View Full Version : quick demo of class

01-17-2011, 01:13 PM
my student tom did some filming and editing (believe it or not form his iphone) during our class last week and he put this together, hope you enjoy, all comments are welcome.


01-17-2011, 01:24 PM
Just a general comment about the format of your guy's drills. Many drills start with an opponent's punch, you then react to it by a counter punch or throw. Sometime your opponent's punch will hold in the air too long and won't look good.

IMO, the drills will look more real if you initiate the attack and then when your opponent reacts to it, you fininsh with a punch or throw. This way, since you don't need your opponent to do anything but to block your punch or to step back from your kick, you will have 100% control in your drill training.

Different kind of mind set such as "defensive - react to your opponent" and "offensive - force your opponent to react" will develop different type of fighters. A lion or tiger will never wait for their prey to do anything. They just attack whenever they think that they are ready. Trying to eat your opponent alive will be a good spirit to promote in TCMA.

Here is a good example to show what I'm talking about. You look for your contact points instead of your opponent gives you those contact points that you need.


01-17-2011, 01:34 PM
very nice ED.

your students look like they are progreesing well.


01-17-2011, 01:37 PM
I don't believe in "demos" myself.
I think the best highlights of any school are those that have the following:
equipment work
strength and conditioning work
Athletic Semi-clad women

Beyond that, most clips show compliant demos that anyone with half a brain and some experience knows wouldn't work when you needed them to.

But hey, I've seen a lot worse.

01-17-2011, 02:13 PM
I think the best highlights of any school are those that have the following:


equipment work


strength and conditioning work


Athletic Semi-clad women

oh yes, check check

01-17-2011, 02:20 PM
I see your point but that wouldnt be considered self defense? i always tell my students to allow your opponet to attack first and then attack back unstopping until thier are rendered. this is the gentlemen thing to do.

gino , thank you they are coming along some have only been with me for a few years.

yeah it was not realy a demo, my student recorded a class on his phone and edited it up as you can see there is strength training, rocking pushups, and drills in there.

so it was a live class, just when through he editing so it looks like a promo but it really wasnt. whats mising the explination and the practice for 2 hours... thanks for your comment though. all is welcome.
no skanty clad women though......... you were not the editor LOL

01-17-2011, 08:11 PM
Nice clip, ED! Your class looks like a good balance and everyone is learning and enjoying themselves. That's what it's all about.

01-18-2011, 02:36 AM
i like the throws in that clip :D

01-18-2011, 10:51 AM
thanks so much iron eagle and gojyu, wopuld like to see more schools post up some videos. nice to share with others and great for feedback and constructive critisizism

01-18-2011, 11:25 AM
wopuld like to see more schools post up some videos.


01-18-2011, 11:31 AM


Pain doesn't hurt indeed !

01-18-2011, 11:39 AM
Nice clip MK! Looks like your guys spend a lot of time working that triangle.

01-18-2011, 11:42 AM
Nice clip MK! Looks like your guys spend a lot of time working that triangle.

First one is a triangle, second one is a gogoplata.

01-18-2011, 11:52 AM
First one is a triangle, second one is a gogoplata.

Both from classical Judo

01-18-2011, 11:58 AM
First one is a triangle, second one is a gogoplata.

:eek: Looks like I need to start working my ground game again.:D

01-18-2011, 12:49 PM
a typical week at the school i train at


01-18-2011, 12:53 PM
a typical week at the school i train at


Good stuff but lots of people !

01-18-2011, 12:54 PM
a typical week at the school i train at


What's the deal with the Ninja at 1:44?

01-18-2011, 12:55 PM
What's the deal with the Ninja at 1:44?

lol he's a sikh i believe there religion means they keep the hair long and covered

01-18-2011, 12:57 PM
Good stuff but lots of people !

yep they have moved twice because of overcrowding, had 60 people a class on average this week on the mats, guess you could say the coach is in demand.

thins out a bit once the actual sparring starts though lol

01-18-2011, 01:15 PM
yep they have moved twice because of overcrowding, had 60 people a class on average this week on the mats, guess you could say the coach is in demand.

thins out a bit once the actual sparring starts though lol

Aint it the truth, LOL !

01-18-2011, 06:45 PM

EarthDragon and Frost: Good Clips

EarthDragon, if you are that big guy doing the throws, you don't need 8 Step Praying Mantis. Just get yourself a double bladed battle axe, brother. That's all you need.

By the way, it is good self defense to strike first. Especially if you fear for your life. In Florida, that is sufficient justification to blow someone away. He could be across the street, eating a burger, bothering no one; but, if he causes you to fear for your life, its burger times two.


01-18-2011, 07:00 PM
EarthDragon, if you are that big guy doing the throws, you don't need 8 Step Praying Mantis. Just get yourself a double bladed battle axe, brother. That's all you need.
One day a boxer challenged EarthDragon, and EarthDragon accepted. during the dual-day, the boxer brought his gloves, EarthDragon brought his double bladed battle axe.


