View Full Version : Flying Iron Head Gung

Eric Hunstad
10-19-2010, 06:24 PM
I never learned this which is why it didn't make it into my book, but I'll share it here....

Many people have seen the iron head gung, but very few have seen the flying iron head gung. My teacher Tom Turcotte learned it and used it in breaking competitions. This break is more difficult than the common gravity breaks he usually competed against.

Here is a photo of Sifu Turcotte circa 1970's. He is leaping over several people (using a running start) who are on their hands and knees (it was 4-8 people, can't remember exactly how many he said and you can't see them in the photo) and doing the head break into the boards (no spacers) that someone was holding. He would then dive roll onto his feet. Sometimes he would add other breaks like punching boards (on the left and right at the same time) before the leap.

He refused to teach anyone this gung once he got into medicine for obvious reasons.

Anyone else got some cool pics of themselves or others doing cool gungs?

Flying Iron Head- now that's Old School!!!
Disclaimer- don't try this at home!!!!

Eric Hunstad

Yum Cha
10-19-2010, 07:55 PM
I just came here for the pix Sanjuro will post....

10-19-2010, 08:34 PM
Anyone else got some cool pics of themselves or others doing cool gungs?


10-19-2010, 08:38 PM
I never learned this which is why it didn't make it into my book, but I'll share it here....

Many people have seen the iron head gung, but very few have seen the flying iron head gung. My teacher Tom Turcotte learned it and used it in breaking competitions. This break is more difficult than the common gravity breaks he usually competed against.

Here is a photo of Sifu Turcotte circa 1970's. He is leaping over several people (using a running start) who are on their hands and knees (it was 4-8 people, can't remember exactly how many he said and you can't see them in the photo) and doing the head break into the boards (no spacers) that someone was holding. He would then dive roll onto his feet. Sometimes he would add other breaks like punching boards (on the left and right at the same time) before the leap.

He refused to teach anyone this gung once he got into medicine for obvious reasons.

Anyone else got some cool pics of themselves or others doing cool gungs?

Flying Iron Head- now that's Old School!!!
Disclaimer- don't try this at home!!!!

Eric Hunstad

It is way too late to start on this. No worries though. Knifefighter and I will make short work of this nonsense when the sun rises again.