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View Full Version : Ok, here's an idea...

11-04-2010, 02:19 PM
How about this forum stays kung fu only, and any topic that deviates from it shall be moved to the Misc. forum, with a stern "You did bad" from the moderator? That way these whiney TCMA guys can still be little beyotches,and the MMA guys can still tout the benefits of a RNC, and it clutters up a forum that was custom made for whiners and puffy chested roosters?

That way the rest of us, who simply like the fighting styles TCMA and other forms of combat, and DON'T believe we can shoot chi beams from our eyes, or think "MAN, IF I CAN JUST GET HIM ON THE GROUND AND RUB UP AGAINST HIM, OOOEEE!", can discuss the practicality of a technique.

Sound good?

11-04-2010, 02:22 PM
After all, that's what we set it up for. I'm also in discussion with our moderators about members that are ban worthy.

taai gihk yahn
11-04-2010, 02:22 PM
I like Cheetos :o :o :o

and hand jobs, I like them too :) :) :)

what was the OP?

11-04-2010, 02:24 PM
After all, that's what we set it up for. I'm also in discussion with our moderators about members that are ban worthy.

Most of the guys here are fine until they get into arguments with their "arch-enemies"

Then you have 8+ pages full of arguing before lunch.

taai gihk yahn
11-04-2010, 02:27 PM
After all, that's what we set it up for. I'm also in discussion with our moderators about members that are ban worthy.

<licks lips, salivates, anticipating swath of carnage left in the wake of the great Blade of Banning>

11-04-2010, 02:30 PM
Capital Idea!!!

(it's about friggin' time!)

11-04-2010, 02:31 PM
look what you guys have done!!!!!! for shame!

11-04-2010, 02:35 PM
I didnt do it!!!!!

11-04-2010, 02:52 PM
After all, that's what we set it up for.

How about the moment that anybody mentions the word "MMA", the moment that thread will be moved into the MMA category.

If You start a BJJ discussion in Judo forum, that BJJ discussion thread will be moved into "Other Martial Arts" right way. No Judo guys will be interested in that discussion.

If the TCMA forum has the same back bone as the Judo forum, A Judo guy will make comment to a non-Judo guy as, "You are not even a Judoka. Nobody will be interest in your opinion. Why are you still hanging around here." The non-TCMA guys will soon disappear.

That way the rest of us, who simply like the fighting styles TCMA ...
Trying to convince MMA guys that TCMA is effective combat art will not only be stupid but also waste time and effort. If they don't believe in us, as long as we have faith in ourselves, there is no need to argue back.

Yum Cha
11-04-2010, 03:54 PM
I think part of the issue is that the "MMA" guys are obviously also TCMA guys, or have some interest. Universally, they tout bad TCMA experiences, so it seems they are interested in the topic, but jaded. And, you know its true, fair enough.

Are they experienced and knowledgable? Yea....in a narrow way...but solid.

I feel no need to exclude anybody, or pester the Admins, unless they are all about personal attacks, or messing up discussions with misinformation.

Discipline yourself before you go asking for help, and you may find you don't need help.

Add that vote to the pot...

11-04-2010, 04:07 PM
Trying to convince MMA guys that TCMA is effective combat art will not only be stupid but also waste time and effort. If they don't believe in us, as long as we have faith in ourselves, there is no need to argue back.

Actually, it's pretty simple. Just show some evidence of what you are claiming.

11-04-2010, 04:10 PM
At what point do you segregate everyone so much (to protect the tender sensibilities of whomever considers a different opinion to be some kind of 'unfair' intrusion) that you just end up with walled off areas of people having discussions that consist of:

"Hmmm, yes, I see your point"

"Quite right, I agree"

"Yes, of course I agree with that agreement"

"Certainly the agreement on the point of agreement is agreeable"

"Why, that is certainly a solid point sir"

"Yes, indeed, it is"

Oh, I quite agree again"

And of course you will only have MORE of the whiney "He doesn't belong here! He doesn't pass my XYZ-art purity test. Make him go away!"

