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03-01-2011, 03:08 PM
what is wrong with this guy... i love when he says he was tired of pretending he is not "a total frigging rock star from Mars."

priceless... he says he wants to sue... he says he is out of a job and needs to support a fam... what a joke... wheres the other 2 mill per episode??? did he smoke that???

also WTF is up with alex jones giving him the time of day???

heres a bit of credability alex jones style... direct quote from infowars.com website:

Alex welcomes actor Charlie Sheen, star of Platoon, Wall Street, Young Guns, and most recently the CBS comedy Two & a Half Men, to discuss his views on the world, 9/11 and much more. Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.


highly credible public figures

charlie sheen??? WTF is wrong with these people... Alex Jones should be ashamed for that quote...

03-01-2011, 03:25 PM
I wonder if it's not neurosyphilis. Al Capone had it, and in his later years he would rant and rave about things that made no sense. And the primary way it's caught is something the guy partakes in quite regularly, and with people who are the most likely to carry venerial diseases.

03-01-2011, 03:30 PM
Alex Jones defends Charlie Sheen



03-01-2011, 08:28 PM
what is wrong with this guy... i love when he says he was tired of pretending he is not "a total frigging rock star from Mars."

priceless... he says he wants to sue... he says he is out of a job and needs to support a fam... what a joke... wheres the other 2 mill per episode??? did he smoke that???

also WTF is up with alex jones giving him the time of day???

heres a bit of credability alex jones style... direct quote from infowars.com website:


charlie sheen??? WTF is wrong with these people... Alex Jones should be ashamed for that quote...

Charlie Sheen is infinitely more credible than all the US Presidents, since JFK, PUT TOGETHER!!!....

03-01-2011, 08:29 PM
I wonder if it's not neurosyphilis. Al Capone had it, and in his later years he would rant and rave about things that made no sense. And the primary way it's caught is something the guy partakes in quite regularly, and with people who are the most likely to carry venerial diseases.

But don't they have a cure for those types of disease nowadays? Besides, using condoms works for me, I am assuming that Charlie Sheen may be using them too????

David Jamieson
03-02-2011, 07:32 AM
Charlie Sheen is very publicly crashing and burning.
He is showing every single sign there is of someone in denial and someone who fails to know himself.

This of course happens withmillions and even billions of people every day of their lives, but it is entertainment somehow to watch a celebrity reel and spin.

He shows either addiction traits or definitely dependency traits.

He plays it tough because really, the dude is broken inside.

Probably needs a monk to slap his face and bring him an epiphany.

03-02-2011, 09:05 AM

I was looking at the Charlie Sheen thing for a while and I was wondering if he is bipolar, either from a genetic predisposition or as a result of drug use. It is unfortunate the way the media is attacking him, but it is all about the ratings, right?

The guy really needs help because he is a real danger to himself right now.


03-02-2011, 02:48 PM
he brings it all on himself... he's been a spoiled sh1t since day one... tons of child stars, or kids of famous parents, or both, end up losing it... and we like to watch them fall because they have what you want and dont have... the more you want what they have the more you like to watch them fail... basic stuff...

03-02-2011, 03:51 PM
I think it's socially irresponsible to publicize and profit off of someone's mental illness, actor or not. Would you like it if he was your brother or cousin, and you knew he had problems, and people were using it to make a profit and for entertainment?

The guy needs help... not interviews.

David Jamieson
03-02-2011, 04:05 PM
Who can get through to the guy?

It would appear, he cannot hear.

03-02-2011, 04:34 PM
he's not hopeless... i think he has lots of opportunity to clean up his act... ive seen many come back from that kind of hell... and they werent worth like 500 million dollars... i know people who have done it skid row detox, whereas charlie sheen can buy an island and a nursing staff to help him out... if it can be done on skid row it can be done anywhere else by anyone else...

03-02-2011, 10:14 PM
I think it's socially irresponsible to publicize and profit off of someone's mental illness, actor or not. Would you like it if he was your brother or cousin, and you knew he had problems, and people were using it to make a profit and for entertainment?

The guy needs help... not interviews.

I totally agree.

By the way, it is good to have you back. I was beginning to think that they had sent you to Afghanistan to look for Bin Ladin in the caves over there. :eek: :D

Haven't you heard that the terrorists are in Washington and London. And as for Bin Ladin, he has most probably been assassinated by the orders of the dark suites in Washington and London, because he was a liability.;)

03-02-2011, 10:22 PM
I've been busy...

