View Full Version : Mouthgards and protective gear

11-09-2010, 08:25 PM
wanted to ask others opinions on this, esp MMA or full contact fighters. I use a cheap mouthguard boil adn bite and it sux. so I asked one of my MMA students and he told me about fightdentist makes them for 175.00 and I almost ****e. what do you use and have you heard of this guy? sounds like he trying to get rich.

also Gene or others do you guys sell abrasion shirts? or whom does sell the best ones, my elbows are red as tomatoes being on the mat 5 night s a week.

11-09-2010, 09:59 PM
Most of my guys get a brain pad to train in. They're about $8 at Walmart. For most training, I think they are adequate.

If you want to fight, I'd suggest getting a better (more expensive) one, though.

11-10-2010, 06:20 AM
I train in and have fought with this mouth guard:


I custom made mouth piece can be expensive but is your best bet.

If you want a good, cheap compression shirt or rash guard go to Wal Mart and buy the Under Armour knock offs for about 12 bucks.

11-10-2010, 06:44 AM
most dentists can make custom mouthguards for sports. They're not cheap, but they're not as expensive as that fightdentist. In my area, high school athletes can sometimes get them for free or as little as $25 (sadly, adults pay more... around $75). They're better than off the shelf because they fit you better meaning you'll have an easier time breathing and they're more comfortable.

11-10-2010, 06:47 AM
Not to undercut Gene... but, you should check with your school's t-shirt / uniform supplier... we can get full rash guard shirts with our logo in bulk for about $15 per shirt. We then retail them at $25 in the club. It's a good sideline for your school - rash guards and hoodies... big sellers you know.

11-10-2010, 06:55 AM
I have too nice a smile to buy a boil and bite LOl but i thought 175 was crazy. I will keep looking and let you guys know if I find custom made ones cheaper.

Iron, I even looked at ****s for Under armor rash shirts and they said UA dosnet make them, so what is the knock offs made of? I was looking for nylon adn spandex.

I saw nice ones on line but i hate not being able to try it on.

11-10-2010, 06:57 AM
I have too nice a smile to buy a boil and bite LOl but i thought 175 was crazy. I will keep looking and let you guys know if I find custom made ones cheaper.

Iron, I even looked at ****s for Under armor rash shirts and they said UA dosnet make them, so what is the knock offs made of? I was looking for nylon adn spandex.

I saw nice ones on line but i hate not being able to try it on.

The Walmart brand is called Athletic Works, I think. It works just fine.

11-10-2010, 07:48 AM
I've been using those shock doctors for 15 years. They're excellent. Had one mouthpiece for about 8 years, got a new one, same as before. Need to get a new one soon actually.
They boil-mold to your mouth, but they allow for excellent breathing and comfort.

11-10-2010, 09:15 AM
for grappling, a boil and bite is fine... for striking tho, esspecially with 4oz gloves, a custom mouthpiece is ESSENTIAL!!!

11-10-2010, 10:19 AM
MAM carries Shock Doctor (http://www.martialartsmart.com/shock-doctor.html), from their $10 gel maxs (in black (http://www.martialartsmart.com/sd-6210.html), red (http://www.martialartsmart.com/sd-6140.html) and blue (http://www.martialartsmart.com/sd-6100.html)) to their $150 custom mouthgard (which comes with a free hoody) (http://www.martialartsmart.com/sd-cm001.html). MAM carries the super cheap mouthguards (http://www.martialartsmart.com/14-220.html) too for less than $2.

MAM also carries rash guards (http://www.martialartsmart.com/62-10sk.html), but they are short sleeve and won't cover your elbows, ED. If this is for your school, you should get them wholesale through Tiger Claw (https://www.tigerclaw.com/tiger-claw-mma-rash-guard-martial-arts-c-268-p-1-pr-8343.html).

