View Full Version : My last post here

01-31-2011, 07:43 PM

I Dont buy your view,

and I choose to post this to the public

as my last post here in this forum.

I challenge you to put back my two posts you delete today
and let the public judge.

Just because you dont understand me, WCK, and my way of relating to WCK
you make off mark accusation on me. on this two posts.

Sure, this is your ball park and anyone who dont like your rule dont post here.

That is what i am going to do. I will Not post here but anymore but on other forum.



You have a tendency to try and pose in a superior position to others. You tend to post in a rather obtuse manner and while you have much to offer, this is a Wing Chun forum and not a place for your songs and other off topic posts.

You could go a long way by stating things more clearly. Otherwise, anything which is not related to Wing Chun in an identifiable fashion will be removed.

Feel free to contact me via PM or email if you wish to discuss.


Scott R. Brown
01-31-2011, 08:12 PM
Ding Dong, The Witch is dead, The Wicked Witch, the Witch is dead!

Ding Dong The Wicked Witch is deeeeeeeead!

Everybody sing............!!!!!!

Scott R. Brown
01-31-2011, 08:13 PM

YOU may not agree Hendrik......but just about everyone else agrees with Dave!!

01-31-2011, 09:11 PM
am I having a weird deja-vu, or did something exactly like this go on last year, right at Chinese New Year?
(I may just be absinthe-minded...)

01-31-2011, 09:11 PM
Ding Dong, The Witch is dead, The Wicked Witch, the Witch is dead!

Ding Dong The Wicked Witch is deeeeeeeead!

Everybody sing............!!!!!!
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Scott- there is no need to be personal.

joy chaudhuri

01-31-2011, 09:23 PM
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Scott- there is no need to be personal.

joy chaudhuri

As against Hendricks arrogance and condascending ways Joy?

You reap what you sow..........

01-31-2011, 09:29 PM
There's an Australian pop singer called John Farnham who's had about eight final concerts and will probably make yet another comeback in the near future, much to my serial disappointment.

After what Dave wrote to Hendrik, and in the interests of good taste, I'm not going to post one of his vids.

There are enough of Hendrik's posts without the two deleted ones for the public to judge. This last smacks of prima donna-ism and that is not out of character.

In any case, I don't agree with Vic's banning but I will support my local moderator and respect his decisions.

01-31-2011, 09:47 PM
As against Hendricks arrogance and condascending ways Joy?

You reap what you sow..........

My point- Dave and Hendrik have made their decisions- why add anything more?
Back to chatting about wing chun.....?

joy chaudhuri

01-31-2011, 09:56 PM
I don't agree with any of the sudden bannings made without warning ("hey stop that" is not a proper pre ban warning) nor the sudden and IMO arbitrary and radical 180 degree shift in what is and what is not acceptable around here... Politeness is one thing--judging content is censorship..

Meanwhile, trolls that have posted turds all over the forum for months/years got away without so much as a slap on the wrist....

The forum used to be more interesting, hard hitting, controversial, now it seems to be headed for yawn-city.

Decaf cappuccino with skim milk and Splenda anyone?

01-31-2011, 10:24 PM

My point- Dave and Hendrik have made their decisions- why add anything more?
Back to chatting about wing chun.....?

joy chaudhuri

in hindsight youre right joy

01-31-2011, 11:11 PM
I believe that Hendrik's departure is a great loss to this Wing Chun forum.

IMHO, he has great Wing Chun knowledge that could have been beneficial for those (the majority) who practice Wing Chun in an incomplete manner (see the world famous Mcdojo phenomenon).

Anyway, I hope that Hendrik changes his mind and comes back to post here again.

02-01-2011, 04:07 AM

Hendrik, leaving or staying is his own choice. He is upset that I removed two of his posts, while allowing many others to remain. The two I removed were of songs and their performance. One was of a "girl band"(?) or some such. A bunch of girls dressed in short skirts singing in another language. I am sorry, but I fail to see that as being applicable to Wing Chun. The other was another song being performed.

Hendrik does have a great deal of knowledge which he could share. However, what good is such knowledge if one shares it in a way difficult for others? While it is all well and good to promote self exploration and discovery, there is no place for self promotion and the vague posts alluding to some special or secret knowledge without explanation, and then posting unrelated items are unwarranted.

