View Full Version : Largest Taoism FU Online Dealer

04-19-2011, 09:15 AM

If you ever wanted to look for real Taoism magical FU(s), here is a good place to go. Tons of stuff!

04-19-2011, 03:48 PM
Your site says you learned from spirits, not humans, so why should anyone believe your outlandish claims.

People who say they talk to spirits are either con artists or they're crazy.

04-19-2011, 04:54 PM
Your site says you learned from spirits, not humans, so why should anyone believe your outlandish claims.

People who say they talk to spirits are either con artists or they're crazy.

I do not learn from spirits, I learn from Taoverse Deity. He is not a spirit. But it's also your choice to accept what I offer or not. What's the point to speak if you don't like it anyways? How did Zhang Dao Ling Tin Si start in 220BC? He also learn from Tai Sheung Lo Gwun (a deity) and taught his sect to people. How come it must be from human? If you have doubt in me, too bad, it's not for you then. But if you want to challenge me, try our exorcism and FU(s), it works for many people already and so I tell you it's true real and working.

04-19-2011, 11:06 PM
You're a con artist who learned from books and maybe video. You're an evil person trying to start a cult for profit.

04-20-2011, 02:56 AM
You're a con artist who learned from books and maybe video. You're an evil person trying to start a cult for profit.

If you are not interested in our service and products you are free to leave and just bypass. We have been servicing the public already with 15yrs of experience and we know what's real by seeing our client's feedback.

Yes, my business is for profit, that's right, you need to PAY to get service from me. That's how the reality is. Who say I am non-profit? It's a registered LTD dude, don't be silly, I am not a charity!

04-20-2011, 12:22 PM
What's the point to speak if you don't like it anyways?

Here in the US most people do not have experience with Taoism so I think it is important to point out to others that I believe you are a fraud. IE: not Taoist and not a good martial artist.

04-20-2011, 12:40 PM
I just think he's batsh1t crazy. Or, nuttier than a squirrel turd, if you prefer that analogy.

04-20-2011, 06:32 PM
Actually I got a few US students, you are just not exposed to Taoism and Taoism magic and that's all. It's up to you to choose what you want but I am in business since 2006-2011 in a store unit and that is a solid proof of real magic that works for people. Or else my business is closed already.

04-20-2011, 07:08 PM
Business or temple? Make up your mind... (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1090269#post1090269)

The temple is a business, registered LTD, can't you read?

Temple is just a term I use for people to understand. As we said, what we do is to provide Taoism service and products to the public. That's a real business there and not a charity, and we are not registered a charity either.

05-01-2011, 06:13 AM
悟然道派滅除 -> 天一派之開始

「悟然道派」已經正式於西曆二零零九年九月二十三日滅除.此乃因該派祖師麥清玄及劉清仙二人遭受神棍之誤導 所害而更改了神傳之門派名稱和宗譜.故當二人以天師神職執法時立例於道教時而自滅其派.其例如下:「道教之 中從此不可再有自封門派及法門,一切必需神傳方可生效,如有犯此例者其法必破,永遠逐出道教,受其害者亦三 年不可皈依入道門之內,以正道風.」.因悟然道派雖是神傳兩位天師,但因二天師當時受到一位神棍誤導,更改 神傳宗譜,派別名稱,因此而犯其例矣.其實悟然道派起初乃是神傳,命為「乾坤混元派」,其宗譜又為:「乾坤 通天地,玄緣無際邊,德重心清淨,千古永流傳.」.因二天師當時誤聽讒言,把神傳的門派就變了一個自封的門 派,而還自封宗譜,故犯了之後二人所立的道教法例.當時玉皇大帝親自向二天師問道是否真的立此一例,從此亦 滅除悟然道派.二天師深知當時道教又有甚多自封之邪法法門及咒語,故毫不猶豫地答認玉皇大帝立例之事,當時 ,悟然道派及其他道教中的自封派系,法門,咒語,等等亦即時被廢去.玉皇大帝見二天師之心存正氣,大剛大勇 ,又憐憫天下蒼生,故特再賜封「天一正法」給二天師,成為神傳之天一派,由二天師為開派祖師,繼續傳承道門 正法.當日,玉皇大帝還親自賜封了五個牌扁,又賜天一派之詩譜為:「天一玉皇傳,妙法本自然,正氣丹心運, 萬法歸先天.」,又傳下法寶,三顆神印(天一正法印,玉皇印,天一弟子印),天一令旗為開派信 印.

