking about that you have no idea the truth, your seem to be smarter than that to troll arent you? I read your posts alot of goood infor you provide but please do yourself a favor and check out the link below look to the 6th generation and click on my name and see if its me OK? before you say anythign about who I am, or where i am known then please show ME and everyone on this board your credentials...........Oh I can just hear you now, lineage and closed door diciples mean nothing neither does a certification from a world reknown line of shifus and mantis kun fu guys cant fight yadda yadda..... really? who are you? please enlighten us.


10-19-2010, 07:54 PM
I hold 6th lineage to ba bu tang lang, ...http://mantiscave.110mb.com/babu.htm
So your 8 steps Mantis are from master Wei Xiao Tang?

I still remembered last time I met master Wei in Taipei park. I did a Mantis Luan Jie form in front of him. He turned around and asked one of his students, "Does he move like Su Kun Ming? (Su Kun Ming was Su Yu Zhang's original name before he changed it. Even Su used to say that I liked to do his favor forms). I then mentioned, "XXX from US (don't want to mention his name here) wanted me to say Hello to you." Master Wei suddently stood up from his chair and said, "I f#$k his 8 generation ancestors, ..." I put my tail between my legs and ran like hell quitely soon after that. Can't believe that was more than 30 years ago.

taai gihk yahn
10-19-2010, 10:08 PM
I love it when others make assumptions about those they don't know! Always an ignorant approach to social situations.
BTW, I work in the medical field. I would tell you which part, but I would rather you use your super-assumption abilities to figure it out.
what "super-assumptions"? I said that "I'm guessing most of you guys have minimal to any clue about some of the topics covered..."; (bold added); how exactly does that exclude the possibility that you or someone might be knowledgeable about the content? I didn't say "all of you know nothing about all of the topics"; so what's the problem? as far as working in the "medical field", that's great; me too; I'm a PT; what are you?

If you would have noticed I put conditioning in BOLD letters in my original post.
I did notice it; and yet, others seemed to have missed that point...

I read through what is offered. It is a lot of good information and I am sure worth $500.00.
it may be, if you are running a school and can use the info to train students; otherwise, why bother?

I think I may not have had experience or knowledge of SOME of the topics...but many are covered by the time we are through the eighth grade. It does look impressive to break down one subject into many different catagories like they did for anatomy and weight lifting.
well, if it's a complex subject, then yes, it does make sense to do that; also, I doubt that in 8th grade you went into any significant depth on any of the topics, especially the anatomy, physiology, kinetics, nutrition, psychology etc.

In fact...I did a personal trainer program that probably has all of the same stuff in it.....they may have even used the same book for much of it.
there will certainly be a lot of overlap - probably a lot of the stuff is just general training principles, with certain things tailored for MMA; but yeah, if you are a CSCS or something similar, you probably did most of it;

After I finished I thought "Man, I learned a lot from this and it was worth the money....but what the hell good is the certification and why do I have to pay every two years to get recertified"?
I am just a little confused about why you need to be Certified.
certification is a way of helping the general public have an idea about your background and training - it provides a bit of accountability for someone who is looking for a qualified professional and has no way of knowing if that person is legit or not; if you are certified by an organization, they can check out your background; beyond that, it's just more letters after your name, which makes you feel good about yourself ;)

this was posted as joke, not to be too serious.
I dont know why you would say this, but to set you straight. I personally hold 6th lineage to ba bu tang lang, this is documented in the U.S.A, Tapei Tawian and Shan dung provice in gimo county ROC. I am also listed on the mantis cave which is based out of Brazil. My O.M.D license is certified through Beijing medical university, so my title, generation and name is listed throughtout the world. But you call me and my teacher fake??? Ask anyone in mantis about Shyun Kwon Long or Wei Xiao Tung.
Just because you are a nobody in the grand sceme of things please refrain from making silly assumtptions and speaking about that you have no idea the truth, your seem to be smarter than that to troll arent you? I read your posts alot of goood infor you provide but please do yourself a favor and check out the link below look to the 6th generation and click on my name and see if its me OK? before you say anythign about who I am, or where i am known then please show ME and everyone on this board your credentials...........Oh I can just hear you now, lineage and closed door diciples mean nothing neither does a certification from a world reknown line of shifus and mantis kun fu guys cant fight yadda yadda..... really? who are you? please enlighten us.
whoa, insecure much? LOL - dude, I wasn't even referring to you personally at all, but I guess that you are a bit hyper-sensitive to having your lineage and credentials challenged, given your reaction; look, I am not calling your certifications into question - (didn't we have this discussion already somewhere?), really I couldn't care less about them or anyone else's - if you are legit and above board, then that's great, and I am not calling them into question specifically; as far as the "fake credentials legit" line, I was making a general statement that was also "not too serious" - although you and I both now that a lot of MA credentials are just so much fluff and BS; but seriously, I am sorry that you got into a bit of a tizzy over something that in all honesty wasn't directed towards you in the least;

