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View Full Version : My cat is not very smart

03-14-2011, 12:49 PM
I have a soft spot for animals, so we have a good number of indoor cats. We just moved into a 2-story house, and none of our cats have lived in one before. Within a few hours all the cats except one had went up and down the stairs with no issues. But not this one. He went up them on his own, then refused to come down. He just sat at the top of the stairs looking down and crying. So I went to pick him up to carry him down and he freaked out. I literally had to toss him down to avoid being sliced to death. So it happened again, and this time my wife went to try bringing him down as he likes her more. She did about as well as I did. So now he won't go up the stairs at all. :rolleyes:

03-14-2011, 12:56 PM
You certainly have away with ***** !

03-14-2011, 01:02 PM
Cats are great. They provide much more family entertainment than dogs, imo.

03-14-2011, 01:05 PM
Cats are great. They provide much more family entertainment than dogs, imo.

Dogs and cats as family entertainment?:confused:

I get my entertainment reading people's take on kung fu training here in this forum-:D

03-14-2011, 01:11 PM
have you tried luring it with a treat or some fish ? one stept at a time draw it down one step with the treat, then the next, etc.

ive had to do that in the past.

03-14-2011, 01:14 PM
You gotta show that ***** whos boss !!:D

03-14-2011, 01:22 PM
Dogs and cats as family entertainment?:confused:

I get my entertainment reading people's take on kung fu training here in this forum-:D

My cat keeps my laughing all day. He's a hoot.

David Jamieson
03-14-2011, 01:38 PM
Cat's are retards.

I've lived with them all my life.

I just do it to feel better about myself. :p

03-14-2011, 01:47 PM
Cat's are retards.

I've lived with them all my life.
There is a joke there somewhere, but I don't wanna go there....:D

I just do it to feel better about myself. :p
Yes, but what about the poor cats who have to live with you?....:eek:

03-14-2011, 02:03 PM
why throw it??? dont you know how to incapacitate a cat to carry him down??? my cats can be crazy but i know exactly how to bind their legs without hurting them and can carry em anywhere... the hard part is not getting cut to shreds when you let go... but i just put em on their back and let go real quick... no need to throw it anywhere... especially down a set of stairs...

ive even got my cats wet in the tub... not easy, but do-able... their usually pretty clean, but sometimes they get into something gross... like when one tore open a a plastic honey bear and got it all over herself... all the dirt and dust and anything else she rolled around in stuck to her, not to mention having to clean honey off the floor... thankfully it was on the hardwood...

also i only get female cats... it sucks when theyre in heat but its better than the alternative... and i hate the idea of having them "fixed"... i have very mixed feelings about that whole thing...

03-14-2011, 02:06 PM
why throw it??? dont you know how to incapacitate a cat to carry him down??? my cats can be crazy but i know exactly how to bind their legs without hurting them and can carry em anywhere... the hard part is not getting cut to shreds when you let go... but i just put em on their back and let go real quick... no need to throw it anywhere... especially down a set of stairs...

ive even got my cats wet in the tub... not easy, but do-able... their usually pretty clean, but sometimes they get into something gross... like when one tore open a a plastic honey bear and got it all over herself... all the dirt and dust and anything else she rolled around in stuck to her, not to mention having to clean honey off the floor... thankfully it was on the hardwood...

also i only get female cats... it sucks when theyre in heat but its better than the alternative... and i hate the idea of having them "fixed"... i have very mixed feelings about that whole thing...

Wow, now I know what you meant when you implied to have had a lot of experience with Pu$$ies....:eek:

03-14-2011, 02:17 PM
Like MK, I love cats and find them much more fun and interesting than dogs.

I tried shaking the food at the bottom of the stairs, but no go. I also put catnip down on the first step down and that didn't work either and he LOVES catnip. It's like crack for cats.