He chose to post my reply, which was sent via PM in an attempt to what, make me feel bad??

In any event, I advised everyone that anything not related to WC or advancing the subject would be removed. As to banning, that was not only my decision and I actually asked Gene not to ban both T and Victor at first in order to give them a chance to change. As to warning prior to being banned, aside from visiting and holding hands, I feel they were warned before such action was taken.

I believe that this forum has gotten better, although there is still a long way to go, imho. No one here is any better than anyone else. This is a place to share ones art and help promote the art. It is not a place to advance any one person nor any one lineage or approach.

As always anyone wishing to discuss with me can do so via PM or email.

Scott R. Brown
02-01-2011, 04:42 AM
================================================== ===========

Scott- there is no need to be personal.

joy chaudhuri


My point- Dave and Hendrik have made their decisions- why add anything more?
Back to chatting about wing chun.....?

joy chaudhuri

Come on joy!!! You know as well as I do the Hendrik is NOT going anywhere. He needs his sycophants! He will sulk for a little while and then come back with a vengeance having learned nothing from the kindness of strangers who tried to point out that the spinning robotic rainbow-mind fantasyland he perceves others are living in originates from his own spinning robotic rainbow-mind!

He will be back in no time condescending to us all, except his sycophants of course, whom he will gently stroke like a pet dog. And the game will be afoot once again! :D

Don't worry, be happy! ;)

Oh yeah! Just to stay on the forum topic: Wing Chun Forever!

02-01-2011, 06:28 AM
Well, I'm shocked that Hendrik has taken his posts deletion as a sign to throw in the towel. Especially when I thought that some progress was being made.

As I've always said, "each to their own".

02-01-2011, 06:48 AM
FYI, Dave is consistent in removing posts from the WC forum that don't have anything to do with WC.
He removed posts in which I posted a pic of my Dog and John ( Youknowho) posted a link to his dog ( same breed) in one of the WC threads.
Hendrick knows this and anyone else that is on the WC forum knows this if they pay any attention BEYOND what they wrote for themselves and Hendrick does just that, he writes because he likes to "hear himself talk".

The fact that Dave offered to discuss it with groin ache, er I mean Hendrick via PM and Hendrick choose to do this publicly just means that he is a drama queen.

And that is all WC needs, more drama queens.

02-01-2011, 07:03 AM
Oh yeah! Just to stay on the forum topic: Wing Chun Forever!

Is that really staying on the forum topic? I don't think so.

Hardwork- Hendrik took himself out.

Dave has a difficult task and he is volunteering. One can cherry pick decisions... but a moderator's role includes careful decisions to keep conversations on wing chun going.IMO- Best to move on.

joy chaudhuri

02-01-2011, 07:50 AM
And that is all WC needs, more drama queens.

Indeed :rolleyes: :D:D:D

02-01-2011, 08:14 AM
Here is my answer to Dave to make a final conclusion and departure.

1, Cant Dave put back both of them as it is to let the world see what it is?

and let the world see what is going on?

2, To the world, I post two posts,


the first post is a kung fu classical writing on three level of Kung fu cultivation or three states in details decription. how different components comes together in the three states.

That clip is a clip of a funny popular common Taiwanese movie call " I love you for 10000 years". for those who is creative knows what I mean is " I love you for 10000 years" to the classical writing.


the second post is I explain at ultimately there is no Fa and Hua Jin to KFF.
I use a clip on a extremely famous classical song Lee Xiang Lan sing by the God of cantonese POP song Cheong Hok Yau. That is to pointing to at the advance level, hua or fa turn into one as a good song which catches others heart.

I careless if the clip were delete or even both post got deleted.

What I dont like is Dave is obviously using his power to put down me and fault finding, looking at his post, why does him attack me personally ? Look at the pm he send it to me. What is that got to do with the content of the posts?

3, I have been here for decades and how much concept I have brought into this forum? how much resistance to face to brought the White Crane and Hua Jin.... stuff in for everyone?

