View Full Version : this board sux

11-03-2010, 06:11 PM
seriously what happned to this website?
it used to be a great place to share, help others, discuss and learn about other martial artists and other styles.
I really met some great people from here over the phone and a few in person and leanred a lt about other arts that I would probably never have the pleasure to be exposed to.

But lately OMG its like children fighting over the toys in a toy box. I find myself not actng like myself and calling names to peopel like knife, ross and frost who might be in real life pretty cool people but they say things to me and others that just really pi s ses people off and these guys I have never met, this doesnt make sense to me at all to let others change my character. how do you get mad at someone you dont know???? this is insanity

last week my wife came into the office and said what in the heck are you doing thats so important youve been on ther nternet for an hour... I sadi fighting with people about how they shoudl fight! and she looked at me like ..... are you serious? with grown men or new teenage students? I said umm grown men mostly above 30.. LOL she shook her head and said you and your internet buddies need a better hobby, do you see how silly this is?

I thougth its was just me but it seems like there are a ton of people who dont like each other and talk bad about one another and they have never met each other? how did we let this site deteriorate into slander and name calling. lets all try to get along share and discuss what we all come here for.......... the love of martial arts whatever that art may be...... truce?

11-03-2010, 06:16 PM
seriously what happned to this website?
it used to be a great place to share, help others, discuss and learn about other martial artists and other styles.
I really met some great people from here over the phone and a few in person and leanred a lt about other arts that I would probably never have the pleasure to be exposed to.

But lately OMG its like children fighting over the toys in a toy box. I find myself not actng like myself and calling names to peopel like knife and frost who might be in real life pretty cool people but they say things to me and others that just really pi s ses people off and these memebers I have never met, this doesnt make sense to let others change your character. how do you get mad at someone you dont know???? this is insanity

I thougth its was just me but it seems like there are a ton of people who dont like each other and talk bad about one another and they have never met each other? how did we let this site deteriorate into slander and name calling. lets all try to get along share and discuss what we all come here for.......... the love of martial arts whatever that art may be...... truce?

LOL... you are just mad because you can't get away with lying and making stuff up anymore.

BTW, you've been having flame wars with people before I ever even started posting here (hint: "Where's my keys?").

Pot meet kettle.

11-03-2010, 06:19 PM
LOL so the first post is from knife dale franks who i had to put on the ignore list and I am 100 %sure its a negative one... this is exactly my point. WTF?

11-03-2010, 06:22 PM
hey first thing is not let the board get to you. i will admit, at times i'm like WTF is going on here? but then at other times i realized this board loves to mess with the weak minded. we all have confidence in what we do. then we have some who are just over confident. this can inhibit many people's thinking cause what some don't realize is that if someone is afraid of you he will find an equalizer to level the playing field. Who cares what you use to get the job done as long as it gets done.

bro, this place is fully of negative vibes, but i think some find it addictive and perhaps even use it to release some of their hateful vibes. don't let them get to you cause none of them are showing up on your doorstep making trouble for you. walk away from the forum for a few days come back with a fresh mind and good defense against the no good hooligans.

11-03-2010, 06:32 PM
thanks brother HSK
it is frustrating me, and I find myself imposing these same negiative vibes that you speak of towards others and I am not like that at all, gets me out of character. I really like to discuss MA and everythgn about its my life and my livelyhood so why not talk about it with others adn share wisdom and insight? trouble is not much wisdom and insight, more slander and belittling.. sad really, but thanks for the kind words I know there a ton of great martial artsits out here and good natured people all round
you are one of them.

11-03-2010, 06:36 PM
look, just know even knifefighter, he's not gonna show up on your door. heck, what if he's not really dale franks and is one of these udda knuckle heads here. they all know what buttons to push and as long as you react to the button pressing they will keep doing it. push back, have fun, stand up for yourself but in a playful manner. who knows off the forum people may actually like each other here.

use your defenses man. don't let their bs get to you and things will be fine. also, don't go putting nothing of meaning to you on here...it means nothing to everyone else. if you do, expect to be hit with the bs.

keep your head up dude.

11-03-2010, 06:44 PM
LOL so the first post is from knife dale franks who i had to put on the ignore list and I am 100 %sure its a negative one... this is exactly my point. WTF?

Nice to know I can still annoy you even on ignore.

11-03-2010, 06:48 PM
last week my wife came into the office and said what in the heck are you doing thats so important youve been on ther nternet for an hour... I sadi fighting with people about how they shoudl fight! and she looked at me like ..... are you serious? with grown men or new teenage students? I said umm grown men mostly above 30.. LOL she shook her head and said you and your internet buddies need a better hobby, do you see how silly this is?

I'd say ED has been caught lying again... because all he would have to do is post a clip of him training his guys the way he says they train (full contact, without boxing gloves, with throws and grappling).

The fact that he doesn't do that to shut us up pretty much proves one of two things:

1- Either he is lying about not wanting to argue with us.
2- He is lying about the way he trains at his school.

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 06:53 PM
Life is all about the back and forth interplay between opposing, yet complimentary, forces. It is the way of Tao, it cannot be avoided or eliminated. It is one of the foundational principles of Tao/Life.

There has been a lot of whining and complaining the past few days on this topic on the Forum. But it is no different than everything and everywhere else in life. There is mostly dross with a few pearls from time to time. Again, this is nothing other than the natural process of Tao.

The "Can't we all just get along!" people are no better or worse than the pot stirrers. Some are even worse, because they seek to impose the way they "THINK" life should be on to others.

The FACT is, "NO WE CANNOT ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!" It has never been that way in the history of mankind and it NEVER WILL BE THAT WAY!!

The problem isn't that OTHERS can't get along, it is with those who wish to impose THEIR OWN IDEA of getting along on to others.

It does not work, because it goes against the processes of TAO. The problem is with YOU! NOT OTHERS!!

This post and my emphasis should not be taken as hostile. I am not angry, upset or even saying the complainers should not complain. I am merely trying to explain what is occurring in terms of the natural processes of Tao and as a student of the processes of Tao, I am seeking to help some examine their own unrealistic thoughts and expectations and help them to understand that problem is not with the board, or the lack of moderators, or the state of our society. It is with your own unrealistic expectations and desire to impose your own ideas of "fair" and "reasonable" on to others. What occurs here is a natural, normal process of Tao that is has been present within every culture, during every time in the the history of man.

Each person certainly has the right to fight the natural processes of Tao, but Tao is bigger than all of us, and the processes will continue on their own regardless of our "feelings" about it.

So, it would seem advantageous to understand the natural process and accommodate ourselves to it, rather than fight it! Tao is bigger that you, you cannot win!:)

11-03-2010, 06:56 PM
I'd say ED has been caught lying again... because all he would have to do is post a clip of him training his guys the way he says they train (full contact, without boxing gloves, with throws and grappling).

The fact that he doesn't do that to shut us up pretty much proves one of two things:

1- Either he is lying about not wanting to argue with us.
2- He is lying about the way he trains at his school.
yeah, ok. we heard it. So what. let it go and move on. nobody cares, and it just detracts from the forum when you guys go back and forth for pages and pages.

11-03-2010, 06:58 PM
My opinion is ED is a compulsive liar and just can't help himself, the latest episode with Prof De La Riva was downright embarassing and he wouldn't even let it drop no matter how bad he looked....

11-03-2010, 06:59 PM
Did someone once said that if you don't have any enemies, your life may not be worth of living.

Those are my favor cartoons:




11-03-2010, 07:02 PM
Yeah, seems like you have to wade through a lot of nonsense and crap to find much meaningful here.
Prefer talking to peeps in PMs sometimes.
Just happy for ignore button. Easy to see who posts ideas and those who post baloney. I just put the sandwich makers on ignore.
Some threads have more ignored posts than active ones. :D

11-03-2010, 07:03 PM
Did someone once said that if you don't have any enemies, your life may not be worth of living.