And will you forbid people with experience in more than one area (I know, I know, it's not "real" experience to some...) to mention something pertinent from one area in a discussion of another? The whiners and wannabe 'experts' would just love that.

Let the free market of ideas hash it out I say.

11-04-2010, 04:10 PM
How about the moment that anybody mentions the word "MMA", the moment that thread will be moved into the MMA category.

If You start a BJJ discussion in Judo forum, that BJJ discussion thread will be moved into "Other Martial Arts" right way. No Judo guys will be interested in that discussion.

If the TCMA forum has the same back bone as the Judo forum, A Judo guy will make comment to a non-Judo guy as, "You are not even a Judoka. Nobody will be interest in your opinion. Why are you still hanging around here." The non-TCMA guys will soon disappear.

Trying to convince MMA guys that TCMA is effective combat art will not only be stupid but also waste time and effort. If they don't believe in us, as long as we have faith in ourselves, there is no need to argue back.
ok, but what if I want to start a discussion of which ne-waza techniques were utilized in the creation of BJJ, or how does BJJ differ from ne-waza, etc?

11-04-2010, 04:42 PM
As I read over this thread and the other "dramatic" threads I started thinking. I quit posting here for about six months because I kind of got fed up with all the flame wars and drama that goes on here. I will not be a hypocrite, I did my share of flaming and arguing but I would much rather be involved in constructive debates concerning martial arts, in particular TCMA.

But here is the thing. There are far too many flamers (yep:D) on both sides of this supposed split here on KFM. You have the traditional Kung Fu folks and the modern combat sport MMA folks, at least, that is what many want to believe.

I believe the truth is more often than not there are posters here who have genuine training in TCMA who have also trained in other arts or maybe have gone more the way of MMA training. Does that mean they no longer have a voice here.:confused: Just because they have trained other things does not take away their training in Kung Fu.

I don't have a solution but I think if we try to refrain from stupid flame wars and drivel that is not productive this would be a better place. I am not saying people are not going to disagree, but it can get out of hand with the name calling and other such retardedness.

That is my two cents. If you don't like, feel free to go fu**ck yourself.:) (Kidding. Maybe.)

11-04-2010, 04:43 PM
That wasn't a very constructive post above and his name came up as ban worthy amongst the mods.

11-04-2010, 04:47 PM
Gene, your pimp hand is strong.

11-04-2010, 04:53 PM
I'm thinking I'll ban a few people every working day now until things settle down. It's a simple solution. Our mods are watching.

11-04-2010, 04:56 PM
Ya I hear limbo can be boring if you have not buddies to argue and fight with.

11-04-2010, 05:00 PM
Forum of the KFM banned. There's like a hundred or so members banned off this forum now.

I'm always happy to reinstate them. It's just a flick of a button in the admin.

11-04-2010, 05:04 PM
That would be awesome. The banned forum of KFM, where if you are banned it is the only place you could post. Unfortunately it would end up like Trollshido on another site.:)

11-04-2010, 05:05 PM
First the moderators would need to define "kung fu" to all posters. By definition MMA qualifies as kung fu and should be discussed in this forum. Instead either label the forum General Martial Arts and anything not martial arts related should go to the Other forum. Or create an MMA forum and a Traditional martial arts forum.

11-04-2010, 05:08 PM
well this place will be quiter now with kf gone lol:eek:

11-04-2010, 06:00 PM
i think knifefighter had very valid points, its sad to see him banned. he spoke the truth.
*sheds single tear

11-04-2010, 06:06 PM
i think knifefighter had very valid points, its sad to see him banned. He spoke the truth.

Lubes up anoos to get ready for fisting session..


Scott R. Brown
11-04-2010, 06:42 PM

You forgot the "N".....its supposed to be dammmmmn!