I know the path to doing expose new concepts or facts are not an easy one. and will take blame but what the heck if one really wants to share. and no one can please everyone in the world. and I never say I am perfect. So, do I dont expect anyone to be perfect.

4, I expect moderator will focus on the subject and content of the post instead of start with a bias towards the poster and then use any reason to shoot the poster.

I totally understood Dave's job is difficult and he could have pm me asking me to explain what it is and work from there.

But instead he post a PM starting with

You have a tendency to try and pose in a superior position to others.

that is getting personal and nothing have to do with the content of the posts he has deleted.

Am I perfect? NO. but I dont like to take accusation for things I didnt do.

Saying the above, Dave might have a few bad days and triggle all these. That I also can understand and let go.


Hendrik, leaving or staying is his own choice. He is upset that I removed two of his posts, while allowing many others to remain. The two I removed were of songs and their performance. One was of a "girl band"(?) or some such. A bunch of girls dressed in short skirts singing in another language. I am sorry, but I fail to see that as being applicable to Wing Chun. The other was another song being performed.

Hendrik does have a great deal of knowledge which he could share. However, what good is such knowledge if one shares it in a way difficult for others? While it is all well and good to promote self exploration and discovery, there is no place for self promotion and the vague posts alluding to some special or secret knowledge without explanation, and then posting unrelated items are unwarranted.

He chose to post my reply, which was sent via PM in an attempt to what, make me feel bad??

In any event, I advised everyone that anything not related to WC or advancing the subject would be removed. As to banning, that was not only my decision and I actually asked Gene not to ban both T and Victor at first in order to give them a chance to change. As to warning prior to being banned, aside from visiting and holding hands, I feel they were warned before such action was taken.

I believe that this forum has gotten better, although there is still a long way to go, imho. No one here is any better than anyone else. This is a place to share ones art and help promote the art. It is not a place to advance any one person nor any one lineage or approach.

As always anyone wishing to discuss with me can do so via PM or email.

02-01-2011, 09:39 AM
How many Last Posts are you going to make ???

02-01-2011, 09:59 AM
How many Last Posts are you going to make ???

Good question, I am departing from this forum and starts posts on Internal WCK in the Internal art section of KFO.

Good bye.

Scott R. Brown
02-01-2011, 10:02 AM
How many Last Posts are you going to make ???

Don't you get it?

Each post IS his last post.........until his NEXT post, which then becomes HIS LAST POST!!!:eek:
__________________________________________________ __

See Joy? :):p

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's baaaaAAAAAAaaaaaack!!!!!

Just like I said! :D

__________________________________________________ __

He can't help himself! He is the savior of us all! Without Hendrik we would all flounder in our own ignorance, never realizing the wonders of TRUE KUNG FU!!!

So you all get down on your knees right now and thank Hendrik for blessing you with one more, one last post......before his next one!!!

Wing Chun Rocks!!!!!;)

Scott R. Brown
02-01-2011, 10:05 AM
Good question, I am departing from this forum and starts posts on Internal WCK in the Internal art section of KFO.

Good bye.


We'll be seeing you in a couple of days to a couple of months!!

You can't help but bless everyone with your spinning robotic rainbow mind of fantasy!!:p;):)

Wing Chun or BUST!!!!

02-01-2011, 10:10 AM
So you all get down on your knees right now and thank Hendrik for blessing you with one more, one last post......before his next one!!!

Wing Chun Rocks!!!!!;)

Forget that, he has just told us where he is off to so any avid followers are already waiting on the WCK Internal section of 'KFO'.

Shame. I don't know what this site is and he didn't leave a link...

02-01-2011, 10:23 AM
LOL it's been about a year since i was last on here and its still the same **** LOL

02-01-2011, 10:28 AM
Two posts after your last post?

02-01-2011, 10:30 AM
Don't you get it?

Each post IS his last post.........until his NEXT post, which then becomes HIS LAST POST!!!:eek:
__________________________________________________ __


Smoke and Mirrors our Jello Boy Yellow Pickachu

02-01-2011, 10:36 AM
Two posts after your last post?


02-01-2011, 10:43 AM
I challenge you to put back my two posts you delete today and let the public judge.

