View Full Version : Faxiapreta-waste of time, or counterproductive?

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 10:32 AM
here we have an individual who with wholeseale vigour dismisses Kung fu practice and ridicules it. Signs on a few days ago, insults people, belittles them and continues to provoke and chide others.

do we engage this person? whoever they are? Is there value in engagin with such a person in a contextual manner here at KFM?


p.s Fax, if you would like to start a thread complaining about me, get in line.

06-16-2011, 10:36 AM
here we have an individual who with wholeseale vigour dismisses Kung fu practice and ridicules it. Signs on a few days ago, insults people, belittles them and continues to provoke and chide others.

do we engage this person? whoever they are? Is there value in engagin with such a person in a contextual manner here at KFM?


p.s Fax, if you would like to start a thread complaining about me, get in line.

I'm pretty sure I haven't even said the word kung fu, let alone ridiculing and dismissing it as a whole.

I dismiss impractical training and unproven practices. I'll leave you make your own decisions about whether or not that entails kung fu

06-16-2011, 10:46 AM
So when exactly did people here regress into children?:rolleyes:

06-16-2011, 10:49 AM

I bet he's at least got a few people questioning their training habits.

Not saying he's doing it the right way, but it helps keep people from getting complacent, that's for sure.

06-16-2011, 10:49 AM
I say BOTH.....just sayin

taai gihk yahn
06-16-2011, 10:50 AM

I bet he's at least got a few people questioning their training habits.

Not saying he's doing it the right way, but it helps keep people from getting complacent, that's for sure.

we used to have sumone around here named Knifefighter who did a good job at that.. but he got banned;


David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 10:56 AM

I bet he's at least got a few people questioning their training habits.

Not saying he's doing it the right way, but it helps keep people from getting complacent, that's for sure.

perhaps, I would only really question his mental health.
It more than likely is Dale again.
I don't know. Sure reads like his horse beating. :p

06-16-2011, 10:58 AM
Heh, you're probably right, lol.

He's just using this guy for all the oppurtunities to plug his store. Good game Dale. Good game.

Scott R. Brown
06-16-2011, 11:03 AM
So when exactly did people here regress into children?:rolleyes:


we used to have sumone around here named Knifefighter who did a good job at that.. but he got banned;


Yeah, but this guy is more childish than Knifefighter, unless he had a stroke, or early dementia caused by organic brain syndrome, from getting punch in the head too much!

06-16-2011, 11:03 AM
Jamieson doesn't have the tools to keep up in a battle of wits so he always wants people he disagrees with banned :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 11:08 AM
Jamieson doesn't have the tools to keep up in a battle of wits so he always wants people he disagrees with banned :rolleyes:

shut up goofball and get back to your dissertation on how great you are. :rolleyes:

06-16-2011, 11:36 AM

06-16-2011, 12:15 PM
I think you guys all need to get over yourselves. There is way too much arrogance, self-loathing, and holier than though getting sprouted. I thought we were all loving, buhdist wannabe kung fu monk types that believe in peace and harmony. Where's the peace. Why all the self-promotion?

Before I forget, get a free month at the White Dragon Combat Gym if you sign two people up!!:D:D

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 12:25 PM
I think you guys all need to get over yourselves. There is way too much arrogance, self-loathing, and holier than though getting sprouted. I thought we were all loving, buhdist wannabe kung fu monk types that believe in peace and harmony. Where's the peace. Why all the self-promotion?

Before I forget, get a free month at the White Dragon Combat Gym if you sign two people up!!:D:D

Is there a groupon? :p

06-16-2011, 12:43 PM
After watching the "Three Kingdoms" TV series, I remembered the following line.

A: If you have solution for my king, why did you tell him?
B: He didn't ask me.

Information should only be shared to those who appreciated it. My personal guideline is if I realize that person can't care less about my opinion, I won't even bother to share my information to that person. By using my hot face to touch that person's cold ass is just not my way of doing thing.

For example, if I know IP works for me, why should I care about a certain person who doesn't believe in it. It's not my job to educate the whole world population.

06-16-2011, 02:46 PM
For example, if I know IP works for me, why should I care about a certain person who doesn't believe in it. It's not my job to educate the whole world population.

Quoted for truth

Golden Arms
06-16-2011, 02:49 PM
Quoted for truth


Those that know, do. There is no "one way".

