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View Full Version : just a reminder

03-25-2011, 08:20 PM
just a reminder tha the great lakes kung fu championships are in a 2 weeks................ make your plans now.


03-26-2011, 05:51 AM
On Sunday April 10:

9AM - Sifu Jan Yu Weng (son of Dr. Chi Hsiu Weng) of the United States Shuai Chiao Association will give a seminar on Pao Ting Shuai Chiao.

10:30AM - Shifu Richard Tolson will give a San Shou / fighting techniques for Praying Mantis seminar.

12PM - Shifu Mike Haley will give a Shuai Chiao / Chin Na for Praying Mantis seminar.

all seminars are $50 each person


03-27-2011, 02:01 PM
On Sunday April 10:

9AM - Sifu Jan Yu Weng (son of Dr. Chi Hsiu Weng) of the United States Shuai Chiao Association will give a seminar on Pao Ting Shuai Chiao.

10:30AM - Shifu Richard Tolson will give a San Shou / fighting techniques for Praying Mantis seminar.

12PM - Shifu Mike Haley will give a Shuai Chiao / Chin Na for Praying Mantis seminar.

all seminars are $50 each person


I'm going just so I can "touch hands" with that Richard Tolson character. I heard he really SUCKS!

Those attending my seminar may want to bring writing material for notes and bag gloves for work on the focus mitts. Groin cups and mouth guards would also be wise. Carebear band-aids will be provided.

Cameras and video-cameras will be permitted for my seminar (unless Gino or John say otherwise).

03-27-2011, 07:18 PM
LOl @ mooying mantis........ reading your post..............that just made my night:p