That is what i am going to do. I will Not post here but anymore but on other forum.

Dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Does anyone here believe this guys theories in relation to the history of Wing Chun???

02-01-2011, 10:48 AM
I'm responding to the topic of the thread.

You're right...its still the same **** LOL

02-01-2011, 10:59 AM
Does anyone here believe this guys theories in relation to the history of Wing Chun???

If you mean the theory that Wing Chun may have started as a combination of a Crane style (like Fukien White Crane) and a snake style (like Omei Snake)....then yes, I believe it. Its suggested by our legends/mythology....Ng Mui seeing a fight between a Snake and a Crane and being inspired to create Wing Chun from that experience. Its suggested by the existence of "snake-like" and "crane-like" techniques within our current Wing Chun. Its suggested by a resemblance between Wing Chun and White Crane. It is what I was taught early on (over 25 years ago) about the possible origins of Wing Chun. So...yeah....I don't find it too far-fetched, and don't understand why others do. Hendrik didn't come up with it all on his own. And plenty of Wing Chun lineages (like Duncan Leung) use the Snake and Crane as part of their emblem.

02-01-2011, 11:08 AM
Does anyone here believe this guys theories in relation to the history of Wing Chun???

Hendrik's theories, all of them, make more sense and have more essence than what we usually see here, which is in the same lines of, "when in doubt about your kung fu, don't dare to research it more profoundly, but just go and add BJJ and Boxing, or practice MMA, and you will be fine", monologues.

Hendrik, presents solutions within the scope of kung fu, that is, Wing Chun practice, and that is the type of attitude we need in a Wing Chun forum, IMHO.

I understand that his posting manner may have caused misunderstandings because of his writting style and the fact that English is not his first language, but IMHO, he has more kung fu essence in his little finger than most people who post here.


Scott R. Brown
02-01-2011, 11:30 AM
Hendrik's theories, all of them, make more sense and have more essence than what we usually see here, which is in the same lines of, "when in doubt about your kung fu, don't dare to research it more profoundly, but just go and add BJJ and Boxing, or practice MMA, and you will be fine", monologues.

Hendrik, presents solutions within the scope of kung fu, that is, Wing Chun practice, and that is the type of attitude we need in a Wing Chun forum, IMHO.

I understand that his posting manner may have caused misunderstandings because of his writting style and the fact that English is not his first language, but IMHO, he has more kung fu essence in his little finger than most people who post here.


WOW! Now I understand why everyone here thinks you are a whacky guy!:p

But don't worry......I won't hold your respect for Hendrik against you.......weirdo!!!

02-01-2011, 11:59 AM
The problem with Hendrick's posts is that everything he claims to be "unique" or "hard to understand" in WC is nothing new or different that hasn't been addressed by biomechanics and kinesology.
The real problem with Hendrick is that he doesn't SEE that or chooses NOT to see it.
Either way, he is stuck in a rut with obsolete terminology and POV that have been dealt with already.
In other words he talks far too much about things that are common sense but does it in a "fortune cookie sage' way so as to claim some sort of special understanding.
He is a disgrace to WC, to Kyokushin, to the shaolin temple, to IMA, to small woodland creatures and to people who's names start with a H.

02-01-2011, 12:11 PM
The problem with Hendrick's posts is that everything he claims to be "unique" or "hard to understand" in WC is nothing new or different that hasn't been addressed by biomechanics and kinesology.
The real problem with Hendrick is that he doesn't SEE that or chooses NOT to see it.
Either way, he is stuck in a rut with obsolete terminology and POV that have been dealt with already.
In other words he talks far too much about things that are common sense but does it in a "fortune cookie sage' way so as to claim some sort of special understanding.
He is a disgrace to WC, to Kyokushin, to the shaolin temple, to IMA, to small woodland creatures and to people who's names start with a H.

True, it appears he is chasing some sort of mystical BS which he beleives i related to WCK. In addition WC is simplistic and he and many others in his circle try to make it more complicated than it is. Whether they have their own agenda, who knows, i only can add one and one together.

It was always my understanding that WCK was developed to create a simplistic system of fighting that could be taught in a relative small period of time compared to other systems during that time period due to the circumstances of that period.