06-16-2011, 02:53 PM
here we have an individual who with wholeseale vigour dismisses Kung fu practice and ridicules it. Signs on a few days ago, insults people, belittles them and continues to provoke and chide others.

do we engage this person? whoever they are? Is there value in engagin with such a person in a contextual manner here at KFM?


p.s Fax, if you would like to start a thread complaining about me, get in line.

Ignore is a wonderful check-mark away. If someone raises your hackles, there is no need to read their posts.

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 02:58 PM
Ignore is a wonderful check-mark away. If someone raises your hackles, there is no need to read their posts.

true enough, but when infection sets in, the healthy areas recede considerably.
If I come to a forum and my only choice is to not read the posts...



06-16-2011, 03:39 PM
I don't think he's dale, I suspect Mysterious Power.
Dale bashed, but maintained a sense of continuity.
Mysterious Power posts the same way this guy does-he goes off on tangents, ignores other people's answers if it does not coincide with his own, and insists that he's using logic and critical thinking, all the while repeating himself ad nauseum.

He doesn't bring up any points of value, nor is he shining any light on any subjects, he just makes stupid statements as if they were revelations, so I don't think he causes anyone to check their own training methods.
Ban him? Nah. Why bother.

06-16-2011, 03:47 PM
true enough, but when infection sets in, the healthy areas recede considerably.
If I come to a forum and my only choice is to not read the posts...



It can't be compared to an infection because you can't simply ignore an infection to get rid of it.

What you guys need to do is collectively show a level of maturity that enables you all to ignore the ramblings and then they will cease when attention is no longer given.

But no all some of you do is ***** about it and then one or two of you manage to ignore the person for a few days while someone else continues on arguing and then eventually you get dragged back into the fight because you cant resist the urge to bicker like children.

Its quite sad that most of you are old enough to be my dad and i have to tell you this sh!t.Really now guys i think too much play time online has made you out of touch with reality..

it really is that simpleif the people complaining ignore the person they no longer are a bother.Everyone right now in this thread who is complaining can simply put the source of annoyance on ignore. IMMEDIATELY .Or of course they could just scroll past their posts when they are there .

Golly problem solved!!!Who would have thunk it!!? A simple problem has a simple solution!:rolleyes:

06-16-2011, 03:48 PM
plus dale would be refering to bjj often. I actually valued many of knifefighters posts. could be he adopted a different mo for trolling, but i doubt it. Dale strikes me as a much more straight forward kind of guy, he didnt really need or care to hide.

06-16-2011, 03:53 PM
I kinda like him.

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 04:42 PM
It can't be compared to an infection because you can't simply ignore an infection to get rid of it.

What you guys need to do is collectively show a level of maturity that enables you all to ignore the ramblings and then they will cease when attention is no longer given.

But no all some of you do is ***** about it and then one or two of you manage to ignore the person for a few days while someone else continues on arguing and then eventually you get dragged back into the fight because you cant resist the urge to bicker like children.

Its quite sad that most of you are old enough to be my dad and i have to tell you this sh!t.Really now guys i think too much play time online has made you out of touch with reality..

it really is that simpleif the people complaining ignore the person they no longer are a bother.Everyone right now in this thread who is complaining can simply put the source of annoyance on ignore. IMMEDIATELY .Or of course they could just scroll past their posts when they are there .

Golly problem solved!!!Who would have thunk it!!? A simple problem has a simple solution!:rolleyes:

tell you what, I'll just take a big crap in whatever thread you start that you are interested in. then I'll continue to crap on what you write. Then, when you ignore me, I'll get another account, come back and start it again.

But you're ok with that because you're mature right?

lol seriously?

a little disruption in the wing chun forum? Ok.
1bad and his political rants in the OT. Ok
SR and his semi-porn. Yes please and more of it Stat!
Gene and his salesmanship? Of Course
Dave Ross and his Tom foolery? apparently, with intermittent bannings.

and so on and then...

some random twit coming again and again to tell us we are collectively in error despite that not being true, not even perceptually and filling every possible thread with the same message over and over again and if you do ignore him, you are scrolling the posts, scrolling the posts.

yeah, we're not mature. :p + :rolleyes:

***edited for grammar nazi purposes

06-16-2011, 04:42 PM
yeah i liked dale, agreed with a lot of what he said. Although his manner in addressing his opinions was like driving nails. :)

anyways, if you don't agree with someone or do not like the way they put things together ignore them.

