View Full Version : Foil Sword Fencing for Fists

Foiling Fist
06-07-2011, 08:21 PM
For those who worship movies, flash, and a lot of loud contact; sword fighting involves bashing each other's sword when they block, whoever is faster or more powerful eventually wins the hacking match.

In the sword fencing use of the foil, one will slide through an opponents thrust; deflecting it as the sword slides in toward the opponent. This blocks and attacks at the same time, and by the time the opponent realizes it, he is stuck.

When fencing, and the other's sword is placed to block a slide, the foil fencer simple pivots the tip a little, and he is on the other side of the block, puncturing the opponent, who still has their arm and sword held rigid.

Internal blows can be a 'continuous and returning fist', maintaining their momentum and power as they travel and change direction, so you get many 'second chances if the first attempt does not connect.

A karate front snap punch, has all the force released at the end of the blow, and is jerked/snapped back, so there is nothing left of the power generated; they have to reload! If you want to rely on that, then go ahead, not me; good for jerks and karateka though.

A dynamic striking block (cover); can only be propelled by internal energy. This blow changes with the move of the opponent, as a push would in Tai Chi push hand's.

06-07-2011, 08:22 PM
do you penus

what day?

taai gihk yahn
06-07-2011, 08:59 PM
good for jerks and karateka though.
you really are a pompous, arrogant pr1ck; the sad thing is, you don't realize it, because you have your head so far up ur asz you can see out your own throat

06-08-2011, 12:29 AM
i think i see what you are talking about.
it is used in wing chun.i am a new student to wing chun but love it. we pretty much predicate it off the straight blast/arrow punch. using the forearm as the block,following the other persons bridge ie;their incoming arm and slide right over it and into the determined target.
so you get a sort of block and strike at the same time.then just contiuously close the center line would be the changing with the opponants movement.
please correct me if i am wrong foiling fist if my asumtion is off base.

Scott R. Brown
06-08-2011, 01:49 AM
For those who worship movies, flash, and a lot of loud contact; sword fighting involves bashing each other's sword when they block, whoever is faster or more powerful eventually wins the hacking match.

In the sword fencing use of the foil, one will slide through an opponents thrust; deflecting it as the sword slides in toward the opponent. This blocks and attacks at the same time, and by the time the opponent realizes it, he is stuck.

When fencing, and the other's sword is placed to block a slide, the foil fencer simple pivots the tip a little, and he is on the other side of the block, puncturing the opponent, who still has their arm and sword held rigid.

Internal blows can be a 'continuous and returning fist', maintaining their momentum and power as they travel and change direction, so you get many 'second chances if the first attempt does not connect.

A karate front snap punch, has all the force released at the end of the blow, and is jerked/snapped back, so there is nothing left of the power generated; they have to reload! If you want to rely on that, then go ahead, not me; good for jerks and karateka though.

A dynamic striking block (cover); can only be propelled by internal energy. This blow changes with the move of the opponent, as a push would in Tai Chi push hand's.

Uh huh! Riiiiight! Only internal guys have ever figured this out, oh yeah....and foil fencers! But aside from them.......those stupid karateka!:rolleyes:

David Jamieson
06-08-2011, 04:47 AM
The term you are searching for is riposte.
Which is a counter launched by guarding / parrying then using the force to attack.

06-08-2011, 08:04 AM
The term you are searching for is riposte.
Which is a counter launched by guarding / parrying then using the force to attack.

they added that I think in street fighter 3 alpha

David Jamieson
06-08-2011, 08:05 AM
they added that I think in street fighter 3 alpha

...took em long enough, it's been part of swordsmanship traditions since the middle ages. lol

06-08-2011, 08:11 AM
they added that I think in street fighter 3 alpha

I've been working on iron thumb conditioning so I can more effectively deliver finishing combos.