Those are my favor cartoons:






11-03-2010, 07:06 PM
Yeah, seems like you have to wade through a lot of nonsense and crap to find much meaningful here.
Prefer talking to peeps in PMs sometimes.
Just happy for ignore button. Easy to see who posts ideas and those who post baloney. I just put the sandwich makers on ignore.
Some threads have more ignored posts than active ones. :D

If the functional training crowd put the fantasy, theoretical non-fighting guys on ignore, there would be no discussions here and the forum would close down in a couple of months.

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 07:07 PM
Life may have no meaning. Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove. - Ashleigh Brilliant

Who will take care of the world, after I am gone. - Ashleigh Brilliant

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 07:11 PM
They called me mad, and I called them mad, and d@mn them, they outvoted me. - Nathaniel Lee on being consigned to a mental institution, c. 1700

My psychiatrist says I have a messiah complex. But I forgave him. - Jim Carrey

"I've discounted suicide in favor of killing everyone else in the world instead." - Spider Jerusalem, "Transmetropolitan #17"

Yum Cha
11-03-2010, 07:14 PM
If you want a moderated thread, post in a specialist forum. Its an easy solution.

11-03-2010, 07:19 PM
Did someone once said that if you don't have any enemies, your life may not be worth of living.

Those are my favor cartoons:




I usually post info to inform.

I also read posts for info.

the rest of the posts, I just skip or fast forward.



11-03-2010, 08:36 PM
I'm a member of a "politics" forum that is a spin-off of a hundred thousand member sound engineers forum. Politics as a discussion topic was banned on the established one so a couple of the guys started one of their own to call each other names and battle over issues. Pretty funny, actually. "Take no prisoners". google: gearfreq.com Not knowing when to back off or lay low is like being stupid.:D

11-03-2010, 08:50 PM
scott brown amazing post, thank you,

yum cha,
i do log onto specialst boards the northern praying mantis board is completely differnt adn more of my time is spent on there, its just this board, the only other one i have ever been on has absolutly no boundries and respect of any kind, much less acting civilized, thas prety easy no matter how you were raised.

We dont have to all get along as scott said but can we be respective of each other words, wisdom, expereicne, age, station in life, senseis, sifus, masters students human beings???
My God people fly planes into our buidlings and here we sit bickeingr on the intenet like we are just reaching puberty......

11-03-2010, 08:53 PM
We dont have to all get along as scott said but can we be respective of each other words, wisdom, expereicne, age, station in life, senseis, sifus, masters students human beings???
My God people fly planes into our buidlings and here we sit bickeingr on the intenet like we are somebody......

it's not just that man. i'm never gonna become a muslim. they're gonna have to cut my head off cause i will NEVER convert.

taai gihk yahn
11-03-2010, 08:57 PM
it's not just that man. i'm never gonna become a muslim. they're gonna have to cut my head off cause i will NEVER convert.

your testicles already belong to Yaweh / Allah / Jehovah / Jesus / Baal...

11-03-2010, 09:08 PM
your testicles already belong to Yaweh / Allah / Jehovah / Jesus / Baal...

LOL so many names for ONE god huh? thats a reason why i'm no longer religious.

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 09:09 PM
Not all muslims are nuts! But it is hard to have a good opinion of them when the nice ones are too scared to speak out against the nuts. The only people the nutty muslims hate more then non-muslims is muslims they don't agree with!

11-03-2010, 09:12 PM
Not all muslims are nuts! But it is hard to have a good opinion of them when the nice ones are too scared to speak out against the nuts. The only people the nutty muslims hate more then non-muslims is muslims they don't agree with!

agree with me or you die. convert or you die. really? does anyone want to follow a religion that says join us or we take your head?

11-03-2010, 09:13 PM
agree with me or you die. convert or you die. really? does anyone want to follow a religion that says join us or we take your head?

You don't happen to be a Christian by any chance?


11-03-2010, 09:18 PM
You don't happen to be a Christian by any chance?

i don't follow any religion. i believe in a higer being, but i don't believe the mumbo jumbo or religious nuts. too many things to prove they're just religious fanatics.

11-03-2010, 09:21 PM
agree with me or you die. convert or you die. really? does anyone want to follow a religion that says join us or we take your head?

The Muslim religion actually stresses tolerance and understanding towards other religions. The goal is to persuade you to join by simply showing you how kind and generous they are.

Bear in mind, most of these radicals are illiterate, and are being taught by illiterate imams, who learned all they know by word of mouth. Most of their beliefs are either contrary to the muslim faith, or a result of cultural, not religious beliefs.

Nowhere does the Quran suggest beheading non-muslims.

11-03-2010, 09:23 PM
The Muslim religion actually stresses tolerance and understanding towards other religions.

For most of the history of Islam, Jews and non-Catholic Christians were actually BETTER OFF in the Islamic world than those living in Europe under intolerant Catholic rule

11-03-2010, 09:24 PM
it all just makes me hate religion altogether. too many grey area's.

11-03-2010, 09:25 PM
THE best thing i have ever heard someone say was Swami Muktenanda, when asked which religion is right as far as God words to be followed... his response was, religion is simply the ignorance of man.................. spirituality is the way of God

11-03-2010, 09:28 PM
For most of the history of Islam, Jews and non-Catholic Christians were actually BETTER OFF in the Islamic world than those living in Europe under intolerant Catholic rule

What is going on in Somalia and Afghanistan (and Yemen) has nothing to do with Islam. This is Galula/COIN 101. Think about this... take out the religion, and do you see a couple of other, perhaps more relevant causes for terrorism to take root there? Say, a large, disproportionate number of young males? Say, a single, or even no single export? High levels of poverty? Maybe an ineffective central government?

Yet everyone blames the religion. The Inquisition was a land grab, not a religious movement. The Crusades were a way to distract Europe to avoid its implosion. Holy War? You believe that, and I have a bridge to sell you.

11-03-2010, 09:29 PM
THE best thing i have ever heard someone say was Swami Muktenanda, when asked which religion is right as far as God words to be followed... his response was, religion is simply the ignorance of man.................. spirituality is the way of God

That's stupid. He indirectly becomes that which he berates. Dumb.

11-03-2010, 09:29 PM
I agreed with you, did you not understand that?

11-03-2010, 09:34 PM
I agreed with you, did you not understand that?

I did understand. I was continuing with my train of thought.

11-03-2010, 09:40 PM
The Crusades were a way to distract Europe to avoid its implosion. Holy War? You believe that, and I have a bridge to sell you.

word... give the knights a common enemy and all the glory they could stomach... kept em from fueding and strutting like peacokcs at home... but it also gave hugh de peyens and his lil crew a great cover story to dig dig dig...........

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 10:00 PM
For most of the history of Islam, Jews and non-Catholic Christians were actually BETTER OFF in the Islamic world than those living in Europe under intolerant Catholic rule

The Inquisition was a land grab, not a religious movement. The Crusades were a way to distract Europe to avoid its implosion. Holy War? You believe that, and I have a bridge to sell you.

The Spanish Inquisition was different than the Inquisition in greater Europe. When Ferdinand and Isabella finally kicked the Muslim rulers out of Spain they insisted that all remaining Muslims and Jews either convert or give up all their possessions and leave with nothing.

After some time there was a nutty, and as I recall, under-educated Bishop who was jealous of the Jews that converted, so he encouraged investigating the new converts in order to see if they were true Christians or just pretending.

The Inquisition, while probably not a good idea, was not as bad as history makes it out. It was not totally fair, but it was not as bad as people make it out to be. First you had to be accused by someone. Unfortunately you never learned who that person was. This was because during the first Inquisitions you did learn who your accusers were and they had a funny habit of ending up dead.

