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View Full Version : Dit Da Jow Vendors

10-15-2001, 10:41 AM
Bearing in mind I am writing from England, where can I get some Dit Da Jow?
Online? Or maybe I can make some? I have a recipie (in Chinese) in The Art Of Shaolin Kung Fu by Wong Kiw Kit. Anybody managed it?
Does the stuff work? The reason I ask is because I bruise my knuckles (I think) whenI work on the heavy bag, even though I use wraps AND mitts. They hurt when I put pressure on them. Sounds like bruising to me. Do you think I could be causing any permanent damage?

How do you spell recepie? :confused:

Dave Farmer
10-15-2001, 01:57 PM
A good all purpose Dit Da Jow recipe can be found at www.wingchun.org/text/misc/jow2.html (http://www.wingchun.org/text/misc/jow2.html)

The herbs can be obtained from www.baldwins.co.uk (http://www.baldwins.co.uk) who do a good home delivery service.

The Herb 'Breadtstraw' is called 'Ladies bedstraw' in the UK. Camomile is spelt differently (Chamomile), The stinging nettles are just 'nettles' and the common moss is 'irish moss'.

It costs around £15 for all the herbs (which is drastically less than the usual Chinese herbs) plus the price of a couple of bottles of Vodka.

I've made some and it works well.
Hope this is of help.


Dave F.

'wing chun men do it with sticky hands'

[This message was edited by woodenman69 on 10-16-01 at 05:06 AM.]

10-15-2001, 04:52 PM
I'm not a Pom (from Oz.. it's a friendly term for the most part) so I cannot give you any references to places to buy. I can, however, say that Dit Da Jow can work very well, if you get the right stuff.

I'd be a bit worried if I was bruising my knuckles on a heavy bag. I use a heavy bag, and I don't bruise my knuckles too easily on it.

Thought to ponder: How long have you been training? Could this perhaps be a factor?


-A hundred enemies, a hundred cups of wine. Infinite enemies, infinite wine.-

10-15-2001, 04:56 PM
Yeah I've only had the bag for about 1.5 months, so maybe thats it. My knuckles bleed on pads as well, so maybe my hands are just not used to the impact.

10-15-2001, 05:05 PM
Don't put the jow on open wounds. Not only are many recipies poisonous, but all recipies will inhibit the healing of cuts. They kind of act like a meat tenderizer. Great for bruising, bad for cuts.


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

KungFu Student
07-25-2007, 06:35 AM
I have some Dit Da Jow recipies that I want to make up. Can anyone recommend some online chinese herb dealers that have a wide selection?

07-25-2007, 06:44 PM
I am pretty sure that plumdragonherbs.com sells loose items for your own recipe. I've not bought any but I did by their Jow and it is very good.

07-26-2007, 06:14 AM


Steve Lamade

Dale Dugas
07-27-2007, 02:39 AM
I also offer this service to anyone seeking out various formulae/

I can make most dit da jow formulas for 65.00 to 125.00 for 3 gallons worth of herbs.

Let me know if this interests you.

Be well, train hard.


KungFu Student
07-30-2007, 06:25 AM
Thanks a bunch for all the replies! :)

10-17-2008, 12:28 PM
Dear all,

Does anyone know any good Chinese medicine web site that actually show you:

1) pictures of the products

2) name of the product in both Chinese & English

3) The address of any good Chinese medicine shop in Hong Kong that sell Chinese medicine oil & herbs at a reasonable price, e.g Dit Da Jow.

Thank you

Dale Dugas
10-17-2008, 01:12 PM
I sell very strong dit da jow as well as herb packs to make your own for very good prices to make anywhere from 2-4 gallons of medicine.

Let me know if I can be of service to you.

11-11-2008, 01:04 PM

Because Chinese Quackery is more on topic than German Quackery. ;)

(Dale knows I'm mostly kidding. :D)

Hard Rice
05-25-2010, 09:38 AM
Has anyone used dit da jow from the following location? http://www.plumdragonherbs.com/

Also what dit da jow would one reccomend?

Time to get the limbs rubbed up!

Dale Dugas
05-25-2010, 10:34 AM
Plum Dragon jow is decent and I know the person who makes it.

I also make some of the strongest out there.

What are you looking for?

jow for injuries? or jow for conditioning?

Let me know how I can be of service to you.

Hard Rice
05-25-2010, 12:35 PM
Haha with that in mind!! I will be speaking with you shortly! :D

Dale Dugas
05-25-2010, 03:00 PM
Great to talk with you.

Let me know how I can be of service to you and to anyone else interested in learning how to utilize chinese herbs to help with injuries and conditioning.

05-25-2010, 05:10 PM
Has anyone used dit da jow from the following location? http://www.plumdragonherbs.com/

Also what dit da jow would one reccomend?