03-02-2011, 10:23 PM
I've been busy...

I hope that you didn't do anything I wouldn't do....:D

03-02-2011, 10:23 PM
i have his head in a jar in my linen closet... so you can stop looking...

i just saw the hour long 20/20(it was 20/20 right?) video of sheen... he's pretty far out there... ive seen this before... its too bad he has to work just to keep above water... coz he could really use some time off right now... time to just be clean and be a dad, boyfriend to his two lil live in "goddesses", as he calls the two 24 year olds... hey good for him, right... i have no issue with multiple arrangements... its the lying that isnt cool... but if its all in the open and everyone can handle it, then rock on wit your bad selves... but he needs an ego check, time to come home charlie... let the people who love him, help him... keep him away from the people that make money off of him... for awhile anyways... this guy doesnt need any more smoke blown up his ass... adicts surrounded by "yes men" are always gonna have a harder time getting over it...

03-03-2011, 07:41 AM
I think it's socially irresponsible to publicize and profit off of someone's mental illness, actor or not. Would you like it if he was your brother or cousin, and you knew he had problems, and people were using it to make a profit and for entertainment?

The guy needs help... not interviews.

I'm starting to wonder if he is enjoying this. He is bragging about banging porn stars and hookers. He is launching personal attacks on other people. He is demanding a raise and that people 'kiss his feet'. He is granting interviews on TV constantly, no one is forcing him to do it.

03-03-2011, 09:45 AM

The behaviors that Charlie Sheen demonstrates are classic manic symptoms. And yes, they do tend to pi$$ people off. People in the manic phase also engage iin behaviors that endanger their life.

The man still needs help.


03-03-2011, 09:51 AM
I'm starting to wonder if he is enjoying this. He is bragging about banging porn stars and hookers. He is launching personal attacks on other people. He is demanding a raise and that people 'kiss his feet'. He is granting interviews on TV constantly, no one is forcing him to do it.

So it's his fault he is mentally ill, and he should stop being mentally ill right now?

03-03-2011, 10:58 AM
So it's his fault he is mentally ill, and he should stop being mentally ill right now?

My point was it all might be an act, and he may well be enjoying this and laughing himself to sleep every night.

03-03-2011, 01:54 PM
I'm starting to wonder if he is enjoying this. He is bragging about banging porn stars and hookers. He is launching personal attacks on other people. He is demanding a raise and that people 'kiss his feet'. He is granting interviews on TV constantly, no one is forcing him to do it.

did you watch the full hour of 20/20??? he isnt playing here... his ego is waaay out of control... he said he was special and "better" like 400 times... the guy is a junkie surrounded by yes men and weak minded women who give in to him... he's sick, he needs help and he's acting like a b1tch... he'sresisting because he doesnt want to admit the truth to himself... that he's just like anyone else... he doesnt have what he has because he's special... his daddy was a movie star, he had it handed to him and if he had no money what so ever he wouldnt have all these "friends"... its the money... how many broke junkies have two 24 year old hotties??? NONE... but rich people get that all the time, junikie or not... his money makes him special, not his mind... i mean, its not like he's a super great actor or anything... he's average... he's just likable, like his dad and his bro...

03-03-2011, 02:20 PM
I hope it is all an act, because of it's not it is ONE HUGE cry for help and no one seems to be listening.

03-03-2011, 02:31 PM
he isnt playing here... his ego is waaay out of control...

Agreed. But I didn't know having a huge ego was considered a mental illness.

I hope it is all an act, because of it's not it is ONE HUGE cry for help and no one seems to be listening.

How so? The very people he is blasting the most, the high-ups at CBS and producer Chuck Lorre, are openly saying he needs to go back to rehab/treatment. They even put the show on temporary hiatus to allow him to do so.

David Jamieson
03-03-2011, 02:36 PM
I hope it is all an act, because of it's not it is ONE HUGE cry for help and no one seems to be listening.

He doesn't want help. I think he makes that abundantly clear.
So, screw him. Just one more burn out celeb.


the show was running out of ideas anyway. Sam thing over and over again.
How many times can you sell Charlie as a lech, his mom as satan, his brother as a dufus and his nephew as a stupid adolescent(who thinks in this order: *****>poo>food>tv>girls: repeat.) and a wise cracking house keeper who appears to be capable of taking out a kodiak, barehanded...