06-16-2011, 04:44 PM
dale didnt want to change peoples mind, he just wanted to insult people. his black belt in ju jitsu is wasted

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 04:46 PM
dale didnt want to change peoples mind, he just wanted to insult people. his black belt in ju jitsu is wasted

It's because he was tiny. He was angry at god and he took it out on us...and now he's dead. :(

06-16-2011, 04:54 PM
haha some people are just angry. :)

06-16-2011, 04:54 PM
he dead? u joke?

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 05:11 PM
he dead? u joke?

He spontaneously combusted during a fit of rage over being told he would have to wait for 5 minutes before he could get his cheque at Planet Hollywood.

You didn't know?

It was in the paper.

06-16-2011, 05:18 PM
i shed a single tear when saddam died, but when dale dies i would masterbate to a noodie pic then sleep.

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 05:19 PM
I thought that said poodle.

taai gihk yahn
06-16-2011, 05:22 PM
im not into animals like white people

except dolphin porn

oooo baby!


06-16-2011, 05:23 PM
i delete my post like frank

im pro

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 05:25 PM
i delete my post like frank

im pro


TGY in for the ...step

06-16-2011, 05:28 PM
oooo baby!


I have to say dolphins are sexier than we are....at least in theory. Smooth and all that. I'm not attracted to dolphins, but if I were a dolphin I would be dam proud and pity humans for having sex with lumpy creatures.

Dolphins get to surf and eat at the same time. They also run in gangs that rape dolphinettes. They only party and have fun...they can even kill sharks.

Only Japanese are the enemies of Dolphins, but really, Japanese are the enemies of everyone..they only pretend to be friends because they are weak.

David Jamieson
06-16-2011, 05:31 PM
I have to say dolphins are sexier than we are....at least in theory. Smooth and all that. I'm not attracted to dolphins, but if I were a dolphin I would be dam proud and pity humans for having sex with lumpy creatures.

Lumpy, hairy and gassy.

I wonder if female dolphins have vag ****s?

Scott R. Brown
06-16-2011, 07:03 PM
I think you guys all need to get over yourselves. There is way too much arrogance, self-loathing, and holier than though getting sprouted. I thought we were all loving, buhdist wannabe kung fu monk types that believe in peace and harmony. Where's the peace. Why all the self-promotion?

Before I forget, get a free month at the White Dragon Combat Gym if you sign two people up!!:D:D

I keep trying to get over myself, but every time I start, I become mesmerized with the radiance of my internal being and forget what it was I was...........um...............ah...............hm mmmmmmmmmm?.........ah.....

Hi! MY name is Scott! What's your name? Uh! And how did I get here again?:confused:

06-16-2011, 07:07 PM
Ignore is a wonderful check-mark away.

It's not that difficult to discourage someone to stay. One guy made the following statement in a Judo forum and forced me to leave that foum forever.

"You are not even a Judoka. Nobody care about your opinion. Why are you still hanging around here for?"

After I had found out that I was not welcome in that forum, I put my tail between my legs and ran like hell.

Scott R. Brown
06-16-2011, 07:11 PM
It's not that difficult to discourage someone to stay. One guy made the following statement in a Judo forum and forced me to leave that foum forever.

"You are not even a Judoka. Nobody care about your opinion. Why are you still hanging around here for?"

After I had found out that I was not welcome in that forum, I put my tail between my legs and ran like hell.

You should have just pulled off their tails and grinned while you held it bloody in your hand and then said something like:

"My daughter is a BABE! What have you got? You don't even have a tail?":p;)

06-16-2011, 08:18 PM
this thread=waste of time

Scott R. Brown
06-16-2011, 08:21 PM
this thread=waste of time

Then why waste your time and ours by posting on it! No one made you read it!

06-16-2011, 08:26 PM
Then why waste your time and ours by posting on it! No one made you read it!

go hump a dolphin

Scott R. Brown
06-16-2011, 09:02 PM
go hump a dolphin

Sour puss!:p

06-16-2011, 09:19 PM
I don't think he's dale, I suspect Mysterious Power.
Dale bashed, but maintained a sense of continuity.
Mysterious Power posts the same way this guy does-he goes off on tangents, ignores other people's answers if it does not coincide with his own, and insists that he's using logic and critical thinking, all the while repeating himself ad nauseum.

