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06-17-2011, 06:39 PM

The name is actually BS. There are different kinds of cops in China. I have a good friend who is the kind that beats minorities when they get uppity. He used to get jow from me from his hands which were bruised from slapping protesters in the face.

He is a good man and although his wife was hot and wanted to sleep with me many times I did not because he is my brother.

Now they are divorced. He always invited me to go with him to the brothels where he could show his badge and get anything for free. I never went because I fear the HIV. Also I thought it wouldn't be fair to the ladies.

Looking back I think that I was a fool, I should have gone for it and used the corruption tax to my advantage.

06-17-2011, 06:57 PM
>>police in China

>>"He is a good man"

Choose one.:rolleyes:

06-17-2011, 07:01 PM
Okay, he is a bad man and a hell of a lot of fun. He is disciplined and was one of a few Han in the Tibetan area and fought off teams of guys with swords as a kid until everyone was afraid of him he became a cop. Then he was put in the minority task force. Culturally he is more Tibetan.

He learned basic, basic stuff and he can use it all.

This one dude was out of hand at a club and he locked the guy and ****ed him up for an hour doing a kung fu "Demo" on the guy.

He was fighting and he said, Oh..you like to fight...me to..I'll teach you. Then proceeded to abuse him for hours.

It was a good night. I drank herb wine and grabbed one of the guys friends to apply locks to. Later we stole some booze from some lesbians and made out with random girls who were eating streetside bbq.

I miss China.

David Jamieson
06-17-2011, 11:53 PM

I'm don't think "terrorist" means, what they think it means....

And, swords... really? swords for anti-terrorism?

06-18-2011, 08:25 AM
kang bao

against violence.

the stick is used to submit

or clubbing non lethal area, such as arm and leg.


of course, if you club the head, it could be lethal.


terrorism, would be gas, bomb, poison --massive effect or disrupting social order

one club is not going to do it.

in china, you may worry about contracting something else other than HIV

such as herpes, hepatitis etc.


in bangkock thailand, oh yea, hiv capital of the world.


hiv in tibet, mmmh


you can use water cannon to chase away a crowd that is gathering and may turn violent

then clubbing may not be enough


kang bao

is against violence

or anti violence with non lethal violence.


martial police or wu jin

they use assault rifle and not defensive pistol


police or public security is usually with defensive weapon


06-18-2011, 08:30 AM
slapping the face of a protester in a protesting crowd



06-18-2011, 10:33 AM
No...not in a crowd....

they where in the police citadel kneeling and one would stand defiantly and got slapped until she sat down.

Dirty job, but someone has to do it to prevent lots of bloodshed.

06-19-2011, 07:59 PM
I'm don't think "terrorist" means, what they think it means....

And, swords... really? swords for anti-terrorism?

You're spouting terrorist rhetoric buddy :cool:

I can see the forum has become even more classy since my hiatus.....

06-19-2011, 09:30 PM
We should put our hands down his pants and feel him for his incorrect political thinking.

02-06-2015, 09:51 AM

02-07-2015, 09:27 AM
quite a PR promo.

However, it is better to show a team effort or at least 2 men partnership.

Police work is not done by one man or one woman only.

Call for back up.

You want to outnumber and outgun to submit the bad guys.

It is not a one man or one woman show.


02-07-2015, 11:42 AM
I'm still a bit sketchy on the difference between terrorist and crazy guys with guns. Is the only difference culture religion and or skin color? If rednecks posse up they are patriotic, if black men posse up, they are public enemies. That's messed up. The guy who held up the chocolate place in Australia, crazy guy with a gun or terrorist? How bout the parliament thing in Ottawa awhile back? If I attack you in your home and you put up a defense, are you a terrorist or fighting for your life? The term terrorist is tossed around so loosely that it has lost all meaning for me.

Is ISIS a rebel army or are they enemy combatants? Is the only difference whether WE recognize the arbitrary lines in the sand?