11-10-2010, 08:27 PM
awesome thanks gene adn everyone for thier posts. I am going to walmart tommorrow thanks guys.
I did find a dental lab locally to do custom mouth guards for 50.00 so i think im going to give them a call. I have too nice a smile for a cheap one.:D

11-10-2010, 09:48 PM
mouthguard won't stop your beautiful teeth getting knocked out unfortunately. it will hopefully stop you getting them put through your lips (and parts of your partners anatomy), biting off your tongue and hopefully lessening some severe concussions/brain damage. will hold the broken off bits of teeth nicely though.

11-10-2010, 11:04 PM
also, when grappling i use an upper piece... but for striking like boxing or muay thai i like the double piece... but for mma, i like the single... i find it easier to breathe in the upper piece, with mma, as it is the most exhausting... i also get hit in the mouth alot less in mma than i do in muay thai...

11-10-2010, 11:11 PM
mouthguard won't stop your beautiful teeth getting knocked out unfortunately. it will hopefully stop you getting them put through your lips (and parts of your partners anatomy), biting off your tongue and hopefully lessening some severe concussions/brain damage. will hold the broken off bits of teeth nicely though.

awhile ago we were sparring and a friend got his tooth stuck in his mouthpiece when he took it out... we had to dig it outta the gel so he could put it back in and keep going... despite everyone saying he should stop for the day... he rinsed his mouth out, chewed on some gauze for 20 minutes and then started sparring again...

11-11-2010, 02:53 AM
B trunks

mouthguard won't stop your beautiful teeth getting knocked out unfortunately. it will hopefully stop you getting them put through your lips (and parts of your partners anatomy), biting off your tongue and hopefully lessening some severe concussions/brain damage. will hold the broken off bits of teeth nicely though.

ha ha hopefully all those years of practice adn experience will keep me from getting knocked out. LOL I evade and block pretty well, but these young guys feel like they got something to prove LOL.

11-11-2010, 06:47 AM


Another alternative might be to go directly to a dental laboratory, cutting the dentist out of the way; or, by going to a university school of dentistry.


11-11-2010, 07:17 AM
hey mickey, beleive it or not a dental lab cant make the impression.... it must be done a lisenced DDS. I did find a dentist who is going to do it for 50 bucks in case anyone else out there wants to save 125.00 any color yu want cotanct me for the info.

11-12-2010, 07:08 PM
I have 2 of the Everlast.com $30 ones and 3 of these no name ones for $5 as backups. All are double mouthguards. I fight MT and MMA about 2-3 times a year and get hit a lot. Plenty of hard sparring, especially during fight prep.

The $50-175 custom guards are always the single/top only. Not sure why this is good b/c when you get tired, you will open your mouth wider & wider to breathe....thus your teeth are not clenched. Wouldn't this be dangerous? Sometimes the single guard can fly off when your not clenched and get hit in the mouth.

I find it harder to breathe with the single b/c how can you when your teeth are clenched? The double have breathing holes. The Everlast has a very large hole. Instructors like the single b/c they can give instructions w/o having to take it out, esp. when they're sparring you.

Also, during grappling, it's crucial to wear a mouthguard b/c when you get choked, most times you will clench your teeth w/o knowing it.....bone grinding on bone can cause cracked teeth.

I'm not sure how good my $30 Everlast is vs. my $5 ones....but a single tooth implant runs about $3000-4000 with lots of follow up appointments and pain. A crown for a cracked tooth is $500-1300.

I also buy at least one new $30 one every year to be safe.

11-12-2010, 08:40 PM
if it has a larger breathing hole, wouldn't it mean that your teeth aren't clenched?
I would think that it would be easier to get your jaw broken..

11-13-2010, 06:29 AM
The $50-175 custom guards are always the single/top only. Not sure why this is good b/c when you get tired, you will open your mouth wider & wider to breathe....thus your teeth are not clenched. Wouldn't this be dangerous? Sometimes the single guard can fly off when your not clenched and get hit in the mouth.

they are cusioned enough that will protect top and bottom sets of teeth. also witha dentist custom fit one they cannot fly our it actaully takes a lot fo pressure to pull it off your self, its suctions tot eh roof of your mouth.

I find it harder to breathe with the single b/c how can you when your teeth are clenched? The double have breathing holes. The Everlast has a very large hole.
you shoudl always breath through your nose , never the mouth

I'm not sure how good my $30 Everlast is vs. my $5 ones....but a single tooth implant runs about $3000-4000 with lots of follow up appointments and pain. A crown for a cracked tooth is $500-1300.
this is why a REAL mouth guard is essential. if anyone wants one let me know i will give you the info on how to save 125.00

I also buy at least one new $30 one every year to be safe.

be smart as well, after you listed prices on dental work wouldnt you want o spend the extra 30 bucks!

11-15-2010, 09:33 PM
if it has a larger breathing hole, wouldn't it mean that your teeth aren't clenched?
I would think that it would be easier to get your jaw broken..

Your teeth are braced onto the mouth guard. All double guards have holes otherwise you won't be able to breathe. Some have a supporting bar right down the center of the hole.


11-15-2010, 09:43 PM
they are cusioned enough that will protect top and bottom sets of teeth. also witha dentist custom fit one they cannot fly our it actaully takes a lot fo pressure to pull it off your self, its suctions tot eh roof of your mouth.

Your teeth has to always be clenched though in order for it to protect right?

you shoudl always breath through your nose , never the mouth

Man, how is this even possible in a fight? I just fought three 3 minute rounds of MT and I don't see this happening any time soon. And how would you breathe out when you punch/kick?

be smart as well, after you listed prices on dental work wouldnt you want o spend the extra 30 bucks!

Until they make the double mouth guard, I can't go with them.

11-15-2010, 09:45 PM
it doesnt matter how good you are, if you are doing quality sparring with quality opponents you will get your bell rung... if not, you arent training with good enough partners...

11-15-2010, 10:00 PM
hey mickey, beleive it or not a dental lab cant make the impression.... it must be done a lisenced DDS. I did find a dentist who is going to do it for 50 bucks in case anyone else out there wants to save 125.00 any color yu want cotanct me for the info.

he'll do the impression or he'll make the whole thing??? fair price for an impression i guess... considering an xray is like 25 buck where i live... does he make them himself or does he just make the impression then use professional mouthguard kits for the soft gel and exoskeleton??? 50 buck is so cheap it doesnt seem right... if so, they are prolly highschool football quality... gotta see it to believe this one...

11-15-2010, 10:07 PM
you shoudl always breath through your nose , never the mouth

lol... spoken like someone who hasnt done it... it gets progressively harder to breathe thru your nose during an mma match... being hit in the nose cause it to stuff up with blood and such, and as you get more and more tired and require more and more oxygen the nose holes just arent big enough...

you have to pick ur moments, you dont wanna get tapped in the jaw with ur mouth open but then you dont have to always be clenched during a fight... there are times where you can take a breath, even relax and breathe... you have to... no choice... if you taped ur mouth shut you would suffocate and pass out... the nose just aint enough sometimes... experience will teach you this if you ever decide to step in the cage...

11-16-2010, 06:02 AM
lol... spoken like someone who hasnt done it... it gets progressively harder to breathe thru your nose during an mma match... being hit in the nose cause it to stuff up with blood and such, and as you get more and more tired and require more and more oxygen the nose holes just arent big enough...

you have to pick ur moments, you dont wanna get tapped in the jaw with ur mouth open but then you dont have to always be clenched during a fight... there are times where you can take a breath, even relax and breathe... you have to... no choice... if you taped ur mouth shut you would suffocate and pass out... the nose just aint enough sometimes... experience will teach you this if you ever decide to step in the cage...