as far as "who I am", as you correctly say, I am just another nobody in the grand scheme of things; so why worry about my credentials? I mean, I can certainly supply them, but then what's the point?

10-20-2010, 12:57 AM

So your 8 steps Mantis are from master Wei Xiao Tang?
correct, he would have been my sigong. I cant believe you had the honner to meet him much less perfrom a set in front of him, that had to be a great expereince. He is truley a legend in the mantis world.

sorry if I came across so harshly, but this is not the main board. We try to be professional and polite on the mantis board and dont go for the the trolling, Bei keeps a firm hand on moderation. But seeing as how the thread was reffered to me and then you chimed only to reply to me and mooying YES I felt like your comments were directed at me, as I read your post, my apologies if they were not.
I cant speak for anyone else but i would say if your shifu is legit then your credentials are as well, dont know about the BS or fake stuff you are reffering to and I dont want this to be a TCMA vs MMA argument like every other thread has turned into so yes i got deffensive.
I would like to know more about alot of people, even their real names once in a while but most of the main board guys hide behind thier screen name and attmept to poke fun at others whom they dont know and cant recognize real from the BS or fluff as you call it. but agin sorry for being so defensive,.... be well

so why worry about my credentials? I mean, I can certainly supply them, but then what's the point?
perhaps we can prove who wer are an show th rest of the members that we knwo what we are talking about thier would be less of this he sadi she said stuff, just sayin

Three Harmonies
10-20-2010, 07:25 AM
WOW!!! The ***** sizing is a little... weird.

Not sure what the hating is about, but it is apparent that many of you "traditionalists" are fearful of something / everything MMA has to offer. Why!? Just an FYI... MMA cats NEVER sit around and argue and act like this in regards to TMA.

And lets not open that bag of BS worms... Shyun is a joke (no offense ED)! Perhaps he is a talented fighter, but we all know to well his place and position in "lineage's." (BTW yet another thing no one in MMA argues about!).

Richard it seems you know everything! Or at least a bit of everything. At least that is the way you come across.


10-20-2010, 07:37 AM
it stems from the bashing and arguing on the main board is all. And to say MMA cats never argue, I invite you to read just a couple of the threads on the main board, its riciulous what is being said. see for yourself if you got time.
however on another note, lets not call anyone a joke. he made a claim that he inherited 8 step that later came out to be unture, but doesnt take away form all the positive things he has done for the system. peace

Three Harmonies
10-20-2010, 07:46 AM
I would not count most on KFO as "MMA fighters" bro. The bashing and BS on KFO is mostly TMA based!

10-20-2010, 07:49 AM
I would like to know more about alot of people, even their real names once in a while but most of the main board guys hide behind thier screen name and attmept to poke fun at others whom they dont know and cant recognize real from the BS or fluff as you call it.


anyways, most people don't like people knowing who they are, safer that way. Although that is the problem sometimes, with anonymousity comes the trolling and picking. You just have to take it and leave it. part of the online game. sometime I don't understand why people take stuff so seriously on here. Is it going to affect your life?? Will it impact anything related to you?

I love a good debate and banter as well as anyone. but thats it I leave it there.

10-20-2010, 08:22 AM
jake look up frost, mysterious power, knifefighter, lkfmdc, they are all claiming they are professional MMA fighters, with only lkfmdc having ANY TCM in their background

heres a clip of knifefighter who clamins hes a professional


anyways, most people don't like people knowing who they are, safer that way. Although that is the problem sometimes, with anonymousity comes the trolling and picking. You just have to take it and leave it. part of the online game. sometime I don't understand why people take stuff so seriously on here. I love a good debate and banter as well as anyone. but thats it I leave it there.

lets be real, when people can hide thier identities problems arise ther called trolls.And NO it should not be part of the online game at least on qa webiste devoited to fighting and MA some of the stuff is akin to children playing in preschool.