03-03-2011, 02:37 PM
Agreed. But I didn't know having a huge ego was considered a mental illness.

How so? The very people he is blasting the most, the high-ups at CBS and producer Chuck Lorre, are openly saying he needs to go back to rehab/treatment. They even put the show on temporary hiatus to allow him to do so.

It goes waaay beyond an ego trip, if you read some of the stuff he said...

03-03-2011, 04:08 PM

To open this up a bit, Martin Sheen suffered a nervous breakdown and heart attack while filming Apocalypse Now.

Charlie Sheen is not in control and is a danger to himself. Recent reports say that he has been threatening towards others. This is more than sufficient reason to hospitalize him.

The thing with mental health conditions is that most of us are not trained to detect it. We see it as part as a person's persona. For example, the person who goes on a drunken binge, instigates a fight, only to get the crap beat out of him. And it does not happen only once. Many of us have seen this kind of person; yet, we would never think he is bipolar. We would only think he has a drinking problem and that is what usually happens when he drinks.


03-03-2011, 04:16 PM
We see it as part as a person's persona. For example, the person who goes on a drunken binge, instigates a fight, only to get the crap beat out of him. And it does not happen only once. Many of us have seen this kind of person; yet, we would never think he is bipolar.

As a former UK resident I would say that you just described half of the male population in that country. :eek:

And truth be told, I had always seen this kind of behavior as institutionalized mental illness accepted by society and explained in other ways for political reasons...

03-03-2011, 04:37 PM
the worst punishment in the world is when a man has all the riches he wants but is unable to enjoy it


03-03-2011, 09:47 PM
dayum, alex jones sure bombed on the view... how many times did he say infowars.com ??? the way they all looked at him was with disgust... he was such a wh0re, he plugged himself and his politics when he was there to talk about charlie sheen... had he just stayed on topic, it would have been better for him... but the guy jumped back and forth all over the place while shouting infowars.com between talking points... it was pretty bad...

03-03-2011, 10:04 PM
the worst punishment in the world is when a man has all the riches he wants but is unable to enjoy it


“They picked a fight with a warlock.”
“People can’t figure me out. They can’t process me. I don’t expect them to.”
“I’m an F-18 bro.”
“They can’t hang with me. Their bones would melt like wax.”
“The first one’s free. The next one goes in your mouth.”
“If you’re a part of my family, I will love you violently.”
“I may forget about them tomorrow, but they’ll live with that memory for the rest of their lives. And that’s a gift.”
“I’m so tired of pretending my life isn’t perfect and *****in’.”
“There’s a new sheriff in town. And he has an army of assassins.”
“We work for the pope.”
“We’re Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be?”
“Adonis DNA.”
“I am special, and I will never be one of you.”
“Watch me bury you.”

03-04-2011, 12:05 AM
These 'stars' start to believe their own hype (illusion) and are unable to escape the adulation of ego tripping so this is the result in this case!

03-04-2011, 01:59 PM
I hope it is all an act, because of it's not it is ONE HUGE cry for help and no one seems to be listening.

I hope that it all an act too. He has everything to help him have a great life. He has money, fame and good looks.

I am not even mentioning the fact he lives with two babes..:D

03-05-2011, 02:31 PM
I hope that it all an act too. He has everything to help him have a great life. He has money, fame and good looks.

I am not even mentioning the fact he lives with two babes..:D

don't you mean goddesses?

03-05-2011, 02:33 PM
don't you mean goddesses?

Wow, are they that old? :D

03-05-2011, 02:38 PM
Wow, are they that old? :D

LMAO!!!!! That's what he called them!

03-05-2011, 03:33 PM
LMAO!!!!! That's what he called them!

I bet he a had good reason, too. ;)

03-05-2011, 03:54 PM
I bet he a had good reason, too. ;)

am i the only one here who doesnt envy sheen for having two wh0res?

aside from the money, charlie sheen has NOTHING i want... he doesnt live a charmed life at all... i see way more pain than happiness there... im suprised nobody has said this yet...

03-05-2011, 03:54 PM
I bet he a had good reason, too. ;)

I've seen them. I'll admit, they are pretty hot. Yes, I'm a female, but I can admit when someone is hot.

03-05-2011, 03:56 PM
beautiful women are a dime a dozen... find me one that i can connect with... thats the real prize...

03-05-2011, 05:26 PM
They are hot... but really, if I start discussing politics or philosophy with them, and I get the deer in the headlights look, the physical attraction dies immediately.