No doubt. Also, double mouth guards I feel are much harder to breath in. I have done boxing and kickboxing matches with single mouthguards and been clocked pretty hard and never had any teeth damage. Also, like Syn said, during a fight there is a good chance your nose will get busted, making it hard to breathe through it. It always cracks me up with traditional guys have this "don't do" regiment that will immediately get you KOed. That is not the case.

Full contact fighting important tips:

1. Steady breathing

2. Keep your hands up

3. Tuck your chin

4. Hit harder, faster, and more often than your opponent.

See, that's not so hard, is it.:D

11-16-2010, 07:49 AM
Your teeth has to always be clenched though in order for it to protect right?yes

Man, how is this even possible in a fight? I just fought three 3 minute rounds of MT and I don't see this happening any time soon. And how would you breathe out when you punch/kick?

training yourself to breath through the nose takes work, just like marathon runners they breath through the nose. its the best way to breath.


lol... spoken like someone who hasnt done it... it gets progressively harder to breathe thru your nose during an mma match... being hit in the nose cause it to stuff up with blood and such, and as you get more and more tired and require more and more oxygen the nose holes just arent big enough...

what do you mean spoken like someone who hasnt done it? If your referring to me I fight in my cage every night and train my fighters to nose breath. If your nose gets broken then of course you must rely on mouth breathng, but through the nose is the way you should train. just like running

he'll do the impression or he'll make the whole thing??? fair price for an impression i guess... considering an xray is like 25 buck where i live... does he make them himself or does he just make the impression then use professional mouthguard kits for the soft gel and exoskeleton??? 50 buck is so cheap it doesnt seem right... if so, they are prolly highschool football quality... gotta see it to believe this one...

they will do the impression and make the guard. no kit is used its the same as the fightdentist.com look at his, BTW stop assuming they are high school football quality. He is a friend of mine and has made them for everyone of my fighters so far. its inexpensive becuse the powder to make the impression adn the special polyresin to make the guard costs about 1.80 the rest is his time. If you want one you can find them at www.proesthetics.com call and ask for Joe pricoprio

11-16-2010, 07:59 AM
training yourself to breath through the nose takes work, just like marathon runners they breath through the nose. its the best way to breath.

Do you have fight videos of yourself so we can see that you're not opening your mouth to breath (when your nose is intact)?

11-16-2010, 08:18 PM
its a rule of thumb and a way to train your bad habits to good habits, not the bible. Dont take things so literal.

TRY to breath through the nose as much as you can this stops you from panting and loosing the breath.

If you are out of breath and you can no longer breath properly through the nose then obviously you must open the mouth, but dont train or pratice with the mouth open.

11-16-2010, 08:26 PM
getting the oxygen in your system is far more important than the orifice you use to get the oxygen in ya...

you didnt say breathe thru your nose while you can... you said:

you shoudl always breath through your nose , never the mouth

you always seem to be backpeddling...

11-16-2010, 09:50 PM
I still would like to know which offers more protection, the single or double mouth guards. Seems like nobody knows. Pros seems to all use single guards.

Maybe I'll try asking my dentist.

And training to breathe through the nose only is totally unheard of b/c we train to exhale when we strike for more power....and it also helps absorb the impact should we get hit with a body shot.

11-16-2010, 10:56 PM
I still would like to know which offers more protection, the single or double mouth guards. Seems like nobody knows. Pros seems to all use single guards.

Maybe I'll try asking my dentist.

And training to breathe through the nose only is totally unheard of b/c we train to exhale when we strike for more power....and it also helps absorb the impact should we get hit with a body shot.

ok... a double mouthgaurd technically provides more protection from impact... but an upper is good enough, and is easier to breathe with... i wear a double in MT or boxing but not for grappling or mma for the following two reasons... first, i get hit in the mouth a whole bunch more in boxing or MT than i do in MMA... two, i dont get tired in boxing and MT the way i do grappling or in a tough MMA round... an upper is enough and i have more access to air without having to spit it out... which i have, when grappling, dont care about teeth at that point, i need air badly...