He doesn't bring up any points of value, nor is he shining any light on any subjects, he just makes stupid statements as if they were revelations, so I don't think he causes anyone to check their own training methods.
Ban him? Nah. Why bother. TenTigers is right about the signature. MYS*POW slipped up at times revealing information about himself. He has an office job during the day (data/button- pusher) where he sneaks around on the net under the nose of his supervisor, wasting time in an unproductive manner while trying to inject his delusions of grandeur "playa" into something (KFMF) he has a deep respect for. :D

06-16-2011, 09:50 PM
"tell you what, I'll just take a big crap in whatever thread you start that you are interested in. then I'll continue to crap on what you write. Then, when you ignore me, I'll get another account, come back and start it again.'

And thats all it takes to get you riled up? LOL someone calls you a bad name and makes fun of you and you can't be the bigger man?You realize this flies in the face of all this quasi buddhist/peaceful warrior malarkey you bang on about right?

As i said why can't you ignore it? You haven't given an answer to that because there isn't a logical one to provide. Your ego and others egos simply cant handle someone making fun of you so you rage on here where your mighty presence is challenged. Iron eagle was dead on the mark with his post.

Since you are trying to get a think tank here with your peers on the board then do what i said. PM each other and make the joint choice to ignore the user. If they come back under another handle I'm sure you can spare the few seconds out of your busy day to put their new handle on ignore too..:rolleyes:

Lol it was amusing when Gene said warning you guys was like breaking up children. I wonder how many of you rationalized "why surely he wasn't talking about moi!":D

Keep telling yourselves that. In the meantime i'll lead by example and ignore this rubbish of a thread. I assure you it won't be hard to do.

In before more melodrama.

06-16-2011, 09:56 PM
The guy's name basically means 'black belt' in Brazilian Portuguese, is that not BJJ enough for ya? He writes in exactly the same style as knifefighter and argues in an identical manner. Mysterious power was a complete goose, backflipped often and also tried to make friends when things got hot but this guy seems to have a few brain cells and a solid agenda. I'd bet my left nut it's him. I reckon he does it for his own entertainment and I have to agree that it's quite entertaining.

On the other hand, I'd bet my right nut that Razaunida is neither Mexican or Chinese (but does have a hell of a lot of inside knowledge about China). And no, he's definitely not Bawang. Not that I'll get any prize money for my Magnum P.I work, but he's got to be the pi.ss taking alias of a long time poster or ex-forum member.

(o.k, on second thought he probably is Chinese)...

RD'S Alias - 1A
06-17-2011, 04:50 AM
You know whats missing? A good "Old Fashioned" Sifu Abel, Knife Fighter battle!

I say Gene should unban both of them, and then send each one a PM to say the other was talking about thier Mother.

Really, the trolls around here are fairly lame compared to the old days.

Of course Ralek/Rolls was then, and allways will be, the troll king. Never equaled, never beaten, although many have tried. If you don't buy it, then I say "Lets meet in a park in Maryland. I can borrow my Mom's car on Tuesday at 4:00PM"

06-17-2011, 04:53 AM
we used to have sumone around here named Knifefighter who did a good job at that.. but he got banned;


LMAO anyone else believe in reincarnation around here......

On a serious note if you dont want to be challanged dont read his stuff

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 05:08 AM
Keep telling yourselves that. In the meantime i'll lead by example and ignore this rubbish of a thread. I assure you it won't be hard to do.

No dice princess, you've already failed in that regard and used the format to chide us because of your own sense of superiority. Twice!

So...fail. :p

Violent Designs
06-17-2011, 05:11 AM
The guy's name basically means 'black belt' in Brazilian Portuguese, is that not BJJ enough for ya? He writes in exactly the same style as knifefighter and argues in an identical manner. Mysterious power was a complete goose, backflipped often and also tried to make friends when things got hot but this guy seems to have a few brain cells and a solid agenda. I'd bet my left nut it's him. I reckon he does it for his own entertainment and I have to agree that it's quite entertaining.

On the other hand, I'd bet my right nut that Razaunida is neither Mexican or Chinese (but does have a hell of a lot of inside knowledge about China). And no, he's definitely not Bawang. Not that I'll get any prize money for my Magnum P.I work, but he's got to be the pi.ss taking alias of a long time poster or ex-forum member.

(o.k, on second thought he probably is Chinese)...

You know sifu Tunks, I prefer to just sit back and observe. I don't know how some people have so much energy to argue constantly for over 10 years now.

Hell, I'm about half the age of most of these guys here. And I think they have more energy and stamina than I do. :p

06-17-2011, 05:16 AM
Arguing is the fruit of many people's lives. For as much time as they spend on here arguing they could have went to law school and got paid good to do it!

