View Full Version : Master Paulie ZINK

01-24-2011, 07:30 PM
Amazing kung fu vids on you tube. I guess he lives on a farm now in montana.

Three Harmonies
01-25-2011, 08:22 AM
Has for years. What does this have to do with Mantis????:confused:

01-25-2011, 08:43 AM
Amazing kung fu vids on you tube. I guess he lives on a farm now in montana.

I really like Pauli Zink. He always sums up forme the difference between how the Mainland Chinese view kung fu, and how the Westerners view it. Funny how many people try to defame him by saying his lineage isn't valid - which, even if they could prove it, is like the least important thing of all. I remember my own teacher very well talking about people in his native China who stole kung fu, or just came up with stuff - and natural geniuses who just perceived the essences of arts,well ahead of any teaching they received. For him, lineage was totally irrelevant except when people used fake lineage as a business ploy to get them past the problem of having low level. Actual level is all that matters - and if you come up with Master Zink's level on your own, that makes you even more genuinely a kung fu genius, not less.

David Jamieson
01-25-2011, 10:22 AM
I really like Pauli Zink. He always sums up forme the difference between how the Mainland Chinese view kung fu, and how the Westerners view it. Funny how many people try to defame him by saying his lineage isn't valid - which, even if they could prove it, is like the least important thing of all. I remember my own teacher very well talking about people in his native China who stole kung fu, or just came up with stuff - and natural geniuses who just perceived the essences of arts,well ahead of any teaching they received. For him, lineage was totally irrelevant except when people used fake lineage as a business ploy to get them past the problem of having low level. Actual level is all that matters - and if you come up with Master Zink's level on your own, that makes you even more genuinely a kung fu genius, not less.

The issue with Zink isn't his ability to stick his ass in his own face, it's that he sets it all on top of lineage claims that have been shown to be outright BS and on top of that he is promoting a style that he borrowed the name from and has now been shown to be a fraud in that respect.

If Zink had a little thing called integrity, then perhaps his skills could be admired for what they are instead of being viewed as charlatanism because he chose to prop himself up with lies in order to dupe a hungry market.

If you created your style, there's nothing wrong with saying so. If you got an idea and based it on something else, nothing wrong with that either.

But Zink fabricated a whole story around himself that came crashing down on him when Chan Sau Chung came to town and happened to be out of bubble gum...:)

01-25-2011, 10:41 AM
he got known for marketing crappy videos form the back pages of magzines. Skill or no skill, this is not the way to toot your own horn.

SoCo KungFu
01-25-2011, 12:48 PM
I'm still wondering what skill he has exactly. He can do some splits. That's really not that impressive

01-25-2011, 08:52 PM
his monkey style is pretty good he moves and reselmbles a monkey very well adn has a good low ground game that is very diffucult to do, but not sure about real application or pratical fighing of defense.

however I always give credit where credit is due, I will not speak about the lineage or rumors as I dont know the actual truth so its not fair to judge or base opinion.

Three Harmonies
01-26-2011, 08:27 AM
Zink is one of the most athletically gifted individuals I have ever met and trained with. I cannot speak for how "legitimate" his lineage is, but I tell you one thing is true... if he did indeed invent everything he does he is a genius!

As for Chan... Chan built his reputation here in the US by trying to defame Paulie for no good reason other than acting like a bully with a beef. "Integrity" is an overused, misunderstood word, and not the appropriate one for Chan IMO! Chan is no better than Zink in this regard.


01-26-2011, 09:44 AM
Zink is one of the most athletically gifted individuals I have ever met and trained with. I cannot speak for how "legitimate" his lineage is, but I tell you one thing is true... if he did indeed invent everything he does he is a genius!

Being extremely flexible does not equate to martial arts skill, I would think you of all people would realize that

His "lineage" is a huge lie and he plagarized huge parts of Chan Sau Chung's book

I can also tell you for a fact that Zink is aware he is making crap up, and has for YEARS been consciously ripping off Chan Sau Chung

As for Chan... Chan built his reputation here in the US by trying to defame Paulie for no good reason

you can't possibly be this uninformed

Chan Sau Chung is one of the real legends of TCMA

And he didn't "defame" Zink, he pointed out the FACT that Zink claims to do a system he doesn't , plagarized Chan's books and stole via photoshop photos from them

01-26-2011, 11:36 AM
I've seen Zink in magazines, but never doing a set - how are his alleged forms compared with Chan Sau Chung's? Any similarity? Links?