As to why I threw him, I had no idea he would react like that. I know how to carry a cat that's ****ed off, by the scruff of the neck. They just freeze up and hang there! So i went to pick him up and put him on my chest/shoulder area like he likes to be carried. He honestly gave no signs of being upset before I picked him up. I felt horrible after I did it btw.

03-14-2011, 02:39 PM
hmm ya thats one scardie cat you got on your hands. another tactic if you can is to scare him/her down the stairs.

03-14-2011, 02:44 PM
A frightened cat sometimes forgets where he is and if his family is trying to help him or not.

You made a decision based on the situation, it didn't turn out perfectly, but at least it got him down the steps. Welcome to the imperfect world of imperfect decisions.

I own a cat as well. Love those little guys.

03-14-2011, 03:06 PM

03-14-2011, 04:25 PM
Cats are great. They provide much more family entertainment than dogs, imo.

I don't think cat care much about human being at all. I had a cat before. She always think that she did me a favor by letting me to hold her.

I had left my dog (as shown in the following clip) in someone's house while I took 2 weeks vacation. When I picked her up after I came back from my vacation, the house owner told me that she kept crying for 3 days and 3 nights none stop in the 1st 3 days. When I picked he up, she kept crying for amost 45 minutes in my arm. I have never seen any cat that attaches to human being as my dog does.


03-14-2011, 05:10 PM
A cat's an interesting roommate, but a dog's a companion. I'm with YKW on this one; I grew up with both, and though the cats were fun to watch (pure....unadulterated....craziness), there was never really any attachment.

My dog and I, though, had an understanding. You know how you can communicate with some people with just eye-contact and a subtle nod, and the understanding is there? Same thing. D4mn good dog.

03-14-2011, 06:09 PM
I don't think cat care much about human being at all. I had a cat before. She always think that she did me a favor by letting me to hold her.

I had left my dog (as shown in the following clip) in someone's house while I took 2 weeks vacation. When I picked her up after I came back from my vacation, the house owner told me that she kept crying for 3 days and 3 nights none stop in the 1st 3 days. When I picked he up, she kept crying for amost 45 minutes in my arm. I have never seen any cat that attaches to human being as my dog does.


A very cute dog and no doubt a great companion. I would get a dog myself, but I am torn between three countries, where I need to travel regularly, and I would hate to leave a dog behind that many times, because as you have pointed out, they suffer.

Who knows, maybe when I truly settle down one day, I might just get one...:)

03-15-2011, 06:06 AM
I don't think cat care much about human being at all. I had a cat before. She always think that she did me a favor by letting me to hold her.

I had left my dog (as shown in the following clip) in someone's house while I took 2 weeks vacation. When I picked her up after I came back from my vacation, the house owner told me that she kept crying for 3 days and 3 nights none stop in the 1st 3 days. When I picked he up, she kept crying for amost 45 minutes in my arm. I have never seen any cat that attaches to human being as my dog does.


True Story.

My tom cat has never, ever brought home dead animals. But this last christmas, after my kids opened their presents I let him out so he could make his rounds. He returned an hour later, crying loudly at the door. When I opened the door, he had a dead bird laying on the doormat for me.

The f@cker went out and got us a x-mas present. :D

David Jamieson
03-15-2011, 06:21 AM
Dogs FTW!

seriously, I have Cats, but they really don't care like a dog does and don't respond or interact like a dog does. they're cool..too cool perhaps, whereas dogs are fun and goofy and just a few orders of magnitude better companions than cats.


03-15-2011, 07:24 AM
another tactic if you can is to scare him/her down the stairs.

Ok, so the brain trust came up the stairs in the middle of the night and then started crying loudly when he wanted down. So I got out of bed to deal with it. I put him at the foot of the stairs, but he wouldn't go down. Then I tossed him about 3 or 4 steps down and pulled out the water gun, which we use for punishment. He refused to go down and shot back up. Even though I was shooting him dead in the face, he kept on coming. We repeated this a few times. Then he was tossed down the stairs again. :rolleyes:

03-15-2011, 07:49 AM
Lol that's really weird man. Maybe then the only thing that might work is time haha

03-15-2011, 09:10 AM
Cats provide humor on multiple levels. Replace a dog in this pic and it loses all impact.