So....you never learned who your accuser was. But you could confess your error and do a small penance and be on your way. The problem was if you did not know what your offense was you didn't know what to confess too. So you had to guess and confess everything you could think of. However, you also had the opportunity to name everyone who had something against you and demonstrate why they disliked you. If the people who had accused you were on the list, and you could demonstrate why they would dislike you, you automatically went free. One guy named over 1,000 people who had something against him and demonstrated it too!

You also had your own lawyer, although he did work for the Inquisitors. The purpose was to find those who did not believe or practice Orthodoxy and give them the chance to repent.

While we look at it as an evil, you must consider their point of view. They thought they were protecting the person from eternal d@mnation and those the person may have influenced. They were ignorant along the lines of thinking illness was caused by your personal sin or mental illness was possession by demons. They were well meaning. but ignorant. They also didn't do anything that wasn't being done in the secular courts

The Inquisitors actually did everything they could to keep from having to torture people and everything they could to protect the innocent from being punished. If you falsely accused someone the penalities were just as bad as if had been tortured

Again, that is not saying it was right. I am just trying to offer a more realistic perspective here.

The only place that Christians and Jews were treated all that well was Muslim Spain. They were not treated all that well in the rest of Muslim controlled lands. The legal system favored the Muslims and justice for a non-Muslim against a Muslim was not anywhere near equal treatment. Remember that the muslims converted by the sword. In some cases it was convert or die. The Quran also calls Jews apes and pigs and less than human. Mohammad killed over 30,000 Jews after making a treaty with them. Muslims are also permitted, by the Quran to lie to any non-Muslim. That is, make an agreement and not keep it.

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 10:09 PM
Concerning the Crusades:

First, remember the Muslims gained control of the Holy Lands by conquering them, so no one is innocent here.

The original purpose of the first Crusades was to get back the Holy Lands, but it was also meant to occupy the Knightly class as the political situation was changing in France and there was an excess of knights with not enough to do.

It got out of hand when the Pope promised something along the lines of what some Muslims are offered. A straight line into Heaven without going through the judgment. So they ended up with way too many peasants that were not all that controllable. They wreaked havoc in Europe and Byzantium, before they ever made it to the Middle East and most died along the way.

11-03-2010, 10:15 PM
The Muslim religion actually stresses tolerance and understanding towards other religions. The goal is to persuade you to join by simply showing you how kind and generous they are.

Bear in mind, most of these radicals are illiterate, and are being taught by illiterate imams, who learned all they know by word of mouth. Most of their beliefs are either contrary to the muslim faith, or a result of cultural, not religious beliefs.

Nowhere does the Quran suggest beheading non-muslims.

Several answers(to questions no one really asked) and several questions (for my own understanding)

1. This board does suck and the first response shows exactly why.

2. HSK A mason against religion? Shocking! ;D

3. No beheadings? Have you read the actual non americanized Quran? How about a non americanized Haddith? Ever read up on Mohammad? The history of Islam? No?!? Crazy! (Yes, I know I am being a jerk here and it is purely for my amusment)

4.Islam was created by the Catholic Church in order to make that land grab that was talked about. Most anti arab/muslim stuff (that is still around even today) came about after the Catholic Church realized that they created a monster that refused to play nice.

5. Whatever happened to Jolt Cola?

11-03-2010, 10:16 PM
Concerning the Crusades:

First, remember the Muslims gained control of the Holy Lands by conquering them, so no one is innocent here.

The original purpose of the first Crusades was to get back the Holy Lands, but it was also meant to occupy the Knightly class as the political situation was changing in France and there was an excess of knights with not enough to do.

It got out of hand when the Pope promised something along the lines of what some Muslims are offered. A straight line into Heaven without going through the judgment. So they ended up with way too many peasants that were not all that controllable. They wreaked havoc in Europe and Byzantium, before they ever made it to the Middle East and most died along the way.

its not like saladin and his hoarde were any more civilized... but atleast the muslims bathed... franks were disgusting where hygene was concerned... killed alotta people... western europeans were so dirty compared to desert dwellers...

Scott R. Brown
11-03-2010, 10:44 PM
its not like saladin and his hoarde were any more civilized... but atleast the muslims bathed... franks were disgusting where hygene was concerned... killed alotta people... western europeans were so dirty compared to desert dwellers...

Well they didn't call it The Dark Ages for nothing!

It is also because of the Muslim preservation of Aristotle's works that Europe came out of the Dark Ages. When Spain went back to the Europeans they gained access to centuries of commentaries by Muslim thinkers on Aristotle as well as his extant works. Today we have about 1,000 manuscripts, if I remember correctly, attributed to Aristotle and those represent only about a third of his production!:)

Violent Designs
11-03-2010, 10:59 PM

11-03-2010, 11:08 PM
it's not just that man. i'm never gonna become a muslim. they're gonna have to cut my head off cause i will NEVER convert.

Donīt let them cut your head off, and just convert. Conversion is meaningless as you will be replacing one none existant fantasy, with another. It is like converting from a belief in Santa Clause, to a belief in the Easter Bunny.

If you don't believe in these man made fantasies, then "converting" will do nothing but save your life, as the case may be. So, no need to lose your life because of largely meaningless fantasy belief systems:).

11-03-2010, 11:16 PM
4.Islam was created by the Catholic Church in order to make that land grab that was talked about. Most anti arab/muslim stuff (that is still around even today) came about after the Catholic Church realized that they created a monster that refused to play nice.

Do you have any sources and links I can check out regarding this theory?

11-04-2010, 03:28 AM
this about sums it up......


seriously, if this is affecting you at home you have worst issues than people disagreeing with you thousands of miles away.

11-04-2010, 05:54 AM
drake, LKFMDC
swami muktandana is an enlightened being, and scholar who traveled the world and speaks like that of the dali lama without all the political stuff, however because you dont understand what he said you probalby shoudnt call it dumb.

his point is people since the begninng of time have fought and killed over thier religeous beleifs. One religion says one thing and the other says just the opposite, so when posed with the question on which religion is closer to understanding God, he simply replied none.
Realize that religion is fear based and made up by men whom think thier way is the right way , but none knows whos right and whos wrong so we kill people whom dont agree with what blind faith tells us...... yeah thats intellegent... and they say humans are evloved.

Christianity still thinks God made man from a ball of clay. the mormons think when you die you get your ownn planet with as many wives as you wish. this i great rent religeious by Bill mahaer funny documentary for all to see

its not affecting me at home, was just funny that my wife couldnt understand why I would bother talking to people like ummmmmm

11-04-2010, 05:58 AM
seriously what happned to this website?
it used to be a great place to share, help others, discuss and learn about other martial artists and other styles.
I really met some great people from here over the phone and a few in person and leanred a lt about other arts that I would probably never have the pleasure to be exposed to.

But lately OMG its like children fighting over the toys in a toy box. I find myself not actng like myself and calling names to peopel like knife, ross and frost who might be in real life pretty cool people but they say things to me and others that just really pi s ses people off and these guys I have never met, this doesnt make sense to me at all to let others change my character. how do you get mad at someone you dont know???? this is insanity

last week my wife came into the office and said what in the heck are you doing thats so important youve been on ther nternet for an hour... I sadi fighting with people about how they shoudl fight! and she looked at me like ..... are you serious? with grown men or new teenage students? I said umm grown men mostly above 30.. LOL she shook her head and said you and your internet buddies need a better hobby, do you see how silly this is?

I thougth its was just me but it seems like there are a ton of people who dont like each other and talk bad about one another and they have never met each other? how did we let this site deteriorate into slander and name calling. lets all try to get along share and discuss what we all come here for.......... the love of martial arts whatever that art may be...... truce?

Did you also inform your wife of all the dirty porno images you were looking at so the next time you did the wildwoo you had an image to end with?

Admit kung fu man...you were looking at images to help dispel your qi

11-04-2010, 05:59 AM
LOL please post some pics of you MP for tonights sessions

11-04-2010, 06:00 AM
I'd say ED has been caught lying again... because all he would have to do is post a clip of him training his guys the way he says they train (full contact, without boxing gloves, with throws and grappling).