01-26-2011, 12:32 PM
A couple of things

1. Zink had an article about Chan from the late 70's, he used to call what he did "monkey" then "Tie SHing Pick War" with no clue how it is really pronounced

2. He did not for almost a decade know that the Pek Gwa was separate from the monkey

3. the Pek Gwa in Tai Sing Pek Gwa is 4 distinct hand sets (handed down from the man who is supposed to be zink's "si gung"), not only does Zink not know them, what he later passed off as "Pick War" has no resemblence

4. Zink's book coped large chunks of Chan's books, which he has and I know he has because my friend GAVE HIM THE BOOKS.

Funny thing, of all of Chan's books, Zink doesn't have one of them, and he has none of the material / info in that book that he never has seen

01-26-2011, 12:47 PM

Is Dave Cater around here? FEELS LIKE IT. Maybe we should delete that IKF thread before it funkdifies this forum.

I don't know if anyone has noticed that Paulie Zink's student, Michael Matsuda, is putting forth a series of dvds on the style. If what he is putting forth is bogus, let's leave it to the TSPK family to deal with. But, I have a feeling he will be shutting some people up.

By the way, I am not a Paulie Zink fan. I got burnt by his panther videos. I still respect his flexibility.


01-26-2011, 01:49 PM

Is Dave Cater around here?

Cater knew Zink was a fraud for over a decade and still stuck him in the magazine, but he's done that with others as well

As far as Matsuda, I doubt it.......

01-26-2011, 02:06 PM
Didn't Mr. Zink also study Hung Gar with Y. C. Wong? I read that they visited Lam Jo together several years ago.

Since Sifu Wong studied Pek Gwa, wouldn't he have outed Mr. Zink as a fraud if Zink's pek gwa was bogus?

The plot thickens!

01-26-2011, 02:12 PM
Didn't Mr. Zink also study Hung Gar with Y. C. Wong? I read that they visited Lam Jo together several years ago.

Since Sifu Wong studied Pek Gwa, wouldn't he have outed Mr. Zink as a fraud if Zink's pek gwa was bogus?

The plot thickens!

He studied with Bucksom Kong... YC Wong is also not the sort to talk about anyone, but YC Wong does know real Pek Gwa (from Chan's teacher Kan)

01-26-2011, 04:38 PM
Didnt mean to stir up so much stuff.

01-26-2011, 07:37 PM
I'd like to start this reply by saying the following:

I am not a monkey stylist(tai shing-Pek Kwar).

Also, I agree w/ Sifu Burroughs about the lineage thing is irrelevant insofar as..even if he WERE making up his lineage(I refuse to take sides..for the record), he sure does not do his kung fu as if it were made up. I also agree with him as far as "what does this have to do with mantis?" ;)


His teacher--Cho Chat Ling, I believe is a kung fu brother of Grandmaster Chan Sau Chung. He (Cho Chat Ling) is also listed under "Monkey Kung Fu" in the previous issue of "Kung Fu/Tai Chi" magazine where it lists the "Top 100 kung fu styles of the past 100 years"

My only reason for mentioning Cho Chat Ling is because there are those who have said that Zink made up his lineage on the basis of nobody ever HEARING of Master Cho Chat Ling(yet he is mentioned in the magazine).

But hey..not many people in Ying Jow Pai have heard of Grandmaster Feng Huan Yi of 8 step mantis(he was originally a sifu of Eagle Claw and Shuai Jiao), yet he existed. And most people in Wing Chun (in fact..most people in kung fu regardless of style) have not heard of Master Fook Yeung(he was bruce Lees' OTHER teacher in Wing Chun--Red Boat lineage--when Bruce came to Seattle)..yet like Feng Huan Yi and others..he also existed :)

Again..I don't have an interest in the politics of the style and I don't want my statement to be misconstrued either. I have no opinion one way or the other whether or not Paulie Zink is legit. His silence could be due to feeling he is just "beyond" all of the bickering and sits quietly feeling he has nothing more to prove, it could be because he knows he is FOS, or NEITHER!

On the other hand..maybe he just doesn't care(and never did).

Kung fu would be much better served if people didn't pick pepper out of fly sh-t and dwell on lineage ad-nauseum. Just depletes the chi.

01-26-2011, 07:59 PM
There is no "Cho Chat Ling" in the records of the organization, not when it was in Hong Kong, not now that it moved to Canada

And citing an article Zink wrote as evidence that he is real is absurd :rolleyes:

01-26-2011, 08:08 PM
"There is no "Cho Chat Ling" in the records of the organization, not when it was in Hong Kong, not now that it moved to Canada"

I cannot comment. Which organization btw?

"And citing an article Zink wrote as evidence that he is real is absur"

??? I never claimed I was referring to an article that Zink wrote with his own hand. I was talking about his teacher..Cho Chat Ling being mentioned in a previous issue of "Kung Fu/Wu Shu" magazine(hint: the magazine which puts out this website forum) where Cho Chat Ling is mentioned under "Monkey Style" in the paragraph or two in the issue "The Top 100 kung fu styles of the millenium".