天一派乃是100%神傳之道教門派,所有其內法門.法籙.法寶,經文,戒律,手訣,法訣等等亦均是神傳,世 間獨一無二,且是由麥清玄祖師及劉清仙祖師為開派祖師.此派不屬於任何門派之下,亦非任何門派之分支或附屬 分派等.故拜入天一派之人所學之法均是神傳之正法也.
•天一派現在並不收納新弟子,只收納已入了悟然道派的門生.故門生必需直接聯絡本廟兩位祖師以可轉拜入天一 派門下成為天一派道士.
•已入了悟然道派和想皈依的人,請直接聯絡我們,因天一派現在別無傳人,只有本廟兩位祖師方可傳授天一正法 .
•已皈依了入悟然道派的人,必需直接聯絡本廟兩位祖師方可轉成天一派道士,因悟然道派內之已皈依道士不能自 動轉入天一派之內,必定要聯絡天一派祖師麥清玄祖師或劉清仙祖師方可辦特別法事為其拜入天一派內成為天一派 道士.

This page is from our 2010 website, which we changed already, it will explain everything to you from the transition of Ng Yin do Pai to Tin Yat Lineage, all our students know it, just that you don't because you are stupid enough to search on outdated materials and you have nothing to do in your life except for causing problems in the world. So you leave, not me, idiot! READ THE CHINESE THEN!

05-01-2011, 06:17 AM
From the above, we can guarantee you the rumor is not true because the above is NOT a spell, it is just a lineage poem we give to our student back then. PLUS the person who speak is making things up because non of our service is $80. The entry of lineage is $90 CAD but all names are recorded. If they have a name, we should have them in the file as well. I know some people have nothing to do and wanted to cause rumors and troubles, and so it's okay, we have already clarify it ourself. If you are one of them, so be it. Who still stay all know the truth.

05-01-2011, 06:38 AM
悟然道派滅除 -> 天一派之開始
From Ng Yin Do Pai -> Tin Yat Lineage
"Ng Yin Do Pai" was officially destroyed on 2009/9/23 by us. This is becvause the lineage founder Mak Ching Yuen and Lau Ching Sin have got scam by a scam leading to a mistake on the lineage name and the poem. This then lead to the period when both lineage founder became and granted the title of Celestial Master, they destroy the lineage themselves. That is the rule they have states back then " In Taoism you cannot have any self-claimed lineage of magic or lineage, or magic. Everything must be passed down by the deities to be active. Their lineage void this rule and so is destroyed. Who void it will have 3 years cannot get back into Taoism and that's the rule." Because Ng Yin Do Pai WAS passed on to the two people by deities, but because at that time, the two celestial masters were mislead by a scammer, changed the name of the lineage and the poem, and so the lineage void this rule. Initially, Ng Yin Do Pai lineage is from the deities, but is should be "Kin Kwan Wan Yuen Pai" The Lineage poem is "Kin Kwan Tung Tin Dei, Yuen Yuen Mo Jai Bin, Dak Jung Sam Ching Jing, Chin Goo Wing Lau Chuen" . But the two Celestial Master listened to the scammer and changed the poem and so the lineage is not fully from heaven anymore, and then the lineage poem is then a self-made one then. So void this rule and was destroyed.

At that time, the Jade Emperor have asked and hesitated about are the two Celestial Master really wanting to make this a rule, because it will destroy their own lineage as well. The two Celestial Masters know in the Taoism now, there are too many evil magic and lineage that aren't supposed to have the power of Taoism and in Taoism, and so they made the decision to do so. By then, everything in Ng Yin Do Pai were then destroyed and become deactivated.
The Jade Emperor see that the two Celestial Master have a positive heart and is really willing to give up what is wrong, being humane to the others, and so he regranted a new lineage "Tin Yat Lineage" with all new materials to the two Celestial Master. This is then the birth of Tin Yat Lineage. The two celestial Master then started the heavenly lineage and learn all the magic and skills over from stage zero from the deities again, "with nothing from themselves or others this time" On that day, the jade emperor have started to gave the two Celestial master 5 plates of words, and the lineage poem of "Tin Yat Yuk Wong Chuen, Miu Faat Boon Ji Yin, Jing Hei Darn Sum Wan, Maan Faat Gwai Sin Tin" and he passed on new magical tools, three stamps (tin yat stamp, jade emperor stamp, and tin yat student stamp), Tin Yat flag and etc,, as the authority of the lineage.
Taoism Tin Yat Lineage is 100% from deities , all the magic in there, Taoism FU, maigcal tools, scriptures, oaths, hand signs, etc,. are all from deities and are exclusive in the lineage only, fresh to the world. (no modifications done by human). With Mak Ching Yuen and Lau Ching Sin being the founder of the lineage. This lineage does not related to ANY lineage in the world and doesn't belong to any lineage or sects. If you have been told you can enter Tin Yat Lineage FROM other sects or source, it is not true. That is why Tin Yat Lineage is fully heavenly.