I was told that this is an effective liniment in iron thumb.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUKC7Xj5o0HTiE6augqm3zZDfZbCIWt nuGSWHxgRdDoEsr_IA3

06-08-2011, 08:21 AM
I've been working on iron thumb conditioning so I can more effectively deliver finishing combos.

I was told that this is an effective liniment in iron thumb.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUKC7Xj5o0HTiE6augqm3zZDfZbCIWt nuGSWHxgRdDoEsr_IA3



06-08-2011, 08:27 AM
LMAO reading this guys post was like a huge sneeze that just went away before you can actually sneeze.

Scott R. Brown
06-08-2011, 08:53 AM
For those who worship movies, flash, and a lot of loud contact; sword fighting involves bashing each other's sword when they block, whoever is faster or more powerful eventually wins the hacking match.

You really have NO idea what "sword fighting" is all about!

You DO NOT try to bash your sword against your opponents sword. This DAMAGES your sword, takes the edge off, and likely will bend and/or break it. Smashing your blade into another blade is a LAST resort!

Greek and Roman swords were for stabbing! Egyptian swords were Bronze which is so soft it bends the first time you hit something hard with it!

06-08-2011, 08:55 AM
some how

I think foil is something to wrap around food

and then bake in the oven.


06-08-2011, 08:58 AM
For those who worship movies, flash, and a lot of loud contact; sword fighting involves bashing each other's sword when they block, whoever is faster or more powerful eventually wins the hacking match.

straight sword is about the wrist action, the rest of the body follows.

you would be piercing or penetrating for the most part.

you do not bang each other sword per se.

if you want to hack, may be da dao or samurai sword etc etc.


David Jamieson
06-08-2011, 09:04 AM
some how

I think foil is something to wrap around food

and then bake in the oven.


lol, but...

a foil is a four sided piercing instrument.
an epee has three sides and is also a piercing instrument.
a sabre is two sided and is what is commonly in peoples minds when they think of a sword.

all three are instruments of fencing and swordsmanship.

Foiling Fist
06-08-2011, 11:41 PM
You are right on target.

i think i see what you are talking about.
it is used in wing chun.i am a new student to wing chun but love it. we pretty much predicate it off the straight blast/arrow punch. using the forearm as the block,following the other persons bridge ie;their incoming arm and slide right over it and into the determined target.
so you get a sort of block and strike at the same time.then just contiuously close the center line would be the changing with the opponants movement.
please correct me if i am wrong foiling fist if my asumtion is off base.

Foiling Fist
06-08-2011, 11:48 PM
Foil—a light thrusting weapon that targets the torso, including the back, but not the arms. Hits are scored only with the tip; hits with the side of the blade do not count. Only a single hit can be scored by either fencer at one time. If both fencers hit at the same time, the referee uses the rules of "right of way" to determine which fencer gets the point.


lol, but...

a foil is a four sided piercing instrument.
an epee has three sides and is also a piercing instrument.
a sabre is two sided and is what is commonly in peoples minds when they think of a sword.

all three are instruments of fencing and swordsmanship.

No homework needed for free smart pills:

David Jamieson
06-09-2011, 05:14 AM


Beware the counter-riposte!


Foiling Fist
06-10-2011, 09:18 PM
Per cited Wikipedia online:
'In fencing, the riposte (French for "retort") is an offensive action with the intent of hitting one's opponent, made by the fencer who has just parried an attack.'

This definition includes all counter attacks that have been blocked.

1) The dynamic blocking strike (cover), is a one step process;
not a 2 step block and strike.

2) The target is also limitted to the curved path of the initial thrust.

3) A dynamic striking block could change the striking area, such as a fist strike being folded into an elbow strike.

For those who are easily excited, and get side tracked:
this is about the

The foil is an example of a method. One could use joisting to



Beware the counter-riposte!


David Jamieson
06-11-2011, 03:36 AM
what is joisting?

taai gihk yahn
06-11-2011, 06:57 AM
what is joisting?

full-contact competitive building of horizontal roof supports while on horseback

David Jamieson
06-11-2011, 10:10 AM
full-contact competitive building of horizontal roof supports while on horseback

sounds difficult.

should I have started training at the age of 3 to be any good?

