View Full Version : Real Pak Mei in London, ON

Golden Arms
11-12-2010, 10:48 AM
Just a heads up:

I just came back from a trip out to visit Mike Doucet in Canada. It was refreshing to speak with a Chinese martial artist that can walk the walk with their respective system. I think a lot of the questions/concerns with southern/short Bridge systems that I have seen brought up on here over the years could be answered by simply paying these guys a visit if you are in their neck of the woods instead of assuming/speculating endlessly.

It is my hope that over the next generation of CMA, more people that know their respective systems in this way will come out of the woodwork.

11-12-2010, 11:16 AM
props to the old dudes in Canadia.... however

i wasn't aware the rest of us were in hiding. any of the people interested in pursuing martial arts effective for self defence can visit a number of different places across the globe. that is, if they get away from the talking and get into the doing.

Yum Cha
11-12-2010, 03:55 PM
I can't help but ask, do you think you can fight with Pak Mei using Pak Mei techniques instead of conventional punch/kick?

I know they can do both...did you get to see some good stuff?

Golden Arms
11-15-2010, 01:29 PM
I can't help but ask, do you think you can fight with Pak Mei using Pak Mei techniques instead of conventional punch/kick?

I know they can do both...did you get to see some good stuff?

I am not sure who this is directed towards.

If me:

I am a Hung Gar practitioner as my primary discipline, and yes, I am comfortable using those skills under pressure in a self defense or full contact environment. From the look of what they train and how, I feel the same could be said for Mike Doucet's students as well. They train in a very straightforward fashion. I really liked what I saw, and Mike is a knowledgeable fellow, I would encourage others to visit them and see for themselves.

11-15-2010, 02:09 PM
Mike is a great guy from what I hear, very old school, much more than the other guy in the GTA area.
I knew a couple of guys that went to his London school a while back, good scrappers.
I met Mike many moons ago in a Jing Wu demo in Toronto's chinatown, early 90's.
Seemed nice enough.

Yum Cha
11-15-2010, 08:09 PM
I am not sure who this is directed towards.

If me:

I am a Hung Gar practitioner as my primary discipline, and yes, I am comfortable using those skills under pressure in a self defense or full contact environment. From the look of what they train and how, I feel the same could be said for Mike Doucet's students as well. They train in a very straightforward fashion. I really liked what I saw, and Mike is a knowledgeable fellow, I would encourage others to visit them and see for themselves.

Sorry, my comment was a bit obscure. I've seen how they fight using technique instead of kickboxing, Its impressive. Just wondering if you got to see any of that, of what.

Golden Arms
11-16-2010, 10:25 AM
Yum Cha,

I worked with some of his students doing some contact drills and have spoken with Mr. Doucet regarding his training progression as well as felt him move. They do not train to fight one way, and then train their art another way, they train like they fight.