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/13450_139497529399775_100000185866350_399646_47987 41_n.jpg

03-15-2011, 10:19 AM
Cats are also generally immune to snake venom while dogs are not. We had a cat get bit on the head and she was fine. We had to take her in to the vet to get on antibiotics as the fangs themselves can still cause an infection.

03-15-2011, 11:04 AM
Which one of these is funnier?



03-15-2011, 11:21 AM
Cats are also generally immune to snake venom while dogs are not. We had a cat get bit on the head and she was fine. We had to take her in to the vet to get on antibiotics as the fangs themselves can still cause an infection.

Cats may be immune to snake venom but snakes aren't immune to boob venom.

Snake dies from silicone poisoning after biting model's breast during photoshoot (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366202/Snake-dies-silicone-poisoning-biting-models-breasts.html)
Surgically enhanced Israeli model Orit Fox got more than she bargained for when the massive boa constrictor took objection to her over familiarity and reacted by biting into her breast.

However, it was the snake who came off worse because, while Ms Fox need a tetanus shot in hospital, the reptile later died from silicone poisoning.


03-15-2011, 11:45 AM
Good to know my dislike of fake boobs has possibly saved my life

David Jamieson
03-15-2011, 12:32 PM

03-15-2011, 01:13 PM
How do I post a video that's on my computer?

I have a funny cat video I got off the Net awhile back.

David Jamieson
03-15-2011, 01:16 PM
How do I post a video that's on my computer?

I have a funny cat video I got off the Net awhile back.

upload it to your youtube account then post the link here.

you can't post video here.

just an animated gif hotlinked from a photodump site. :p

03-15-2011, 01:28 PM
whats a youtube account? do you have to pay for them?

03-15-2011, 01:32 PM
whats a youtube account? Do you have to pay for them?

w t f ?

David Jamieson
03-15-2011, 01:38 PM

03-15-2011, 01:56 PM
I found it on YouTube. It's originally from Somethingawful.com It's funny and has killer music set to it.


03-15-2011, 02:18 PM
I found it on YouTube. It's originally from Somethingawful.com It's funny and has killer music set to it.


thats it??? my cats do that all day every day... the young one always teases the older one... so they battle... its cute when they young one goes for the dog too... the dog is a yellow lab that weighs over 100lbs... but its a bit of a worry with the older cat... she swipes at the dog... so the dog thinks its all good coz he wrestles with the young one, but the older one will cut the dogs face... she bleeds him all the time... what i worry about is the eyes... the dog is dumb enough to go head first into the vortex of that tazmanian devil of a cat... every once in a while you hear the dog yelp from getting cut... he never learns lol... i dont really care, he gets what he deserves, but they eye thing worries me... so now i try to discourage the whole cat dog battles... with either cat...

03-15-2011, 02:33 PM
thats it???

Sorry it wasn't up to your high standards. ;)

03-15-2011, 05:18 PM
I have a love story to tell about my dog Ya Ya.


Once I has 3 Yorkies, my current Ya Ya (a girl weight 2 lb and 7 oz), Ming Ming (a boy weight 3 lb and 8 oz), and Qi Qi (another girl weight 3 lb and 6 oz). The day that I got Qi Qi, my Ming Ming pretended that he didn't care about her infront of Ya Ya. But behind Ya Ya, Ming Ming show a lot of interest in Qi Qi. That hurt Ya Ya's feeling big time. My Ya Ya had to kiss Ming Ming right in front of Qi Qi to show Qi Qi that Ming Ming belonged to her. Finally I realized that I can't have 2 girls in my house, and I had to return Qi Qi back to the original owner. Since Ming Ming didn't like to exercise, I had to give him to my sister inlaw. I just came back from a 4 miles walking with my Ya Ya.