Scott R. Brown
06-11-2011, 12:26 PM
First of all, I grew up joisting! It is very simple and does NOT involve horses. Think of a construction site where they are building an apartment complex. When they are framing what you have is a HUGE jungle gym. There are often two stories, so the floor of the top floor are the joists of the ceiling of the first floor.

The important thing to remember is to ALWAYS step on the joists and NOT in the hole like my little brother did and fell through the hole onto his butt on top of a stack of dry wall. That hurts!

taai gihk yahn
06-11-2011, 02:57 PM
First of all, I grew up joisting! It is very simple and does NOT involve horses.

well then CLEARLY you were not practicing Real Authentic Traditional Joisting™


06-11-2011, 03:51 PM
For those who worship movies, flash, and a lot of loud contact; sword fighting involves bashing each other's sword when they block, whoever is faster or more powerful eventually wins the hacking match.

In the sword fencing use of the foil, one will slide through an opponents thrust; deflecting it as the sword slides in toward the opponent. This blocks and attacks at the same time, and by the time the opponent realizes it, he is stuck.

When fencing, and the other's sword is placed to block a slide, the foil fencer simple pivots the tip a little, and he is on the other side of the block, puncturing the opponent, who still has their arm and sword held rigid.

Internal blows can be a 'continuous and returning fist', maintaining their momentum and power as they travel and change direction, so you get many 'second chances if the first attempt does not connect.

A karate front snap punch, has all the force released at the end of the blow, and is jerked/snapped back, so there is nothing left of the power generated; they have to reload! If you want to rely on that, then go ahead, not me; good for jerks and karateka though.

A dynamic striking block (cover); can only be propelled by internal energy. This blow changes with the move of the opponent, as a push would in Tai Chi push hand's.

Where are your videos?

Scott R. Brown
06-11-2011, 08:24 PM
well then CLEARLY you were not practicing Real Authentic Traditional Joisting™


We call it "American Joisting", not everyone can afford a horse. We ignore those European snobs who insist a horse is necessary! Not to mention the time and money it takes to train a horse to keep his feet on the joists. Veterinarian bills alone horrendous! Which is why only the crazy rich can play using horses!

taai gihk yahn
06-12-2011, 04:32 AM
We call it "American Joisting", not everyone can afford a horse. We ignore those European snobs who insist a horse is necessary! Not to mention the time and money it takes to train a horse to keep his feet on the joists. Veterinarian bills alone horrendous! Which is why only the crazy rich can play using horses!

anti-elitist snob...

Scott R. Brown
06-12-2011, 03:44 PM
anti-elitist snob...

That is the price you pay for fencing with a fist instead of a foil!

I believe they call that fisting! I am not sure though. Someone should Razonita!

06-12-2011, 04:23 PM
foilfist has an intelligent topic and it gets derailed by people who can't understand what he is trying to say.

They would understand if they practiced more.

06-12-2011, 06:49 PM
we also use it in bagua,as you transition into the next palm change your arm can be use as an "interceptor" to place the palm on target. glad i was right,sometimes i know what is going on,LOL.

Lee Chiang Po
06-12-2011, 07:51 PM
You guys are awe inspiring. you seem to be expert in just about everything. now you are expert at fencing foils.

taai gihk yahn
06-12-2011, 07:57 PM
You guys are awe inspiring. you seem to be expert in just about everything. now you are expert at fencing foils.

I'm actually an expert in foiling fences; I remember one time, there was this fence that I couldn't climb over, so I tunneled under it; ha!

06-12-2011, 09:55 PM
in SPM, the hand is alive, It strikes but is relaxed, so if it encounters opposition, the energy changes angles and continues striking as the body moves forward, which allows the hand to always "recharge" as it moves forward. Since the strike is relaxed, it can deliver power at the end of the power chain.
easier said than done...