The fact that he doesn't do that to shut us up pretty much proves one of two things:

1- Either he is lying about not wanting to argue with us.
2- He is lying about the way he trains at his school.

This could be true.

11-04-2010, 06:04 AM
Not all muslims are nuts! But it is hard to have a good opinion of them when the nice ones are too scared to speak out against the nuts. The only people the nutty muslims hate more then non-muslims is muslims they don't agree with!

I have heard that karate is huge in the Middle East. This just proves the point even more. They trained forms for so long, did not learn to fight, and resorted to blowing themselves up to kill. See what happens when you do forms?

11-04-2010, 06:06 AM
yes this is true we do wear boxing gloves while doing kung fu, I also wear a gi and shout out japnese terminology in a chinese accent.

All our MMA classes I make the students wear boxing gloves, padded fuzzy slippers instead of barefeet and goalie maskes so they dont sustain injuries to the nose so they can train hard, while sparring.

11-04-2010, 06:08 AM
Donīt let them cut your head off, and just convert. Conversion is meaningless as you will be replacing one none existant fantasy, with another. It is like converting from a belief in Santa Clause, to a belief in the Easter Bunny.

If you don't believe in these man made fantasies, then "converting" will do nothing but save your life, as the case may be. So, no need to lose your life because of largely meaningless fantasy belief systems:).

Is this why you converted to wing chun? The hung men were coming to get you...

11-04-2010, 06:53 AM
By "enlightened", you mean an excellent scam artist? Or by "enlightened", do you mean "I have the answers and the rest of you are just stupid and shouldn't be heard"?

Some folks thought David Koresh was "enlightened" too.

11-04-2010, 07:28 AM
For most of the history of Islam, Jews and non-Catholic Christians were actually BETTER OFF in the Islamic world than those living in Europe under intolerant Catholic rule

Don't propgate what is common believe over what actually was.

11-04-2010, 07:30 AM
Christianity still thinks God made man from a ball of clay. the mormons think when you die you get your ownn planet with as many wives as you wish. this i great rent religeious by Bill mahaer funny documentary for all to see
The VAST Majority of christians knwo the evolution is a fact and understand that Genesis is a story.
Even Augustine of Hippo said as much and that was 1600 years ago !
Bill is a funny guy, he has just NO education about religion other than what he reads on his very selective reading list.

11-04-2010, 07:46 AM
Don't propgate what is common believe over what actually was.

I'm not, don't know what you've read but the fact remains that while there were taxes and restrictions on non-muslims, the fact they were "people of the book" gave them second tier status as opposed to being burned in the stake in Europe.

11-04-2010, 07:53 AM
I'm not, don't know what you've read but the fact remains that while there were taxes and restrictions on non-muslims, the fact they were "people of the book" gave them second tier status as opposed to being burned in the stake in Europe.

How many were burned at the stake in Europe?
You do know about the Caliphate's after Mohammed and what THEY did , right?
That little thing call the first crusades that stopped the Islamic expansion into the west?
There is an interesting book called "The Irrational atheist" and it dispells and clears up with FACTS some of this supposed "historical facts".

11-04-2010, 08:02 AM
How many were burned at the stake in Europe?

The answer is, one is/was more than was ever necessary

The inquisition(s)

come on, you know the list.....

You do know about the Caliphate's after Mohammed and what THEY did , right?

Considering the wholesale slaughter of OTHER CHRISTIANS in Europe (Hueganots anyone?) it's safe to say that pretty much everyone is a barbarian. But, again, Islamic law says as long as you believe in ONE G'D you are in the club. The pope burned one of his own friars

11-04-2010, 08:15 AM
do a google search before you post such comments, please dont compare india's saints to david koresh.

11-04-2010, 08:16 AM
The answer is, one is/was more than was ever necessary

The inquisition(s)

come on, you know the list.....

Considering the wholesale slaughter of OTHER CHRISTIANS in Europe (Hueganots anyone?) it's safe to say that pretty much everyone is a barbarian. But, again, Islamic law says as long as you believe in ONE G'D you are in the club. The pope burned one of his own friars

AH the inquisition, I wil agree that one is MORE than enough and that far too much crap has been done under the disguise of the name of God, but records show that in the 500 year history of ALL the inquisitions, not just the Spanish one, it was just under 4000 people that were executed, I think it was like 3800 or something like that ( don't hold me to the numbers).
Dude, bicycles are deadlier
Deaths per year. 725, 629, 665, 732, and 693 cyclists died per year in 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, and 2000 respectively, and were about 89% male. (National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration, and Insurance Institute for Highway Saftey)

I hate playing the numbers game, but lets keep things in perspective.

11-04-2010, 08:18 AM
its not like saladin and his hoarde were any more civilized... but atleast the muslims bathed... franks were disgusting where hygene was concerned... killed alotta people... western europeans were so dirty compared to desert dwellers...

hey! the greeks credited some of us western europeans with inventing soap!:p

11-04-2010, 08:22 AM
AH the inquisition

no one ever expects the inquisition

I wil agree that one is MORE than enough and that far too much crap has been done under the disguise of the name of God

yup, lots done in the name of G'd

And let's not forget that the Catholic church for around 1000 years seemed to forget that the main man, Jesus, was JEWISH

But maybe I'm nitpicking

it was just under 4000 people that were executed, I think it was like 3800 or something like that ( don't hold me to the numbers).

Add to that number
1. The people burned at the stake
2. The people killed in holy civil wars
3. The Greeks killed during one crusade when they got tired of walking and decided they must already be in the Holy Land

Get my drift?

11-04-2010, 08:28 AM
no one ever expects the inquisition

yup, lots done in the name of G'd

And let's not forget that the Catholic church for around 1000 years seemed to forget that the main man, Jesus, was JEWISH

But maybe I'm nitpicking

Add to that number
1. The people burned at the stake
2. The people killed in holy civil wars
3. The Greeks killed during one crusade when they got tired of walking and decided they must already be in the Holy Land

Get my drift?

Seriously, the numbers game is not one you want to get into.
All those still pale in comparison to what secular governments have done to their own people.
Just in the 20th century alone we have : Stalin and the various communist regimes, Mao, Pot, Kim and many others.
We are talking 10's of millions in the 20th century alone.

But lets put numbers aside and when talking about deaths we really should.

I agree that far too much bad has been done in the "name of God" or more correctly, in the name of one groups INTERPRETATION of God's will.

But lets not forget all the good that has been done in God's name and all the horrific things that have happened when God has been removed from the equation.

11-04-2010, 08:33 AM
What Jesus actually said and taught is still a raging subject of debate, but certain things are generally agreed to be authentic, of those, almost all basicly say structured religion quickly loses the point and spirit of the teachings and gets mired down in appearances and intolerance....

It's too bad the Church doesn't reflect on that

I'm not really "playing a numbers game", I am pointing out how intolerant the Church became (rather quickly)....

There was HUGE DIVERSITY in 3rd century Christianity, quickly it became just the Cahtolics, the eastern and the Coptics.... What happened to the rest of the diversity is a story you might call "genocide"

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 08:34 AM
The term "sectarian violence" would not exist if not for irrational religious belief.

If people actually believed in their religion, they wouldn't decide to use it as a weapon or an excuse, which is the case all too often.

I'm ok with a belief in god. I'm ok with communing with others to that end.
But overall, religion is too abusive to those outside of it's given constructs no matter what they are.

In my opinion, it will be a huge step forward for all of humanity when we abandon these silly constructs such as institutional religion is concerned.

