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View Full Version : Need some feeback on a school

05-26-2011, 08:09 PM
Everywhere I move there always seems to be some kind of Mcdojo. They have large signs outside, and they even advertise in the newspapers. I tend to stay away from such places. There aren't any where I currently live. However, last year and this year, I started seeing one of those signs made from two prompt up boards connected by a henge outside of a doctor's office. It only appears once a week for an hour or so before it disappears. I only see it during the warmer months. I never really noticed what it was until I made the effort to read it today. It was an advertisement for "Dynamic Fighting Arts," which teaches Kali stick and knife fighting. I was wondering if anyone here had ever heard of them before. They don't make any real effort to advertise, so I get the feeling they are only wanting to attract a certain type of clientele. They apparently have schools in different places:
