View Full Version : Neuro Plasticity

01-08-2011, 08:47 PM
Greetings and Enjoy:





01-08-2011, 08:57 PM
brain may be woody fave organ.

but pour moi, fuer mich

muscle is may fave

if i lift weights with bar bells or dumb bells

I see my fibers grown or hypertrophy over time.



01-08-2011, 09:01 PM

Then I would suggest you get the book "The Body Mind Connection". It is a good read about achieving mental wellness and health through exercise.


01-09-2011, 08:19 AM
muscle plasticity

muscles also sense, process, store info and express adaptability

muscle gets bigger and stronger if we challenge it with more stress or weight gradually

it tears up and repairs while rest

and gets ready for next similar task or weight

just not wanted to start another thread about muscle plasticity



01-09-2011, 08:19 PM
I really did appreciate the share that Mr Thomas provided on this subject. Too bad he took down the thread. The applications he alluded to suggested a mind that was open to possibilities. I guess the ancestors in that land of Kiwi are alive and teaching.

In a similar vein to the subject matter, Bill T. Jones:



taai gihk yahn
01-09-2011, 08:45 PM
I wondered what happened to that thread; one moment he's disagreeing with my post (which was fine, although he did so in a pretty condescending manner, not to mention he completely missed the point I was making; but anyway...), the next he's commenting that he has a better understanding of neuroscience than a PT (makes me wonder if he's ever performed a neurological evaluation, worked with CVA, TBI, SCI, CP, Parkinson's, etc., or treated using NDT or PNF- all of which require a pretty fair understanding of neurology...), then it's gone before I could post a response to answer his comments; I guess that he didn't care for the manner in which others were responding to him...

anyway, just to clarify, I never indicated that I thought neuroplasticity was not a valid phenomenon (don't know where he got that from) - of course it is, and forms the basis for much of why rehab "work"! - I was simply taking issue with his claims that constraint induced training was necessarily a more beneficial method for develop fighting skill than other methods, if at all, having no indication in the research, to my knowledge, that it had been demonstrated to be efficacious as such;

I do concede that I made one error in my post: I stated that balance training that eliminated visual input didn't involve neuroplasticity at all - that is not correct; what I meant was that it doesn't involve neuroplasticity in the same way constraint induced therapy subsequent to neurological dysfunction does; that is, the way the brain "rewires" following injury is different than how it changes during training of someone without it; and as such, to use the results of studies done on CIT w clinical population to substantiate its use in "normals" in regards to improving fighting skill was, as i stated, a bit of a stretch;

so, despite his admonition that I read more and had not been sufficiently challenged in life (or something like that), I think I have a pretty good idea of how to appraise research; furthermore, I am evidently capable of handling criticism and disagreement a little better than he is, seeing as he got all sore and deleted the thread because he didn't like how it was going (although I can understand how he feels, as it was HIS thread, even though he posted it in a public forum where people may <gasp> have their own ideas about how they might wish to respond to a statement...);


Scott R. Brown
01-09-2011, 09:47 PM
I wondered what happened to that thread; one moment he's disagreeing with my post (which was fine, although he did so in a pretty condescending manner.....

I hurt his feelings and mentioned that if and when you had time you would read him from the gospel according to a REAL expert in the field and his panties got in a bunch, he deleted his thread and went home crying to his momma!

His parting shot was:

A discussion of neuroplasticity becomes a discussion of number of posts and forum credentials ?

Thats it for me if I cant have an intelligent discussion with people I will no longer use this forum - there is no point.

Adios kungfu magazine forum, its butt kissers and its pseudo BS experts.

I have better things to do.

Thus was apparently born that thread by some new guy entitled:

Blessing you all with my intellgirense!

Give it a look, the guy really makes sense, although he sounds a bit creepy. Kind of like some nut who would hang out across from your house with a high powered rifle, staring at you for years on end through a 10x reticule, but never actually pull the trigger!

But quite a genius none-the-less!:cool:

Scott R. Brown
01-09-2011, 09:58 PM
BTW, that was my original point too!

The brain compensates, big deal! That capability has been known about the brain for well over 20 years. Tell us something new!

And intentionally constraining a sense for the purpose of enhancing another sense, does not make sense. Doesn't he know about the "use it or lose it principle"? While he is artificially enhancing one sense he is actually LOSING the one he is constraining! Duh!!!!:rolleyes:

Although the constraint of the internets has heightened my sense of smell and I smelled RAT all over that thread!!!!:(

01-09-2011, 10:11 PM
I think constraint based cortical remapping would make an ineffective method of martial arts training.

As soon as the artificial constraint is removed the brain would begin to revert back to its original cortical mapping. You're not going to circumvent millions of years of evolution with a few months walking around blindfolded.

Maybe what's really needed is some neural pruning (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14524806)