Taking a life , even one life, in the name of a god is wrong no matter how you slice it or look at it. Unless of course your chosen god is the god of taking lives and destroying the world. Which by the looks of things is exactly what institutionalized religion is about.

oh sure, you have your happy campers off to church/temple/mosque, praising what ever god they choose and unconcerned with the sins of their fathers and disconnecting from those who commit outrageous acts in the name of the same god as them by saying things like "yeah well that's not us".

well, it is you, it is your family and it is your chosen belief system in action. So to that end, I see more reason to renounce a religion than to throw in with one.

It has become an obsolete and defeating construct that contributes doubt, confusion and fear more than anything else.

Of course, in our fat countries, we don't even think about it. We don't suffer enough from it to recognize the real evil of organized religion in context to humanity.

as someone from a decidely christian background, it doesn't escape me that even Jesus said you are better off praying in a closet and in fact there was no message of the need for intercession.

In effect, the church has usurped and corrupted actual Christianity in that light.
Islam it is quite clear as to what her corruptions are and judaism isn't off the hook either lol. It has a state! that wages war!

Hindus kill muslims and vice versa.

Thankfully, buddhists don't seem to do much at all to bring harm to the world. It is so rare to hear or read anything about buddhists bringing harm to a culture or society. lol

so.... food for thought.

11-04-2010, 08:43 AM
What Jesus actually said and taught is still a raging subject of debate, but certain things are generally agreed to be authentic, of those, almost all basicly say structured religion quickly loses the point and spirit of the teachings and gets mired down in appearances and intolerance....

It's too bad the Church doesn't reflect on that

I'm not really "playing a numbers game", I am pointing out how intolerant the Church became (rather quickly)....

There was HUGE DIVERSITY in 3rd century Christianity, quickly it became just the Cahtolics, the eastern and the Coptics.... What happened to the rest of the diversity is a story you might call "genocide"

Organized religion is the opposite of what Jesus preached,yet it is human nature to try to organize things, even if that means taking what makes them work out and replacing them with crap to control the masses.
You're Jewish, you know what I mean.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it genocide, but it was an assimilation that would have done the Borg proud, LOL !
Of course, not all were assimilated and you can only control the "true faith" for so long.

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 08:54 AM
Well they didn't call it The Dark Ages for nothing!

It is also because of the Muslim preservation of Aristotle's works that Europe came out of the Dark Ages. When Spain went back to the Europeans they gained access to centuries of commentaries by Muslim thinkers on Aristotle as well as his extant works. Today we have about 1,000 manuscripts, if I remember correctly, attributed to Aristotle and those represent only about a third of his production!:)

dark ages? lol, what a wonderfully catholic view.

Surely you must know that there is no such thing as the dark ages.
This term was seemingly created by the RC church and until they regained the power that was lost with the fall of the roman empire, it was they who defined the age as "dark" mostly. The people who were free of the empire certainly didn't find it dark that they were gone.

In the meantime, It was Frankish kings, the Carolingian kings and all sorts of others who were building cities across Europe, creating art, music and societies that were robust and as full as any other. Alban, England, Cymru and Eire all did well without the romans about getting up and in their business. The French rose to the occasion amazingly while those predominantly oppressed place fell to moorish invasions in the west and to the mongol golden horde in the east which culminated in the end with the moors being driven out of spain and the kazhar empire collapsing in the east and the reinstatement of the eastern orthodoxy and the RC churches power which when that happened, they decided the dark ages were over and the age of enlightenment (hahahahaha whatever) could begin. Roman Catholic and Holy Roman Empire has basically been casting it's own brand of darkness over mens eyes for centuries.

dark ages indeed. That is a misnomer of the most genuine sort. lol

the dark ages are what preceded the fall of the roman empire as far as I'm concerned.

a huge fascist empirical warlike society putting all others under it's boot? Yeah, that's more like a dark age. And we aren't free of that crap yet either!

11-04-2010, 09:33 AM
I'm addressing this post title to all the trolls. The rest of you can stay. ;)

Indeed, the forum has taken a rather distressing turn for the worse. What to do, what to do? I've been considering imposing some sort of ban on rudeness, but that's so hard to measure. There's several of us who talk smack to each other in good locker room fun - personally I'd miss stuff like lkfmdc's constant jabs at my Shaolin Taco franchise and his crappy photoshop parodies. At the same time obviously, this thread didn't emerge without reason, so some cleaning house is definitely in order. :cool:

11-04-2010, 09:36 AM
personally I'd miss stuff like lkfmdc's constant jabs at my Shaolin Taco franchise and his crappy photoshop parodies.

who you calling crappy :mad:

(kicks can and walks down street with head down)

11-04-2010, 09:41 AM
my thoughts as well, If you don't like it leave.

Great now no one can argue or disagree with anyone because we hurt ED feelings.

people are just idiots, WE HAVE THIS FEATURE ON HERE CALLED AN IGNORE BUTTON. It works great from what I understand. Since HW8 put me on ignore I enjoy this place a lot more, and so does he. don't read peoples crap that others post in quotes....pretty easy concept if you ask me.

If you don't like someones opinion put them on ignore....Unlike DJ whom puts all these people on ignore and then decides he doesn't want to anymore and decides to take them back off and b!tch. >shackes head in wonderment.<

11-04-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm addressing this post title to all the trolls. The rest of you can stay. ;)

Indeed, the forum has taken a rather distressing turn for the worse. What to do, what to do? I've been considering imposing some sort of ban on rudeness, but that's so hard to measure. There's several of us who talk smack to each other in good locker room fun - personally I'd miss stuff like lkfmdc's constant jabs at my Shaolin Taco franchise and his crappy photoshop parodies. At the same time obviously, this thread didn't emerge without reason, so some cleaning house is definitely in order. :cool:

Here is the thing, we still do have serious MA oriented discussions, the fact is that the ones that are the liveliest are THESE ones.
What does THAT say?
What I don't understand is why people don't take their personal issues to the OFF TOPIC forum and leave the kung fu forum for *gasp* Kung Fu!
Seriously, when did we become such ****ing pussies ???

taai gihk yahn
11-04-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm addressing this post title to all the trolls. The rest of you can stay. ;)

Indeed, the forum has taken a rather distressing turn for the worse. What to do, what to do? I've been considering imposing some sort of ban on rudeness, but that's so hard to measure. There's several of us who talk smack to each other in good locker room fun - personally I'd miss stuff like lkfmdc's constant jabs at my Shaolin Taco franchise and his crappy photoshop parodies. At the same time obviously, this thread didn't emerge without reason, so some cleaning house is definitely in order. :cool:

I'm telling you, get Uki back, and all of your problems are solved - because he was the most incindiary, trolish, aggitator we've had, and yet was the first one to not take himself seriously at all (as opposed to me, I take myself very seriously, and so should all of you if you know what's good for you...); he would string someone along being on "their side", and at the drop of a hat, flip on them, making them realize how they had been duped, so to speak; he was our prankster, our Loki, our Til Eulenspiegel; and now he's gone, ostensibly bec he was out of work and couldn't afford to fix his broken PC;

so Gene, do you have some petty cash in the till to hire him as some sort of independent consultant?

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 09:52 AM
I'm telling you, get Uki back, and all of your problems are solved - because he was the most incindiary, trolish, aggitator we've had, and yet was the first one to not take himself seriously at all (as opposed to me, I take myself very seriously, and so should all of you if you know what's good for you...); he would string someone along being on "their side", and at the drop of a hat, flip on them, making them realize how they had been duped, so to speak; he was our prankster, our Loki, our Til Eulenspiegel; and now he's gone, ostensibly bec he was out of work and couldn't afford to fix his broken PC;

so Gene, do you have some petty cash in the till to hire him as some sort of independent consultant?