I am not sure you are educated enough to participate on this board. It probably all that time you are spending with criminal activities in order to establish your true kung fu practitioner credentials.:p

11-04-2010, 06:46 PM
You forgot the "N".....its supposed to be dammmmmn!

I am not sure you are educated enough to participate on this board. It probably all that time you are spending with criminal activities in order to establish your true kung fu practitioner credentials.


11-04-2010, 06:50 PM
earth is a lonely planet

why, the nearest life supporting planet would be in another galaxy and some light years away.

there are many lonely souls on the planet.

and internet and forum bring them together.

what will be will be

que sera sera.



11-04-2010, 07:03 PM
I completely agree with Gene's actions and ideas. Many knowledgeable TCMA-ers have gone the way of silent listener on boards due to being tired of the silly flame wars started by extremists of any faction, and hopefully these steps will slowly bring them back.

11-04-2010, 08:52 PM
LMAO. I was there too...
Funny to hear you have a serious side, Bawang.

11-04-2010, 08:54 PM
ya mang some times im super srs.
i can still remember those kids names, streetfighter and dragonball1991 lol. "hey guys i want to do dim mak but can i still jack off"

i hope gene ching does not ban me becase we are fellow chilese brothers.

11-04-2010, 09:22 PM
At least from now on we don't have to have movie clip or pictures ready to backup every single word that we are going to say.

A: I'm 30 years old, and my wife ...
B: You need to show us your birth certificate, and also your wife's picture, otherwise you are a liar.

11-04-2010, 09:33 PM
At least from now on we don't have to have movie clip or pictures ready to backup every single word that we are going to say.

A: I'm 30 years old, and my wife ...
B: You need to show us your birth certificate, and also your wife's picture, otherwise you are a liar.

What are you HIDING?!

11-04-2010, 11:07 PM
At what point do you segregate everyone so much (to protect the tender sensibilities of whomever considers a different opinion to be some kind of 'unfair' intrusion) that you just end up with walled off areas of people having discussions that consist of:

"Hmmm, yes, I see your point"

"Quite right, I agree"

"Yes, of course I agree with that agreement"

"Certainly the agreement on the point of agreement is agreeable"

"Why, that is certainly a solid point sir"

"Yes, indeed, it is"

Oh, I quite agree again"

And of course you will only have MORE of the whiney "He doesn't belong here! He doesn't pass my XYZ-art purity test. Make him go away!"

And will you forbid people with experience in more than one area (I know, I know, it's not "real" experience to some...) to mention something pertinent from one area in a discussion of another? The whiners and wannabe 'experts' would just love that.

Let the free market of ideas hash it out I say.

word... i like that....

as long as it doesnt turn into a name calling fest, i dont like any threads being locked, anyone being banned or any other form of censoring the free flow of ideas... even if some of those ideas come from *******s... thats just life, you start trying to "clean" everything up, you get a sterile and stagnated environment of sickly ideas because they have no measure of strength through the trials of debate...

11-04-2010, 11:13 PM
I disagree.
Were it simply a "martial arts" forum, then yes that would be fine. But in a "Kung Fu" forum to allow the "free flow" and "democratic" opinions of people to consistently say "TCMA"/"Kung Fu" is all a waste of time, etc. No, I don't think this is cool, and...


I agree with what Gene is doing.

11-04-2010, 11:43 PM
If we can just remove "YOU" and "I" from all discussion, we may be able to avoid a lot of arguments. When A gives B certain suggestion, C suddently jumps in and asks A to prove "talk the talk, and walk the walk. Put up or shut up." It will be a very discourage for anybody to give other any suggestions.

Violent Designs
11-05-2010, 12:00 AM
Are they temporary bans?

11-05-2010, 03:20 AM
ok, but what if I want to start a discussion of which ne-waza techniques were utilized in the creation of BJJ, or how does BJJ differ from ne-waza, etc?
I assume you are asking about why the Judo forum does not include BJJ as part of their main forum.