I log onto here to share, discuss, help and talk about what i have dedicated my life too. I have students on here who look to have others opinions about MA. Most of the crap that is on here latley is not a debate but personal attacks, pics of girls in bikinis, empty threats towartds peopel s families and each other and d i c k measuring contests. it was not ever this bad and getting worse. wanna have fun with your friends then join facebook. If you are afraid to shwo your face and real name then yo hacvew somethign to hide.

10-20-2010, 08:35 AM
I have often though that being anonymous was what makes forums silly.
But it's the drama and silliness that at times keeps most forums going.
I know it's a bitter pill but it is the truth, the louder and more silly the forum, the more drama and as such, the more movement it has.
After I left Bullshido I was an admin or mod on a few other forums and the ones that were more serious all "died" simple because of the lack of drama.
Sure you have lots of valuable content, but you can only discuss physics, biomechanics and such for so long and then it dries up and dies.
Here you have BOTH and most forums that have both are the ones that thrive.
Yes, in Bullshido has tons of useful info and sure there is lots of drama but that isn't always a bad thing.
Yes the trolls love the drama and troll love being anonymous but you know what?
In the end it is well worth it because the cream always does rise to the top.

10-20-2010, 08:43 AM
lets be real, when people can hide thier identities problems arise ther called trolls.And NO it should not be part of the online game at least on qa webiste devoited to fighting and MA some of the stuff is akin to children playing in preschool.

I log onto here to share, discuss, help and talk about what i have dedicated my life too. I have students on here who look to have others opinions about MA. Most of the crap that is on here latley is not a debate but personal attacks, pics of girls in bikinis, empty threats towartds peopel s families and each other and d i c k measuring contests. it was not ever this bad and getting worse. wanna have fun with your friends then join facebook. If you are afraid to shwo your face and real name then yo hacvew somethign to hide.

your way to serious, it's the internet..... again it's the INTERNET.
it's a forum with a bunch of people whom have totally different opinions on things. It's a free site, that means it's loosly bound in rules. Which IMO is the way it should be, if you want care bear alley you can go over to the I love barney sites.

my face is in the pics section if your interested, but again who the he!! cares.. i could care less about anyones linage, background, and what not. If I want to know I'll PM them and ask. The d!ck measuring contests come from people whom list there "resume" on here as if everyone should care. I could list a 2 page one for myself but I really don't want to and don't care what anyone thinks of me on here. If you want friends then I suggest YOU go over to facebook and get some.
This is for entertainment purposes, possibly some discussions on MA's topics. If you don't like what people have to say put them on ignore. I'm still freakin estatic that HW8 douchbag put me on his.

Violent Designs
10-20-2010, 09:24 AM
mma people have honor and doesn't afraid of anything

10-20-2010, 10:27 AM
WOW!!! The ***** sizing is a little... weird.

Not sure what the hating is about, but it is apparent that many of you "traditionalists" are fearful of something / everything MMA has to offer. Why!? Just an FYI... MMA cats NEVER sit around and argue and act like this in regards to TMA.

And lets not open that bag of BS worms... Shyun is a joke (no offense ED)! Perhaps he is a talented fighter, but we all know to well his place and position in "lineage's." (BTW yet another thing no one in MMA argues about!).

Richard it seems you know everything! Or at least a bit of everything. At least that is the way you come across.


LOL... have you ever gone to a major BJJ or MMA board? People rag on TMA's all the time and are always up in arms about one fake BJJ black belt or another.

10-20-2010, 10:35 AM
however on another note, lets not call anyone a joke. he made a claim that he inherited 8 step that later came out to be unture, but doesnt take away form all the positive things he has done for the system. peace

Why am I not surprised that someone who was convicted of fraud in a federal court comes from a lineage of fraud?

And why am I not surprised when that same someone lies about me.

I never claimed I am a professional fighter. I had a few pro MMA fights in the past, but I've never claimed to make my living as a fighter.

10-20-2010, 12:51 PM
Richard it seems you know everything! Or at least a bit of everything. At least that is the way you come across.