So to reiterate..I don't know about Zinks' legitimacy. Just that his instructor is mentioned is all..

David Jamieson
01-27-2011, 07:11 AM
Is it apoplectic shock or the horrid realization that you have wasted time giving this guy buy in?

Zink can kiss his own ass. Big friggin deal.

spades a spade though, and he is a bonafide fraud when it comes to monkey style.

I really don't care if he can stretch. 9 year old girls can stretch better than him. lol

I can do the splits. big deal.

I'm surprised about people who have no ties to his fake organization would even bother defending him in anyway.

Zink is one of the major problems across the board in the dissemination of traditional chinese martial arts. His lies and fabrications make an already muddy and turbulent stream all the moreso. :mad:

You don't need to know someone personally to bump hip to their jive. It's all come out in the wash.

01-27-2011, 09:16 AM
If you think




has anything to do with martial arts or TCMA

well, then may G'd have mercy on your soul

01-27-2011, 09:21 AM
Might be practical for the royal orgy though :eek:

01-27-2011, 09:24 AM
Flexibility in a MA beyond what is need to FIGHT with that MA is just for show and so irrelevant that to bring it up and to be know for it just means that is all you have to offer.
Sad really.
I know quite a few yogis and gymnasts that can do all that and even more and guess what? they can't fight either ;).

But I guess if we put a kung fu unifom on them and teach them a few forms then they'd be...well...flexible people wearing a kung fu uniform.

01-27-2011, 09:28 AM
90% of what Zink does is flexibility "tricks" which does indeed say a lot. Of course, there are the things I have already mentioned.....

01-27-2011, 09:31 AM
So he belongs in some travelling carney show not in a gwoon or kf mag. :D

01-27-2011, 09:44 AM
I never understood someone who is supposedly trained in a MARTIAL art and whenever they demo something there is nothing "martial" about it, LOL !

01-27-2011, 09:57 AM
oh, here's a good one, this guy is a certified under Zink TEACHER


01-27-2011, 10:29 AM
Flexibility in a MA beyond what is need to FIGHT with that MA is just for show and so irrelevant that to bring it up and to be know for it just means that is all you have to offer.
Sad really.
I know quite a few yogis and gymnasts that can do all that and even more and guess what? they can't fight either ;).

But I guess if we put a kung fu unifom on them and teach them a few forms then they'd be...well...flexible people wearing a kung fu uniform.

hmmph! I take it, you've never seen the highly acclaimed film, "Gymkata."

01-27-2011, 10:37 AM
hmmph! I take it, you've never seen the highly acclaimed film, "Gymkata."

you seriously dated yourself

(and the fact I am laughing, myself as well)

taai gihk yahn
01-27-2011, 10:41 AM
oh, here's a good one, this guy is a certified under Zink TEACHER


you just know he's holding some teenage girl captive in an underground bunker behind that door...

01-27-2011, 10:43 AM
you seriously dated yourself

(and the fact I am laughing, myself as well)
I've never dated you...
I don't date Jewish men...

taai gihk yahn
01-27-2011, 10:44 AM
I know quite a few yogis...that can do all that and even more and guess what? they can't fight either ;).
Oh, really? hmph...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrYlNNy929Y

taai gihk yahn
01-27-2011, 10:44 AM
I've never dated you...
I don't date Jewish men...

ok, thread's over, move along folks, nothing more to see here...

01-27-2011, 10:46 AM
Oh, really? hmph...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrYlNNy929Y

Mother****er !!!!!

01-27-2011, 10:50 AM
you just know he's holding some teenage girl captive in an underground bunker behind that door...

Listen, stop projecting, just because YOU do that don't mean all of us do....

I prefer to use a shed in the back of the house for my teenage captives.....

01-27-2011, 11:28 AM
Ah, Taai and his bunkers...
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOkGj6cAjWLjpq9CIQ5u52xGD96y1wG Ns5dGARvDv62_m7-EfIPg&t=1

01-27-2011, 11:31 AM
Ah, Taai and his bunkers...


darn editor

01-27-2011, 11:42 AM

darn editor

It was a good one too...**** you censor !!!

01-27-2011, 11:51 AM
here's a consolation prize

taai gihk yahn
01-27-2011, 12:11 PM
here's a consolation prize

or this:

01-27-2011, 12:26 PM
Don't make me get religious on you guys !

01-27-2011, 12:44 PM
Don't make me get religious on you guys !
Hmmm. I wonder if she's gonna go all Linda Blair with that...

01-27-2011, 12:45 PM
the long lost form:

Monkey Licks Own Taint



Dude was obviously born with some preternatural contortionist abilities. If you didn't have to work for it it isn't gong fu.

taai gihk yahn
01-27-2011, 12:59 PM
Don't make me get religious on you guys !

