View Full Version : Financial support for Tiger Claw

11-19-2010, 09:58 AM
First, I would like to thank Gene for the full page acknowledgment in the February issue of the donation my company, Verotek Systems, made to the Tiger Claw Foundation. It is great to see and it is a great feeling to know that my company was able to help with such a fine organization. Tiger Claw Foundation does outstanding work in a number of areas.

That leads to the second point I would like to make and that is the importance of providing financial support to organizations, like the Tiger Claw Foundation, that are working to develop Chinese martial arts. A big part of Chinese martial arts is providing financial support to the organizations that support and develop Chinese martial arts.

There are a number of historical examples, one that springs immediately to mind is the Jingwu Association. The important work of the Jingwu Association was made possible by financial donations from both businesses and individuals.

I would encourage people to donate to Tiger Claw Foundation. The donations do not have to be huge amounts----all donations are good donations. By donating to Tiger Claw Foundation you are showing in a very concrete way, your commitment to the development and expansion of Chinese martial arts as well as the other fine projects that Tiger Claw Foundation undertakes.

Take care,
Brian Kennedy
Owner, Verotek Systems Inc.

11-19-2010, 10:43 AM
Visit our website for more information: Tiger Claw Foundation (http://tigerclawfoundation.org/).

11-19-2010, 10:51 AM
Gene- the best way to make reach the younger generation of donors is to make it easy to give: http://www.firstgiving.com/. First Giving allows for smaller donations that can be done electronically so they appeal to a wide range of people. Plus, we can link it to our facebook accounts.

Dale Dugas
11-19-2010, 11:07 AM
I donated a whole slew of dit da jow for the Tiger Claw Wild Aid Championships.

Always glad to be of help.

11-19-2010, 11:13 AM
Gene, if somone wanted to say, write a check, how would we go about doing this?

11-19-2010, 02:26 PM
There are many ways to donate - here's the info page on donations (http://tigerclawfoundation.org/donate.htm).

As any of you who are involved with non-profits knows, there's been some new legislation introduced to limit the scope of small non-profits. The intention is to reduce the number of non-taxable donations by placing more restrictions on non-profits. It's poorly conceived because the large non-profits will survive and any donaters looking for tax shelters will simply donate to remaining non-profits. It won't increase tax income at all. It will just reduce the smaller non-profits. Of course, we're hoping to retain our tax-exempt status, but given the legislation, that might not be possible. Keep your fingers crossed for us. To the best of my knowledge, the Tiger Claw Foundation is the only charitable organization in the martial arts of its kind.