03-15-2011, 06:09 PM
Sorry it wasn't up to your high standards. ;)

you are forgiven...

am i not merciful???

post something less common like this:


my one younger cat, shes such a b1tch sometimes... we use a squirt bottle to keep her from doing sh1t she shouldnt do... but even tho it worked well at first, now you start blasting her and she turns her face into and just takes it, statres at me like "are you fukcing done yet???" she is so disobediant that way... she wont run or turn away... face first water running down her face with a giant "fukc u" in her eyes...

to get her in the tub i have to hold the two front legs with one hand, like in between my fingers and the back two in my other hand and i just slowy lower her in lukewarm water till she stops fighting it... it takes another set of hands to actually clean her... she starts being good coz she knows im not letting go... but when i do let go, back up and do it fast, coz shes on the warpath after those kinds of things... she streaks everywhere till shes dry... then she'll go look for a way to get even...

03-15-2011, 06:33 PM
i like this one... some funny parts...


03-15-2011, 06:39 PM

03-15-2011, 06:45 PM
This is my cat Oreo

03-15-2011, 06:47 PM
ok so i never actual saw the original retarded hose vid till now... WTF is this song?


is this something somebody actually released and got radio play?

03-16-2011, 07:07 AM
You have a pretty cat MK.

My stupid cat stayed downstairs yesterday and last night.

03-29-2011, 06:57 AM
Is it right that cats are usually more honest to its house than its owner...
Can leave its honor but not its house where it is living....

03-29-2011, 08:58 AM
Is it right that cats are usually more honest to its house than its owner...
Can leave its honor but not its house where it is living....

Uh, I think what you mean is that a cat gets more attached to it's house than it's owner. I would say neither is true. Cats seem to not really care too much about either.

I got a call last week from a woman because her daughters had been letting my cat in their house. The yougest took his collar off and hid it and then tried to get the mom to let them keep him. Mom found the collar and called me to make sure it was my cat, but she seemed pretty upset that I actually claimed him.

David Jamieson
03-29-2011, 09:04 AM
Is it right that cats are usually more honest to its house than its owner...
Can leave its honor but not its house where it is living....

Not really and I don't agree that they don't care about their care givers either.
Cat's are a curious creature for sure but not quite as independent as people would like to think.

I have lived with cats all my life, literally. When I was brought home from being born, there were two cats at home waiting. I grew up having cats in the house at all times and we moved a few times.

The cats were attached to us and we to them. They had free run and always returned even after we moved and on every occasion.

This took place over years and with additions and losses along the way.

consistently, the animals were bound to us humans and not to geography.
same as all the dogs I ever lived with too! lol

03-29-2011, 10:00 AM
even snakes develop attachments with their owners. all animial companions do to one degree or another. from basic needs like food water and shelter to more of a pack/pride mentality or co ownership to outright dominance.

then you have seperate personalities. not all cats are the same.

KC Elbows
03-29-2011, 02:23 PM
Uh, I think what you mean is that a cat gets more attached to it's house than it's owner. I would say neither is true. Cats seem to not really care too much about either.

I got a call last week from a woman because her daughters had been letting my cat in their house. The yougest took his collar off and hid it and then tried to get the mom to let them keep him. Mom found the collar and called me to make sure it was my cat, but she seemed pretty upset that I actually claimed him.

Maybe if your cat didn't have to watch so many of your disturbing online vids, it wouldn't be trying to run away?

David Jamieson
03-29-2011, 06:23 PM
Maybe if your cat didn't have to watch so many of your disturbing online vids, it wouldn't be trying to run away?

MK watches ceiling cat while he masturbates to internet porn...

There's a gif out there somewhere...

03-30-2011, 06:08 AM
Maybe if your cat didn't have to watch so many of your disturbing online vids, it wouldn't be trying to run away?http://www.gifbin.com/bin/g6801g681g60.gif