It has come across as if Hendrik and others attempt to reinvent the wheel and make it more mysterious.

02-01-2011, 12:45 PM
I wish Hendrick could support his statements with some clips. After so many discussions, I still have not seen him gave any clip to explain his

- "snake engine",
- "Huajing",
- "levitate", and
- "6 direction vector force".

I don't like to talk about anythig if I cannot produce movie clip to support. Sometime I expect others to do the same. I believe it's fare this way.

02-01-2011, 01:25 PM
I am dismayed at the comments directed to Hendrik. I feel many are too personal and attacking.

Paul, I am very surprised with you and if your post was tongue in cheek, fine, but a bit mean spirited - c'mon, a disgrace?

Dave, is this the better forum you see here moderated as such?

Gene, it was low of you and in poor taste to post in such a manner.

I don't every expect this place to be one of us sitting around a campfire and singing "Kumbaya..", but this forum has hit a major low in recent weeks. Perhaps its all dealing with the poor economy, holiday bills, etc.

Hendrik's sharing is of a unique lineage of WCK preserved from the Opera to the Cho family to his sifu, Cho Hung Choy and to him. His art contains a long set, and the classical Kuen Kuit associated with it.

His origin theory can explain why WCK is considered snake and crane forms, and has shown the value of his research of over 30 years.

Yes, his style is unique, and maybe weird to many of you. Songs, Zen stories, poetry - its all a strange combination in a modern world.

Practicing WCK is already weird in this modern world.

02-01-2011, 01:33 PM
I've always had issues with people who feel they must 'sign off'. Sure, we all get disgruntled here on the forum once in a while, but participation is voluntary, so to make a statement like "I'm not participating" always strikes me as myopic. It's just like when people complain about losing their privacy on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi-Magazine/135964689362). That makes no sense to me whatsoever. You volunteer to be there. As for this, it's only an online forum. Have some perspective on it all.

If you are going to leave, leave. If you are going to take a break, take a break. If you are going to post a thread titled "My last post here" be good to your word. To post again after that on the same thread totally invalidates you. Think about it.

02-01-2011, 01:36 PM
Paul, I am very surprised with you and if your post was tongue in cheek, fine, but a bit mean spirited - c'mon, a disgrace?
That part was obviously tongue n cheek, as you noted and no, I don;t think it was mean spirited towards Hendrik, or have you forgotten some of the snide and condesending things he says?
If you can dish it out then you gotta be able to take it.

Truth be it said that I stopped taking Hendrick too seriously awhile back, but I stopped taking hims seriously at all after he posted that crappy "fake" video of that Japanese master hitting the kicking shield with no power and the last guy of the 3 guys holding it throwing himself back, as an example of what he thought was "the real thing".

02-01-2011, 01:48 PM
I am dismayed at the comments directed to Hendrik. I feel many are too personal and attacking.

Paul, I am very surprised with you and if your post was tongue in cheek, fine, but a bit mean spirited - c'mon, a disgrace?

Dave, is this the better forum you see here moderated as such?

Gene, it was low of you and in poor taste to post in such a manner.

I don't every expect this place to be one of us sitting around a campfire and singing "Kumbaya..", but this forum has hit a major low in recent weeks. Perhaps its all dealing with the poor economy, holiday bills, etc.

Hendrik's sharing is of a unique lineage of WCK preserved from the Opera to the Cho family to his sifu, Cho Hung Choy and to him. His art contains a long set, and the classical Kuen Kuit associated with it.

His origin theory can explain why WCK is considered snake and crane forms, and has shown the value of his research of over 30 years.

Yes, his style is unique, and maybe weird to many of you. Songs, Zen stories, poetry - its all a strange combination in a modern world.

Practicing WCK is already weird in this modern world.

You cant be serious Robert.

Sure, im sure he has plenty to offer in regards to his experiences in WC, but you know what?
So do lots of other people here.
But its Hendrick that chooses to post from a position of self proclaimed authority, with condascending tones to anyone that doesnt agree with him
Difference with you is, he uses you as a point of reference to "prove" some of his claims and you seem to go along with that.
Hendricks constant angle is that we simple folk wont understand his "internal chinese theories" and when pressed blames his poor english
Sorry , but if he's been on this forum for decades i would think it may be a bit better than he lets on.
So put the shoe on the other foot, pretend youre on the end of his arrogant manner, and then have a rethink about what you view as dave/Genes supposed poor decision

02-01-2011, 02:23 PM
but this forum has hit a major low in recent weeks

I disagree.

Yes, his style is unique, and maybe weird to many of you. Songs, Zen stories, poetry - its all a strange combination in a modern world.

He offed himself from the forum. He wasn't banned.

I feel many are too personal and attacking.

If you were really concerned about this, it's a pity you didn't provide that opinion to T more forcefully while he was on here.

Paul, I am very surprised with you and if your post was tongue in cheek, fine, but a bit mean spirited - c'mon, a disgrace?

Dave, is this the better forum you see here moderated as such?

Gene, it was low of you and in poor taste to post in such a manner.

You're not the forum leader, Robert. Understand you speak only for yourself.

02-01-2011, 02:33 PM
I didn't decide anything beyond commenting upon Hendrik's lack of being able to keep to the topic of his own post. He's not banned. He started this thread. If he no longer wants to post here, that's fine. We should all honor that. He should too.

02-01-2011, 02:49 PM
So much whining!

Com'on guys, this is a Kungfu forum, we are supposed to be fighters. We are supposed to settle disagreements with our fists, and be honorable and respectful no matter if we win or lose a fight.

Move on.

02-01-2011, 03:44 PM
True, it appears he is chasing some sort of mystical BS which he beleives i related to WCK.

There is no mystical BS in authentic WC practice. There are however methodologies and concepts that one understands and others that one doesn't understand, leading to perhaps one referring to them as "mystical BS".

In addition WC is simplistic and he and many others in his circle try to make it more complicated than it is.
IMHO, it is the path to Wing Chun simplicity, that is complicated!

Whether they have their own agenda, who knows, i only can add one and one together.

I believe that Hendrik's agenda is to educate people to the more "unusual" elements of Wing Chun practice that in this day and age of Mcdojos, has "escaped" many WC practitioners.

It was always my understanding that WCK was developed to create a simplistic system of fighting that could be taught in a relative small period of time compared to other systems during that time period due to the circumstances of that period.
IMHO, all TCMAs have a short term path for quicker results, and a long term paths for longer and more powerful results.

It has come across as if Hendrik and others attempt to reinvent the wheel and make it more mysterious.

IMHO, it is the Mcdojo phenomenon re-invented the wheel, as far as Wing Chun is concerned. Hendrik and "others" are trying (apparently, in vain), to demonstrate that there is more to Wing Chun than that which is sold commercially to the masses. :)

02-01-2011, 03:49 PM
Hendrik's agenda is to "educate" people ...

That's the problem. We come here to share opinions. We don't come here to be educated. Sharing is done on "equal" base but educating is not.

I had my comercial school since 1973. When I came to this forum many years ago, I treated everybody as "my students". Soon I found out that I was an assho!e, even lkfmdc once said that I tried to shove my opinion into other's throat.