Nope, I don't claim to know everything. But after studying Korean, Japanese and Chinese arts for a total of 42 years and teaching Japanese and Chinese arts for a total of 32 years, I should know a bit about the subject and have some time tested opinions on the subject.

I have also worked in two separate areas of the medical field. So, I may know a little about that too.

I have also studied multiple languages. I have taught Classical Hebrew at the junior college level. I have also translated both Japanese and Chinese texts (as many here have seen). And I am a published author with a book on WHF's various quan pu.

My actual degree is in Pastoral Ministry which led me to work in Christian Education (teaching in Christian junior colleges and churches) for fourteen years.

Ask me about astrophysics, geology, bio-mechanics, or what I had for breakfast this morning and I will just give you a blank stare. :) However, I have tried to develop into a well-rounded individual who is always trying to learn new things.

If I come across as a "know-it-all", please forgive me. In my family we just call that being assured of our opinion. But point taken. Thank you for the heads up! It is important to know how we are perceived. :o

taai gihk yahn
10-20-2010, 01:42 PM
sorry if I came across so harshly, but this is not the main board. We try to be professional and polite on the mantis board and dont go for the the trolling, Bei keeps a firm hand on moderation.
I'm sorry? the initial post of this thread was a mocking jab at an MMA certification program, whose banner you and Richard both took up with gusto; nothing professional or polite about it; which is fine, who care, but c'mon, call a spade a spade;

But seeing as how the thread was reffered to me and then you chimed only to reply to me and mooying YES I felt like your comments were directed at me, as I read your post, my apologies if they were not.

I cant speak for anyone else but i would say if your shifu is legit then your credentials are as well, dont know about the BS or fake stuff you are reffering to
really? lol, there are a number of highly "respected" sifu in my immediate area, one who was even a junior training brother of mine, who claim a variety of ridiculous things and whose credentials aren't worth the paper they are printed on; of course, they all give each other props, it's like the mutual admiration society...

I would like to know more about alot of people, even their real names once in a while but most of the main board guys hide behind thier screen name and attmept to poke fun at others whom they dont know and cant recognize real from the BS or fluff as you call it. but agin sorry for being so defensive,.... be well
ok; this is me, professionally (http://www.nysed.gov/coms/op001/opsc2a?profcd=62&plicno=015172&namechk=JUR)
and this is me in re: to my taiji lineage (http://users.erols.com/dantao/):
(it's an older site, so not current, but I am the guy sitting to my teacher's left); I am also a Certified Qigong Therapist from the same school (not a credential worth anything beyond the school, but it was an 18 mos. training program that my sifu organized and ran); I don't have the certificate scanned, but you can always e-mail my sifu and ask him if I am certified by him;

10-20-2010, 02:33 PM
I'm sorry? the initial post of this thread was a mocking jab at an MMA certification program, whose banner you and Richard both took up with gusto; nothing professional or polite about it; which is fine, who care, but c'mon, call a spade a spade;
Ok I'm not sorry? Im confused now... perhaps yuo should be addresing this to whom started the thread....

really? lol, there are a number of highly "respected" sifu in my immediate area, one who was even a junior training brother of mine, who claim a variety of ridiculous things and whose credentials aren't worth the paper they are printed on; of course, they all give each other props, it's like the mutual admiration society...
I would think if your a highly respected anything you would be and or are legit. Like a highly respected doctor who has credentials, still a piiece of paper no? why are they not worth anything in your opinon? if you are documented as such ans such by some organization outside of yours then it would occur to me its on the up and up.my accupuntucre license is through Beijing medical university does that mean its not worth the paer its on? Im confused

ok; this is me, professionally
and this is me in re: to my taiji lineage:
(it's an older site, so not current, but I am the guy sitting to my teacher's left); I am also a Certified Qigong Therapist from the same school (not a credential worth anything beyond the school, but it was an 18 mos. training program that my sifu organized and ran); I don't have the certificate scanned
no worries about the site mine is old as the hills, but thank you for sharing, so form what i see you have trained, you know what your talking about and not out of your arse and in my eyes can be taken seriously when speaking a of qigong, taji or phsyical therapy.....thats reassuring to know thanks taai

10-20-2010, 02:41 PM

anyways, most people don't like people knowing who they are, safer that way. Although that is the problem sometimes, with anonymousity comes the trolling and picking. You just have to take it and leave it. part of the online game. sometime I don't understand why people take stuff so seriously on here. Is it going to affect your life?? Will it impact anything related to you?