Time to get the limbs rubbed up!

yes i have and i know others who have

its very good quality, it ships fast, and customer service is friendly

cant go wrong with them:D

05-25-2010, 06:32 PM
I have purchased individual herbs and dit da jow packs from them. I was pleased with their products and service. :)

Richard A. Tolson

11-14-2010, 11:50 AM
Hi I have some Dit Da Jow and some herbs + formulas if you or anyone else you know maybe interested. I've got several different bottled formulas that I got from Shen Martial Arts. They have a website and an ebay shop. They're in the USA.

The prices of what I have can be seen on the Shen site along with the more expensive Priority shipping which can add loads onto anything. I think they only ship via Priority.

The difference here is that I'd ship from the Uk so those Priority shipping rates wouldn't apply. This would suit anyone better who was in the Uk or Europe.

Yau Kun Mun £11
Wong Fei Hung's £7.50
Ku Yu Cheong's £7.50
Grandmaster Tak Wah Eng's £9.50
Brian Gray's £7.50
Chan Ning Kong £9.50
Choy Li Fut Iron Palm jow £9
Shin Lien Chi Tie Bi Tang - Golden Lotus £7.50

All the above jows are 4 oz / 125 ml bottles unopened, brand new and sealed never been used.

I got them from www.shenmartialarts.com. The price is there as well as the shipping amount. It's quite expensive shipping from them as it's via Priority. Anyway if you want to see all the info go to the site, then the store then the bottled jow part.

I'd do any shipping as cheaply as possible basically at cost. They are glass and liquid items but I would do my best to make the shipping as cheap as possible. Of course I would protect them well. This will be a lot cheaper than shipping from the states which is a killer via Priority as on the Shen site.

I also have some Chinese herbs and formulas if you're into any of that.

Email me at liverpoolsale@hotmail.co.uk if you're interested in any of the above items as well as some herbs that I have as well.

Just reply to this if you want or send me a message.

I realise I'm new to this forum so there maybe doubts about if I'm trying to do a scam. I maybe a ******* at times, but not that much of a ******* to try to pull that. I would hate that if someone did that to me.

Thanks for your time.

11-14-2010, 12:11 PM
ok let me see. buy a delicious kfc double down sandwich for 7 dollars or order some fermented leaves from stranger on the internet

11-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Hey you can't even buy a kfc double down in the Uk. Wouldn't mind trying it but not much chance of that.

If you're not interested, don't comment. Doing so only makes you look a twat. Typical, loads more twats than normal on a MA forum - especially a TCMA one. Can the record be changed a few times, please.

Cut down on the heavy duty junk food, do some training and give your mouth a rest. That's what I'm trying to do and do do!

I am genuine, if you think otherwise then that's up to you.

11-14-2010, 12:26 PM
Typical, loads more twats than normal .
what the hell is a twat? do u speak english? THIS IS AMERICA

I am genuine, if you think otherwise then that's up to you.
ur selling other peoples formulas lol

11-14-2010, 03:44 PM
"twat" is slang for female sexual organs.

11-14-2010, 04:17 PM
"twat" is slang for female sexual organs.

Doe, a deer, a female deer...

Ray, a drop of golden sun....

11-14-2010, 04:23 PM
The "TWAT" is related to the TWIT and its best friend is a rooster (c0ck).

11-14-2010, 04:42 PM
it will be hard pressed to sell your jow here on these boards only becuse most jows that are for sale on the internet to the general public is watered down crap and not the real recipe.

Most of the jows found on the internet for mass distribution are nothing more than a topical brusie jow. The general public is full of sheeple and you might be able to convince someone to buy it but anyone who needs or uses jow makes thier own.

And I can assure they will not part with the ingrediants to their best jow. thats like asking famos amous for his cookie recipie.

11-15-2010, 04:45 AM
EarthDragon - You sometimes hear that and especially in TCMA circles - the best stuff is secret. You maybe right in some cases but it can also be used either as a money making thing or someone saying their stuff, art etc is better just because it's secret. In some cases maybe so but how many? I think in quite a few cases it's just used as bs whether the person knows it or not and whatever motive they have. I think that's part of the problem with MA and especially TCMA - there's a lot of bs and misconceptions out there that can be fuelled by money, ego etc. Part of the problem maybe that a lot of this stuff to a lot of people is from another completely different culture and can only probably be completely understood by that culture apart from very few. In terms of the bs I realise that is partly opinion based and what you want to do but there's plenty out there with this aside.

bawang - from my posts you must realise by now I hope that I have some grasp of the written English language.

By now I'm sure you've learnt what the word twat means.

'THIS IS AMERICA' - You mean YOU'RE in America. You do get other people on here from different countries and English speaking ones believe it or not.

