View Full Version : Kung-Fu School Project Feedback

05-31-2011, 11:51 PM
Hi, my team members and I just completed a quarter long project for a software engineering course. We created a product built around the theme of "Empowering Society through Adult Learning." The idea we came up with was to create a website that teaches the basics of kung-fu. I would much appreciate it if you could fill out this short survey to give us some feedback. Here's a little blurb with instructions followed by a link to the survey.

How Tu Kung Fu Usability Survey
How Tu Kung Fu was created for a school software engineering class project. At the beginning of the quarter, students had to come up with a software product idea that was based on the theme "Empowering Society through Adult Learning." One group came up with the idea for a website to teach kung-fu as a teaching and helping aid for those beginning kung-fu or those that are not practicing, but are interested.The purpose of this survey is to get feedback on the usability of the website and content.NOTE: The website is currently in a beta stage and features and contents may not all be working.If you have not already done so, please visit www.kungfusoft.net and accomplish the following tasks:1. Find and watch a video on kung-fu stances.2. Find and watch a video on the high block.3. Explore the site at your leisure

Link to the project website: www.kungfusoft.net (http://www.kungfusoft.net)
Kungfu Software Survey Link (http://tool.surveypirate.com/Survey.aspx?surveyid=28768&sp.mac=Lgaq%2f70wJlf7SV4TkdmVVw%3d%3d)

Thank You

Please note: One of the purposes of this project is not meant to replace real instructors, but rather to get non-practitioners interested in kung-fu, and possibly if future content is added, to aid beginners.

David Jamieson
06-01-2011, 07:36 AM
The practitioner in the films looks bored and lazy. He doesn't appear fit either.
Full range of motion is not displayed and therefore this is not what I would consider good supplementary instruction.

There are superior video/online teachings in books and elsewhere when it comes to that.

Good luck with it, but realize that this has been done to death and there are offerings out there that render what is there pretty much irrelevant.

If that critique was too harsh for ya, just disregard it. :)

06-01-2011, 10:19 AM
No, it wasn't harsh. Thank you for being honest and taking time to do the critique.