During my time on this forum I have noticed that every so often a group of trolls come through and start to rile the place up. What I find humoring is the fact that you see more posts made and more members signed on here during that time than any other time. People love drama, whether they want to admit it or not.

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 05:44 AM
Arguing is the fruit of many people's lives. For as much time as they spend on here arguing they could have went to law school and got paid good to do it!

During my time on this forum I have noticed that every so often a group of trolls come through and start to rile the place up. What I find humoring is the fact that you see more posts made and more members signed on here during that time than any other time. People love drama, whether they want to admit it or not.

These bouts are a double edged sword.
They increase traffic to the site. Good!
They create tension and arguments in a place...well, for that (civil that is). Good/Bad
They are somewhat fun and take away from the mundane. Good!

Conflict amongst martial artists? well I never! :p

p.s there are lawyers here...several of them! lol they type a lot here too andmake their money litigating elsewhere! crumbums!

06-17-2011, 05:58 AM
oooo baby!



Skip to around 35 seconds in...

06-17-2011, 06:05 AM
A little FYI, Faixapreta does NOT mean black belt, it means black stripe.
CintoPreto woudl mean black belt.
Perhaps FP THINKS it means BB, but even in the "gutter" portuguese that is brasilian, Cinto = belt and Faixa = stripe.

I was raised and schooled in Portugal, so take that for what is worth.

06-17-2011, 06:17 AM

Being Portuguese myself, i know where you are coming from. But from what i understand faxiapreta is a common term used to describe a black belt in BJJ. Correct me if i'm wrong. I think this site give an example of that:


06-17-2011, 06:20 AM
You mean people use a language they were born and raised in incorrectly! Oh the horror :D

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 06:23 AM
It's a kickboxing club too.
Maybe he's from there, admires it?
I dunno.

He's in all the forums. Split personality disorder I think, or megatroll, more likely which s a different psychological condition.

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 06:38 AM
Turns out this walking colon polyp has been banned from quite a few martial arts sites already.

Probably for this exact type of behaviour.

lol :rolleyes: crikey, some people never get out of diapers...

06-17-2011, 07:30 AM
On a serious note if you dont want to be challanged dont read his stuff

I don't think anyone here is challenged by his posts. Nothing he has said has been of any real worth.

06-17-2011, 07:33 AM

Being Portuguese myself, i know where you are coming from. But from what i understand faxiapreta is a common term used to describe a black belt in BJJ. Correct me if i'm wrong. I think this site give an example of that:


They should know better.
Hey, but what would I know, I just went to school and learned CORRECT portuguese in PORTUGAL.

There are two words for belt - Cinto, which is a belt you wear and Correia, which is like a chain belt or belt for an industrial machine.

Faixa, is a stripe or a band.

Gutter portuguese offends me and my ancestors !!

06-17-2011, 07:45 AM
I don't think anyone here is challenged by his posts. Nothing he has said has been of any real worth.

A lot of what is posted here is of any real worth or not very challenging he is hardly alone there

An if that is the case why did you reply to him….why is anyone, if you don’t like his message don’t bother

Seriously just ignore him, but arguing because he is annoying and not contributing anything he should be banned is silly, a lot of people here probably fit that description not just him

06-17-2011, 08:25 AM
They should know better.
Hey, but what would I know, I just went to school and learned CORRECT portuguese in PORTUGAL.

There are two words for belt - Cinto, which is a belt you wear and Correia, which is like a chain belt or belt for an industrial machine.

Faixa, is a stripe or a band.

Gutter portuguese offends me and my ancestors !!

Oh please, the portuguese can't even pronunce the vowels...:rolleyes:

j/k. My granny is portuguese. Hi granny, I love you.

In Brazil, "faixa preta" is the equivalent of "black belt", no doubt.

06-17-2011, 08:26 AM
Oh please, the portuguese can't even pronunce the vowels...:rolleyes:

j/k. My granny is portuguese. Hi granny, I love you.

In Brazil, "faixa preta" is the equivalent of "black belt", no doubt.

Brasilian gutter portuguese !!! *spits*

06-17-2011, 08:32 AM
here we have an individual who with wholeseale vigour dismisses Kung fu practice and ridicules it. Signs on a few days ago, insults people, belittles them and continues to provoke and chide others.

do we engage this person? whoever they are? Is there value in engagin with such a person in a contextual manner here at KFM?


p.s Fax, if you would like to start a thread complaining about me, get in line.

let it be.