I love a good debate and banter as well as anyone. but thats it I leave it there.

i always love how people think because they post their picture and say their name this somehow makes them legit or willing to show their stuff

like no one else has the same name and youre going to be easy to find in cities and towns full of thousands:D

10-20-2010, 03:12 PM
I guess I was talking about the honest people who have nothing to hide.
if someone posts a fake pic and a made up city and try to pull it off like its them that would be pretty pathetic.

taai gihk yahn
10-20-2010, 03:23 PM
Ok I'm not sorry? Im confused now... perhaps yuo should be addresing this to whom started the thread....
my point was that you claim that the mantis forum was "professional and polite" and moderated as such did not appear to be in line with the initial post of this thread, nor of the responses; and again, whatever, but just a bit of a lack of consistency there

I would think if your a highly respected anything you would be and or are legit. Like a highly respected doctor who has credentials, still a piiece of paper no?
no - the piece of paper for an MD has quite a bit of documented training behind it, that can be verified easily; many people's MA credentials are unverifiable or the organization that hands them out is its own self-governing entity w no external oversite; in the case of a licensed health care professional, there are levels of oversite throughout the process that are relatively independent of each other;

why are they not worth anything in your opinon?
because I know them and the backstories, and they don't jive w the current spin they put out on themselves; e.g. - one claims he was the sole inheritor of a system that he was most certainly not the inheritor of; another dresses up like a Shaolin monk w out being one; another has invented his own system by cobbling together a bit of this and a bit of that, but does not exactly clarify that, allowing people to believe that his style is as old as the hills; the list goes on...

if you are documented as such ans such by some organization outside of yours then it would occur to me its on the up and up.
depends on the organization - a number of them claim to be esteemed members of various MA Halls of Fame, and we all know how you get into those, LOL

my accupuntucre license is through Beijing medical university does that mean its not worth the paer its on? Im confused
you did not appoint yourself an acupuncturist, as opposed to certain locals who have appointed themselves grandmasters, or claim that they #1 disciples of actual dead grandmasters, etc., etc. - general public doesn't know what Adam, but some of us were around 25 yrs ago...

no worries about the site mine is old as the hills, but thank you for sharing, so form what i see you have trained, you know what your talking about and not out of your arse and in my eyes can be taken seriously when speaking a of qigong, taji or phsyical therapy.....thats reassuring to know thanks taai
you are welcome; I also have expertise in Lawn Maintenance Engineering and Lativan Folk Dancing

10-20-2010, 03:29 PM
Like many I am always suspicious of training one can get through the internet. So, I jumped on the bandwagon. It was meant to be in fun. Dave (Mantid1) and Mike (Earthdragon) are nice peeps. I don't think that anyone was trying to be malicious.
Perhaps, just a bit silly.

Since I have worked in education I am normally suspicious of internet courses. I know what is usually involved in being an accredited school. I also know that anyone can set up their own accrediting association to make a course accredited. Which really may not add up to a hill of beans.

I do agree with you that many professional certifications and rank certifications can mean little. I know people who have trained under legitimate instructors and have legitimate certificates that are complete flakes. I have students that earned rank under me years ago that I have not seen in a decade or more. Do they still hold the same rank in my eyes? Not if they haven't at least maintained and hopefully increased the skill set that I taught them.

This is why I try to meet as many of the people that I interact with on the net. My general attitude is, "I don't care about your lineage or what ranks you have achieved. Let's train together at least once and we will both have a better idea of each other's skill level". Perhaps, I am too pragmatic.