03-05-2011, 05:57 PM
beautiful women are a dime a dozen... find me one that i can connect with... thats the real prize...

They are hot... but really, if I start discussing politics or philosophy with them, and I get the deer in the headlights look, the physical attraction dies immediately.

so wait...that means there's hope for me!!!!! yes!!!! woohoo!!!! ok, now back to charlie sheen.

03-05-2011, 06:22 PM
so wait...that means there's hope for me!!!!! yes!!!! woohoo!!!! ok, now back to charlie sheen.

i just finished watching andrew dice clay clips on youtube... so i prolly shouldnt comment till its outta my head;)

that cat is brutal...

03-05-2011, 06:23 PM
They are hot... but really, if I start discussing politics or philosophy with them, and I get the deer in the headlights look, the physical attraction dies immediately.

they are pretty typical tho... died blond, thin but not in a curvy way... meh... whatever... im sure lots of dudes here can say they have or have had girlfriends that looked atleast as good... personally, i like more that unconventional unique kind of beauty that hits you sideways when you least expect it...

you see a pile of bleached hair in tight jeans in and a real lowcut shirt in the distance and you kinda know what to expect when they get closer... no suprises... boring... could be confused for eachother... clones... whatever...

03-05-2011, 09:45 PM
am i the only one here who doesnt envy sheen for having two wh0res?
I'd rather look at them as liberal minded women.;)

aside from the money, charlie sheen has NOTHING i want... he doesnt live a charmed life at all... i see way more pain than happiness there... im suprised nobody has said this yet...

I believe many people have already gathered that Charlie Sheen is not living a charmed life, but certain aspects of his life style are very appealing. If things are going bad for him, then he is responsible for it, but that does not mean that living with two women and having a hedonistic life style is a bad thing!!!

So, life is what you make it, wether you live with one woman or a couple of them...

03-05-2011, 09:48 PM
I've seen them. I'll admit, they are pretty hot. Yes, I'm a female, but I can admit when someone is hot.

That lucky so and so....;):)

I hope that Charlie "shapes up" and appreciates that one can have a hedonistic life style without destroying himself. 10,000 of thousands of liberal people live great lives without risking life, limb and their mental health. I hope that Charlie realizes that fact soon.

03-05-2011, 09:50 PM
beautiful women are a dime a dozen... find me one that i can connect with... thats the real prize...

If you have two in your bed, they make help with fixing your "connection"....:D

Or they might just kill you...:D

03-05-2011, 09:52 PM
They are hot... but really, if I start discussing politics or philosophy with them, and I get the deer in the headlights look, the physical attraction dies immediately.
They may get the same sentiments if they dare discuss world politics with you....:D

03-05-2011, 10:09 PM
they are pretty typical tho... died blond, thin but not in a curvy way... meh... whatever... im sure lots of dudes here can say they have or have had girlfriends that looked atleast as good...

I have had girlfriends like that, but only occassionally at the same time and in the same bed..Oh, how I miss Rio de Janeiro.....lol! You really have to have a look at the women on my end of the woods.;)

I would "discuss" philosophy and politics with any one of those ladies.:D

Ok, having sounded superficial for the moment, I will admit that there is nothing like having a special connection with the opposite sex, however while you are looking for that connection, why not just enjoy life.

personally, i like more that unconventional unique kind of beauty that hits you sideways when you least expect it...

Oh no...you are not going to start talking about Sarah Palin again!:eek::D

you see a pile of bleached hair in tight jeans in and a real lowcut shirt in the distance and you kinda know what to expect when they get closer...
You do mean some great nights of pleasure, don't you? :D;)

no suprises...
Sometimes, there are surprises during nights of pleasure...lol

could be confused for eachother... clones... whatever...
You surely mean twins, don't you?:D...

03-05-2011, 10:10 PM
so wait...that means there's hope for me!!!!! yes!!!! woohoo!!!! ok, now back to charlie sheen.

We are tired of Charlie Sheen. let's talk about you?;)

03-06-2011, 01:04 AM
We are tired of Charlie Sheen. let's talk about you?;)

Lol...what do you want to know?

03-06-2011, 06:35 AM
Lol...what do you want to know?

What is your martial art(s)?

Annnnnnd, are you young at heart, like me?:D

03-06-2011, 09:51 AM
What is your martial art(s)?

Annnnnnd, are you young at heart, like me?:D

If you bothered readind her profile and other posts instead of hitting on her, you'd know.