06-17-2011, 08:33 AM
Brasilian gutter portuguese !!! *spits*

the nerve of our slaves and convicts not speaking the best of our language :D

06-17-2011, 08:33 AM
My wife wanted to learn portuguese when we were dating so she took some classes at the local school. After a few lessons she told me that i was speaking incorrectly and not pronouncing things properly so she couldn't understand. Nevertheless, we still got married :)

06-17-2011, 08:34 AM
the nerve of our slaves and convicts not speaking the best of our language :D

I KNOW !!!!
Heathens !!

06-17-2011, 08:39 AM




06-17-2011, 08:53 AM

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 08:57 AM
A lot of what is posted here is of any real worth or not very challenging he is hardly alone there Maybe. This is the best Kung Fu forum available though. Anywhere.

An if that is the case why did you reply to him….why is anyone, if you don’t like his message don’t bother I don't agree. I don't ignore a loudmouth walking around close to me, why should I ignore repetitive and ubiquitous nonsense here?

Seriously just ignore him, but arguing because he is annoying and not contributing anything he should be banned is silly, a lot of people here probably fit that description not just him Maybe, but your assumption is flawed. If a lot of people fit that description, do you not think we would see the threads clogging with repetitious accusation, smearing and general bashing? HMmnm?

We don't see that. We see it oin occasion, from trolls like this guy and if we don't speak up, the KFM gods will not clean it up and we will have days and days of this.

"ignore" people. :rolleyes: In my opinion, that makes the forum suck. Not taking care of trolls makes it suck harder.

trollshido sucks completely and I ignore it completely. Here? I like it here. Much better smell, more convivial characters with only an occasional bump in the road and a few trolls who have somehow glued themselves here for us to practice our zenness with I guess. lol

we have enough trolls. all new trolls like this one, should be casually discarded before they create too much of a mess. :)

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 09:02 AM
another thing we don't need is mma newbs and blockheads constantyly dropping in with their whole 24 years of age and telling us that we are wrong, we are pathetic, we don't know how to fight, we train wrong, kung fu sucks etc etc.

I'm all for Iron handing that stuff right up their collective asses and booting them.

I don't mind mma, in fact i incorporate the very idea of it into my own practice.
It's just tiring to have all these hacks in here and armchair ufc ****s whatever blasting away like a premature ejaculator at a peep show.

It's tiresome, unproductive and most unfortunate, because with few exceptions ALL of them have ZERO Kung Fu knowledge or experience.

06-17-2011, 03:03 PM
another thing we don't need is mma newbs and blockheads constantyly dropping in with their whole 24 years of age and telling us that we are wrong, we are pathetic, we don't know how to fight, we train wrong, kung fu sucks etc etc.

I'm all for Iron handing that stuff right up their collective asses and booting them.

I don't mind mma, in fact i incorporate the very idea of it into my own practice.
It's just tiring to have all these hacks in here and armchair ufc ****s whatever blasting away like a premature ejaculator at a peep show.

It's tiresome, unproductive and most unfortunate, because with few exceptions ALL of them have ZERO Kung Fu knowledge or experience.

you're a fascist

06-17-2011, 06:49 PM
you're a fascist "And you are Bantana.":D

06-24-2011, 02:39 PM
I was tagged by this guy when I first posted, I couldn't believe how stupid someone could be.

It's nice to find out that it is just a homeless frustrated idiot, that gets his jollies by trying to irritate other people.

I don't think people like that contribute anything to this forum, his lack of experience and knowledge is clear to most people with any kind of real background.

Judging by his bad disposition, I can see why he would not have learned anything from a worthwhile teacher. He might just be young and ignorant or old and dumb.

He reminds me of one of those guys that learns a little and thinks he knows it all and never realizes that he knows nothing.

Boot Him if he continue to show that he can't learn anything, his tea cup is full.

06-26-2011, 03:47 AM
here we have an individual who with wholeseale vigour dismisses Kung fu practice and ridicules it. Signs on a few days ago, insults people, belittles them and continues to provoke and chide others.

do we engage this person? whoever they are? Is there value in engagin with such a person in a contextual manner here at KFM?


p.s Fax, if you would like to start a thread complaining about me, get in line.

Instead of all this verbal foreplay, just ask him out on a date. You never know until you try.