*Tin Yat Lineage now doesn't accept new student, therefore, all Ng Yin Do Pai students must contact us and so our two lineage founder can help you to transfer you to the new lineage, being a Taoist of Tin Yat Lineage.

*All student of Ng Yin do Pai now, if you want to be ordained, please contact us directly, because now there are no other masters in Tin Yat Lineage now except for us two, only our temple can teach you Tin Yat Lineage.

*For those who are in stage2 (ordained) in Ng Yin Do Pai, please and you must contact us and so we can convert and transfer you to become a Tin Yat Taoist, because all Ng Yin Do Pai Taoist cannot convert to the new lineage themseleves. Therefore, you must contact us again so we can do the ritual for you to get into Tin Yat Lineage and become a Taoist in the lineage.

(NOTE: all materials in chinese have been also in the english version of the website since 2009-2010 spring or even summer). All students who need to be transferred have been done transferring. Therefore, there are no miscommunication between us now. We are willing to take any responsibility to our students and help them to get back on the right track and we have publicly admitted our false. )

05-01-2011, 06:40 AM
For all westerners who need to translate the chinese passage, here is the english one I have just translated for you.

Don't be silly, this is already history and we have did our best to help our students (all) to convert back into the lineage of Tin Yat, and everything was already fixed by now.

If you are a student of Ng Yin Do Pai, I am more than happy to assist you the way, but if not, you are just a problem creator and wanted to cause trouble everywhere.

05-01-2011, 06:45 AM
By the way, whoever typed up that english BS from the "forwarded" post, Lungmen student talking about my lineage? What a joke, I have not even have a student back then who is from Lungmen and my student can tell you that I never talk in an abusive tone as well. I was only told that I am more patience than expected. What a joke, people from lungmen are so stupid to make up fake stuff like this to make rumors for my lineage? YEah, that's how crooked they are then. I know because they are not even pure Taoism, they blend Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism into one and that's their path. None of my business because I don't like that lineage either. Fair enough? If this kind of BS can be true, our temple is not in the world anymore by now. Don't be fooled.

*oh, by the way, that is a "BUDDDHISM" Forum you went to link that crappy rumor stuff right? Of course, a BUDDHISM group will want to knock out a TAOISM lineage, that's their way of "virtues" which is to create rumors and fake informaiton. I don't even charge $80 back then, I charge $90 and it is for "entry of the lineage of Ng Yin Do Pai". The lineage poem is to cultivate for 49 days and to complete with the ordaining process. It is then up to the student to decide if they want to learn from then on after the period is over. If they do, proceed onto stage2 learning. If not, you can feel free to leave. It is not supposed to be for health or or any magical power, it is to get you started on the lineage's cultivation only. Many have already did feedback on how the cultivation have benefit them in the past already, only this buzzard one I have not heard of. Anyway, great to see this piece again, it's really a forum for fools. (that one, not KFM)

05-01-2011, 08:14 AM
For reference, this is review of our past students of Ng Yin Do Pai, these reviews are all on our old website in 2009 which was taken off now, glad that I still have the copy with me!

You may skip this post if you are not interested in reading as well, I just post this to let others clarify if they wish.