All the BJJ, Sambo, wrestling, and SC are considered as "Other MA - grappling arts" in the Judo forum. You will have no place to be there if you are a TCMA guy. There was a famous Taiji guy (I won't mention his name here), when he was there, every Judoka jumped on him and forced him to leave. When I started in that forum, he sent me a PM and told me about his story. I told him that I didn't know how long that I could hang around there. In less than 3 months I left that forum too.

11-05-2010, 03:30 AM
If you start dropping the ban hammer on people for having a different idea then this place will drop silent with any conversation or "intense" arguments.

11-05-2010, 07:04 AM
one thing is to have valid points and civil arguments... it's ok to disagree. another thing is to create discord, verbally assault people, and put down what they are doing.... that is wrong, even the perpetrators know it.

Many times what I see is child like behavior... just because you are screaming loudly doesn't make you right.

I believe in freedom of expression but every freedom has a limit and has a price.
Just try walking down your neighborhood naked and see what happens:D

11-05-2010, 07:42 AM
one thing is to have valid points and civil arguments... it's ok to disagree. another thing is to create discord, verbally assault people, and put down what they are doing.... that is wrong, even the perpetrators know it.

Many times what I see is child like behavior... just because you are screaming loudly doesn't make you right.

I believe in freedom of expression but every freedom has a limit and has a price.
Just try walking down your neighborhood naked and see what happens:D


11-05-2010, 07:42 AM

Actually, it's pretty simple. Just show some evidence of what you are claiming.

this is excatly what we are all talkign about... why does anyone have to proove anyting to you? what proof should anyone have to provide if that they do they like to do with thier time? your really out there man.

11-05-2010, 07:44 AM
this is excatly what we are all talkign about... why does anyone have to proove anyting to you? what proof should anyone have to provide if that they do they like to do with thier time? your really out there man.

trying to get the last word in on someone that got banned?

11-05-2010, 07:44 AM
Nothing says "class" more than avoiding an issue until after the person who called you on it is banned, and THEN putting up your answers :rolleyes:

11-05-2010, 07:44 AM

this is excatly what we are all talkign about... why does anyone have to proove anyting to you? what proof should anyone have to provide if that they do they like to do with thier time? your really out there man.

Uhh, dude, considering he's banned, I don't think you need to worry about it anymore. Just saying.

11-05-2010, 07:46 AM
have to agree on that. "class"

11-05-2010, 07:47 AM
did know he was banned my bad.

11-05-2010, 07:48 AM
When I get banned, I hope you all have such kind words for me.:D

11-05-2010, 07:49 AM
no but your avatar is threatening in many ways....iron

11-05-2010, 08:15 AM
no but your avatar is threatening in many ways....iron

Really?? I have been told my avatar is one that promotes peaceful and harmonious vibes throughout this forum.:p

11-05-2010, 08:16 AM

Since were in the mood for big sweeping changes....

There are many Kung Fu styles I would like to discuss that don't really have a forum suitable for them. To post about them in the maion forum is a waste of time since they will be knocked off the list too quickly by the standard arguments. Could we have a new forum for NORTHERN KUNG FU or something.

I mean, were are the styles; Xinyi liu he, liu he, jing gang ba shi, baji, chuan quan, baihuquan, ziranmen, chuojiao, fan zi, yingzhao, erlang men, tantui, pi gua, tongbei, yuan gong quan, songxi pai, xuanwupai, WUDANG, ERMEI, lushan pai, Shanxi HOng quan, Hong quan, Pao quan, Zha quan, hua quan, taizuchang quan, ruan quan, longmen pai, ba xian pai, zhu sha zhang, sha shou zhang, huo long quan, yan qing quan, mian zhang, Da hong quan (non-shaolin), gong li quan, meihua zhuang, ba fan men, chang jia quan, wen jia quan,mi zong quan, huo jia quan, gang rou fa, hei hu men, jin suo quan, hu zun quan, tian gang quan, di shu quan, hou quan, da sheng quan, nanwu quan, kunlun pai, tulong quan, san huang pao, ; supposed to be discussed?