03-06-2011, 11:27 AM
If you bothered readind her profile and other posts instead of hitting on her, you'd know.

Her profile does not say anything about her art, nor wether she is young at heart.....like me.:D

And what is wrong with hittin on her?:confused:

03-06-2011, 05:06 PM
Her profile does not say anything about her art, nor wether she is young at heart.....like me.:D

And what is wrong with hittin on her?:confused:

Shortsighted as usual. It's rare that we have females here, and I'd say it doesn't help that the first thing she gets is a crackpot conspiracy theorist LARPer from South America trying to hook up with her.

Not to mention your approach was classless and dive bar level pickup skills.

Young at heart like you? Seriously?! Does that mean you are old and immature? Just wondering, because that would have put a couple of my assessments pretty much dead on.

Anyway... back to Charlie Sheen. Considering that's the title of the thread. You want to get your game on? PM her. Otherwise... STFU.

03-06-2011, 05:44 PM
clearly he has no game... people who hit on women on the net are hurting... i mean, anyone with even a lil bit of game is all about women that live in the same hemisphere... net mackin is for the lonely...

03-06-2011, 06:04 PM
Shortsighted as usual. You are the short sighted one, because as I said, her profile does not say anything about the art that she practices, nor wether she is young at heart.

It's rare that we have females here,
Well, that would be because this site is full of MMA knuckleheads and politically uninformed people.....

and I'd say it doesn't help that the first thing she gets is a crackpot conspiracy theorist

Conspiracy "Theorist"?:confused:

from South America trying to hook up with her.

Who said I am from South America?:confused:

Not to mention your approach was classless and dive bar level pickup skills.

I don't recall insulting her or being abusive.....

Young at heart like you?


Of course. Only a young at heart person like me would even attempt to discuss serious political issues with people with child like understanding of world events, such as yourself...;)

Does that mean you are old and immature?
No, it means I am young at heart...:cool:

Just wondering,
Yep, you have been doing a lot of that lately, it seems....well, we do live in a complicated world..;)

because that would have put a couple of my assessments pretty much dead on.
From what I have seen from you so far, I wouldn't count on an "assessment" of yours regarding the time of the day.

Anyway... back to Charlie Sheen. Considering that's the title of the thread. You want to get your game on? PM her. Otherwise... STFU.

Nobody stopped you from posting about Charlie Sheen. So, why didn't you just post about him, instead of dedicating your last post to me?

03-06-2011, 06:16 PM
clearly he has no game...
Yes, I always thought that you were an expert in this area....:rolleyes:

people who hit on women on the net are hurting...

You know, I am really beginning to wish that you or Drake would manage at least one correct assumption about me. I mean Christ, with all the stuff thrown at me by you two, you should have gotten something right, statistically speaking, but you are just too clueless.....

i mean, anyone with even a lil bit of game is all about women that live in the same hemisphere... net mackin is for the lonely...

There you go once AGAIN....LOL!

03-06-2011, 06:26 PM
Thanks, HW... you do all the work for me.

03-06-2011, 10:54 PM
Thanks, HW... you do all the work for me.

I have to do all the work around here.....:D

03-06-2011, 11:03 PM
another humble opinion?

03-07-2011, 01:23 AM
another humble opinion?
But of course! :)

03-07-2011, 05:50 PM
geeeez... charlie is a train wreck... this is such a public meltdown... in comes charlies korner... charlie sheens radio show where he just rants about tiger blood and space alien dna... now mark cuban is talking to sheen about a possible reality show or even a game show... starring, charlie sheen, of course...

i think he's broke and this is a move to make something happen in the face of losing "men"... like he has no choice in his mind... be an entertainer to the end... when i say broke i dont mean a broke like we would be... i mean he only has 15 million left and his properties and whatnot are eating it fast... he needs to start working... a public meltdown is good tv... nobody is accusing him of being dumb...

what about the racism? he was yelling the N word in that hotel, directed at nobody... and theres the anti semitism thing...? nobody is even talking about that... brooke mueler is saying he said some crazy anti semetic stuff to her in some rant phone call or something... nobody is even talking about any of that... its like the least crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth, lol... the guy is telling everyone he's awesome and they are average, yadda yadda...

but WTF is up with the radio show... anyone hear it?