'ur selling other peoples formulas lol' - I never claimed that they were my formulas, my post displayed that clearly. You know what I meant, that I was genuinely selling them.

I don't know you and cyber relations are different to face to face but from all this I'm not sure about your intelligence level. Maybe you do actually have some but maybe letting yourself down a bit or just taking the ****.

11-15-2010, 08:33 AM
martial photo
oh for sure i agree with you. But as an example I personally have my family's recipe for jow that dates back to 1644, but would never share the recpie I might give some that is alrey made to my students or kung fu brothers.

Its not mine to share it was given to me and I definatly cant selll it cuz its purpose is not to make money off it.

Now if i did want to sell jow, I would have to change or leave out some ingrediants, therefore I choose not to as it would not be right to whom bought it. It would work mind you but not as well as the original recipe.

This is not just in TMCA, got a pizzeria and ask for thier sauce recipe, you get the same answer. most pizzeria owners never tell their own employees the ingrediants its always pre made.

11-15-2010, 11:41 AM
the days of thinking "jow" is some type of big secret is over. jow is medecine for injuries and iron skills training. this is why we wrote the books. jow is not mystical and almost all of them have the same base core ingredients. look at what we can do in our iron palm abilities. we all used different jows as we all liked different ones, IE; the way they felt, smelled or acted upon us. yet we can all do about the same as far as our abilities. shane being more of a concrete breaker and setting the bar in that using the ku yu cheong formula,me doing the coconut on the stirng in 3 years using the chan ning tong, bill making great gains in both using the wong fei hung,then switching to the chan ning tong lately.
the only people who would "water" down their jow for sale are crooks and frauds who have no morals or ethics. we do not and never would water our jow down and i dont beleive mario would either.
if you study herbs as part of your martial training you find these things out. do not leave this very improtant part of oyur kung fu training out. all the old masters had herbal and medical knowledge,some very extensive, but all had rudimentary knowldeg to better firther their art and help their students and the public at large.

11-15-2010, 02:44 PM
teetsao makes a good point. the jow I make and sell is what it is! I dont water it down or remove "secret" ingredients. I have changed mine a bit to meet today's standards. I have removed all animal parts such as tiger bone / bear claw etc etc and replaced them with similar plant materials. In fact I have many years researching and developing my jow!


11-17-2010, 11:29 AM
Hi thanks for your contribution guys, and especially the ones that help my selling ad by confirming what I have for sale is good as well as the situation with Jow in general.

11-29-2010, 05:49 AM
this guy sells brian gray formula. fake formula from a sodomizer.

11-30-2010, 04:05 AM
Hi you seem to have sodomizing on the brain. Worrying and disturbing.

You're a di*k mate. I've seen your other posts and surprise surprise, other people think you're a di*k as well. If you can't help yourself, do one and go somewhere else.

Or do some training. Some people have said you post far too much to do much training. I think you're just some little turd teenager somewhere in America with nothing else to do apart from being on here, and being a di*k.

I reckon you probably train and know as much about the arts as Sol Rosenberg.

Go and get a KFC double down big boy, it'll keep you occupied.

12-01-2010, 05:54 AM
nope lssdgdfglol

taai gihk yahn
12-01-2010, 06:19 PM
I think you're just some little turd teenager somewhere in America

nope lssdgdfglol

he's rite; we wudn't want 'im down here...

12-01-2010, 08:56 PM
teetsao makes a good point. the jow I make and sell is what it is! I dont water it down or remove "secret" ingredients. I have changed mine a bit to meet today's standards. I have removed all animal parts such as tiger bone / bear claw etc etc and replaced them with similar plant materials. In fact I have many years researching and developing my jow!

cool. I bought a few bottles of animal free jow in HK. It had 108 ingredients (well, according to the herbalist) it works very well. I give it to my one vegan student-who btw is built like a brick sh1thouse, and is very aggressive-the one exception to the rule! LOL

12-08-2010, 05:10 AM
Hi I now have the jow formulas on Ebay along with some other stuff if anyone's interested;


12-21-2010, 08:23 AM
Hi all the Shen Dit Da Jow bottled formulas have been sold.

However I still have some herbs + formulas left which could be of more interest to any Uk / Euro customers.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me, your info and effort. It was very much appreciated.

David Jamieson
12-23-2010, 06:31 AM
Hi all the Shen Dit Da Jow bottled formulas have been sold.

However I still have some herbs + formulas left which could be of more interest to any Uk / Euro customers.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me, your info and effort. It was very much appreciated.

You forgot to tell those who didn't help you that they could go suck an egg. :)

12-27-2010, 11:18 AM
No worries about that. I actually sold them somewhere else on another site.