02-07-2015, 11:44 AM
No...not in a crowd....

they where in the police citadel kneeling and one would stand defiantly and got slapped until she sat down.

Dirty job, but someone has to do it to prevent lots of bloodshed.

Prevent bloodshed or simply maintain dominance? There is a difference.

02-07-2015, 11:50 AM
I'm still a bit sketchy on the difference between terrorist and crazy guys with guns. Is the only difference culture religion and or skin color? If rednecks posse up they are patriotic, if black men posse up, they are public enemies. That's messed up. The guy who held up the chocolate place in Australia, crazy guy with a gun or terrorist? How bout the parliament thing in Ottawa awhile back? If I attack you in your home and you put up a defense, are you a terrorist or fighting for your life? The term terrorist is tossed around so loosely that it has lost all meaning for me.

Is ISIS a rebel army or are they enemy combatants? Is the only difference whether WE recognize the arbitrary lines in the sand?

western modern culture likes to live in the present moment while semitic cultures remember history for a long time.

the children of invaders grow soft under the wealth of their ancestors and do not identify or fully understand that violent legacy while the descendants of the invaded see them as one and the same and grow ever stronger under poverty and opression. since those colonies are far away from the rich core of the empire they also have trouble fully realizing the consequences.

02-07-2015, 01:28 PM
I'm still a bit sketchy on the difference between terrorist and crazy guys with guns. Is the only difference culture religion and or skin color? If rednecks posse up they are patriotic, if black men posse up, they are public enemies. That's messed up.


Yes, yes it is.

02-07-2015, 01:45 PM
The previous information though true, is cleverly put together but it is close to point!

The people who comprised the NRA at that time period are not the same ones who are in charge if it today. They are a different ilk altogether!
In that era, the NRA was rightly about gun safety, people taking ownership of their weapons but when the deception of what America was found out, many citizens recoiled in fear when their own
laws were used against them. The initial Mulford Bill would force the BPP to stop their patrols so some members of the BPP legally with open public display of weapons (as their right) went into the California Assembly Building with weaponry reading a legal Mandate of the present legal structure to carry arms. It was this impetus that Ronald Reagan signed into law the improved Mulford Bill!

08-29-2019, 08:17 AM
...a hot cop. :rolleyes:

Bryan Ke·August 22, 2019·4 min read
‘Hot’ Hong Kong Policewoman is At Least Something Both Sides Can Agree On (https://nextshark.com/hong-kong-police-woman-hot/)


A policewoman from Hong Kong has gone viral after she was filmed in a Facebook live video.

Eagle-eyed netizens spotted the policewoman during HK Apple Daily’s live stream on Facebook on Saturday.

The woman who can be seen wearing a casual white shirt, vest and a police helmet, was outside the Western Police Station in Sai Ying Pun at the time of the video, according to Mothership.

Screenshot via Facebook / HK Apple Daily

She was reportedly asking the identification of the three men in the video after being stopped by a group of riot police.

Screenshot via Facebook / HK Apple Daily

Her popularity skyrocketed overnight. Social media users quickly scoured the internet to find more information about the woman and managed to unearth her supposed Instagram account.

Instagram via Mothership

The unwanted attention quickly boosted her follower base to over 31,700.

Screenshot via Instagram

Her overnight fame attracted mixed reactions, from admirers to people insulting Hong Kong officers.

Screenshot via Facebook / HK Apple Daily

Some went as far as tracking down the very first post she made, digging up pictures from early in her career, and posting them on online forums.

Instagram via Mothership

On Tuesday, August 20, the policewoman reportedly turned her Instagram into private.

Featured image screenshot via Facebook and Instagram / HK Apple Daily (left) and Mothership (right)

Anti terrorist police in China. (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?60888-Anti-terrorist-police-in-China)
Hong Kong protests (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?23536-Hong-Kong-protests)

David Jamieson
08-29-2019, 10:37 AM
All cops should be hot.