View Full Version : Good WCK Documentary Clip

01-22-2011, 09:07 AM
This may have been posted here already. If so, I apologize. But if so, its worth another look! :) This is a clip from David Peterson talking about WCK and Ip Man.


01-23-2011, 05:53 PM
Thanks Keith. Take care of yourself in your new assignment.


The above is a link to an Ip Man chronicle made by Lui Ming Fai- a disciple of Ho Kam Ming.

Below is an email from an ex student of mine who now is a yoga teacher. He knew a Chinese girl
whose father took private lessons from Ip Man at the fathers house- and there were visitors-
during the training.

I remember a girl from China whose family trained with Ip Man, what she remembered about him is that he was a very quiet, polite and unassuming man with no ego. She remembered him saying he was "very nice and soft spoken". She said he wasn't all that big of a man, but when he worked out with people he would barely move and these people would go flying all over the room. She said he amazed everyone with how little effort he would use to deflect massive attacks and that things flowed around him like water around a rock. I don't remember if karate people came up or not, but she said no-one or no-style could do anything to him, she said in a blink of an eye, they were "flying all over".
Hope that helps, that's all the details I can remember.

Ip man;s private students did not always know each other. So much for standard genealogies.

joy chaudhuri

01-24-2011, 07:17 AM
Ip man;s private students did not always know each other. So much for standard genealogies.
You bring up an interesting point Joy, one that is common in almost every MA, but perhaps more so in TCMA and one that tends to create so much of the controversies it seems.
Many teachers had private students that other people didn't know about ( it wasn't any of their business anyways) and some even "tailored" their system to the abilitites of those students, what MA teachers should really do anyways, but not always possible in a class/group environment.
I think the controversies sometimes accure when the "class students" feel left out and resent it, or the private student feels that his "custom" version of the MA is some how the more "real" or even the case of a combination of both or more issues.
I don't think that this issues were so prevelant in the days when teachers taught only a handful in their lifetimes or when teachers taught everyone the same way.
I think certain MA lend themselves to group intruction, Judo, Karate, TKD, etc fall into that category, whicl others tend to be designed to be taught on a more personal basis with far more "personal tailoring" than others, SPM is an example of that and I think so is WC.

01-24-2011, 09:20 AM
You bring up an interesting point Joy, one that is common in almost every MA, but perhaps more so in TCMA and one that tends to create so much of the controversies it seems.
Many teachers had private students that other people didn't know about ( it wasn't any of their business anyways) and some even "tailored" their system to the abilitites of those students, what MA teachers should really do anyways, but not always possible in a class/group environment.
I think the controversies sometimes accure when the "class students" feel left out and resent it, or the private student feels that his "custom" version of the MA is some how the more "real" or even the case of a combination of both or more issues.
I don't think that this issues were so prevelant in the days when teachers taught only a handful in their lifetimes or when teachers taught everyone the same way.
I think certain MA lend themselves to group intruction, Judo, Karate, TKD, etc fall into that category, whicl others tend to be designed to be taught on a more personal basis with far more "personal tailoring" than others, SPM is an example of that and I think so is WC.
True,Paul- the mass production rather than concentrating on a few students has resulted in much confusion and slippage in quality control. Add to this - blustery egoism rather than careful attention to skill development.

joy chaudhuri

01-25-2011, 11:19 AM
Joy and Paul have a great point.

I often ask my students, "Do you think the founder wanted us to do forms in line and look cool - or were the forms to personally impart lessons one on one?"

WCK wasn't created for the masses, and large group training is a more recent phenomenon. Like SPM, a good size WCK class could be 5 students and one teacher, so all have enough individual attention and work with each other.

01-25-2011, 12:11 PM
WCK wasn't created for the masses, and large group training is a more recent phenomenon. Like SPM, a good size WCK class could be 5 students and one teacher, so all have enough individual attention and work with each other.

Enough with the SPM comparisons already!

As much as I agree that smaller classes benefit the individual, private tuition should also be heavily influenced by the students direction. IOW If they are just learning as a hobby, or simply want the info/knowledge for themselves, why waste the 1-2-1 time? I would prefer to dedicate my time to people who may want to coach, or 'do' something with the knowledge in the future.

And who says WCK wasn't designed for the masses anyway? ;) I think what Ip Man done was definitely designed for the masses, but that's just my opinion.