03-08-2011, 12:14 AM
this one is extra special...


yall can stick up for this guy all ya want... bottom line is that he is quite obviously a crackhead egomaniac... ten minutes clean and he expects the world to worship his amazing addiction breaking super skills... adonis dna :rolleyes: the guy is fukced in the head... you know, i understand some people care about him and want to see him do well... but they are enablers... they help him convince himself that everything is ok... and his fans that blindly support him are the same thing... its people like his dad that really care... people who are VERY concerned about his recent behaviour... and he lashes out at those people... his symptoms are classic and textbook...

and you know what, when somebody crashes like this, the polite thing to do is to back off and give them space to heal... but he's publicizing and capitalizing on every moment of it, so he's fair game... he's like the public domain celeb... by his own choosing... and thats the part worth noting...

03-08-2011, 08:12 AM
what about the racism? he was yelling the N word in that hotel, directed at nobody...

Racism is only a big deal if you have an (R) next to your name, otherwise you get a pass.

03-10-2011, 11:38 AM
He's looking to get some viral buzz for his work, so I'm posting it here. Check it out to bump up his hits. It's only 24 secs.

Liquid Sheen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAWpjcK3trM)

03-10-2011, 04:55 PM
What is your martial art(s)?

Annnnnnd, are you young at heart, like me?:D

I study Shaolin Kempo

Um, I'm 29...so, depends on how young at heart you mean! lol!

03-10-2011, 04:56 PM
He's looking to get some viral buzz for his work, so I'm posting it here. Check it out to bump up his hits. It's only 24 secs.

Liquid Sheen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAWpjcK3trM)

LMAO! That was awesome!

03-10-2011, 05:13 PM
I study Shaolin Kempo

Um, I'm 29...so, depends on how young at heart you mean! lol!

he means dirty over the hill man...

old = single = young at heart somehow???

im placing Hdub between 35 and 55... im thinking 40s... total assumption tho... i could be wrong... but i dont think so...

03-10-2011, 05:34 PM
I study Shaolin Kempo

Great. Thanks for coming back. I am glad that the resident prudes did not put you off responding.

I don't know much about Shaolin Kempo. Can you tell me what techniques or ranges you emphasis, and/or is there a website I could look at?

Um, I'm 29...so, depends on how young at heart you mean! lol!

That is good enough for me. :D

Seriously though, sometimes a young physical age does not reflect a young at heart attitude to life, however, I am glad that you come across as someone who is young at heart.

03-10-2011, 05:45 PM
I don't know what is eating you, but you should get it out of your system. You really need to understand the wisdom of being young at heart, like me and SenseiShellie. :D

he means dirty over the hill man...
You wish.:rolleyes:

You really have no idea, do you?

old = single = young at heart somehow???
Who said I am single? LoL

Just to educate you a little. Being young at heart has nothing to do with age. It is an attitude to life. That is how I keep participating in a TCMA forum populated by kung fu-clueless individuals such as yourself, the "sifus" (lol) included. That is, I just smile and let your cluelessness go by....

im placing Hdub between 35 and 55... im thinking 40s... total assumption tho... i could be wrong... but i dont think so...

You don't need to do any "placing" regarding my age, all you had to do was read my profile, which I am sure you have....

If you did actually guess my approximate age, then kudos, as it is a good guess and that is just about the only thing you have got right about me, so far.

For whatever it is worth, I am in my turn guessing that your IQ is about the same range as my age, if not below....:D

03-11-2011, 12:05 AM
no, i actually lied about it and did look at your profile... i just wanted to look good by faking deductive genius...

come on man... it wasnt hard to guess...

and if you arent single, you shouldnt be hitting on shellie... either you are single, or a j3rkoff...

im kung-fu clueless now... what about glorified kickboxer or MMist??? cause you know what i do, right? or no wait, you can tell just be a few words... cause youre fresh like that... mhm... real nice...

03-11-2011, 12:10 AM
no, i actually lied about it and did look at your profile... i just wanted to look good by faking deductive genius...

Keep trying my boy....you will get there one day......:D

come on man... it wasnt hard to guess...

Of course it wasn't hard to guess. You have read my mature and intelligent posts for months now, so you must have realized that they could only come from someone over 40.... :D

03-11-2011, 04:58 PM
It's somewhat fitting that you derailed a Charlie Sheen thread.

03-11-2011, 05:04 PM
It's somewhat fitting that you derailed a Charlie Sheen thread.

As I said before, no one is stopping you from posting about Charlie Sheen, yet you keep posting to me, and about me. If it was not for you and Syn7, this thread would not even be derailed.