"our Til Eulenspiegel" lol. I think you need to work on going from the obscure to the completely unknown in a turn of the phrase.

hilarious...in a serious way of course. :p

11-04-2010, 09:57 AM
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Have you seen the state of print publishing lately (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52868)? I'm slinging cheerleader skirts (http://www.martialartsmart.com/60-22.html) to make ends meet in this economy. :o

But I hear ya, sanjuro_ronin. The liveliest threads are the fights. Gee, I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:

taai gihk yahn
11-04-2010, 10:01 AM
I think that part of what you are seeing here is this: like any established social unit, there will be squabbling; and what we have here is just that - I mean, look at it - it's a relatively small core of regulars - maybe 50 or so posters who are on here on a daily basis, and who keep coming back, regardless; even those who complain, they keep coming back; I find it hard to believe that it's because of those rare diamonds they find amidst the rest of the mountain; no, what it is, in fact, is that, like it or not, we have an established, semi-closed community thing going on here; meaning that despite all the arguments and bellyaching, that core group, myself included, has a sense of belong, to some degree of self-identification w this forum and those on here regularly; think about it - life in general is either pretty muc the same-o same-o, or it's unpredictable in ways most people don't like; the forum is an inbetween - it's a known entity, but at the same time it affords some unpredictability and gives folks the chance to blow off steam; I mean, would Dave J. keep coming back if he REALLY thought everyone hated his guts? would ED keep coming back if he REALLY felt offended? would KF keep coming back if he REALLY didn't enjoy the interactions w TMA-ists? would HW108 REALLY keep coming back if he disliked dealing w GKMMAK's? would Ross REALY keep coming back if he actually had anything else to do with his time? would Scott REALLY keep coming back if he thought that it wasn't all about him, HIM, HIM? would Gene REALLY keep coming back if there wasn't a mediocre paycheck attached to his duties?
ok, I digress (which is maybe why I keep coming back - where else can I do that without compunction?);
fact is guys, for all those who hate tree-huggin' and granola, we are a community; we may not all like each other, but there is group identification and as such, mutual symbiosis; as Scott points out, it's all about "practice", and in a way, that is what we do here - we engage, challenge, insult and argue with each other, knowing that when we turn off the computer, we can go back to our daily lives having examined our responses to each other, and function out of that knowledge in our dealings with our colleagues, teachers, students (or clients) and classmates;
so that's it, for better or for worse - if someone REALLY didn't want to be here, they would leave; those calling for "reform" know it's not going to happen,it's not in the nature of the beast, because if this place were more heavily moderated, I bet a lot more of you would leave than would do so under the current conditions;

and FYI, you ALL suc, I am right, shut up

11-04-2010, 10:01 AM
so are you going to lay the smackith down gene?

11-04-2010, 10:01 AM
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Have you seen the state of print publishing lately (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52868)? I'm slinging cheerleader skirts (http://www.martialartsmart.com/60-22.html) to make ends meet in this economy. :o

But I hear ya, sanjuro_ronin. The liveliest threads are the fights. Gee, I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:

AH dude, we LOVE to fight, that is what makes us MA !
We love to argue because we think we are right and they are wrong, that is what makes us so stubborn as to stick with something liek MA for decades !!
To remove that, is to remove the very essence of MA- CONFLICT !
Nice skirt, who's the model?

You guys recall the series Babylon 5?
The two approaches of the first ones? the Vorlons and the shadows?
One was all about order and not questioning and they other was all about chaos and questioning.
They were BOTH right and BOTH wrong.

11-04-2010, 10:04 AM
I think that part of what you are seeing here is this: like any established social unit, there will be squabbling; and what we have here is just that - I mean, look at it - it's a relatively small core of regulars - maybe 50 or so posters who are on here on a daily basis, and who keep coming back, regardless; even those who complain, they keep coming back; I find it hard to believe that it's because of those rare diamonds they find amidst the rest of the mountain; no, what it is, in fact, is that, like it or not, we have an established, semi-closed community thing going on here; meaning that despite all the arguments and bellyaching, that core group, myself included, has a sense of belong, to some degree of self-identification w this forum and those on here regularly; think about it - life in general is either pretty muc the same-o same-o, or it's unpredictable in ways most people don't like; the forum is an inbetween - it's a known entity, but at the same time it affords some unpredictability and gives folks the chance to blow off steam; I mean, would Dave J. keep coming back if he REALLY thought everyone hated his guts? would ED keep coming back if he REALLY felt offended? would KF keep coming back if he REALLY didn't enjoy the interactions w TMA-ists? would HW108 REALLY keep coming back if he disliked dealing w GKMMAK's? would Ross REALY keep coming back if he actually had anything else to do with his time? would Scott REALLY keep coming back if he thought that it wasn't all about him, HIM, HIM? would Gene REALLY keep coming back if there wasn't a mediocre paycheck attached to his duties?
ok, I digress (which is maybe why I keep coming back - where else can I do that without compunction?);
fact is guys, for all those who hate tree-huggin' and granola, we are a community; we may not all like each other, but there is group identification and as such, mutual symbiosis; as Scott points out, it's all about "practice", and in a way, that is what we do here - we engage, challenge, insult and argue with each other, knowing that when we turn off the computer, we can go back to our daily lives having examined our responses to each other, and function out of that knowledge in our dealings with our colleagues, teachers, students (or clients) and classmates;
so that's it, for better or for worse - if someone REALLY didn't want to be here, they would leave; those calling for "reform" know it's not going to happen,it's not in the nature of the beast, because if this place were more heavily moderated, I bet a lot more of you would leave than would do so under the current conditions;

and FYI, you ALL suc, I am right, shut up

You forgot:

taai gihk yahn
11-04-2010, 10:04 AM
I'm slinging cheerleader skirts (http://www.martialartsmart.com/60-22.html) to make ends meet in this economy. :o

But I hear ya, sanjuro_ronin. The liveliest threads are the fights. Gee, I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:
um, just wondering, how, exactly, is a Cheerleader Skirt a Martial Arts Halloween Costume?

ah, ya know what? never mind...

11-04-2010, 10:05 AM
if someone REALLY didn't want to be here, they would leave; those calling for "reform" know it's not going to happen,it's not in the nature of the beast, because if this place were more heavily moderated, I bet a lot more of you would leave than would do so under the current conditions;


11-04-2010, 10:06 AM
And this:

11-04-2010, 10:08 AM
Now that's an interesting question.

As for the cheerleader skirts, Tiger Claw (https://www.tigerclaw.com/home.php) did a run for a client. There were a lot left over.

11-04-2010, 10:08 AM
And this:

Too much plastic :mad:

11-04-2010, 10:09 AM
too much plastic :mad:

ban him !!!!!

11-04-2010, 10:12 AM
um, just wondering, how, exactly, is a Cheerleader Skirt a Martial Arts Halloween Costume?

ah, ya know what? never mind...

a katana, lots of blood, knee high socks, vampire fangs, and you have yourself a blood thirsty vampire cheerleader ninja. I'm game with that. :D

put it on a dude and you can add tranny to that mix!! :eek:

11-04-2010, 10:25 AM
Ninja Cheerleaders

Trailer (http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/ninja-cheerleaders/trailer)

Upscale Font April, Courtney, and Monica are three gorgeous, smart, tough freshmen completing their first semester at Los Lomas Malas Community College, the armpit of higher education. Their extra-curricular syllabus is formidable: do well on finals to gain admittance to an Ivy League University; cheer at the big game; and rescue Sensei who has been kidnapped by the mob - all of this by midnight so that they can compete in the all-city strip-off with the hopes of winning cash toward tuition. Along the way they must dodge a nosy cop, keep their worried parents at bay, deal with a pervert coach, not to mention charm, sweet-talk, and fight their way through a slew of oddball opponents.

There's still time to enter NINJASTAR (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=922)....;)

11-04-2010, 10:31 AM

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 10:40 AM
a katana, lots of blood, knee high socks, vampire fangs, and you have yourself a blood thirsty vampire cheerleader ninja. I'm game with that. :D

In that case you may enjoy: Big Tits Zombie

Also called: "Big Tits Dragon: Hot Spring Zombie Vs. Stripper 5"


Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 10:42 AM

Sora Aoi:

11-04-2010, 10:43 AM
you remember a few months back when the board came to a grinding halt? Do you think it was a coincidence that those months I was moving the gym and WAS NEVER ON HERE......

