View Full Version : Spear thrusts and punching

06-18-2011, 09:49 PM
Stepping forward and punching...why do we practice that? Why does every martial art defend against this seemingly useless attack...

because it is awesome when done correctly.

1. Spear thrust. Have another person hold the end and push their body going from reverse bow stance to forward bow stance.

2. switch feet and "lunge" with the spear like a fencing foil. Keep the back hand up and out just like a fencing lunge. Congratulations...you just did single whip.

3. Spear thrust, but at you transfer the weight forward, turn the front foot outward to a twist step and continue with the lunge.

You now have combined the two powers. We did this today on thai pads and the strike is exceedingly powerful, especially from a low stance.

what if you miss? Single whip applications. Lower the elbow or pick up one of their legs. If you are really charging your hips will crash into theirs and throw them automatically.

Large heavy weapons = internal martial arts.

This is why your taiji sets have so many single whips in them. Forward walking footwork, all of the movements in taiji are just simple spear steps.

Push with a stick before you punch and you will learn to hit with the frame.

I am your Quetzalcoatl.

06-19-2011, 05:11 PM
This is the essence of kung fu...don't tell me that I'm the only one that gets that advanced ba ji, xing yi, longfist and tan tui power generation is just what happens when you poke with a spear all day.

Internal movements are just what happens when you poke people with a stick and they try to keep the spear from going through them.

Spears are not extensions of punches

Punches are short spears