Going back to Charlie Sheen, I believe we should leave the man alone. He has enough problems as it is. I just hope that his problems are not as bad as people say they are and that he shapes up and gets back "on the saddle", as there are still a lot of women out there who may want to go out with him yet....:D

03-11-2011, 05:05 PM
As I said before, no one is stopping you from posting about Charlie Sheen, yet you keep posting to me, and about me. If it was not for you and Syn7, this thread would not even be derailed.

Going back to Charlie Sheen, I believe we should leave the man alone. He has enough problems as it is. I just hope that his problems are not as bad as people say they are and that he shapes up and gets back "on the saddle", as there are still a lot of women out there who may want to go out with him yet....:D

I'm more concerned about the worst earthquake Japan has seen in over 100 years.

03-11-2011, 05:10 PM
By the way Drake, Charlie Sheen and I are very different. He looks better than I do; has more money and is more famous, to start with.

AAAAnnnnd, I don't take drugs, nor drink or smoke. So, the only thing I have in common with him is my "addiction" to the opposite sex, not just sexually, but also I just prefer their company. ;)

Also, I don't think that Charlie Sheen practices kung fu. This fact alone would make him have more things in common with most of the posters here....:D

03-11-2011, 05:11 PM
ppsssssshhhttt... my thread, i'll do as i feel... but if anyone says something about charlie sheen thats interesting, im sure it'll get back on track...

03-11-2011, 05:11 PM
I'm more concerned about the worst earthquake Japan has seen in over 100 years.

So am I....:(

03-11-2011, 05:11 PM
ppsssssshhhttt... my thread, i'll do as i feel... but if anyone says something about charlie sheen thats interesting, im sure it'll get back on track...

I just did....;)

03-11-2011, 05:14 PM
its not like people are prying into sheens life... he's opened the door and daring everyone to come in...

thats what you get when you surround yourself with sycophants... delusional... he's showing classic symptoms that we see from all addicts... anyone who denies this has no idea what theyre talking about...

03-11-2011, 05:15 PM
I just did....;)

that wasnt very interesting....

03-11-2011, 05:38 PM
meh...nothing great about sheen. 500 bucks says i can sex a lady better than him any day of the week...plus i make him look like a coked out guido...he has mor cash than me for sure tho.

03-11-2011, 05:44 PM
that wasnt very interesting....

Don't worry, a few more years of personal growth for you and then all of a sudden you will see the interesting stuff in my posts....:D

03-11-2011, 05:54 PM
meh...nothing great about sheen. 500 bucks says i can sex a lady better than him any day of the week...plus i make him look like a coked out guido...he has mor cash than me for sure tho.

half the cats here can prolly throw a better one than sheen... crack kills...

03-11-2011, 06:13 PM



03-12-2011, 05:44 PM

03-12-2011, 08:24 PM

LOL....it looks like Charlie Sheen is having a great time with the whole thing, while many here are making assumptions and even possibly unfair comments about him. You have to love the guy...:)

03-12-2011, 09:55 PM
theres no way he's gonna hit every network... he'll be broke soon... child support and such, combined with upkeep of assets will break him sooner than later... he's not reliable... only B-raters and lower will touch this guy anytime soon...

and that sh1t isnt funny... if he's gonna try and do comedy cooking, at least he could find an original bit... everything he's done so far has been a sad joke... nhot what he's intending... they guy is a looser... loooosing...

03-12-2011, 10:35 PM
theres no way he's gonna hit every network... he'll be broke soon... child support and such, combined with upkeep of assets will break him sooner than later... he's not reliable... only B-raters and lower will touch this guy anytime soon...

and that sh1t isnt funny... if he's gonna try and do comedy cooking, at least he could find an original bit... everything he's done so far has been a sad joke... nhot what he's intending... they guy is a looser... loooosing...

You mean you don't find two and a half men, funny?:eek:

03-12-2011, 11:56 PM
its alright... but it would be just as funny with somebody else... its the writing that is admirable... its not like there are any challenging roles there... if anyone carries that show, its the mother...

03-13-2011, 12:24 AM
its alright... but it would be just as funny with somebody else... its the writing that is admirable... its not like there are any challenging roles there... if anyone carries that show, its the mother...

No arguments from me about the super excellent writing, but I also believe that the fact that Charlie Sheen is playing himself on one level helps the show immensly.