11-17-2010, 08:33 AM
ok... a double mouthgaurd technically provides more protection from impact... but an upper is good enough, and is easier to breathe with... i wear a double in MT or boxing but not for grappling or mma for the following two reasons... first, i get hit in the mouth a whole bunch more in boxing or MT than i do in MMA... two, i dont get tired in boxing and MT the way i do grappling or in a tough MMA round... an upper is enough and i have more access to air without having to spit it out... which i have, when grappling, dont care about teeth at that point, i need air badly...

I think this is the main crossroad here, air. The single is giving you more air b/c you're opening your mouth wider & wider ...the more you gas. The tighter you clench your teeth, restricting air, the greater your protection. But when you're gassing, nothing matters...your hands are down, you're moving like a zombie and your mouth is wide open trying to breathe. So now your teeth are pretty much unguarded.

I've had good success with the Everlast $25-30 double guard that has a very large opening. I breathe well with it. When I gas, like in a recent fight....looking at the video, I'm spitting it out a little but my teeth are still clenched. I also feel that this has helped me from getting KO'ed a few times b/c my teeth are always clenched. Only problem is, after about 8-12 months, this Everlast starts to sag downward due to the hole being so large (compared to others) and the hole gets more restricted. But you still should buy a new one every year anyway. My cheap $5 backup double guards have a bar right down the middle of the hole for support, but this restricts airflow.

Another minor theory I have as to why Pros use single guards is due to the double guards looks very unattractive on camera, thus bad for promotions, product endorsements, etc.

11-17-2010, 01:08 PM
I dont have to back peddle, my advice was given as a proper way to train, not be be taken so literal if your nose is broken, you can implenemt common sense here.

And training to breathe through the nose only is totally unheard of b/c we train to exhale when we strike for more power....and it also helps absorb the impact should we get hit with a body shot.

that is for beginers to get acustom to proper breathing techniques, you dont have to kiyai danielsan.

PS you dental work is worth thousands, why buy a off the shelf boil and bite cheepy to protect you teeth? get a professional detal one made, adn this place is the best for the price, give them a call

11-17-2010, 05:51 PM
Another minor theory I have as to why Pros use single guards is due to the double guards looks very unattractive on camera, thus bad for promotions, product endorsements, etc.

you think so??? i never thought of it that way...

personally, i tried both and just settled into what i prefer naturally... sometimes i want a double, other times i wanna single...

11-17-2010, 11:44 PM

that is for beginers to get acustom to proper breathing techniques, you dont have to kiyai danielsan.

Are you kidding me? Many pro boxers, pro MMA fighters, etc...breathe out when they strike. Have you ever watched any fights at all?

You say you train fighters. Do your fighters fight MMA or do they fight in Kung Fu points tournaments where they wear chest protector and headgear with full face mask?

Do you have videos of your fighters or you fighting and/or sparring? I'd like to see how long they last before they open their mouths to breathe.

11-18-2010, 12:37 AM
its impossible to not mouth breathe with your jaw dragging on the floor all vulnerable when you are in a hard mma match... the trick is to pick ur spots... know when you can and cant get away with it... you know the old saying, its the one you dont see that hurts the most... keep that in mind and when youre grappling make sure he cant hit you in the head if you need a breather... if ur standing you just back off, they either let you or they dont...

11-18-2010, 09:03 AM
you kidding me? Many pro boxers, pro MMA fighters, etc...breathe out when they strike. Have you ever watched any fights at all?

exhaling when you strike? yes some do to remind them, like a short quick breath when hitting the bag or pad work and it is almost always through the nose. but you said you breath out to help absorb the impact of a strike, this is false and impossible to do when fighting. you train to breath in a rhythm to sustain your endurance. You cannot breath out everytime your opponents hits you or it breaks this rhythm. and you gas quickly.