Testimonials - Message From our Students

"I have spent approximately two decades training in the martial arts, including 15 years in the Chinese internal arts. The Chi in Nature first stage, as taught by Mak Tin Si, has been a valuable addition to my personal training, broadening my view on Daoist energy practices." -Sincerely Moon Sung Christer

"The main difference I feel before and after becoming a student in Chi in Nature (Stage 1) is belief in Taoism. Before I was skeptical about what it all involved. In some ways leery of what Taoism promised. After I felt peaceful, calm, less emotional as I began to see the power of Taoism reveal it self to me in many lessons learned." -Amanda Singh (Stage 2 Taoist, Taoist Name: Tung Fu-Ji 通芙子)

"I just started training stage 1 back in January2009 - this stage is pretty straightforward, you do a recitation that Mak Tin Si will give you a certain number of times while keeping your mind relaxed. This session every day only lasts 10-15 min at most. This period of attunement lasts for 49 days in ideal situations. For me, so far, so good. I've noticed a peculiar upturn in external circumstances recently, which is a pleasant surprise. I feel that this training has really added to my experience of this area of life and I'm continually impressed with Mak Tin Si's depth of knowledge. I'm just glad to be here learning, and I know I've only scratched the surface of what is here. All the best in your training!" - Moon Sung Rene'

"When i feel extremly tired,i will put on the blue robe kneel in front of the altar to practise the poem. After the training ,i usually feel my muscle has relaxed .I feel more energetic as if i am being recharged,everytime when i am in training ,i feel the heat running all over. Once i had a serious headacher i hare emitted a lot of sweat during the training, I felt much much better afterwards!" - May Wong (Stage 2 Taoist, Taoist Name: Tung Mun-Ji 通文子)

"im very proud to be in the Ng Yin Do Pai." - Ahsun S

"I had no idea how the whole yin dimension worked or had any idea what was up with honoring one's ancestors or that a family can share luck and karma... all this sort of thing is new to me! Now that I've learned the basic outlines of it, it makes perfect sense to me that my ancestors and I are all in this together as a team. With that understanding, it's a real honor to be able to actively participate in giving back to my ancestors to help them out like they've helped me out. It's just nice to know that family's can help each other out like that. Also, as this is new information, it is doubly nice that I can act now to make offerings to my ancestors as that is something that has been lacking in my life... sort of a vacuum that needs to be filled for me to really fulfill my duties towards them and my destiny for myself. It repairs broken relationships. As this is a real vacuum in the modern western world, I'm happy that I can contribute to my friends' and other family members' relationships to their ancestors as well."-Moon Sung Kyle

"From my experience it's different practicing infront of the starter alter, it's like someone older/higher (not in age) is "watching/supervising" you and you don't feel alone, so everything goes smooth. You feel more trust/respect for; the lineage, your Tin Si (s) and yourself. Then this feeling of respect and trust follows you everywhere and your life naturally becomes much more smoother even if your in a tough situation you still able to handle everything. Well thats what i feel when i practice infront of the starter alter." -Moon Sung Ahmed

"Whenever I feel extremly tired,i will put on the blue robe kneel in front of the altar to practise the poem. After the training ,i usually feel my muscle has relaxed .I feel more energetic as if i am being recharged,everytime when i am in training ,i feel the heat running all over Once i had a serious headach i hare emitted a lot of sweat during the training ,i felt much much better afterwards, other mun sang kindly let me know whether you have similar experience." - May Wong (Stage 2 Taoist, Taoist Name: Tung Mun-Ji 通文子)

"It helped me greatly that stage-1 was religion-free. You can still, if you choose, remain without a religion at this stage. No pressure!"- Moon Sung Mike

Reviews of Our Services

"Recently welcoming a door god has allowed me to experience something never felt before. After burning incense for the first time for the Door God I felt vibrations throughout my floor. It was like an 18 wheeler truck was driving by in front of the house. It lasted for 10 - 20 seconds and stopped once the incense was placed in the pot." - Amanda Singh (Stage 3 Taoist, Taoist Name: Tung Fu-Ji 通芙子)

After a few weeks from the distance healing from our temple for this lady who have encountered organs failure that is going to die soon in a few days claimed by the doctors..."Mums home now, doctors have said that for some reason the illness has gone, it's just disapeared. So she will still get regular check ups just to be safe but shes made a full recovery. Shes just a bit weak but that will go soon....!"-Moon Sung Ahmed

"Thanks again for the altar. I just did an incense offering and then did some work on the computer... and it is an amazing presence... I can't believe I am fortunate enough to have such good energy in my house!!!!!!! Peacefulness and warmth and a very healing presence... it's really something!!! I wish everyone could have one!!"- Moon Sung Kyle

"The Wisdom FU (talisman) - I can feel this FU working already after I got it! Especially I had some hard work that I kept ignoring, I had my FU on me (inside my wallet) and attempted to do the work... and I found it very easy. So if the hardest essay turned easy, imagine how well I'll do in my normal work!" - Moon Sung Ahmed S

