View Full Version : Comparison of Techniques or Theories

12-08-2010, 11:16 AM
epic! we all agree, now lets stop the MMA TMCA comparing threads, and lets for a change share each others techniques adn exchange applications and counters instead of saying which one woks the best ok?:p

Lets start off with something simple:

How does your style (or your own personal theories or flavor) react when in threatening situation?

Hit first, ask questions later? Counter attacks only? A good defense is a even better offense? Depends on the situation? Go crazy until someone pulls you off the guy?

What's your view?


12-08-2010, 11:24 AM
Just by the way I was taught, it is like this in a nutshell:

We do not go out of are way to start anything or cause trouble. However, once it starts then I go on the Offense and try not to defend so much. I will keep going (Offensively) until they submit or flee.


12-08-2010, 11:41 AM
My sig reveals my systems MO :D

David Jamieson
12-08-2010, 11:42 AM
Too many variables to make a call.

I mean, if there are others with me who are to my knowledge incapable of defending themselves, then I have to quickly think about options for getting them safe as well as myself.

Sometimes that means taking a little verbal abuse and maybe even taking a shove or two to ensure that everyone with me walks away unscathed.

If I'm by myself, then the variables are still there:

-is he armed?
-is he alone or with others?
-if with others, who are they
-can the situation be de-escalated verbally (usually it can)
-does he have height and weight advantages and what attacks to employ if so?

and so on.

Once I am in and mucking it up, I try to stay inside and try to gain physical control of the person who is attacking me. If I am able to restrain them, I will. If not, I will have to cook something else up on the fly...and that's usually violence, but hey, we're talking about an attack right? :)

12-08-2010, 11:48 AM
As a general rule of thumb, someone can say what they want, but if you enter my personal space, it is a done deal. At this point, it has escalated from sh**it talking to a physical confrontation. It's foolish to wait for the them to throw a punch, push you, grab you, or whatever else. Don't let them get the upper hand. Hit hard, first, and more often.

If someone is not fighting back, submits verbally, or is knocked out, it is over. If you continue beating them at that point you are looking at lawsuits and assault charges. You will still possibly be looking at those two things even if you stop.

In my "street:D" experience I can tell you it's not hard to determine who will attack and who will run their mouth. It also helps to know your environment, your surroundings, who is watching you, how many there are, that sort of thing. I'm sure those who have either worked in the bar scene or hung out in it a lot knows you can usually see a fight coming a few minutes before it happens, sometimes longer, if you are looking.

12-08-2010, 11:52 AM
- Attack with your best solo (use your own force) 3 times, if fail,
- attack with your best combo (borrow your opponent's force) 3 times, if fail,
- play defense (borrow your opponent's force), if fail,
- run like hell (definitely use your own force).

The "3" is not a fix number. It can be 2, 4, 5, ... The number of your best moves can be 1, 2, 3, ... If your "door guarding" moves donot work on your opponent, the chance that you may win that fight will be unlikely.

12-08-2010, 12:25 PM
As a general rule of thumb, someone can say what they want, but if you enter my personal space, it is a done deal. At this point, it has escalated from sh**it talking to a physical confrontation. It's foolish to wait for the them to throw a punch, push you, grab you, or whatever else. Don't let them get the upper hand. Hit hard, first, and more often.

Lets just say that they are in your personal space and maybe have not swung yet but you know it's coming.


12-08-2010, 12:47 PM
I tell my students this;
"you shoould avoid confrontations, and in most cases, you can see it before it starts, so avoidance is the best route. However..
if you can't then talk your way out.
If you can't talk your way out then walk away.
If you can't walk away, then run.
If you can't run, then fly.
But when your back's up against a wall, and there is no other way out, then you use your Martial arts."
I also quote NYC's Chaka Zulu:
"You can call me pu$$y, F@ggot, all you want.
You put your hands on me, you're gonna get hurt...bad."
Hakka Kuen systems use this phrase;
"Hand to hand, heart to heart,
you don't move, I won't start.
But if you move, I'll hit first,
and I won't stop until ________"

some poems say 'until there's blood" others say "until you're down.." none of which rhyme with first...
"until you burst?"
"till blood or worse?"
"Till Dracula's curse?"
"I'll hit you with my purse?"
"Until you need a nurse?"
"until the next verse..."

12-08-2010, 12:54 PM
In my Tai Chi training we would use Yin and Yang statements like:

Turn your opponents offense into defense and keep him defending. For every attack he makes I counter with 3-5 offensive moves etc etc.


12-08-2010, 01:13 PM
Lets just say that they are in your personal space and maybe have not swung yet but you know it's coming.


Pretty much what I was saying, once someone has entered that space, they mean you harm, do not give them the chance to swing on you. If it has escalated to that point, it has turned physical. Counter if you have to if the guy gets his off first, but the best defense is a good offense.

12-08-2010, 01:30 PM
in northern kung fu you are the attacker. you throw the first punch

12-08-2010, 01:41 PM

12-08-2010, 01:45 PM
with wing chun. wing chun makes u gay then picture has no effect.

12-08-2010, 01:51 PM

There is no countering what can't be countered !!!

12-08-2010, 01:53 PM

David Jamieson
12-08-2010, 01:53 PM
and a one and a two and a wtf?


12-08-2010, 02:15 PM


opps uh oh, I'm married. Don't tell my wife.....


David Jamieson
12-08-2010, 02:22 PM
I'm married too, but wifey never comes here.

she thinks most of us are boneheads for wasting time on this.

Then I give her heck about how she chooses to spend time with her interests and I get a sandwich after that! It's a sweet deal this marriage thing! :p

12-08-2010, 03:01 PM
I'm a martial writer. I baffle them with word salad - talk them down. Talking it out is amazingly effective if you have a reasonable vocabulary.

12-08-2010, 05:38 PM
"How does one counter this?"
By playing it reverse.

12-08-2010, 06:45 PM
I teach my students to steal the initiative and beat them senseless. Not to wait till the first punch. They deliver the first punch and do enough damage that the aggressor knows without a doubt that they NEVER want to see my student again, not even in court.
This may sound harsh and unethical/illegal, but I know my streets and I know what must be done in my streets to survive and thrive.
Anything less and you just end up someone's b i t c h.

12-08-2010, 07:34 PM
How does your style (or your own personal theories or flavor) react when in threatening situation?
really depends on the situation, some ppl may think differntly whats threatening. I have been a bouncer adn in street fights all my life and I can spot a talker and no walker all day long. if the guy is quiet i get worried.

I always try to read the Yi, i am getting better at this a little at a time. if i feel hes about to jump, I initiate the attack. i like to come at him hard and quick so he gets the mesage right away but back off before anyone really gets dmamged.

i do not fight to do damage anymore, now I know I really can screw somebody up it scares me. The last time i fought like that was 1992 and I snapped some guys elbow and got arrested, jailed, bailed and sued. never again

However with the drunk or inexperienced fighter i like to let them atttack first so i can counter off thier mistakes and just control them. its fun to beat up these kind cu you dont really have to fight...

12-09-2010, 09:10 AM
I always try to read the Yi, i am getting better at this a little at a time. if i feel hes about to jump, I initiate the attack. i like to come at him hard and quick so he gets the mesage right away but back off before anyone really gets dmamged.

Reading the Yi or Intent is a High level skill. This is hard to get good at unless your around people all the time and you can practice reading them. Very good ED ! I'm impressed.


12-09-2010, 11:12 AM
Lets start off with something simple:

How does your style (or your own personal theories or flavor) react when in threatening situation?

Hit first, ask questions later? Counter attacks only? A good defense is a even better offense? Depends on the situation? Go crazy until someone pulls you off the guy?

What's your view?


observation. observation. observation.

move back a step. move to the left. move to the right.

yield 3 times.