I train fighters in a daily basis, I do know what I am talking about here, not trying to argue but what are your opinions comming from? are you a coach? a trainer? a fighter? you shouldnt just post out of the limits of your own personal experiance without first asking around.

And training to breathe through the nose only is totally unheard of b/c we train to exhale when we strike for more power....and it also helps absorb the impact should we get hit with a body shot.

Unheard of? by whom you? or your teacher? see above,

You say you train fighters. Do your fighters fight MMA or do they fight in Kung Fu points tournaments where they wear chest protector and headgear with full face mask?

in the early 80's I used to fight ISKA fulll contact, then I coached full contact in the early 90's no point sparring mind you. I have fighters who have fought in the UFC. I currently have pro fighters and amaturers who fight in NY, NC and FLA

Do you have videos of your fighters or you fighting and/or sparring? I'd like to see how long they last before they open their mouths to breathe.

of course we tape our fights, again me, we and eveyone I know trains to nose breath, it isnt until you desperatly have to open your mouth you do so. ask a runner what orafice they breath from and why... same goes for any sport.

and know I have never watched any fights at all in my life :confused:

11-18-2010, 09:09 AM
exhaling when you strike? yes some do to remind them, like a short quick breath when hitting the bag or pad work and it is almost always through the nose. but you said you breath out to help absorb the impact of a strike, this is false and impossible to do when fighting. you train to breath in a rhythm to sustain your endurance. You cannot breath out everytime your opponents hits you or it breaks this rhythm. and you gas quickly.

I teach my guys to exhale on strikes, usually using a verbal "hiss." You inhale through your nose, though. Until it gets broken :-P

11-18-2010, 09:17 AM
fair enough, everyone has thier preferences, I know a few that hiss as you said, i know some fighters who like to say (he he) in quick breths, however angelo dundee told me always train to breath through the nose, then when you must breath or gasp for air you still got the mouth, you open the mouth initially you got no where else to draw from.

not sure about the CO expelltion, I would imagine you do expell more through the mouth but not sure how much more, vs keeping your teeth clenched and proper breathing pattern would not be a trade off IMO

11-18-2010, 10:52 AM

exhaling when you strike? yes some do to remind them, like a short quick breath when hitting the bag or pad work and it is almost always through the nose. but you said you breath out to help absorb the impact of a strike, this is false and impossible to do when fighting. you train to breath in a rhythm to sustain your endurance. You cannot breath out everytime your opponents hits you or it breaks this rhythm. and you gas quickly.

Please show me where I said that I train to breathe out every time my opponent hits me. I never said this. I said that I breathe out when I strike for more power but the exhale also helps absorb a counter, especially to the body. You're parsing words just like how you complained about Syn7's comment about having a broken nose and not being able to breathe out of it, etc.

This seems to be going back to the single vs. double mouth guard. You have to breathe through the nose with the single when your teeth are clenched. While with the double, you don't.

I train fighters in a daily basis, I do know what I am talking about here, not trying to argue but what are your opinions comming from? are you a coach? a trainer? a fighter? you shouldnt just post out of the limits of your own personal experiance without first asking around.

That's why I'm asking you for videos of your fighters in fights. And here's a video of Lucia Rijker vs. Jane Couch. She's not only breathing out of her mouth, she's making a vocal sound. That's certainly not coming out of her nose. Any of your fighters on the same level as Lucia Rijker?


How about Manny Pacquiao?


11-18-2010, 10:54 AM

in the early 80's I used to fight ISKA fulll contact, then I coached full contact in the early 90's no point sparring mind you. I have fighters who have fought in the UFC. I currently have pro fighters and amaturers who fight in NY, NC and FLA

What are the names of these fighters please.

11-18-2010, 06:29 PM
exhaling when you strike? yes some do to remind them, like a short quick breath when hitting the bag or pad work and it is almost always through the nose.