"I was in my bedroom, I had my FU around my neck. I started to feel the negatives coming, the FU had sealed my yin-eye so I could only feel and hear them, I couldn't see them anymore. I started to hear some animal noises they sound like angry cats and dogs howling like wolves or some beast, like a pack of them. The sound stays far away, now I can't see "stuff" anymore but I can still hear, its very far away trying to get close but some "force" keeps pushing them away. The force feels like the same "safe feeling" the FU has." - Ahsun S

"I emailed Mak Tin Si a couple of months ago about curing my wife, Randi's, heartburn that has been a problem for her and threatening to become a serious problem but it sounded like the timing wasn't right. Then the other day Mak Tin Si emailed me saying that her heartburn was likely to be cured presently and her heartburn has almost completely disapeared over the last few days!!!!! From a situation threatening to require 2 prilosecs a day, this is a huge miracle and I'm very grateful for his help!!!!" -Moon Sung Kyle

"The Brave-Heart-FU (Talisman) is especially useful for example when you have a fearful boss, you are really afraid to talk or present something to him/her. This FU will help you to overcome this fear and hence you will be able to stand your ground and present something really useful to your boss and a promotion is not too far ahead. Give this a try everyone!" - Ben Chu (Stage 2 Taoist, Taoist Name: Tung Sut-Ji 通實子)

"I've never been to a trained herbalist, so I can't compare it to that but I have walked into a vitamin shop with $50 determined to pump up my kidneys... I think we've all done this, so I won't dwell on it other than saying that it doesn't work. My kidneys feel trickle charged at a gentle pace, never overheating and no backlash and no side effects. If I'm not mistaken, the Kidney FU also... check this out... trained my kidneys like they just got back from obedience school!!! My experience with Mak Tin Si's other FUs I've tried is that they operate over a very long period of time so it's really hard to say what they do until way down the road, but still wanted to share my initial impressions!!!"- Moon Sung Kyle

"Our mother was in the hospital with an organ failure condition and the doctors expected her to die in a few days. Mak Tin Si entered her in the Jade Ceremony and asked for the blessings of his lineage and the student posted this the other day... Just to let you know that my mums much better compared to her condition 2 weeks ago, now she can live without machines/tubes and she can walk (quite slow), talk and eat. She looks normal, just a bit weak but that should recover over time. The doctors are confused on what happened cause they told me (at the start) that in a few days she could lose some or most of her organs but instead she just made a sudden recovery and they said it "defies logic". It was confusing at first cause she would get worser then better.. then worser then better... then she started to get better and is still recovering." - Moon Sung Ahmed Saddique

""I have a listing which shows well, priced right, and gets traffic but the response to it was never more than politely positive and it really deserved better than that. The energy in the house was like that though. I ran an ionizer for awhile hoping that could change it but no luck there. Then I requested a Spray-cleansing-FU from Mak Tin Si to up the vibration and 3 days later... SOLD!"- Moon Sung Kyle

05-01-2011, 10:09 AM
Review of past Lineage "Ng Yin Do Pai" - by Taoman

So I was in the Ng Yin Do Pai lineage for many months and enjoyed it... the practice, a daily lineage poem recitation, was very nice. It was very traditional Taoism format overall... Making regular tea and incense offerings to the traditional Taoism altar and avoiding beef were the main lifestyle components. In the end, though, the lifestyle components did get boring. I haven't enrolled in the new Tin Yat lineage but now the boring stuff has been eliminated and now it's just the fun stuff like guns, kungfu, and video games!


05-01-2011, 10:11 AM
What... the... hell...?

05-01-2011, 10:48 AM
The lady doth protest too much, methinks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_lady_doth_protest_too_much,_methinks.) -Hamlet III.II


PS: Xiao3 Meng4 : GAFL :mad:

05-01-2011, 10:56 AM
Way to stay calm, peaceful, and detached, there, buddy...

05-01-2011, 11:22 AM
I want to know what this stuff is based off of. And yes, I can kinda-sorta read Chinese.

This reminds me of Islamic extremism and how it works. You get a bunch of people who can't read, and rely on someone else to tell them what the Quran means. The guy, instead of translating properly, uses this lack of education to brainwash and develop these young men, who, according to Galula, fit perfectly into the mold for a potential insurgent (Large young male population, uneducated, low job prospects).

I briefly studied Daoism (along with many other religions) in college many years ago, and this is NOT what I remember studying. This is like a cross between Scientology and Lord of the Rings.

