View Full Version : Best methods for a quick warmup?

Wah Ren Jie
01-17-2001, 08:11 PM
Just as the subject says. What are the methods that you work best for you when you want to warm up quickly without burning too much energy for your upcoming workout? Do your methods depend on the season (Winter/Summer)? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Peace.

Paul DiMarino
01-17-2001, 10:11 PM
ROM and Dynamic Stretching for 5-10 minutes will cause more blood flow to muscles and lubricate joints, hence warming you up.

Kung Lek
01-17-2001, 10:12 PM

Do the same warmup as you do in class.

If you can find the books:

Sillum Kung fu by Leo Fong and Moi Fa Northern Shaolin #7 by Kwon Wing Lam.

Both of these books contains pretty good warm up routines to do before practicing.
I mention these in case you do not go to a school.
If you are attending a school, do the same warmup as you do there.


Kung Lek

Mr. Nemo
01-17-2001, 10:53 PM
What is ROM?

When I try dynamic stretches too early in my warmup, I sometimes get tight muscles afterwards. I would suggest getting some kind of pulse going with an aerobic exercise of some sort before doing dynamic stretches. I work my joints, then jump rope, then do dynamic stretches.

Paul DiMarino
01-17-2001, 11:07 PM
ROM = Range Of Motion (ie shoulder rolling, knee circles, etc)

I think if you over do it and really push the stretch, you'll experience tightness, but if you approach the dynamic stretching movements as just something to warm you up, you should be all set. I've yet to experience any tightness and I've been doing it before I work-out in the morinings for over a year now.

Wah Ren Jie
01-17-2001, 11:31 PM
Thank you guys, I appreciate your input. In my school, what's called the warm up is actually a full workout. Before class we are left to our own devices to limber up and stretch before class. Circumstances don't allow me to get to class early or on time for that matter so I have to get it together very quickly so I can jump into whatever is going on when I get there. Hence I need something quick and effective. KL were you in the pictures with your Sifu in his article in IKF last month? Does he have any more coming up soon? Peace.

01-17-2001, 11:31 PM
I think that ROM (as Paul suggested) and jumping rope is a great way to warm up quickly. Although if you lack coordination(me) you will have a bit of difficulty trying to achive the desired effect with the jump rope :) . The good thing is that the jump rope will develop coordination the more you use it. Sort of a free bonus while warming up.

Kung Lek
01-17-2001, 11:57 PM

WRJ-yes i am in the pictures in the article for IKF with Si Fu and my other KF bros.

I'll keep you posted about other articles coming up in other magazines. Si Fu has asked me to not post the news until the mag hits the stands.


Kung Lek

[This message was edited by Kung Lek on 01-18-01 at 04:16 PM.]

Wah Ren Jie
01-18-2001, 12:24 AM
Cool. I'll keep an eye out. Peace.