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11-17-2000, 02:06 AM
I have reached to the conclusion that every club has it's own way of so-called 'Basic Training'

As an average day would be..
We do like(moving in two rows as usual);
Start with simple kicks, then advanced (& combined), through sweeps, then we go to lotus/butterfly/WindKick and several other jumpkicks, and round up with punch's, kinda mixing north and southstyles...

what do you do?

-The knack of flying is
learning how to throw
yourself at the ground and miss.

11-17-2000, 04:48 AM
We have a couple dozen concept-based classes taught repeatedly (read 2-3 times) to a student over a period of 6-9 months. This is our beginner's stuff. After that, you move on to new material.

Je Lei Sifu
11-17-2000, 04:59 AM
In our basic training, when concentrated on the developement of the Ging (Jing). In the begining stages, more Gung Ging than Yao Ging.

And then we concentrate on the Faht (technique).

Je Lei Sifu /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

The Southern Fist Subdues The Fierce Mountain Tiger

11-17-2000, 10:19 PM
So since you've 'evovled', you stop training basics?
Sounds weird to me..sorry..
To keep up the 'gymnastic' side of kungfu, it seems to me, that basic training should be a great part of everyday training..
Maybe even 50%..!

Even advanced students in our class trains Tan Tui..butterfly-sweep-combo's etc3.."just to keep it up"..or even get better..

If I have misunderstood your answere, then I'm sorry! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


-The knack of flying is
learning how to throw
yourself at the ground and miss.

11-18-2000, 01:36 AM
Our Basic Training is:

Shaolin Kempo Karate in:

Basic kicks;

side heel thrust (side kick)
Front Thrust Kick
Back thrust kick (back kick)
Outer crescent

Basic Hand Strikes:

Front Thrust Punch
Palm Strike
Vertical Punch
Elbow Strikes

Attacks are on basic pressure points:

Solar Plexus
Nose Bridge

Basic Blocks

Inside Forearm Block
Outside Forearm Block
Down Block
High Rising Block

Emphasis in Basic Training is throughout the whole training, but less stressed later on.

And a few basic forms.

Underaged Drunken Monkey

11-18-2000, 05:20 PM
Training the basics is the most essential part of Kung Fu. It should never be put aside. You can learn all the forms and styles in the world but they are useless if you have given up on your basics.

11-18-2000, 08:22 PM
To some, "basic" material is the building block to more advanced material. By working the more advanced material, you will keep your basic material up to date as well.

11-19-2000, 04:49 PM
We start every student learning the basic stances in a fluid motion, then they learn the seven basic exercises.

We start off every class--beginner and advanced--with the basic stances and seven basic exercises.

Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.

11-19-2000, 06:08 PM
We start each class with stretches and 1000 punches, but that's not really our basics, it is just warm up. The first form (Sil Lim Tao) is our basic hand motions. It does not contain application, only motions. Since, in my lineage at least, the first form takes 45 minutes to do once, it is rarely done in class, but it is expected that each student does this at least once a day on their own. This leaves class time available for exploring applications and developing things like sensitivity that require two people. And although we don't do the basics much in class, their importance is made clear and it is easy to recognize who does them and who doesn't.

11-20-2000, 01:54 PM
When I teach classes, my basic training is simply walking.

I have people walk REALLY SLOWLY, putting their steps down as if they were "stepping on a baby's face".

I then have them walk backwards.

Then I introduce the concept of spinning around objects by standing in front of the line and having people roll off me effortlessly.

I do this for people going backwards too.

Then I'll break up the lines and have people walk into each other in an random fashion. They have to spin off each other - the first steps (literally) toward having a 360 degree combat awareness.

Kung Lek
11-20-2000, 03:33 PM
Hi -

Kung Fu training has a variety of basic training exercises that target different aspects of where the practitioner will develop.

There is of course fundamental calisthenics. (running, push ups, sit ups, etc..)

Stance training (static and in motion)

punches and kicks (usually drilled in lines)

self defense techniques (generally targeted at individual skill levels)

meditation and Chi Kung (posture, alignment, breathing)

stretching (huge variety here!)

All these basics are practiced all the time from beginner to mastery with stronger focus in some areas dependent upon knowledge.


Kung Lek

11-25-2000, 02:00 AM
I saw the 'Back to Basics'-topic..
This might reveal more answeres to more questions?

-The knack of flying is
learning how to throw
yourself at the ground and miss.