Dominus Ominus!!!

01-27-2011, 01:43 PM
Dominus Ominus!!!

i miss the bus, you miss the bus, we miss the bus

magnum cumlaude, the radio's too loudy,

01-27-2011, 02:14 PM


OMG this was painful to watch, couldnt he at least had someone there to hit play on the CD? LOL

and his title is Grandmaster?????? I want to now burn my silk bathrobe just becuse it has a dragon on it

01-27-2011, 04:17 PM
Flexibility in a MA beyond what is need to FIGHT with that MA is just for show and so irrelevant that to bring it up and to be know for it just means that is all you have to offer.
Sad really.
I know quite a few yogis and gymnasts that can do all that and even more and guess what? they can't fight either ;).

But I guess if we put a kung fu unifom on them and teach them a few forms then they'd be...well...flexible people wearing a kung fu uniform.

i dont agree entirely im yogi flexible and it helped my bjj alot my guard couldnt be broken by stacking me up because my spine was too bendable and i could manuever out of positions easier especially with out the risk of pulling muscles

01-27-2011, 07:06 PM
His flexibility is very impressive.

Though I would ask..it that necessarily good kung fu? :rolleyes:

When are you going to be able to do the "taint lick' pose when someone is attacking you?

The opponent would probably do one of 3 things:

1.) laugh his ass completely off
2.) stand and stare--you know..the kind of stare a dog gives something it doesn't understand
3.) assume that the guy is a couple of beers short of a 6 pack and walk/run away..most likely because fear of the unknown of what "taint lick fu" will do to him--lol

01-27-2011, 07:57 PM

OMG this was painful to watch, couldnt he at least had someone there to hit play on the CD? LOL

and his title is Grandmaster?????? I want to now burn my silk bathrobe just becuse it has a dragon on it

your own videos look exactly the same

01-27-2011, 08:48 PM
Well at the very least when 2012 comes and the world comes to an end :rolleyes: at least he will be one of the few that can actually kiss is arse goodbye ;)

01-28-2011, 06:51 AM
aww bawang, I thought you said they were much better now that I got rid of the farm animlas and the pink pokadot Wu Shu uniforms?:o

David Jamieson
01-28-2011, 09:35 AM
That was nothing even close to TSPK.

01-30-2011, 09:54 PM
"monkey shats poo." Most powerful technique of them all. LOL!

01-30-2011, 10:13 PM
I've seen that technique performed by GrandMaster Hu Flung Dung. :D

01-30-2011, 10:28 PM
oh, here's a good one, this guy is a certified under Zink TEACHER


I remember doing some of those exercises for my Army physical!

btw...worst shoulder roll EVAR!

01-30-2011, 10:50 PM
I found the training monkey vid particularly interesting...
it's good to see he's continuing the dynasty.

01-30-2011, 11:49 PM
He studied with Bucksom Kong... YC Wong is also not the sort to talk about anyone, but YC Wong does know real Pek Gwa (from Chan's teacher Kan)

From what Buck (my Sifu) told me awhile ago was that Zink didn't really train there that long at the LA kwoon.
He might of learned a few Hung and CLF handsets...maybe Gung Gee. But not enough to be deemed a serious Hung practitioner. I have been told by my Sihings in the past that Zink was talented but definitely a quirky guy who always liked to show off his monkey moves.

Quite a character. :cool:

01-31-2011, 12:04 AM
When my CLF teacher, Sifu Primicias, lived/taught in L.A., Zink was one of his students for awhile. But he started teaching CLF students on his own without permission or approval. Supposedly, he wasn't much beyond a beginner. So Sifu Primicias expelled Zink from his school. This was sometime before Zink emerged as a Monkey practitioner.

I remember once reading an article Zink wrote in a magazine labeling CLF as 'purely a hard, external system.' I really don't know if Zink knows TSPK and don't care one way or another; but clearly he knew nothing of CLF.

I saw Zink's performance at the 1981 Ed Parker Long Beach Internationals that made him famous. At the time, I was fairly impressed by his flexibility and the fact he kinda looks like a monkey. But then again, I also hadn't seen much kung fu at all; I was a Kenpo practitioner. I still think his flexibility would be very applicable if he were a BJJ practitioner, though.

01-31-2011, 06:21 AM
From what Buck (my Sifu) told me awhile ago was that Zink didn't really train there that long

no one is saying he studied anything "long"... but he was not a student of YC Wong like someone claimed....

01-31-2011, 03:27 PM
no one is saying he studied anything "long"... but he was not a student of YC Wong like someone claimed....

Word up! Apologies for the confusion on my part.