I have fighters who have fought in the UFC.FLA

oh YOU have fighters in the ufc... man, how long are you gonna ride them fake ass laurels??? 2 alternate matches by a man who would get his ass handed to him today... so what, he won two sloppy undisciplined fights against other sh!tty fighters... yaaaaaay... how bout you post ur ufc/musculardystrophy article jpeg and call ur buddies in for a reach around circle jerk... sucka, please... give us names records and references of fighters who claim YOU as their mentor... unbiased references please... i dont care to read the transcript of ur circlejerks...

11-18-2010, 06:34 PM
look, we all learned the breathe in thru the nose on day one of whatever we practice... ideally, yes, in thru the nose is a good thing... but the bottom line is, if ur in a competative match, you will be mouth breathing at times, broken nose or not... the orifice of the nose just isnt big enough sometimes... so unless your just walking thru an easy fight, there will be mouth breathing... bottom line...

11-18-2010, 08:05 PM
LOL another hater.
Goodbye Sny you have trolled your way to the top of yet another KFO memebers ignore list..... this makes ummm 5 for you!

11-18-2010, 08:37 PM
LOL another hater.
Goodbye Sny you have trolled your way to the top of yet another KFO memebers ignore list..... this makes ummm 5 for you!

just answer the question??? so what, i think your a b!tch so your answer to that is to ignore me???

it shouldnt be hard to address any of these criticisms....

post one pro fighter who considers you his main inspiration and are his personal mentor and coach... maybe a post fight shout out??? something... anything... come on man... sink or swim... ur call... but that whole, "i dont like you so i wont hear you" is grade two behaviour...

just man up, its all im asking...

also the whole breathing topic was brought up because people wanna know whats easier to breathe in, a single or double... ideal conditions and nose breathing aside, if you are in a tough mma match you will be breathing thru ur mouth at some point and you must take that into consideration when choosing the single or double... most like the single because you can open wide for more air without having to "un-suction" to do it... it stays on ur teath where it should be... with a double you gotta pul ur top or bottom out to open the jaw... now if you did get caught off guard, atleast the single is on ur teeth still...

11-19-2010, 08:50 AM
View Post Yesterday, 10:37 PM
Remove user from ignore listSyn7
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sorry about that gunbeat, ppl like syn7 I got no time for in my life, he hides who he is, where the live, where they train, etc etc. it always easy for the guy who has never stepped in the ring to put down the peopel that have...this board is full of wannabies and arm chair martial artists who spend more time putting people down to make up for thier own failures of course its only on the internet you can get away with talking smack to people without having to face the consequences, or getting your teeth knocked in. I have no respect for people that bash others when they dont revela personal information avout themselves. it makes it real easy to hide behind the safety of the keyboard.
to answer your question my fignters are
kevin cummings
jason bauman
kevin rosier
nick martin
joel sutton
pat gorman

we are redoing our website and refocusing our target market as I have the only octagon in WNY and most of the fighters that train, train with me in my school. I also have the privledge of having Chuck Anzelone teaching BJJ who is one of the best BJJ guys in the country so with me, wrestling coach maute and Chuck we are truning out some of the best up and comming fighters in the North east. We will have HD live streming broadcasts to our own youtube channel soon. We just got in to a match in raleigh NC december 10th by paul marrinaccio of jawbreakerevents.com you can watch the fight live on yourtube.

PS yes to answer your question yes my fighters can beat up the girls you posted.
is it easier to breath with a single mouthguard yes, he makes doubles and singles, but if your going to use the mouth to breath when you get gassed you should rely on a single.

11-19-2010, 08:51 AM
Like I said before, the double mouth guard I find to difficult to breath with so I use a single mouth guard, which is what my boxing trainer had all of us wear. Anyone who has ever fought knows the importance of breathing and when you get tired you start sucking air, through your mouth!