taai gihk yahn
02-01-2011, 03:50 PM
Hendrick's "issue" is that he expects to be taken "very seriously"; to wit, he started a thread in the Internal forum on WC where he started off by saying that he wanted to have a "very serious" discussion about WC internal (he has since deleted that thread - i guess the responses he had garnered to date were not serious enough for him ;)); in other words, he wants to define the context of the discussion on a pubic forum; meaning that he has some control issues he might want to work through, because the FIRST thing one ought to learn from posting here, is that chaos (relatively speaking), is the watchword - that is, this forum is the Tao in action, and Tao is, of course, chaotic (if Hendrick wants to have a "very serious" discussion, he should start his own forum, and moderate it as he sees fit, deleting / banning anyone whose posts don't jive w his agenda);
while some of what he offers here is of interest, the manner in which he comports himself intereferes w what he is saying - kinda the same thing as KnifeFighter - Dale had a lot of good info, but his pisz and vinegar style offended people to the point where it impaired what he was posting; Hendrick is pretty much the same way, but because he couches what he writes in a "traditional" manner, he gets away with it more than KF did; but make no mistake, Hendrick can be just as dismissive as KF was, and when the conversation goes otherwise than what he likes, he pulls his whole "do what you like, that's all good for you" bit;
which, essentially, is what his little snit / storm-off amounts to - he didn't like what the mod did, but instead of taking it like a grown man, he gets all pouty and sour; boo-hoo - Hendrick had some posts deleted - suddenly it's a conspiracy - I mean, we've ALL had something deleted at one point or another - sure, we complained, but did we start a thread dedicated to our being so hurt that we now will no longer grace the forum with our verbal nectar? grow up, Hendrick; besides, the only REAL venue for dropping your pearls of wisdom without contention should be to your STUDENTS - do you have any? maybe if you did, you wouldn't need to come here and enlighten the rest of the world, you'd have a group of adulators who would hang on your every word; we are not your students Hendrick - if you care to share, that's great, but no one is under any agreement to take what you say without questioning it or the way you present yourself; this is a SOCIAL environment, and you have still not, after a decade, discerned the "rules" of social engagement - maybe that would be useful for you (of course, the last time I tried to prompt him this way, he freaked out and accused me of trying to control his behavior to assuage my control-freak tendencies :rolleyes:);

02-01-2011, 04:18 PM
That's the problem. We come here to share opinions. We don't come here to be educated. Sharing is done in "equal" base but educating is not.

I understand what you are saying, but when someone shares information that others are not aware of, then for those who take in the info, it becomes education.

Of course, others, and there are many here, who will dismiss the new information as "mystic BS", because they themselves do not have the faculties, nor the point of TCMA reference (as a result of their own particular MA paths/history), to comprehend in a practical manner, the knowledge that is being shared with them, while at the same time they are incapable of contemplating the existance of methodologies that they are totally unaware of, despite having blue belts in BJJ.

The result of all this is that they end up doing to Hendrik, what they accuse him of doing, which is ridiculing him and making condecending remarks towards him and the way he presents his information on a public internet forum.

I have been through this myself. Many times when a TCMA methodology that is rare and not widely known is presented in this forum, then you get the attitude that says, "I would have known about this if it was valid, as I have X decades of experience in MA or even in 'kung fu', and that means what you say is BS"; or "I have X decades experience in 'kung fu', so there is nothing that will surprise me as far as TCMAs are concerned, and if I don't know about it already, then it is BS", and similar attitudes all based on ego.

You know what you talk about when it comes to your own MA, and I know what I am talking about, and so does Hendrik, much more than many people here, I might add, but unfortunately, we live in a world that is over 95% full of Mcdojos, so the potential for this kind of disagreements is very high in open internet forums.

People might take issue with Hendrik's posting style, which is a question of opinion, but IMHO and in fairness, I do not think that most of the WC people here are qualified to question his TCMA knowledge.

02-01-2011, 04:44 PM
when someone shares information that others are not aware of ...

There is a difference between "not aware of" and "don't care". When I tried to guide his thread toward more "combat" discussion, I suddently realized that he didn't care about "combat" just as I didn't care about "snake engine". I then realized that he and I truly live on different planets. The way that he and I talked just liked a chicken talked to a duck. I finally just gave up.

02-01-2011, 06:00 PM

Sorry for the tardy response, life had other things for me to do today :D

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I do believe the forum is a bit better than before. Of course, there is still work to do and nothing will ever make everyone happy. Still, it does seem that, while some threads are still endless repitition of similar types of rants, at least we don't have every trhead being hijacked and there is less accepted hostility.

I do agree that Hendrik had value to add to this forum, but then again doe not everyone? Each person has their own experience and knowledge to bring to the table. Of course, it is like a many course meal, some will be happy to sample everything offered while others will take and select only what they want or feel comfortable with. This is all fine as far as I am concerned.

What I do not agree with is the smug approach where, particularily when someone does not agree, the implied smug comments are made in a thinly vielled attempt to put someone else down to your own benefit. If someone asks a question and you are unable to provide the best answer you can, then say so. Don't try to hide behind vague generalizations. Shoot, a lot of things which are hard to express with the written word are cleared up in a moment of physical contact.