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 10:45 AM

Risa Kasumi

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 10:47 AM
Mari Sakura

11-04-2010, 10:48 AM
do a google search before you post such comments, please dont compare india's saints to david koresh.

Any why should they be immune to scrutiny?

11-04-2010, 10:49 AM
you should trust ED, he's never lied bef.... oh, wait.......

11-04-2010, 10:49 AM
you remember a few months back when the board came to a grinding halt? Do you think it was a coincidence that those months I was moving the gym and WAS NEVER ON HERE......

YOU solo shoulder patter!!!!!!!!

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 10:50 AM

Big Tits Zombie


11-04-2010, 10:52 AM
And that accounted for how many of our troll accounts exactly, lkfmdc?:p

This thread seems to have taken a more visually stimulating turn...

11-04-2010, 10:55 AM
And that accounted for how many of our troll accounts exactly, lkfmdc?:p

Oh Gene, you administer all of them so you should know

I think we(you)(I mean I) should retire Hardwork108, he's outlived his usefulness... I think I will spend more time as Bawang now, especially with the BIG TITS

11-04-2010, 10:56 AM

11-04-2010, 10:56 AM

Big Tits Zombie


girls are fine

but with chain saw, katana and double blade axe


run for your life or lose a limb or head


11-04-2010, 10:58 AM

11-04-2010, 11:20 AM
these asian models all look like they're like 12 year old
then again that might explain why there are so many pedos in japan

11-04-2010, 11:22 AM
these asian models all look like they're like 12 year old
then again that might explain why there are so many pedos in japan

white women age HORRIBLY.....you must be used to looking at women who look much older than they are.

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 11:26 AM
man what's with all the racist remarks in here...

Oh wait, I forgot, most of you are americans and it's par for the course down there. :p

11-04-2010, 11:28 AM
man what's with all the racist remarks in here...

Oh wait, I forgot, most of you are americans and it's par for the course down there. :p

Nice way to contradict yourself in the span of two sentences.:rolleyes:

11-04-2010, 11:28 AM
man what's with all the racist remarks in here...

Oh wait, I forgot, most of you are americans and it's par for the course down there.

don't you ever watch the Iceroad truckers show? NOBODY likes a Canadian. LOL don't hate.

11-04-2010, 11:29 AM
man what's with all the racist remarks in here...

Oh wait, I forgot, most of you are americans and it's par for the course down there. :p

well, americans didn't conquer the west with political correctness so YEEHAW

PS: I'm joking

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 11:47 AM
these asian models all look like they're like 12 year old
then again that might explain why there are so many pedos in japan

No they look young BECAUSE the men like them looking young. My wife is Filipina and she is 4'11" 90#. When we go out sometimes we get very interesting looks. She is 38, but can look 16 with the proper attire and makeup.

When she had a miscarriage about 3 years ago, the ER doctors asked to see her parents, LOL!!!

11-04-2010, 12:10 PM
Do you have any sources and links I can check out regarding this theory?

Of course! ;D

here you go


I figure that you would enjoy this one more than the others because it is not as boring seeing as how it is in comic book form. ;D

This comic is based on the testimony of Alberto Rivera. A former Jesuit Priest that rose up in the ranks of Catholicism only to find out it's many corruptions. This story is one of many that he has revealed since he left that group. Look into him sometime. The Catholic Church HATES him and has tried to kill him on many occasions (however they say that they have no knowledge of him despite the proof that he continues to offer). At first, I found it hard to believe but after some digging I found many like him with very similar stories. That, coupled with what I already know makes it all the more plausible. Enjoy! ;D

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 12:12 PM
Nice way to contradict yourself in the span of two sentences.:rolleyes:

Is american a race now? lol

11-04-2010, 12:16 PM
Is american a race now? lol

you made a bigotted remark immediately after criticizing the same thing from others.Apparently you are too dense to see that.

You really have some sort of short bus hair trigger fuse with the country dont you?:p The minute you hear so much as the name of the land you go into rant mode.

Of course this is another example of wude and spiritual development:rolleyes:

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 12:18 PM
No one said anything about racism!

Bigotry is the intolerance of anyone who doesn't agree with you!

Xenophobic is the abnormal fear of something different, strange or foreign!

You are not succeeding in changing anyone's opinion and you are starting to disparage America and and Americans. I merely pointed that out and encouraged you to avoid it, since "attacking the man" is one of the last refuges of an argument loser!

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 12:21 PM
No one said anything about racism!

Bigotry is the intolerance of anyone who doesn't agree with you!

Xenophobic is the abnormal fear of something different, strange or foreign!

You are not succeeding in changing anyone's opinion and you are starting to disparage America and and Americans. I merely pointed that out and encouraged you to avoid it, since "attacking the man" is one of the last refuges of an argument loser!

hahahaha. So, is this going to be the topic that is used to not talk about the original topic?

you take some offense when I make an observation about Hollywood and it's inevitable effect on the American psyche?

How odd, how defensive and inappropriately so.

and yes, actually I believe I was called a racist and a xenophobe ( couple of times)

also, I think I pretty thoroughly explained what I was getting at.

Do you disagree with what I was saying and can you make a point to argue it or are you just going to shout "xenophobe" and "America hater" at me for the rest of the thread? :)

also, feel free to read it in context to the response it was used in. Might help with the whole continuity thing here.

11-04-2010, 12:23 PM
I hate Mexicans. With their lovely tan skin and piercing brown eyes. Bilingual! Disgusting!!!! ;D

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 12:25 PM
hahahaha. So, is this going to be the topic that is used to not talk about the original topic?

you take some offense when I make an observation about Hollywood and it's inevitable effect on the American psyche?

How odd, how defensive and inappropriately so.

and yes, actually I believe I was called a racist and a xenophobe ( couple of times)

also, I think I pretty thoroughly explained what I was getting at.

Do you disagree with what I was saying and can you make a point to argue it or are you just going to shout "xenophobe" and "America hater" at me for the rest of the thread? :)

also, feel free to read it in context to the response it was used in. Might help with the whole continuity thing here.

I do not take offense David, I have noted the degradation of your argument as you turn to insults over argument.

11-04-2010, 12:30 PM
I hate Mexicans. With their lovely tan skin and piercing brown eyes. Bilingual! Disgusting!!!! ;D

I love mexicans, the food, the culture and the indian ruins.

except that I do not do well with beans.

beans get me diahrea and gas/f a r t.


11-04-2010, 12:33 PM
a representation of a country and what it stands for

it is all very vague.

I love the people, the land, the culture and the history.

these are very elements that make up a country or a group of people.

all the political things would come and go.

just like the wind, sometimes it blows west and sometimes it blows east.


David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 12:37 PM
I do not take offense David, I have noted the degradation of your argument as you turn to insults over argument.

and that would be where exactly Scott?

my argument stands.

who am I insulting? Am I insulting, or is what I have said perceived as an insult?

there's a huge difference.

what exactly did I say that was over the top so much that it killed my argument?

please tell!

I stand by my argument otherwise.

11-04-2010, 12:42 PM
you take some offense when I make an observation about Hollywood and it's inevitable effect on the American psyche?

Hollywood is both a reflection of and and effect on the American psyche. You can't separate the two.

If anything, Hollywood has more of a one-way effect on the psyche of the rest of the world.

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 12:44 PM
and that would be where exactly Scott?

my argument stands.

who am I insulting? Am I insulting, or is what I have said perceived as an insult?

there's a huge difference.

what exactly did I say that was over the top so much that it killed my argument?

please tell!

I stand by my argument otherwise.