Reading many of your posts I would say that you seem like a very knowledgeable guy. I have always been impressed with Taijiquan and wish I knew more than the little Yang 24 that I have been shown. Thank you for showing us your professional and martial credentials. It is always nice to put a face with an avatar. :)

10-20-2010, 03:59 PM
mooying, you speak so eloquently and polite, its a pleasure to read your posts.


my point was that you claim that the mantis forum was "professional and polite" and moderated as such did not appear to be in line with the initial post of this thread, nor of the responses; and again, whatever, but just a bit of a lack of consistency there

I think Mooying explianed it much better than I can. we do hold ourselves with repect and politness on this board and technically we were having fun with an online email, not any person specifically....

no - the piece of paper for an MD has quite a bit of documented training behind it, that can be verified easily; many people's MA credentials are unverifiable or the organization that hands them out is its own self-governing entity w no external oversite; in the case of a licensed health care professional, there are levels of oversite throughout the process that are relatively independent of each other;

they have online chiropractic courses that provide a license to practice after you complete the course I think this is the same thing.
the ACMAF american chinese martial arts federation certified my techning certificate, its in the US cananda tapei and ROC but governed my the head of the organization James Shyun. there are levels of over site there as well does this not count in your opinion?

because I know them and the backstories, and they don't jive w the current spin they put out on themselves; e.g. - one claims he was the sole inheritor of a system that he was most certainly not the inheritor of; another dresses up like a Shaolin monk w out being one; another has invented his own system by cobbling together a bit of this and a bit of that, but does not exactly clarify that, allowing people to believe that his style is as old as the hills; the list goes on...
tue but many of these facts came out whewn the inception of the intenet came online and you can search and verify facts, unlike the old days where you just had to take someones word for it.

depends on the organization - a number of them claim to be esteemed members of various MA Halls of Fame, and we all know how you get into those, LOL

yes i do I was sent a letter as master of th year! LOl I had to open and see what I won lol its just asked for money and to attened a party in like texas or something, hence is why we poked fun at this thread that you are defenidng.....

you did not appoint yourself an acupuncturist, as opposed to certain locals who have appointed themselves grandmasters, or claim that they #1 disciples of actual dead grandmasters, etc., etc. - general public doesn't know what Adam, but some of us were around 25 yrs ago...
true but i did not appoint myself as a shifu qigong doctor either, these came from my kung fu shifu and my qigong shifu Yen Chu Fan who is very famous in China, germany and Japan , but basically a unknown here in the US however i feel hoonered that after only 11 years I reached that level.

can you show us a clip of your latvian dancing to prove you know what your doing??? LOl JK, however you know this is what peopel expect on the intenet now adays

10-20-2010, 05:10 PM
I guess I was talking about the honest people who have nothing to hide.
if someone posts a fake pic and a made up city and try to pull it off like its them that would be pretty pathetic.

youre still not face to face no matter what so everyones hidden

10-20-2010, 05:25 PM
jake look up frost, mysterious power, knifefighter, lkfmdc, they are all claiming they are professional MMA fighters, with only lkfmdc having ANY TCM in their background

heres a clip of knifefighter who clamins hes a professional


lets be real, when people can hide thier identities problems arise ther called trolls.And NO it should not be part of the online game at least on qa webiste devoited to fighting and MA some of the stuff is akin to children playing in preschool.

I log onto here to share, discuss, help and talk about what i have dedicated my life too. I have students on here who look to have others opinions about MA. Most of the crap that is on here latley is not a debate but personal attacks, pics of girls in bikinis, empty threats towartds peopel s families and each other and d i c k measuring contests. it was not ever this bad and getting worse. wanna have fun with your friends then join facebook. If you are afraid to shwo your face and real name then yo hacvew somethign to hide.

Since this is also going on over here, here's a repost from the main board, since ED seems to have trouble clarifying what he is talking about

Does getting paid to fight in a few MMA events make you a pro? If that is what you are saying, then yes, that makes me a pro.

Parts of those fights are in these clips:


You can see, these are MMA fights, right? I got paid to fight in several of them. If that makes me a pro, OK.

So what's the deal? You can see the clips of actual full contact fighting in the cage, right?

Unlike you, I am not a fraud and I actually provide evidence for what I claim.

10-20-2010, 07:01 PM
youre still not face to face no matter what so everyones hidden

true but perhaps if people really knew who we were, adn it could give it more of a human feel to posting there might be less disrepect and belittlement going on.

Im in sales and the old saying goes its hard to say no to a friend, therefore in sales you try to make friends. But hey as you said this is the internet and there lurkes about many personalities...

10-21-2010, 03:30 AM
true but perhaps if people really knew who we were, adn it could give it more of a human feel to posting there might be less disrepect and belittlement going on.

nope, people will still ride others, its the way of the web. The only way for what you want is a face to face, and yes things would be totally different in that aspect.