01-18-2011, 07:46 PM

I believe it.:)


01-18-2011, 07:52 PM

I believe it.:)


When people asked me, "What's the difference between sport and combat", I would always tell them that joke. :D

01-18-2011, 09:15 PM
Nice clips MK and frost. so great and insightful to see what others do and how they train. I will be putting up some more videos of our training as well as our MMA BJJ class. its filling up nicely.

I would worry about getting/ giving individual attention with a class that big. looks a little too crowded, do you guys have a beginner intermediate and advance classes ? I would think that would be better for everyone..

thanks Mickey, however they say the camera adds 10 lbs. LOL I am 6'2 and currently 232 but I trim down most all of my body fat and diet down to 215-220 for summer.

was thinking about posting a move of the week thread where everyone can pick a move form thier system and post it. we just stared our own youttube channel to post up some videos and training tips. would love to see that here as well then we could crtiique each other and share points of view.

01-18-2011, 09:27 PM
Hi EarthDragon,

I did say big but I did not mean fat. Imposing would be a better word.

Thanks for mentioning MasterKiller's link. I overlooked it. Also good stuff.


01-18-2011, 09:45 PM
I see your point but that wouldnt be considered self defense? i always tell my students to allow your opponet to attack first and then attack back unstopping until thier are rendered. this is the gentlemen thing to do.
One time a guy asked for a challenge fight. I said OK, I then jumped in and took him down within 3 seconds. I don't like to wait for my opponent to make my move. To be kind to my enemy is to be cruel to myself. I assume I'm not a "gentlemen" by your standard. :D

everyone can pick a move form thier system and post it.

Here are 2 clips from my University of Texas at Austin informal class about 30 years ago (before the sport SC was evolved into combat SC - San Shou). If you look at the guy with the long hair in the 1st clip, you can see some aggressive atttude as if he was a tiger and tried to eat his opponent alive. He just attacked, attacked, and still attacked.


compare to this guy, you can see that he just waited, waited, and still waited. He did win in that 5 rounds matches but he had no "tiger" spirit.


01-19-2011, 07:36 AM

To be kind to my enemy is to be cruel to myself. I absolutly love this statement

love the old school clips BTW

I assume I'm not a "gentlemen" by your standard.
I didnt mean to offend in any way ... let me explian the gentlemen statement.

I have done body guarding, personal security and was a bouncer in NY asn SF for many years and we have a saying that until a punch is thrown it is not a fight.

I have had people scream right in my face "im gonna kill you", been called names, been threatend every which way you could imagine, but until they psyically attack me I just stand my ground.
If I attacked eveyone that pretened they were going to fight me I would be in jail or broke from lawsuits.

Most people use verbal warefare that are too afraid to fight or just dont want to, so therefore you must weed out the real agrressors form the phoney ones.
The only way this is done is after they throw a punch so there fore thats what I teach my students. you would be suprosed at how many people I threw out of bars for being a arsehole that wound up apologizing to me afterward.

The last actual fight I was in a long time ago a guy swug at me, I insticntivly parried his punch while doing a power cut and broke his radial bone causing the ***ments to puntucre his skin and blood to sprayed all over my jacket and me to which when the cops were called I was easly spotted in the crowd.

I was arrested, booked spent the weekend in jail, sued for all medical costs and had to perfrom 50 hours of community service.
I ask you was it worth it? hell no and couldlyou imagine if I did that to everyone I got intoa arguemtn with, before or IF they were ever going to throw a punch? see my point?

01-19-2011, 08:12 AM
Hitting pads

Sparring and stuff


01-20-2011, 08:16 AM
and very nice... i feel like i have learned alot from you already. :)

01-20-2011, 12:08 PM
Nice clips MK and frost. so great and insightful to see what others do and how they train. I will be putting up some more videos of our training as well as our MMA BJJ class. its filling up nicely.

I would worry about getting/ giving individual attention with a class that big. looks a little too crowded, do you guys have a beginner intermediate and advance classes ? I would think that would be better for everyone..

thanks Mickey, however they say the camera adds 10 lbs. LOL I am 6'2 and currently 232 but I trim down most all of my body fat and diet down to 215-220 for summer.

was thinking about posting a move of the week thread where everyone can pick a move form thier system and post it. we just stared our own youttube channel to post up some videos and training tips. would love to see that here as well then we could crtiique each other and share points of view.

first hour is basic techniques class anyone can attend, second hour is advances sparring etc and you can only attend if the coaches agree...they also have squad training sessions

judging by the teams results in MMA and grappling the class size doesnt seem to hurt peoples learning ability too much :)

01-20-2011, 12:27 PM

first hour is basic techniques class anyone can attend, second hour is advances sparring etc and you can only attend if the coaches agree...they also have squad training sessions

Ahh gottcha, that does break it up a little bit. thanks

Hebrew Hammer
01-20-2011, 01:00 PM
Great thread guys...and the vids are inspirational. :D Need to get my fatass in shape!

01-20-2011, 01:03 PM
LOL hebrew hammer, than the videos are working! k our job here is almost done

01-24-2011, 08:58 PM


You should consider casting a net over Chelsea Piers.