THese are just a few styles off the top of my head which don't have a specific place, but there are many more. Now that china is becoming more open, these styles are gradually becoming known.

Scott R. Brown
11-05-2010, 08:24 AM

Since were in the mood for big sweeping changes....

There are many Kung Fu styles I would like to discuss that don't really have a forum suitable for them. To post about them in the maion forum is a waste of time since they will be knocked off the list too quickly by the standard arguments. Could we have a new forum for NORTHERN KUNG FU or something.

I mean, were are the styles; Xinyi liu he, liu he, jing gang ba shi, baji, chuan quan, baihuquan, ziranmen, chuojiao, fan zi, yingzhao, erlang men, tantui, pi gua, tongbei, yuan gong quan, songxi pai, xuanwupai, WUDANG, ERMEI, lushan pai, Shanxi HOng quan, Hong quan, Pao quan, Zha quan, hua quan, taizuchang quan, ruan quan, longmen pai, ba xian pai, zhu sha zhang, sha shou zhang, huo long quan, yan qing quan, mian zhang, Da hong quan (non-shaolin), gong li quan, meihua zhuang, ba fan men, chang jia quan, wen jia quan,mi zong quan, huo jia quan, gang rou fa, hei hu men, jin suo quan, hu zun quan, tian gang quan, di shu quan, hou quan, da sheng quan, nanwu quan, kunlun pai, tulong quan, san huang pao, ; supposed to be discussed?

THese are just a few styles off the top of my head which don't have a specific place, but there are many more. Now that china is becoming more open, these styles are gradually becoming known.

I notice you didn't include the Klingon martial art of Mok'bara!:mad:

What are you? A racist?:p

David Jamieson
11-05-2010, 08:50 AM

Since were in the mood for big sweeping changes....

There are many Kung Fu styles I would like to discuss that don't really have a forum suitable for them. To post about them in the maion forum is a waste of time since they will be knocked off the list too quickly by the standard arguments. Could we have a new forum for NORTHERN KUNG FU or something.

I mean, were are the styles; Xinyi liu he, liu he, jing gang ba shi, baji, chuan quan, baihuquan, ziranmen, chuojiao, fan zi, yingzhao, erlang men, tantui, pi gua, tongbei, yuan gong quan, songxi pai, xuanwupai, WUDANG, ERMEI, lushan pai, Shanxi HOng quan, Hong quan, Pao quan, Zha quan, hua quan, taizuchang quan, ruan quan, longmen pai, ba xian pai, zhu sha zhang, sha shou zhang, huo long quan, yan qing quan, mian zhang, Da hong quan (non-shaolin), gong li quan, meihua zhuang, ba fan men, chang jia quan, wen jia quan,mi zong quan, huo jia quan, gang rou fa, hei hu men, jin suo quan, hu zun quan, tian gang quan, di shu quan, hou quan, da sheng quan, nanwu quan, kunlun pai, tulong quan, san huang pao, ; supposed to be discussed?

THese are just a few styles off the top of my head which don't have a specific place, but there are many more. Now that china is becoming more open, these styles are gradually becoming known.

Some of those are fairly obscure,are referring to one set, and a few that were whole styles, have been reduced to only one set.

You can still post any of that to this main forum. If it's a southern style, throw it in that forum.

11-05-2010, 08:52 AM

Since were in the mood for big sweeping changes....

There are many Kung Fu styles I would like to discuss that don't really have a forum suitable for them. To post about them in the maion forum is a waste of time since they will be knocked off the list too quickly by the standard arguments. Could we have a new forum for NORTHERN KUNG FU or something.