I am not addressing your argument. I think you have made some good points and I agree with many of them. I also think that others have made some good points, some of which I agree with as well. My personal opinion is both arguments are correct according to the perspective one starts with. Sort of like, Is a glass filled half way with water half full or half empty?

However, you are starting to go a bit psycho! It is obvious to everyone but you apparently. So I decided to nicely point it out to you. The fact you continue to respond with hostility is demonstrating my point. :)

11-04-2010, 12:45 PM
I am not addressing your argument. I think you have made some good points and I agree with many of them. I also think that others have made some good points, some of which I agree with as well. My personal opinion is both arguments are correct according to the perspective one starts with. Sort of like, Is a glass filled half way with water half full or half empty?

However, you are starting to go a bit psycho! It is obvious to everyone but you apparently. So I decided to nicely point it out to you. The fact you continue to respond with hostility is demonstrating my point. :)

He's always been mentally ill.

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 12:51 PM
He's always been mentally ill.

hmmmn. So, let's take a look at this post and ask about butterflies and men. :)

Scott, There is no "tone" expressed in these threads.

I think that there is validity to some of the points made by the forumites and I also think that it needs to be made clear that when we are talking about something that goes so far back into antiquity that it is folly to make blanket statements about this is that and that is this.

Kung Fu is so varied and wide in it's practice it is just silly some of the absolutes that are dropped in context to the subject.

Not sure how pointing that out makes me "psycho". :)

11-04-2010, 01:03 PM
hmmmn. So, let's take a look at this post and ask about butterflies and men. :)

Scott, There is no "tone" expressed in these threads.

I think that there is validity to some of the points made by the forumites and I also think that it needs to be made clear that when we are talking about something that goes so far back into antiquity that it is folly to make blanket statements about this is that and that is this.

Kung Fu is so varied and wide in it's practice it is just silly some of the absolutes that are dropped in context to the subject.

Not sure how pointing that out makes me "psycho". :)

Just admit it, David. You do kung fu for other reasons besides fighting skill..and you really have no fighting skill. If you finally went all the way into granola land, instead of trying to pretend you do both, you would be better off. You are in denial.

11-04-2010, 01:17 PM
man what's with all the racist remarks in here...

Oh wait, I forgot, most of you are americans and it's par for the course down there. :p


The man pictured wearing a Ku Klux Klan uniform, who led another man in blackface around on a noose, won first prize at a Halloween costume competition at the Campbellford Legion in Ontario. The president of the legion issued an apology after receiving hundreds of complaints.

taai gihk yahn
11-04-2010, 01:22 PM
The man pictured wearing a Ku Klux Klan uniform, who led another man in blackface around on a noose, won first prize at a Halloween costume competition at the Campbellford Legion in Ontario. The president of the legion issued an apology after receiving hundreds of complaints.

why are you helping make his point for him?!?

(Ontario is part of the US, right?)

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 01:32 PM
hmmmn. So, let's take a look at this post and ask about butterflies and men. :)

Scott, There is no "tone" expressed in these threads.

I think that there is validity to some of the points made by the forumites and I also think that it needs to be made clear that when we are talking about something that goes so far back into antiquity that it is folly to make blanket statements about this is that and that is this.

Kung Fu is so varied and wide in it's practice it is just silly some of the absolutes that are dropped in context to the subject.

Not sure how pointing that out makes me "psycho". :)

I agree with you David. I am not saying you pointing that out is psycho, I am saying that you are degrading your argument by using invalid arguments such as "attach the man". I had my say on it. If you cannot see it, I do not see it as my duty to force you too. Others see it as well though so you may want to consider it may have some validity.

I am merely pointing this out to you because it seems that just the other day you were concerned about the general lack of civility on the Board lately.

I have had my say and I am willing to let it go now!:)

David Jamieson
11-04-2010, 01:51 PM
I agree with you David. I am not saying you pointing that out is psycho, I am saying that you are degrading your argument by using invalid arguments such as "attach the man". I had my say on it. If you cannot see it, I do not see it as my duty to force you too. Others see it as well though so you may want to consider it may have some validity.

I am merely pointing this out to you because it seems that just the other day you were concerned about the general lack of civility on the Board lately.

I have had my say and I am willing to let it go now!:)

In that case, I forgive you, will tell you that I love you and now I will pour a tea for you and watch it as the steam stops rising until it is still. :p

Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 01:59 PM
In that case, I forgive you, will tell you that I love you and now I will pour a tea for you and watch it as the steam stops rising until it is still. :p

LOL..as I have been sitting at the computer this morning, my 2 year old daughter handed me a toy tea cup. As I pretended to take a sip she exclaimed,"No Papa! It's HOT!" I had to blow on my imaginary cup of tea before I could pretend to drink it!

11-04-2010, 04:26 PM
these asian models all look like they're like 12 year old

Sora Aoi is 28! Come on, man.

11-04-2010, 05:11 PM
The board is fine. The problem is too many people with too much time on their hands so they go onto forum and create drama to spice up their lives. Go back to work! Go spend time with your family! Go put more effort into your training! Go do something productive that benefits mankind!

11-04-2010, 05:16 PM

11-04-2010, 05:54 PM

11-04-2010, 05:59 PM
these asian models all look like they're like 12 year old
then again that might explain why there are so many pedos in japan

There's nothing wrong with grown women who age beautifully.

11-04-2010, 06:05 PM
white women age HORRIBLY.....you must be used to looking at women who look much older than they are.

ya man i agree. after 25 the prime of their life is already gone.

11-04-2010, 06:28 PM
The board is fine. The problem is too many people with too much time on their hands so they go onto forum and create drama to spice up their lives. Go back to work! Go spend time with your family! Go put more effort into your training! Go do something productive that benefits mankind!


we either are working hard or hardly working.


11-04-2010, 06:45 PM

so how old do you think Tang wei is?


11-04-2010, 06:47 PM

how old is zhang zi yi?

any taker?


11-04-2010, 06:50 PM

how old is zhang zi yi?

any taker?


I think she's 31.

11-04-2010, 06:57 PM
ya man i agree. after 25 the prime of their life is already gone.

Christmas cake

11-05-2010, 06:01 AM
this board got much better, thanks Gene, perhaps a rountine, regular, quick but temp clean will keep the place tidy and all the members happier.:)

my wife is persian 5' nothing 95 lbs and 40 years .. she got proofed for lotto tix ... you have to be 18. she had to drive home and get her ID and the 22 kid at our corner store said sorry milf I mean maam... I walked in behind her the other day he smiled at her then saw me and qucikly looked down and pretended to arrange stuff on the counter.. LOL Mrs robinson

11-05-2010, 06:24 AM
my wife is persian 5' nothing 95 lbs and 40 years .. she got proofed for lotto tix ... you have to be 18. she had to drive home and get her ID and the 22 kid at our corner store said sorry milf I mean maam... I walked in behind her the other day he smiled at her then saw me and qucikly looked down and pretended to arrange stuff on the counter.. LOL Mrs robinson

It's possible to share a little too much of the personal stuff...

11-05-2010, 06:27 AM
It's possible to share a little too much of the personal stuff...

Sounds like he may be willing to share more than just information. :D

Scott R. Brown
11-05-2010, 06:46 AM
this board got much better, thanks Gene, perhaps a rountine, regular, quick but temp clean will keep the place tidy and all the members happier.:)

my wife is persian 5' nothing 95 lbs and 40 years .. she got proofed for lotto tix ... you have to be 18. she had to drive home and get her ID and the 22 kid at our corner store said sorry milf I mean maam... I walked in behind her the other day he smiled at her then saw me and qucikly looked down and pretended to arrange stuff on the counter.. LOL Mrs robinson


10 characters!:p

11-05-2010, 06:47 AM
naw just a funny story about beautiful women not looking their age, it was a few pages ago you gotta scroll back.
asian phillpino, middle eastern women look very young, now blondes on the other hands well they look like catchers mits after 35. scott and I got lucky for sure in that reguard