05-01-2011, 11:27 AM
I want to know what this stuff is based off of. And yes, I can kinda-sorta read Chinese.

This reminds me of Islamic extremism and how it works. You get a bunch of people who can't read, and rely on someone else to tell them what the Quran means. The guy, instead of translating properly, uses this lack of education to brainwash and develop these young men, who, according to Galula, fit perfectly into the mold for a potential insurgent (Large young male population, uneducated, low job prospects).

I briefly studied Daoism (along with many other religions) in college many years ago, and this is NOT what I remember studying. This is like a cross between Scientology and Lord of the Rings.

For the quoted "section" of my BLOG above, it is about TAO.GUN and the TAO.GUN is a subject in our lineage, a magical method tool, which require your gun to be first empowered first.

In the west, Daoism/Taoism is very different from the east because westenrers do not even see Taoism magic in their dictionary. But if you go to HK or China, you will see Taoism is greatly into Taoism magic and all that. So it is not surprising at all about Taoism using guns for taoism tools, because in the past we have used swords, flags and so on already. If you want to, research on Taoism more before you judge. School's Taoism is not real Taoism, I mean not real 100% Taoism because they lack knowledge of many subjects in the religion.

05-01-2011, 12:32 PM
For the quoted "section" of my BLOG above, it is about TAO.GUN and the TAO.GUN is a subject in our lineage, a magical method tool, which require your gun to be first empowered first.

In the west, Daoism/Taoism is very different from the east because westenrers do not even see Taoism magic in their dictionary. But if you go to HK or China, you will see Taoism is greatly into Taoism magic and all that. So it is not surprising at all about Taoism using guns for taoism tools, because in the past we have used swords, flags and so on already. If you want to, research on Taoism more before you judge. School's Taoism is not real Taoism, I mean not real 100% Taoism because they lack knowledge of many subjects in the religion.

You're just a delusional fool.

taai gihk yahn
05-01-2011, 03:21 PM
I want CYMac to know that I have personally engaged the services of practitioners of certain magical traditions (not Taoist) to begin a series of magical attacks against him; these attacks shall be of varied types and will be designed to bring upon him a variety of misfortunes as retribution for all the evil things he has done;

until he leaves this forum, these attacks shall continue relentlessly;

the fun part is that, since he doesn't know the tradition being used, his attempts to shield himself and retaliate will be useless;

CYMac, you have 24 hrs to quit this forum with your lying, deceitful and evil ways; if you do not, the full might of our just and rightful vengeance shall be unleashed upon you;

you have been warned;

05-01-2011, 03:52 PM
A) That's YOUR method, but thanks for playing

B) The thread I forwarded links to

http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/10095-questionable-mak-tin-si-sect/ ,

which is a Daoist group.

CYMac: there's just sooo much stuff in your posts to address... will do so later. Oh, and GTFO.

I want to laugh, The tao Bum is a taoist group? hahhahhaah! LOL! One of their founder (of the forum) is my student right now, their group is into buddhism and all that new agey stuff more. Don't joke around dude, know people more first before you talk. A "TAO BUM" website means it is a Taoist group, oh cool,

05-01-2011, 03:53 PM
I want CYMac to know that I have personally engaged the services of practitioners of certain magical traditions (not Taoist) to begin a series of magical attacks against him; these attacks shall be of varied types and will be designed to bring upon him a variety of misfortunes as retribution for all the evil things he has done;

until he leaves this forum, these attacks shall continue relentlessly;

the fun part is that, since he doesn't know the tradition being used, his attempts to shield himself and retaliate will be useless;

CYMac, you have 24 hrs to quit this forum with your lying, deceitful and evil ways; if you do not, the full might of our just and rightful vengeance shall be unleashed upon you;

you have been warned;

Great, you are threatening me? What a moron.