Also, I agree with Gene, if you say you are done then be done and let it go. There are plenty of examples of those who say they are leaving but never go. Sometimes, the rest of us wish they would just go and get it over with so we could carry on. ;)

Like I said, everyone will never be completely happy and some will disagree with how I am moderating. That is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The best option I can offer, for those thinking I am out of control or out of touch, is to go to Gene and complain. By all means express your thoughts and make yourself known.

I can assure you, that if the majority of people posting here want another moderator than I will step down, I did it before a while back for other reasons if some of you may recall. While I have made, I like to think at least, friends here, I have always said this is not my forum but yours. I would prefer a much more heavy handed approach to moderating here, it hurts me to see those who are part of my WC extended family bicker over nonsense. However, that is also how it is in a "family" not everyone will get along. That does not excuse bad behaviour though. It is also sad to know that so many laugh at our art and this forum specifically because of the behaviour presented here.

I will say that as long as I am continuing to moderate this forum, I will try to keep things on track as far as discussing Wing Chun in its many facets. If something is obviously not connnected to the art we practice, then it will be moved to the appropriate place or removed entirely. I have always ben available to discuss my actions with those impacted, and anyone else, but this forum is not the place for us to air our laundry.

I am human and may make mistakes. This is why I ask that those of you who care contact me and let me know if things are getting off track. Again, I may not agree with you but I will listen and consider what you have to say and offer.

One last thing; Everyone here is equal in my eyes. While there are some who have been in the system longer and have more knowledge to offer, no one is better than anyone else and all should be able to post and ask questions without the fear that someone will shoot them down just because they do not agree.

02-01-2011, 07:08 PM
We area gabby lot. A last post becomes a thread!!

joy chaudhuri

02-01-2011, 07:44 PM
We area gabby lot. A last post becomes a thread!!

joy chaudhuri

That show how much we miss him. :)

02-01-2011, 08:14 PM
I am dismayed at the comments directed to Hendrik. I feel many are too personal and attacking.

Paul, I am very surprised with you and if your post was tongue in cheek, fine, but a bit mean spirited - c'mon, a disgrace?

Dave, is this the better forum you see here moderated as such?

Gene, it was low of you and in poor taste to post in such a manner.

I don't every expect this place to be one of us sitting around a campfire and singing "Kumbaya..", but this forum has hit a major low in recent weeks. Perhaps its all dealing with the poor economy, holiday bills, etc.

Hendrik's sharing is of a unique lineage of WCK preserved from the Opera to the Cho family to his sifu, Cho Hung Choy and to him. His art contains a long set, and the classical Kuen Kuit associated with it.

His origin theory can explain why WCK is considered snake and crane forms, and has shown the value of his research of over 30 years.

Yes, his style is unique, and maybe weird to many of you. Songs, Zen stories, poetry - its all a strange combination in a modern world.

Practicing WCK is already weird in this modern world.

A balanced post Robert and I agree 100%..

IMO the "new moderation" is biased, not balanced and not wise..

Moderation should IMO be about keeping it clean and respectful.. little more.. No ridged restrictions of content selective editing/deletion based on agreement or bias.. Wise use of the del key involves a balance between no moderation and sledgehammer moderation, not one or the other, that's young gung-fu.

Human conversations flow, digress, some people have a POV that I don't understand or may disagree with, may be unpopular, which doesn't and shouldn't mean they get banned, posts get deleted, chopped up, edited, posters selectively scoffed at, popularity contests, etc....

Getting TMA to learn means hard hitting, brain twisting and impassioned argument: That's how hard headed TMArtists might actually learn something... Personal change (learning/growing) isn't always easy, it's not always pretty and doesn't always resemble a girl scout cook out.

Oh no-----some other MMA board might make fun of us.. (like they won't now) LMFAO! Oh no say it ain't so... :rolleyes:

02-02-2011, 02:12 AM
Asked for help how to use english better buddy!

02-02-2011, 04:10 AM

I am closing this thread as it is time to move on. Three pages for ones last post is a bit much :D

Back to discussing Wing Chun, hopefully.