I mean, were are the styles; Xinyi liu he, liu he, jing gang ba shi, baji, chuan quan, baihuquan, ziranmen, chuojiao, fan zi, yingzhao, erlang men, tantui, pi gua, tongbei, yuan gong quan, songxi pai, xuanwupai, WUDANG, ERMEI, lushan pai, Shanxi HOng quan, Hong quan, Pao quan, Zha quan, hua quan, taizuchang quan, ruan quan, longmen pai, ba xian pai, zhu sha zhang, sha shou zhang, huo long quan, yan qing quan, mian zhang, Da hong quan (non-shaolin), gong li quan, meihua zhuang, ba fan men, chang jia quan, wen jia quan,mi zong quan, huo jia quan, gang rou fa, hei hu men, jin suo quan, hu zun quan, tian gang quan, di shu quan, hou quan, da sheng quan, nanwu quan, kunlun pai, tulong quan, san huang pao, ; supposed to be discussed?

THese are just a few styles off the top of my head which don't have a specific place, but there are many more. Now that china is becoming more open, these styles are gradually becoming known.

that is quite a list.

of interests to me are tong bei, ba ji, pi gua and fan zi.

there are almost none english forums for them except minor discussion on rumsoaked fist.


Scott R. Brown
11-05-2010, 08:53 AM
Some of those are fairly obscure,are referring to one set, and a few that were whole styles, have been reduced to only one set.

You can still post any of that to this main forum. If it's a southern style, throw it in that forum.

So would this one be North, South, or Other Related?


11-05-2010, 09:04 AM
some of the listed are grouped into family of long fist.

such as za hua pao hong etc

yin zhao or eagle claw, there are north and southern version of the north


etc etc.


KC Elbows
11-05-2010, 09:40 AM
Would it be possible to impose a hundred stickied thread limit to the Wing Chun forum? It really obscures the lineage wars.

11-05-2010, 09:48 AM
from other chinese forums, things that I like

1. technique of the day, week or month

this is limiting discussion to the technique, so no vague or generalization.

such as bjj, judo or sc technique with name, theory, practice, tactics, entering

2. introduce yourself, your teacher and school

3. how many years and back ground style of you

such as 8 yr bjj as tagline

4. off topic, cafe, chilling area including chatting

5 finding teacher and school in you area


11-05-2010, 10:00 AM
How about the moment that anybody mentions the word "MMA", the moment that thread will be moved into the MMA category.

If You start a BJJ discussion in Judo forum, that BJJ discussion thread will be moved into "Other Martial Arts" right way. No Judo guys will be interested in that discussion.

If the TCMA forum has the same back bone as the Judo forum, A Judo guy will make comment to a non-Judo guy as, "You are not even a Judoka. Nobody will be interest in your opinion. Why are you still hanging around here." The non-TCMA guys will soon disappear.

Trying to convince MMA guys that TCMA is effective combat art will not only be stupid but also waste time and effort. If they don't believe in us, as long as we have faith in ourselves, there is no need to argue back.

Speaking from smack dab in the middle of all of these arguments... I'll start with a comment about the Judo / BJJ thing. Right now... Today... Judo is Dying - FAST. Enrollment is on the decline when we should've been experiencing massive upswings because of MMA and BJJ. We could've benefitted massively if those who are in charge wouldn't have been such dumb arses. How? Because Judo was built for MMA, it also could've accepted BJJ early on and would be in a position to benefit from all of the interest in grappling.... but no - they fought it tooth and nail, complained, changed rules even. In a sense, they fought the surge in interest for no reason when they were in a position to embrace and benefit.

Let's not do the same.

TCMA could benefit from the interest in MMA. Most schools aren't ready for it... there are so many threads as to why they're not and how they could be.

11-05-2010, 10:09 AM
We've discussed new forums before - here's an example:
why is there no contemporary wushu forum ? (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42889) There are a few other such discussions on our Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine & KungFuMagazine.com forum (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=17).