05-01-2011, 04:18 PM
Don't assume that westerners are clueless idiots. We're a bit smarter than you think. I'm not buying this.

taai gihk yahn
05-01-2011, 04:40 PM
Great, you are threatening me?
call it what you will; just be advised: your days of evil and thievery are numbered

What a moron.
stupid is as stupid does...

taai gihk yahn
05-01-2011, 04:48 PM
Don't assume that westerners are clueless idiots. We're a bit smarter than you think. I'm not buying this.

well, he has a pretty derogatory perspective on "westerners", as indicated by his condescending, Asio-centric, racist remarks on another thread, when he was commenting on some other guys form:

The level of your body move too much up and down and the palms are kind of stiffed. Basically, I turned my speaker off and so I can't hear your music, sorry for that! But overall, quite good for a westerner as I have seen. I just don't like the stiffness with the palms and hands, looks like they are kind of hanging by themselves. But anyway, it's just IMO. I do like your video though, so I give you a thumb up on the youtube!


taai gihk yahn
05-01-2011, 04:51 PM
To CYMac and ALL those who would do evil in these parts, I say thee nay! I say to thee, begone, get ye back behind me! Melenkurion abatha, duroc minas mill khabaal!

05-01-2011, 05:27 PM

Yeah. Yeah...

taai gihk yahn
05-01-2011, 05:41 PM
CYMac's Miracle Elixir:

05-01-2011, 05:50 PM

05-01-2011, 05:53 PM

05-01-2011, 05:57 PM

KC Elbows
05-06-2011, 11:14 AM
I was in my bedroom, I had my FU around my neck...the FU had sealed my yin-eye so I could only feel and hear them, I couldn't see them anymore. I started to hear some animal noises...- Ahsun S

I believe there are many versions of this story online, especially from Japan.

As for cultiness, it's always the same crap, whether it's politicos leading voters around based on fear and the voter's desire to be special, martial cults leading people around based around fear and the need to feel special, whatever. It's easy to seem charismatic when the only relationship you allow is dependence, but it's the recourse of a weak and lonely individual. I have not seen the rewards of a personality cult, money and authority, offset the costs, insular existence and the need to control true family because they otherwise would make their own decisions about what your behavior means.

This is why I'm not as enamored of mystical taoism. At best, since there are standard things they do based on tradition, there are more controls, but it too easily falls into all the same traps, much like any religion. It misses the Taoist argument that moral systems fail by becoming self perpetuating, by becoming orthodoxies, so that morality becomes by rote, and things are assigned a moral role ahead of time by the need to assign a moral role, not by their actual relation at that moment with morality. Moral systems always seem to ascribe moral values to non-moral issues, in the long run, and then we can feel justified in talking about the mystical mojo at the opposite end of our shotgun, and not feel sociopathic.

05-06-2011, 02:22 PM
A cult or not, is really depend on how you take it or does it work or not. Sometimes people got trapped to bad paths and have bad experience, and so they start to say all religions are cults too. So what? As long as you believe you what you believe, and others beleive what they believe, that's no problem already. There are many who believe in Jesus too, if you call that a cult, see what happen in some social circles, I am sure people want to smash you in the head too. I personally don't believe in that myself, and so I also say that's a cult. Um.. so.. who cares. I don't know what I am trying to say now.. argh... :mad::confused::D;):rolleyes::confused::):mad::p:r olleyes:

05-06-2011, 02:47 PM
A cult or not, is really depend on how you take it or does it work or not. Sometimes people got trapped to bad paths and have bad experience, and so they start to say all religions are cults too. So what? As long as you believe you what you believe, and others beleive what they believe, that's no problem already. There are many who believe in Jesus too, if you call that a cult, see what happen in some social circles, I am sure people want to smash you in the head too. I personally don't believe in that myself, and so I also say that's a cult. Um.. so.. who cares. I don't know what I am trying to say now.. argh... :mad::confused::D;):rolleyes::confused::):mad::p:r olleyes:

F.U.C.K. You

05-06-2011, 03:00 PM
f.u.c.k. You

ckuf ckuf kcuf ufkc

KC Elbows
05-06-2011, 03:09 PM
Where I suggest the cult distinction rests is in setting up someone or some small group as exclusively privvy to sources of wisdom, with no recourse to outside sources that can mitigate the flaws of anyone or any small group's errors of judgment.

To clarify, by making a sect based around a deity that only speaks to two people, that the other members must see as the only source, is asking for abuse, as the membership must constantly take for granted that what is coming from those people is divine, which rules out their human foibles.

In addition, such setups seem to always lead to circumstances where there is no room for criticism, so that members who exercise their right to their own judgment end up being ostracized based on simply disagreeing, creating an us or them dynamic.

Additionally, once one accepts that a group has a divine base, one must accept that the events surrounding them do as well, which logically moves divinity away from any center and to all participants, yet insular groups fight this tooth and nail.

