View Full Version : It's all starting to make sense....

06-03-2011, 04:49 PM
Talks about the union of USA, MEXICO, and Canada has been going on for awhile now. It's starting to make sense that they are going to make it soooooo terrible in the USA that a UNION will become our saving grace.

so here we go....

Wikileaks: Leaked cable lays out North American 'integration' strategy


David Jamieson
06-03-2011, 07:31 PM
In soviet america, you worship money... :p

taai gihk yahn
06-03-2011, 08:07 PM
In soviet america, you worship money... :p

In soviet Russia, money worships YOU!

David Jamieson
06-05-2011, 07:15 AM
A North American economic union would only be good for pretty much everyone on the continent when you give it some thought.

If you ever had to deal with NAFTA crap whilst shipping, exporting or importing and associated costs for frivolous brokerage activities...

You'd be down with it even at that level of knowing.

06-05-2011, 07:48 AM
u guys never have a union because u guys dont like brown people.

06-05-2011, 12:23 PM
I just hope we get free health care like them canadians :D

06-05-2011, 02:42 PM
wooohhoooo thank gawd for the almighty coverage!!! i get 100% minor dental and 80% major up to 3 G's a year, free meds, free optical, free psych and mostly free rehab depending on the extent.... now thats a killer plan, i am so glad about the dental part, i doubt anyone in here can say they have better coverage than that from their employer... i was so surprised when i saw the 80% major dental part, my old job gave my 30% up to $2000... when i first started my job i really needed it too... toothaches are by far the worst pain ive ever felt and ive been stabbed in the gut, broken my arm 3 times, an assortment of other broken bones like fingers and nose, had over 200 stitches in my head from various falls before i was even old enough to drive... nothing hurts like an infected tooth...

anyways, the union isnt a new idea... it was actually part of the original settlers plans... but then old european beefs made everyone start drawing lines in the sand... america was originally set up to be a new rome, hence all the roman imagery... they even named the potomac river "tiber"... not sure why it changed tho... somehow americas course was highjacked and pushed on another path...

but david is right, there are some great benefits to a north american union, even a whole one world gov... the problem that most people have with it is the segregation of the classes created by ultra commercial atmospheres... just look at your own local records and see who has what and when and you will see an obvious trend moving towards middle class, then away from it... a union will make it very easy for those who already have so much to have more... middle class type opportunities will dry up real fast.... and dont get me wrong, that will happen anyways with or without a union... it will just happen faster with a union.... nothing short of revolution will change that direction... but make no mistake, the north american union will exist in our lifetimes... the infrastructure is already being put in place...

David Jamieson
06-05-2011, 02:53 PM
yep, it can't include an autocracy in order to actually be successful. That's why Europe struggles. they have too much wealth in the hands of old power and they aren't interested in unity, they're interested in "I, me, mine"

They never earned a single dime of it. That's the worst part of these autocrats.