Right now, I'm spending too much time on the forum as is dealing with the trolls...:rolleyes:

11-05-2010, 11:06 AM

you can always post questions in the Northern mantis board, it reffers to alot of northern styles not just mantis, I am sure many will be happy to discuss over there. come give it a shot.

11-05-2010, 11:08 AM
Normally people just put Northern stuff in the Shaolin forum.


David Jamieson
11-05-2010, 11:09 AM
So would this one be North, South, or Other Related?


That one is from the "Louisiana air reconisance patrol" files isn't it? :p

Scott R. Brown
11-05-2010, 11:20 AM
yeah, you know something is wrong when they have to dress up in full Klingon attire and makeup to train!

I am not sure that is much different than being a transvestite!:eek:

11-05-2010, 11:54 AM

hahahaa.... too funny...thanks for the laugh:D

11-05-2010, 11:56 AM
I am not sure that is much different than being a transvestite!:eek:

You say 'transvestite' like it's a bad thing.

11-05-2010, 11:57 AM

Scott R. Brown
11-05-2010, 11:58 AM
You say 'transvestite' like it's a bad thing.

Well it is certainly a DIFFERENT thing! But it is essentially the same thing. A person pretending through dress up!

11-05-2010, 06:22 PM

Mok'bara is on my personal list, but because the rest of you don't have warp 5 technology i figured you couldn't discuss it.


The styles seem obscure in the west but living in china these represent a huge amount of wushu. There are many i didn't add. Actually they are all complete systems, although only one or two sets would have filtered into common knowledge.

None of the ones i listed are southern.


Zha, Hua, Pao, HOng are often trained together, but are distinct styles. Although you can call them all chang quan. Hong quan has many many variations (hong shui de hong, hong si de hong, etc). Pao quan does also. I only listed it once but it covers a good 20-30 styles. There are also several styles called hua quan. All can be found uniquely, but all are often trained together. (even together they have like 10-20 forms each).

Eagle claw has many, shaolin ying zhao, Ying zhao fan zi, Ying men, southern eagle claw ETc etc.


Yeah, why is there no contempory wushu forum! That could fit into the new styles forum'. Ok I understand its too much work, but what about converting one of the lesser used forums, such as 'related arts' or something.

@Earth Dragon and Masterkiller

Yeah, I like the mantis and shaolin forums as they usually have serious discussions (although couldn't we move the USSD and Shaolin DO threads since they clearly have nothing to do with real northern shaolin?). I suppose these styles could be posted there..... but, well, ok.

11-05-2010, 06:39 PM
My poor, poor thread :(

Scott R. Brown
11-05-2010, 06:41 PM
My poor, poor thread :(

At least you haven't been banned! Every cloud has a silver lining!:);)

11-05-2010, 08:38 PM
Please look at the following thread titles in this forum. You don't assume those threads were started by TCMA guys, do you?

- The reason traditional arts get a bad name.
- BJJ takes down Kung fu every time.
- MMA better than TCMA!
- Top 10 Reasons to do MMA.
- Those that trained in TCMA and then went to MMA.
- Will TCMA survive 2012? Will you?

Why a TCMA forum is so negative about TCMA? Should we TCMA guys all need to get some ropes, find a quite place, and hang ourselves (too much shame to stand in front of any MMA guy)?

Do you guys even realize what had just happened to this TCMA froum in the past year?

11-06-2010, 09:06 AM
there are always just a few practitioners at any moment

there are more wannabe/fans

there are still more audience/public.

popularity of a style is like fashion, comes and goes

over long pants like a trumpet, midi pants/skirts, mini skirts

long hairs with pony tail, medium long hairs, crew cut, shaved head with no hairs


there may be more crowd for a certain style today

but fan base and crowd population, come and go.


with time, the diligent and persistent practitioners will stand out with his or her style.

even though the fan or crowd are not there today.

they will come tommorrow.