To finish, the litmus, when discussing a group that, in addition to divine claims, deals in quantifiable topics like martial arts or healing, should be that, if the divine aspect were ignored in judgment, does the other aspect measure compared with others in the field first, and does it function. Divine arguments invariably muddy any such judgment for the members inside the circle, and are an easy way to sell an otherwise difficult to sell ordinary product.

Further, extreme claims simply aren't supported by Taoism in most cases.

Cults that transition, over centuries, into religions, tend to adopt traditions that disperse ownership of the claims of the religion, so that, while one could argue that early Christianity was a cult, most established Christianity is merely religion, with enclaves acting cultish based around recentering the divine claims on some new messiah or prophet.

05-06-2011, 03:13 PM
Where I suggest the cult distinction rests is in setting up someone or some small group as exclusively privvy to sources of wisdom, with no recourse to outside sources that can mitigate the flaws of anyone or any small group's errors of judgment.

To clarify, by making a sect based around a deity that only speaks to two people, that the other members must see as the only source, is asking for abuse, as the membership must constantly take for granted that what is coming from those people is divine, which rules out their human foibles.

In addition, such setups seem to always lead to circumstances where there is no room for criticism, so that members who exercise their right to their own judgment end up being ostracized based on simply disagreeing, creating an us or them dynamic.

Additionally, once one accepts that a group has a divine base, one must accept that the events surrounding them do as well, which logically moves divinity away from any center and to all participants, yet insular groups fight this tooth and nail.

To finish, the litmus, when discussing a group that, in addition to divine claims, deals in quantifiable topics like martial arts or healing, should be that, if the divine aspect were ignored in judgment, does the other aspect measure compared with others in the field first, and does it function. Divine arguments invariably muddy any such judgment for the members inside the circle, and are an easy way to sell an otherwise difficult to sell ordinary product.

Further, extreme claims simply aren't supported by Taoism in most cases.

Cults that transition, over centuries, into religions, tend to adopt traditions that disperse ownership of the claims of the religion, so that, while one could argue that early Christianity was a cult, most established Christianity is merely religion, with enclaves acting cultish based around recentering the divine claims on some new messiah or prophet.

Can you clarify what do you mean by "cult" here? I google translate it and it came up with 邪教 (evil religion)....

By the way, deities we claim to be true don't only speak to us two (me and my fiancee), even an indian lady (our client who got an altar setup by us) also got the communication, my student Tin Wor (a chinese) also got the communication. Then now my two US students (white) also starting to get some communication back and forth also. FYI.

KC Elbows
05-06-2011, 03:22 PM
Can you clarify what do you mean by "cult" here? I google translate it and it came up with 邪教 (evil religion)....

By the way, deities we claim to be true don't only speak to us two (me and my fiancee), even an indian lady (our client who got an altar setup by us) also got the communication, my student Tin Wor (a chinese) also got the communication. Then now my two US students (white) also starting to get some communication back and forth also. FYI.

Your texts specifically say only to the two. You could update that.

I would say "evil religion" is an inexact translation. Cults tend to have a number of traits, insular being almost a given. Most religion springs from one cult or another. I'll reserve my judgment on what that means.

05-06-2011, 03:42 PM
Your texts specifically say only to the two. You could update that.

I would say "evil religion" is an inexact translation. Cults tend to have a number of traits, insular being almost a given. Most religion springs from one cult or another. I'll reserve my judgment on what that means.

yeah, my text was saying "when the lineage started", but as we advance, we have others who learn the lineage also get communication as well, and that is why there are testimonials coming up as we progress.

The definition of cult is very argueable, but anyway it doesn't sounds nice. haha!

05-06-2011, 08:52 PM
This is like a cross between Scientology and Lord of the Rings. __________________

I couldn't have stated it more bluntly with a string of derogatory comments. :D

05-06-2011, 08:58 PM

I couldn't have stated it more bluntly with a string of derogatory comments. :D

It's only because you are unexposed to the subject, that's why you are freaked out on it. If you know about it, you will laugh at the comment made more than I do. Just purely -- uneducated.

05-06-2011, 09:08 PM
I'm still profoundly amazed you believe this extreme doctorine. I have my own beliefs but you take the cake. your like a far left/right of both extremes.

05-06-2011, 09:20 PM
I'm still profoundly amazed you believe this extreme doctorine. I have my own beliefs but you take the cake. your like a far left/right of both extremes.

What extreme? ??? :confused::confused::confused:

05-23-2011, 07:26 PM