The things is in amateur competition you have three two minute rounds, so you don't have a whole lot of time to fu**ck around with feeling someone out, you are going to go all out and try to recover as much as possible during the one minute rest period. By the third round, there is a **** good chance you will be sucking wind, even if you are in great shape. The main reason people don't take into consideration is the adrenaline dump. Fighting competitely in a ring is not like sparring, you are in front of a large crowd, where you are everyone's focus. You have pretty much already fought three rounds before you step in the ring due to nerves and adrenaline, and also possible tiredness and fatigue from cutting weight if you had to.

Experience is the only thing that helps with this but even the most experienced fighters still get the jitters and a bit of adrenaline dump, but like I said, when you need air, you need air. You will suck wind however you have to. You will see guys spit our their mouthpiece to try and get more air. It just happens, but hard training and experience will improve this.

11-19-2010, 09:48 AM

3 of my guys. they all fight with single mounthgaurds and train to nose breath, though sometimes as many adn I have saidi you gotta suck wind when you gas. But train as much and as long as you as you can properly.

11-19-2010, 09:52 AM

to answer your question my fignters are
kevin cummings
jason bauman
kevin rosier
nick martin
joel sutton
pat gorman

Well I'm no hater, b/c I also train once in a while at a Wu Shu school to pick up different techniques to use against MT fighters.

I just disagree with your comments about not exhaling through the mouth. Again, this seems to be more about using a single mouth guard which forces you to breath through the nose...until you get winded, then the mouth gradually opens....to the point of being wide open, then your teeth are now unprotected. I would certainly take up your tip on getting that custom mouthpiece from your colleague b/c it's a great deal, but I'm just used to the double already.

And the YouTube videos of Manny Pac and Lucia Rijker, was to show you that they are the top champions of their sport who exhale through the mouth, contradicting what you said about only breathing through the nose (until it breaks or you get winded). They exhale through the mouth immediately in round one. And I doubt that any of your guys can beat Manny in boxing...there's tens of millions of dollars waiting for them if they could. And Lucia Rijker is retired, a woman and in her mid 40's.

11-19-2010, 11:34 AM

Well I'm no hater, b/c I also train once in a while at a Wu Shu school to pick up different techniques to use against MT fighters.

the hater comment was not meant for you, it was meant for syn7 who never fought in his life, hates on others who have, posts stupid comments like my fighter who won his bouts in UFC 6 & 7 cant win now BS. what UFC have yo been in SNY? trolls like this put others down to make up for his own failures, its these guys hater stands who think they can play the game better than the actual players.

I just disagree with your comments about not exhaling through the mouth.

its OK to disagree gun, everyone trains differently. You might not water train but i make my guys do this as well.

I would certainly take up your tip on getting that custom mouthpiece from your colleague b/c it's a great deal, but I'm just used to the double already.
you can call the www.pro-esthics Contact him
Tel: 716-626-1258
Fax: 716-626-1259

and ask for Joe and tell him you want a double one made and I am sure he will do it for you, they are the same as www.fightdentist.com but a hell of lot more afforable, give him a call.

And the YouTube videos of Manny Pac and Lucia Rijker, was to show you that they are the top champions of their sport who exhale through the mouth, contradicting what you said about only breathing through the nose (until it breaks or you get winded).

I can post hundres of video that show nose breathing this means nothing, again its hwo you train qand who trains you. Tjhere are thousands of crappy fighters out there and there a thousdans of good ones doesnt matter, the only thing that matters is what works for you.

as far as my pro fighters fighting a girl, really man are we going to discuss this? LOL you cant be serious, I will take this as a joke. be well

02-10-2012, 10:19 AM
Enter to win a POWER BALANCE MOUTH GUARD (http://www.kungfumagazine.net/index.html)! Contest ends 6:00 p.m. PST on 02/23/2012. Good luck everyone!

02-27-2012, 05:48 PM
See our Power Balance Mouthguard winners thread (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63162).