Scott R. Brown
06-12-2011, 10:08 PM
You guys are awe inspiring. you seem to be expert in just about everything. now you are expert at fencing foils.

Simple concepts require simple responses.

The circumstance with foiling fister is that he thinks he is being profound coming up with deep concepts and insights into the martial arts, and then presumes to educate those with a greater indepth underdstanding than he has!

However, they are just simple principles that have been around for 4,000 years or so! Fencing is no different than any other martial art. It doesn't apply any principles that are not found in any other well established art.

David Jamieson
06-13-2011, 06:17 AM
You guys are awe inspiring. you seem to be expert in just about everything. now you are expert at fencing foils.

I am expert with them yes. Ask me anything you'd like.

As for the post, if you are going to use allegory, then perhaps it's best to understand that.

the man describes a riposte and when it gets pointed out, he gets panties in a bunch. Yeah, that's a real honest discussion.

lol. :rolleyes:

Foiling Fist
06-22-2011, 06:59 PM
a. A combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances; a tilting match.


Foiling Fist
06-22-2011, 07:02 PM
The foil can offensively slide from all sides, and emphasizes this in practice.

It is faster to slide in one step;
than block and attack in two steps

Scott R. Brown
06-23-2011, 03:53 AM
the man describes a riposte and when it gets pointed out, he gets panties in a bunch. Yeah, that's a real honest discussion.

Isn't a riposte when you post something a second time!


Scott R. Brown
06-23-2011, 03:54 AM
the man describes a riposte and when it gets pointed out, he gets panties in a bunch. Yeah, that's a real honest discussion.

Isn't a riposte when you post something a second time!


David Jamieson
06-23-2011, 04:27 AM
Isn't a riposte when you post something a second time!


It's a counter post yes.
It can be done so long as attacks are sustained. :p

06-23-2011, 04:28 AM
Isn't a riposte when you post something a second time!


Isn't a riposte when you post something a second time!

stepHaha, I see what you've done there.


06-23-2011, 06:06 AM
in SPM, the hand is alive, It strikes but is relaxed, so if it encounters opposition, the energy changes angles and continues striking as the body moves forward, which allows the hand to always "recharge" as it moves forward. Since the strike is relaxed, it can deliver power at the end of the power chain.
easier said than done...

I bet this is one of those things were it would take two seconds to show me than typing it out. I would be interested to see this in action.


07-15-2011, 11:25 AM
Good to know that there are some genuine internal martial artist on this forum, that will speak up, and not just read passively.

These are the gold nuggets that one must wade through tons or ore for.

Most responses are juvenile one-ups-manship from loudmouths and wannabees.

Well put, thanks.

in SPM, the hand is alive, It strikes but is relaxed, so if it encounters opposition, the energy changes angles and continues striking as the body moves forward, which allows the hand to always "recharge" as it moves forward. Since the strike is relaxed, it can deliver power at the end of the power chain.
easier said than done...

Scott R. Brown
07-15-2011, 01:03 PM
Most responses are juvenile one-ups-manship from loudmouths and wannabees.

Good job there rising above all the juvenile one-ups men and loudmouths and wannabees and showing us all how to behave through your mature example!

What would we do without adults like you!:rolleyes:

07-15-2011, 01:06 PM
Good job there rising above all the juvenile one-ups men and loudmouths and wannabees and showing us all how to behave through your mature example!

What would we do without adults like you!:rolleyes:


Scott R. Brown
07-15-2011, 01:08 PM

Stop acting like a juvenile wannabees one-ups man's loudmouth's internal golden nuggets ore!!:mad:

07-15-2011, 01:10 PM
Stop acting like a juvenile wannabees one-ups man's loudmouth's internal golden nuggets ore!!:mad:


Scott R. Brown
07-15-2011, 01:14 PM

Oooooooon second thought........

....as you were!:eek: