View Full Version : Ignore faxiapreta

06-20-2011, 04:28 AM
I just ignored faxiapreta:

I think we should all put him on ignore. I do not mind a debating a point. I am open minded enough to see other peoples point of view, even if it not the same as mine. When someone is here only to blast CMA as there sole purpose here, then if Gene won't Ban him, then I think we should all ignore him.


Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 04:35 AM
I just ignored faxiapreta:

I think we should all put him on ignore. I do not mind a debating a point. I open minded enough to see other peoples point of view, even if it not the same as mine. When someone is here only to blast CMA as there sole purpose here, then if Gene won't Ban him, then I think we should all ignore him.


The best way to neutralize a troll is to stop feeding him.

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 04:43 AM
Yeah, I agree with Scott.
I can't be bothered to communicate with someone like that. lol
He didn't take long to burn the bridges. :p

06-20-2011, 04:56 AM
I want to be part of this "noble activity" too. There is nothing more important than to unit all our TCMA lovers together to fight against "evil foreign invasion".

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 05:06 AM
I want to be part of this "noble activity" too. There is nothing more important than to unit all our TCMA lovers together to fight against "evil foreign invasion".

lol. :p

darn foreigners!

Dale Dugas
06-20-2011, 05:13 AM

another subhuman bites the dust.

06-20-2011, 05:44 AM
He, or she, is not a subhuman. In fact, what an insight it is in to a man's character - that his ego reaches such a nadir that other human beings are labelled subhuman, just for thinking differently, or not swallowing your personal propoganda. Erghh - sickening.

In fact, Faxi - if I may use a familiar name - is a model human being, as far as I can tell. I've just read through not all, but a good number of Faxi's posts.

This person says things which, not only are true, but in many cases are self evident. Much of what Faxi says isn't even a claim of any sort - that's the prerogative of those who are trying to promote themselves and their business...

Instead, Faxi asks questions, ask for proof - any proof - any reasonable proof that anything that other people are trying to sell him/her is worth buying. With grace and courtesy, Faxi is navigating a cess pit of insult, lie and character assasination - and doing so with grace, aplomb and wu de.

I don't know if Faxi practices CMA, but I hear in Faxi's words the echo of all the people I've known who truly loved Chinese martial arts - and so hated the frauds, the jokers, the liars who, just to elevate their own egos, ate away at the thing we loved, consuming it for their own devices. And if he practices something else - or even nothing - it just goes to show, that anyone, lay man, outsider, insider, can clearly see when something is bogus, when the cello player can't play, and when all your evidence is in the future, when you'll 'kick someone's ass'... mostly a claim made by people with more than one ass.

Bravo Faxiapreta! A machine, well oiled with snake oil, swings in to place to character assasinate you - as if, by calling you a troll, somehow, the fundamental truth of 'got any proof of that?' can be hidden away, locked up and never looked at again. Bravo.

06-20-2011, 05:46 AM
I enjoy some people's comments, but some people go way out of their way to insult of make racial stupid comments. Some people should just not be aloud to post racial loaded posts, without being silenced temporarily; even on a very liberal forum as this.

So, I hereby vote.... to add Rasaunida to the list of mutually ignored forum members!!

Where's the fuqin NUKE Button?

Dale Dugas
06-20-2011, 05:52 AM
Waterquan is another subhuman who has been put on ignore.

Subhumans are creatures who cannot man up and be known as real people.

Lets get real, all these trolls are forum members here who have multiple accounts, you can see who has multiple accounts when you look down at the bottom of the main screen, and when you see a name with a plus sign next to it, that is the sign that there are multiple accounts coming from that computer.

really disgusting that people are as two faced as that.

makes me sick thinking that there are people here that will hide and snipe at people and then come back as their respectable forum screen name and poo poo their evil alter ego.

seems we have a lot of toolbags who are seriously shen disturbed.

06-20-2011, 05:59 AM
Waterquan is another subhuman who has been put on ignore.

Subhumans are creatures who cannot man up and be known as real people.

Lets get real, all these trolls are forum members here who have multiple accounts, you can see who has multiple accounts when you look down at the bottom of the main screen, and when you see a name with a plus sign next to it, that is the sign that there are multiple accounts coming from that computer.

really disgusting that people are as two faced as that.

makes me sick thinking that there are people here that will hide and snipe at people and then come back as their respectable forum screen name and poo poo their evil alter ego.

seems we have a lot of toolbags who are seriously shen disturbed.

Well, there will be no plus sign against my name then. Although, it is fascinating how people come to think that it's so unbelievable that people don't accept what they say that there can be no more than one such person... they must all be the same person.

I am fascinated by the mechanics of false bravery. A door that is always open, but never gone out of. A famous name, that no one knows what it is famous for - only, that that's who the cheques should be addressed to. A fight history that exists only in the future, and yet is the basis for a reputation in the present.

Yes, your name is known. But us subhumans don't need names - you have already named us 'subhuman' - and on numerous occasions you have threatend to commit violence against us. I think I see just who you are - the real you, behind the name and the mythology... I have you in my eye. Even if I was stood in front of you, you, on the other hand, would not see me at all, sir.

06-20-2011, 06:08 AM
First of all, NO, that + thing does NOT mean what you just said it means

Second, you speak out so strongly against faxia and water but not against the racist, sexist and anti semitic remarks made by some so called "TCMA people"?

I think people who advocate rape, talk about female instructors in disrespectful way, use racist terms for blacks and whites and spew religious hate are a much bigger problem

06-20-2011, 06:10 AM
I just ignored Razaunida because of his thread on the sexual things he wants to do to Helen Liang - I thought that crossed a line of taste.

However I'm not going to put somebody on ignore just because I disagree with what they have to say or don't post their real names.

I post here, as myself, because my writing for Kung Fu Magazine is an important part of my portfolio, I'm proud of it, and I know that many of the people on this forum have read my work.

Others may not necessarily have motivation to post under their own names and, no offence intended Dale, being in your good graces isn't really much of a motivation.

06-20-2011, 06:11 AM
I think people who advocate rape, talk about female instructors in disrespectful way, use racist terms for blacks and whites and spew religious hate are a much bigger problem

Amen and thank you!

06-20-2011, 06:17 AM
I think people who advocate rape, talk about female instructors in disrespectful way, use racist terms for blacks and whites and spew religious hate are a much bigger problem


It almost seems like you are talking about Razaunida..

06-20-2011, 06:20 AM
Second, you speak out so strongly against faxia and water but not against the racist, sexist and anti semitic remarks made by some so called "TCMA people"?

I think people who advocate rape, talk about female instructors in disrespectful way, use racist terms for blacks and whites and spew religious hate are a much bigger problem

I agree, all haters should be either banned or ignored.


Dale Dugas
06-20-2011, 06:26 AM
First of all, NO, that + thing does NOT mean what you just said it means

Second, you speak out so strongly against faxia and water but not against the racist, sexist and anti semitic remarks made by some so called "TCMA people"?

I think people who advocate rape, talk about female instructors in disrespectful way, use racist terms for blacks and whites and spew religious hate are a much bigger problem


I stand corrected about the plus sign next to certain peoples names.

Though you are WRONG about me not speaking up against the hatred and all the other donkey like postings you mentioned. I am always the one who speaks out against it. I also report to the mods about it from the first appearance.

I cannot stand for it and never do.

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 06:36 AM
I think people who advocate rape, talk about female instructors in disrespectful way, use racist terms for blacks and whites and spew religious hate are a much bigger problem

so the handful of asshats from trollshido that have joined up here in the last two weeks after their failed attempt at attention whoring about a month ago?

I can think of 3 or 4 accounts that have come in with the same stupid agenda.

As an aside, Dale, the + sign beside a name means that person is added as your friend actually.

some kind of social networking software feature...lol

06-20-2011, 06:58 AM
I just ignored faxiapreta:

I think we should all put him on ignore. I do not mind a debating a point. I am open minded enough to see other peoples point of view, even if it not the same as mine. When someone is here only to blast CMA as there sole purpose here, then if Gene won't Ban him, then I think we should all ignore him.


Yes, please.

You, Dale Dugas, David Jamieson, YouKnowWho, and a couple of the others with sub-human intelligence levels please do me a favor and put me on ignore. It's a lot of work and gets kind of tiring having to keep proving over and ove how you are lacking in critical thinking skills.

Thanks for doing me the favor. I appreciate it.

Now I can start having normal conversations with the rest of the people who have actual human intelligence.

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 07:01 AM
I think all of you are trolls except for maybe about five of you, maybe six. So......I am considering ignoring everyone but me, and then slowly adding one or two people a day!

Hmmmm......that might get lonely!

Actually, I have never put anyone on ignore and trolls don't bother me in the least. My ignore button is like the safety on my handgun (which I no longer own) it is my brain and my finger(s).

If you don't like someone just don't respond to them or read their posts.

And to Water-quan, it isn't always what someone says, but the manner in which they say it.

06-20-2011, 07:11 AM
It's just Hardwork108 at his usual shenanigans.

06-20-2011, 07:13 AM
It's just Hardwork108 at his usual shenanigans.

which one is it then? Hardwork108 or Shaolin Wookie? I have my suspicions on who it might be.

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 07:19 AM
It's just Hardwork108 at his usual shenanigans.

If so, I thought he was banned for rabble rousing? lol
It's not like they have anything of value or relevance to say.

Ban em, ignore em, ridicule them...meh. :p

managing abusive posters.... hmmmn, there's a novel idea. How about that?

06-20-2011, 07:22 AM
hardwork was banned?

06-20-2011, 07:29 AM
If it really is an existing user's tertiary account, Captain Criticuhhhhhhl Thinking = a self promoted BJ Blue.

06-20-2011, 07:37 AM
And to Water-quan, it isn't always what someone says, but the manner in which they say it.

With you, to be honest, it's just what you say.

06-20-2011, 07:39 AM
so the handful of asshats from trollshido that have joined up here in the last two weeks after their failed attempt at attention whoring about a month ago?

I can think of 3 or 4 accounts that have come in with the same stupid agenda.

As an aside, Dale, the + sign beside a name means that person is added as your friend actually.

some kind of social networking software feature...lol

Actually, Dale Dugas is from Bullshido.

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 07:39 AM
I think they're just a bored little group of girls form trollshido.
They like mounting attacks on kFM when they aren't masturbating each other furiously.

then they get mad when we don't come over there and suffer their abuse.


I pay less attention to more people these days. bwahahaha.

06-20-2011, 07:43 AM
I think they're just a bored little group of girls form trollshido.
They like mounting attacks on kFM when they aren't masturbating each other furiously.

then they get mad when we don't come over there and suffer their abuse.


I pay less attention to more people these days. bwahahaha.

Dale Dugas is a big deal over at Bullshido - he has his own court and everything. Bullshido isn't what it used to be. At one time, he'd have been laughed out of town. Now he actually seems to have some power over there - which he used to threaten a young woman, not so long ago.

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 07:46 AM
Dale Dugas is a big deal over at Bullshido - he has his own court and everything. Bullshido isn't what it used to be. At one time, he'd have been laughed out of town. Now he actually seems to have some power over there - which he used to threaten a young woman, not so long ago.

This reads like sour grapes. lol

So Dale holds court over at Bullshido eh?

Good for him! they desreve a trad chinese ma-ist to hold court over them.

I threatened a 5 years old girl that she wouldn't get any apple pie if she didn't stop putting chalk on the deck the other day.

pretty scary stuff. I'm a big ol' meany I guess. lol

Didn't know Dale hung out in puzzyland though. Ah well, I'm sure he's having fun. :D

06-20-2011, 07:51 AM
if bullshido gets intimidated by a guy selling "tibetan blue heron kung fu" i am very disappointed

06-20-2011, 07:51 AM
This reads like sour grapes. lol

So Dale holds court over at Bullshido eh?

Good for him! they desreve a trad chinese ma-ist to hold court over them.

I threatened a 5 years old girl that she wouldn't get any apple pie if she didn't stop putting chalk on the deck the other day.

pretty scary stuff. I'm a big ol' meany I guess. lol

Didn't know Dale hung out in puzzyland though. Ah well, I'm sure he's having fun. :D

Well, this is a bit different - as ever, he threatened to kick the crap out of someone who said something very mildly criticial about him - and it turned out to be a woman. But he didn't apologise - he and his repulsive cohorts basically belittled her, and effectively told her that's what you get if you want to play with the 'big boys'. So, basically, there is no limit to who he is prepared to threaten.

Personally, I think it's despicable, but if you like to think of it as a joke, then, you're despicable also. If you think it's a joke. I suspect no one does, really - it's just that Dale's behaviour has gone on for so long, people have forgotten to question it.

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 08:02 AM
Well, this is a bit different - as ever, he threatened to kick the crap out of someone who said something very mildly criticial about him - and it turned out to be a woman. But he didn't apologise - he and his repulsive cohorts basically belittled her, and effectively told her that's what you get if you want to play with the 'big boys'. So, basically, there is no limit to who he is prepared to threaten.

Personally, I think it's despicable, but if you like to think of it as a joke, then, you're despicable also. If you think it's a joke. I suspect no one does, really - it's just that Dale's behaviour has gone on for so long, people have forgotten to question it.

I think:
1. you got a personal beef with Dale

2. you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

If Dale threatened someone who turned out to be a girl, so what?
Girls can be jerks too online.

If you are gonna pump and trumpet one incident, then you fail. Your agenda is clear already. Kinda silly to try and put a coat of paint on a horse. :rolleyes:

You guys sure whine about Dale a lot. You kjnow he's a good guy, with an open door policy at his club in Boston right? YOu know that if you have a real problem with him an dyou want to take it up with him he's open to that right? You know he's open to you physically darkening his doorway and presenting him with your issue right?

I mean, at least for as long as I have been communicating with Dale, this is the case.

I don't find this to be the case with trollshidoites or most of the trash talk sisters we find throughtout these places.

so, the fact that you whine about dale when he gives you an open recorse and you still chosse to whine in anonimity makes you weak, and a puzzy.

get it? good. :)

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 08:05 AM
Well, this is a bit different - as ever, he threatened to kick the crap out of someone who said something very mildly criticial about him - and it turned out to be a woman. But he didn't apologise - he and his repulsive cohorts basically belittled her, and effectively told her that's what you get if you want to play with the 'big boys'. So, basically, there is no limit to who he is prepared to threaten.

Personally, I think it's despicable, but if you like to think of it as a joke, then, you're despicable also. If you think it's a joke. I suspect no one does, really - it's just that Dale's behaviour has gone on for so long, people have forgotten to question it.

If you take crap off a woman just because she is a woman does not make you a gentleman, it makes you pu$$y whipped!

I don't know what happened, and I don't care. If you play with the big boys you have to be able to take it.

The fact you think he should treat her differently just because she is a woman makes you sexist!

Dale is all talk anyway! Not that I don't doubt he would knock someone's block off if they showed up and tried to take him on, but he knows no one will do it. And if they do, just look at the guy, he is Gargantuan Jr.

Dale Dugas
06-20-2011, 08:09 AM
This is the link to the actual happenings on a trollshido post.

It is about net ghosts, who are cowardly little girls.

As always, net ghosts take things out of context, and try and create things that are actually not true nor real.


06-20-2011, 08:16 AM
I don't have a need to put him on ignore. Sometimes, through these "discussions"
we get to bring out useful information. In fact, if we read the threads, and skip over his ignorant posts, we end up with something of value.
It goes something like this:
Foxy/Mysterious Power brings up a topic-sometimes, even one of merit...sometimes.
people respond with often valid information
FMP stamps his little foot and says, "it is not!"
more in depth information is offered
FMP either repeats himself, or finds one word or phrase in the response, and goes off on a tangent.
Sometimes, even more clarity is offered...or it deteriorates into repetition-talking to a wall.

so, if you simply skim over his responses, you end up with some good exchange of ideas and info.
Like the t-shirt says,He's not completely useless. He can be used as a bad example.

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 08:17 AM
This is the link to the actual happenings on a trollshido post.

It is about net ghosts, who are cowardly little girls.

As always, net ghosts take things out of context, and try and create things that are actually not true nor real.


Thanks for the link, but:

You have credibility here, Water-quan is a known sour puss and ignoranus, so I will not peruse it!

Dale Dugas
06-20-2011, 08:19 AM
as with most things, I do not hide nor lie about what I do online.

Funny the net ghosts seem to be able to do nothing but lie, mislead, and create bad energy with their false sense of humanity.

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 08:19 AM
I don't have a need to put him on ignore. Sometimes, through these "discussions"
we get to bring out useful information. In fact, if we read the threads, and skip over his ignorant posts, we end up with something of value.
It goes something like this:
Foxy/Mysterious Power brings up a topic-sometimes, even one of merit...sometimes.
people respond with often valid information
FMP stamps his little foot and says, "it is not!"
more in depth information is offered
FMP either repeats himself, or finds one word or phrase in the response, and goes off on a tangent.
Sometimes, even more clarity is offered...or it deteriorates into repetition-talking to a wall.

so, if you simply skim over his responses, you end up with some good exchange of ideas and info.
Like the t-shirt says,He's not completely useless. He can be used as a bad example.

Exactly, I just skip ahead to the people with credibility and ignore the others, unless I am bored and want to play!

06-20-2011, 08:19 AM
I think:
1. you got a personal beef with Dale

To be offended by Dale's behaviour is not to have a 'beef', but simply to be offended, and so oppose, wrong things. Maybe it's you who has lost all sense of what to have a beef about.

2. you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

If Dale threatened someone who turned out to be a girl, so what?
Girls can be jerks too online.

They can, but that doesn't mean you can threaten to kick the crap out of them. And it also rather highlights the absurdity of attempting to prove you're a bad ass by threatening to kick the crap out of anyone who doubts that you are a bad ass.

Anyway - glad to see that you support jeering thugs intimidating people over the internet. Until then, I was wondering if I hadn't made a mistake about you. I haven't.

If you are gonna pump and trumpet one incident, then you fail. Your agenda is clear already. Kinda silly to try and put a coat of paint on a horse. :rolleyes:

Really? How many really dreadful incidents does it take before someone is considered to have acted really dreadfully?

You guys sure whine about Dale a lot. You kjnow he's a good guy, with an open door policy at his club in Boston right? YOu know that if you have a real problem with him an dyou want to take it up with him he's open to that right? You know he's open to you physically darkening his doorway and presenting him with your issue right?:

I live thousands of miles away on the other side of our planet. His door is always open, but perhaps he should be the one who steps through it, to go out and prove what he says. It is not only about Dale by any means - he is just the one we are discussiong now. You are another one in many ways.

Yang Hai is another one. He invited me to come to his gym to have a fight. I didn't go, but someone else did - 'call security!' - and then, of course, those people were character assasinated as douche bags for going.

I think, the young woman at Bullshido summed it up when she said that she was an abused wife who'd had a fight - and lost - every day for years - in comparison with Dale, who, as far as anyone knows, has never had a fight, ever. In fact, his attitude tells me he has little awareness of real violence.

I mean, at least for as long as I have been communicating with Dale, this is the case.

I don't find this to be the case with trollshidoites or most of the trash talk sisters we find throughtout these places.

so, the fact that you whine about dale when he gives you an open recorse and you still chosse to whine in anonimity makes you weak, and a puzzy.

get it? good. :)

Dale is only 'out' because otherwise, where would people send cheques, or their admiration for his brave stance on female critics?

06-20-2011, 08:21 AM
And in all seriousness, as - mostly - decent men and women, how far do we really have to stretch our sense of right and wrong to smear others in order to protect someone who threatens people weaker than humself, or people who disagree with him? Maybe I am weak - maybe I'm afraid of Dale. Ask yourself, does that alone make him a bagua expert? If not, then really - what does?

06-20-2011, 08:24 AM
I don't have a need to put him on ignore. Sometimes, through these "discussions"
we get to bring out useful information. In fact, if we read the threads, and skip over his ignorant posts, we end up with something of value.
It goes something like this:
Foxy/Mysterious Power brings up a topic-sometimes, even one of merit...sometimes.
people respond with often valid information
FMP stamps his little foot and says, "it is not!"
more in depth information is offered
FMP either repeats himself, or finds one word or phrase in the response, and goes off on a tangent.
Sometimes, even more clarity is offered...or it deteriorates into repetition-talking to a wall.

so, if you simply skim over his responses, you end up with some good exchange of ideas and info.
Like the t-shirt says,He's not completely useless. He can be used as a bad example.

Interesting way to look a it TT. Thanks


06-20-2011, 08:24 AM
Dugas is no different than the other big bald snake oil saleseman who yelled around on the internet for years about how anyone could "come see him" and he would show them what's up.

Someone will eventually take him up on his offer and he will either yell "call security" or "lawsuit" or get his @ss handed to him like the other guy did.

Obviously, Dugas has never had to actually put up. Someday he will and the result will be the same as all the other "come visit me" guys.

06-20-2011, 08:25 AM
The fact you think he should treat her differently just because she is a woman makes you sexist!

No, actually, I don't think Dale should be threatening anyone, male or female.

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 08:26 AM
And in all seriousness, as - mostly - decent men and women, how far do we really have to stretch our sense of right and wrong to smear others in order to protect someone who threatens people weaker than humself, or people who disagree with him? Maybe I am weak - maybe I'm afraid of Dale. Ask yourself, does that alone make him a bagua expert? If not, then really - what does?

Nice....perhaps you can set an example for us all and start by not smearing other people yourself. You might inspire us to improve our poor character.

06-20-2011, 08:30 AM
as with most things, I do not hide nor lie about what I do online.

Funny the net ghosts seem to be able to do nothing but lie, mislead, and create bad energy with their false sense of humanity.

I thought I was on your ignore list?

No, you don't lie about what you've done on line - you seem to take a perverse pride in it, as do others.

My false sense of humanity is what, in any other field, in any other sphere in life, and even in any decent, authentic martial arts club in the world, would reject you, and everything you stand for, from breaking weetabix boards, to threatening people, to calling others subhuman, to selling snake oil. It would be rejected - and if the turth be told, there is actually only a handful - a tiny handful - of people who support you - a tiny handful. It just seems like many, because they're always around you. You are well seen, through and through, for all that you are.

06-20-2011, 08:32 AM
Nice....perhaps you can set an example for us all and start by not smearing other people yourself. You might inspire us to improve our poor character.

This is a difficult thing for us subhumans to do. Somehow, we just keep saying what's wrong. It's a terrible vice, and it hurts lots of people. I know it.

06-20-2011, 08:34 AM
Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a troll

And it is beyond a doubt that on this particular forum, apparently you can say completely VILE things and if you wrap yourself in "TCMA" that makes it ok :rolleyes:

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 08:41 AM
This is a difficult thing for us subhumans to do. Somehow, we just keep saying what's wrong. It's a terrible vice, and it hurts lots of people. I know it.

I am of the impression that some people have been awarded that appellation due to their attitude, not the content of their posts.

06-20-2011, 08:45 AM
And in all seriousness, as - mostly - decent men and women, how far do we really have to stretch our sense of right and wrong to smear others in order to protect someone who threatens people weaker than humself, or people who disagree with him? Maybe I am weak - maybe I'm afraid of Dale. Ask yourself, does that alone make him a bagua expert? If not, then really - what does?

Looks like he's been pulling stuff like this for at least 6 years and then turning into a ghost himself when someone actually calls him.


06-20-2011, 08:48 AM
Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a troll

This is very true.

Here's another truism for you: There are jerks everywhere. Right / left, TCMA / BJJ, pizza / panzerotti, it doesn't matter if there is a debate you will find @ssholes on both sides of that debate.

If I blocked every jerk in KFM I'd be talking to myself in very short order.

Occasionally I'll put somebody on ignore - if they cross certain lines of taste generally and I'd rather just not see their posts any more.

But, let's face it, everybody trolls some times here, including several people who are very public about their personae. It's an internet forum for goodness sake. Having some fun at other's expense has been one of the prime purposes of internet fora since the mid nineties when they originally got started.

06-20-2011, 08:53 AM
If I blocked every jerk in KFM I'd be talking to myself in very short order.

1. I talk to myself all the time, are you suggesting there is something wrong with that? :mad:

2. You'd always have me to talk to :p

06-20-2011, 09:03 AM
do you think talking to yourself is a sign of mental instability?

06-20-2011, 09:05 AM
do you think talking to yourself is a sign of mental instability?

06-20-2011, 09:07 AM
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to myself...

06-20-2011, 09:08 AM
This is very true.

Here's another truism for you: There are jerks everywhere. Right / left, TCMA / BJJ, pizza / panzerotti, it doesn't matter if there is a debate you will find @ssholes on both sides of that debate.

If I blocked every jerk in KFM I'd be talking to myself in very short order.

Shut up, jerk.

06-20-2011, 09:09 AM
Ever get in an argument with yourself?

Ever lose?

06-20-2011, 09:09 AM
hardwork was banned?

Because he's black:rolleyes:

06-20-2011, 09:16 AM
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to myself...

06-20-2011, 09:25 AM
Nothing changed here...

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 09:37 AM
Nothing changed here...

Nope, nothings changed!

I thought you got banned yourself?

Welcome back.....temporarily!!!! :p;)

06-20-2011, 10:35 AM
I am of the impression that some people have been awarded that appellation due to their attitude, not the content of their posts.

The appelation 'subhuman'? There are many reasons people have been named subhuman. Perhaps you know of some.

06-20-2011, 10:41 AM
Looks like he's been pulling stuff like this for at least 6 years and then turning into a ghost himself when someone actually calls him.


There are many, many who do this. It's so easy to make claims and then excuse oneself from providing evidence of them, and simply threaten others, or say 'hey come down and fight me'. It's an easy gamble - hardly anyone is ever going to turn up.

What we're left with is people for whom, no matter how they try to squirm out of it, all the evidence of what they say they can do is somewhere in the future - but they feelamply justified in using that 'evidence' to support their self appointed reputation in the present.

In the old days, there was this crazy idea that people were responsible for providing the proof for their own crazy ideas. Martial arts is unique in that it allows the particular character assasination of 'coward'. Imagine saying to Nadal that you were a bad ass tennis player, then keep telling him that until he flies across the world to beat you, he's a ****ed coward.

06-20-2011, 10:41 AM
2. You'd always have me to talk to :p

Well, there is that. You know, because you NEVER troll.

06-20-2011, 12:32 PM
I guess I'll go bleeding heart for a moment and cry a river. I have done some snide shouting in the past at people here. But once finished, I never was really sure why I had done it...

This used to be, and I guess still is, a pretty cool forum. I guess that a lot of problems with this forum is the same as a lot of problems with the TMA scene. That is, the circle jerk seems to win a lot.

No one here is special, but I think that mostly everyone has something to contribute. Agreeing all of the time is boring for sure, but I am never certain why a disagreement turns into wife farking, my style's best, and general ego.

Ego is man's incorrect answer to reality. Ego never wins in the end of it all. A Nuke does.

Okay, enough crying, back to it. I like hearing from Faxiapreta though, regardless of who he is. Fresh thought...

06-20-2011, 01:06 PM
I guess I'll go bleeding heart for a moment and cry a river. I have done some snide shouting in the past at people here. But once finished, I never was really sure why I had done it...

This used to be, and I guess still is, a pretty cool forum. I guess that a lot of problems with this forum is the same as a lot of problems with the TMA scene. That is, the circle jerk seems to win a lot.

No one here is special, but I think that mostly everyone has something to contribute. Agreeing all of the time is boring for sure, but I am never certain why a disagreement turns into wife farking, my style's best, and general ego.

Ego is man's incorrect answer to reality. Ego never wins in the end of it all. A Nuke does.

Okay, enough crying, back to it. I like hearing from Faxiapreta though, regardless of who he is. Fresh thought...

One of the greatest ideological mistakes is to think that being 'neutral' is neutral. Actually, to suggest that questioning is really ego, or unnecessary, or oh dear beyond civil, is to place a hand over the acts under question; to assert no, no, don't question it, don't be mean to it.

In fact, Faxipareta is astonishingly well controlled - compared to some of the extremecomments made by other people. But they don't see their comments as extreme because they think they're in the right, and therefore justified in what they say.

No, I think it's rather better not to just agree to disagree. I don't want to just agree to disagree over whether threatening people is wrong, or that putting bear parts in snake oil potions and selling them as actual medical remedies to actually poorly people is questionable in the extreme. To say it's my ego that does it is simply to state a meaningless truism. We all have an ego. The point is what you do with it.

06-20-2011, 02:02 PM
I don't have a need to put him on ignore. Sometimes, through these "discussions"
we get to bring out useful information.

With those guys involved, it prevents us from getting into deeper level discussion. For example, the discussion about "小纏絲(Xiao Chan Xi) - wrist lock" that he said it would never work against resistent opponent. What he didn't know was it can be used to set up many other moves by borrowing opponent's resistence. It can be interest discussion if we can get into the eagle claw "三把腕子(San Ba Wan Z1) - 3 steps wrist lock" and "how to use wrist lock to set up elbow lock, shoulder lock, or even a front cut throw". Do we want to continue discuss on that subject with him? Of course not. Since he has no interest in TCMA, any valuable information will be just a big waste to him.

Since he is not one of us. Sharing deep level information with him will not only be stupid but also be dis-respect to our TCMA.

06-20-2011, 02:05 PM
With those guys involved, it prevents us from getting into deeper level discussion. For example, the discussion about "小纏絲(Xiao Chan Xi) - wrist lock" that he said it would never work against resistet opponent. What he didn't know was it can be used to set up many other moves by borrowing opponent's resistence. It can be interest discussion if we can get into the eagle claw "三把腕子(San Ba Wan Z1) - 3 steps wrist lock" and "how to use wrist lock to set up elbow lock, shoulder lock, or even a front cut throw".

Since he is not one of us. Sharing deep level information with him will not only be stupid but also be dis-respect to our TCMA.

Of course you could really get my attention, as well as have a productive discussion, by showing that technique working in a live setting.

Of course you can't do that, so you rather spend your time posting it in unrealistic conditions with compliant partners and then whining when someone asks you to provide evidence for it.

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 02:21 PM
Of course you could really get my attention, as well as have a productive discussion, by showing that technique working in a live setting.

Of course you can't do that, so you rather spend your time posting it in unrealistic conditions with compliant partners and then whining when someone asks you to provide evidence for it.

Since a lot of these wrist lock techniques are used in law enforcement, it would be difficult to come up with real world videos. I have seen a number of wrist locks and come-a-longs used quite effectively by correctional officers.

06-20-2011, 02:27 PM
Since a lot of these wrist lock techniques are used in law enforcement, it would be difficult to come up with real world videos. I have seen a number of wrist locks and come-a-longs used quite effectively by correctional officers.

Actually, there's a very easy way. Simply enter a submission grappling tourney and post the vids of those techniques being performed against resisting opponents. Then, you don't have to do the whole "it's done in law enforcement, but there are no videos" excuse.

Problem solved.

Funny how no one ever seems to be able to do this, though.

06-20-2011, 03:07 PM
I just ignored faxiapreta:

You just ignored faxiwho?

06-20-2011, 03:14 PM
Actually, there's a very easy way. Simply enter a submission grappling tourney and post the vids of those techniques being performed against resisting opponents. Then, you don't have to do the whole "it's done in law enforcement, but there are no videos" excuse.

Problem solved.

Funny how no one ever seems to be able to do this, though.

except there is no reason for those types of techniques to really be used in a grappling tourny...to enter a tournament and try and use something that has no real bearing or place there would be more than silly...

06-20-2011, 03:21 PM
ross you need to start refering to yourself in the third person then I would say your a little off kilter. :D

We all know that you have mult. accounts just to mess with people and that your really bawang and gene's alter ego. :p

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 03:21 PM
Actually, there's a very easy way. Simply enter a submission grappling tourney and post the vids of those techniques being performed against resisting opponents. Then, you don't have to do the whole "it's done in law enforcement, but there are no videos" excuse.

Problem solved.

Funny how no one ever seems to be able to do this, though.

No it isn't since that is merely a duel and duels are not the only way fights occur!

David Jamieson
06-20-2011, 03:59 PM
Is this where we hang our tampons out to dry?

06-20-2011, 04:02 PM
ross you need to start refering to yourself in the third person then I would say your a little off kilter. :D

We all know that you have mult. accounts just to mess with people and that your really bawang and gene's alter ego. :p

what is really funny, is when people think that is actually true :D

Scott R. Brown
06-20-2011, 04:02 PM
Is this where we hang our tampons out to dry?

Only if you intend to reuse them! If you intend to use them as a soup thickener.....that's the other thread over there!

06-20-2011, 04:03 PM
No it isn't since that is merely a duel and duels are not the only way fights occur!

Do we suppose to ignore him? He is not going to change his mind no matter how hard that you may have tried.

He will first talk to you in an innocent way. The moment that you response to his comment, he will ask you "Where is your MMA gym fighting clip?"

06-20-2011, 04:04 PM
Is this where we hang our tampons out to dry?

How do you know they will dry if you hang them? What i think you should do is go down to your local tampon drying gyms and demonstrate your drying skills then post the video on youtube or you are just a snake oil selling fraud drying magical Tampons.....you will be the laughing stock of the ENTIRE tampon world. :p

06-20-2011, 06:22 PM
No it isn't since that is merely a duel and duels are not the only way fights occur!

And if you can't demonstrate it in the simple confines of a duel, your sure won't be able to demonstrate it in the mess of a full-on chaotic fight.

06-20-2011, 06:37 PM
Of course you could really get my attention, as well as have a productive discussion, by showing that technique working in a live setting.

Of course you can't do that, so you rather spend your time posting it in unrealistic conditions with compliant partners and then whining when someone asks you to provide evidence for it.

see, you just skim over his posts like the above one, and go on with what you were talking about.
People just wasted five responses.

taai gihk yahn
06-20-2011, 06:39 PM
And if you can't demonstrate it in the simple confines of a duel, your sure won't be able to demonstrate it in the mess of a full-on chaotic fight.

well, Scott has worked in corrections and psych nursing, so if he says he has seen these used in a "real" situation, I'm inclined to take him on his word; and no, probably the people they "worked' on were not skilled, trained, ring fighters, and it may not have even been one-on-ones, so that may explain why they worked; but the fact is that it's still "reality", so in some contexts, they apparently do have merit in certain situations; just because something doesn't work in a single specific context doesn't mean it won't work in any other one; and even if that prison or psych ward situation doesn't have as high of a degree of contextual interference as the ring, it doesn't make it less "real"...

Lee Chiang Po
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM
Actually, there's a very easy way. Simply enter a submission grappling tourney and post the vids of those techniques being performed against resisting opponents. Then, you don't have to do the whole "it's done in law enforcement, but there are no videos" excuse.

Problem solved.

Funny how no one ever seems to be able to do this, though.

I know I have heard this same post before, many times. It is the term,"resisting opponents" that gives you away.
You know, reading all these posts, I have come to think that there are no more than a dozen, if that many, members of this forum, If a new member or just a visiter comes in they get either a flame out or the same people give them advice or talk with them about whatever it is. I have yet to see the subject that everyone can not talk about. You would have to be a hundred years old and switch kung fu styles 2 or 3 times a day to have even a hint about all that. Not more than a week ago everyone was a fencing expert. And like a bunch of girls the sniping and hair pulling soon starts.
Racism is a personal thing and everyone has that right. And if you are religious it is your business, and if I am not it is my business. I am not at all religious, but will use it to make money if someone is willing to give it up to me.
I guess it is the type of people that like martial arts and fighting that spend their time here, and this type of behavior is expected. Everyone here seems to know just about everything except how to behave themselves. Say what you will to me. It does not matter one bit, as we both know you can't whip me.

06-20-2011, 06:48 PM
well, Scott has worked in corrections and psych nursing, so if he says he has seen these used in a "real" situation, I'm inclined to take him on his word; and no, probably the people they "worked' on were not skilled, trained, ring fighters, and it may not have even been one-on-ones, so that may explain why they worked; but the fact is that it's still "reality", so in some contexts, they apparently do have merit in certain situations; just because something doesn't work in a single specific context doesn't mean it won't work in any other one; and even if that prison or psych ward situation doesn't have as high of a degree of contextual interference as the ring, it doesn't make it less "real"...

Will those locks work in a setting where you have 2, 3 or 4 guys controlling someone? Of course they will. You'll get no argument from me there.

However, that's not the way they were demonstrated.

06-21-2011, 12:20 AM
Nope, nothings changed!

I thought you got banned yourself?

Welcome back.....temporarily!!!! :p;)

Friends in low places;)

06-21-2011, 12:28 AM
Nope, nothings changed!

I thought you got banned yourself?

Welcome back.....temporarily!!!! :p;)

Thank you SRB;
I was never banned only sadly misunderstood which of course almost never happens to me.
Three times a charm they say :p

06-21-2011, 12:35 AM
friends in low places;)


Scott R. Brown
06-21-2011, 01:20 AM
And if you can't demonstrate it in the simple confines of a duel, your sure won't be able to demonstrate it in the mess of a full-on chaotic fight.

All techniques are context dependent. One must know the context and be able to apply the proper technique and strategy based upon the context.

Will those locks work in a setting where you have 2, 3 or 4 guys controlling someone? Of course they will. You'll get no argument from me there.

However, that's not the way they were demonstrated.

Demonstrated where? You do not appear to have much understanding of context, depth of experience, or knowledge of history.

Brazilian JJ is a derivative of Japanese Jui-jitsu. Jui-Jitsu was devised as a means for a Samurai to defend himself in battle should he lose his weapon. It was meant to be used against single and multiple opponents, against armed and unarmed opponents, under severe, life-threatening circumstances, on various types of terrain.

If it was not effective, the Samurai would not have wasted their time learning it, since it was essential for their survival.

All the Gracies did was adapt the skills to a modern urban context! The principles of the techniques have not changed, only the contextual application.

Context is everything, it you attempt the wrong technique at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances you will lose, as is now becoming very evident with the increasing number of MMAists getting killed trying to stop multiple opponents and/or armed opponents.

This is something I have been cautioning about here on this board for some 10 years now! ALL martial artists, including the new ELITE (in their own minds) MMAists, are prone to thinking they are invulnerable and will come up against reality when they misapply their skills under the wrong context!

Thank you SRB;
I was never banned only sadly misunderstood which of course almost never happens to me.
Three times a charm they say :p

Ah yes!!! Misunderstood! It is such a hard row you hoe when you are just too wise for your own good. I hope you have learned to speak down to us plebes now so the townspeople will not gather with pitchforks and run you out of town for creating another monster!:eek::p:D

Scott R. Brown
06-21-2011, 01:22 AM
I know I have heard this same post before, many times. It is the term,"resisting opponents" that gives you away.
You know, reading all these posts, I have come to think that there are no more than a dozen, if that many, members of this forum, If a new member or just a visiter comes in they get either a flame out or the same people give them advice or talk with them about whatever it is. I have yet to see the subject that everyone can not talk about. You would have to be a hundred years old and switch kung fu styles 2 or 3 times a day to have even a hint about all that. Not more than a week ago everyone was a fencing expert. And like a bunch of girls the sniping and hair pulling soon starts.
Racism is a personal thing and everyone has that right. And if you are religious it is your business, and if I am not it is my business. I am not at all religious, but will use it to make money if someone is willing to give it up to me.
I guess it is the type of people that like martial arts and fighting that spend their time here, and this type of behavior is expected. Everyone here seems to know just about everything except how to behave themselves. Say what you will to me. It does not matter one bit, as we both know you can't whip me.

Proper behavior is one of the first things to disappear in an anonymous environment!

How you behave in anonymity is a pretty good measure of your character!

06-21-2011, 01:38 AM
Ah yes!!! Misunderstood! It is such a hard row you hoe when you are just too wise for your own good. I hope you have learned to speak down to us plebes now so the townspeople will not gather with pitchforks and run you out of town for creating another monster!:eek::p:D

Misunderstood yet again:rolleyes:

I've posted here many a time sincere seeking conversation with the like minded only to find myself trolled, taunted and baited.

So my

Sincerity has been replaced with my new found operational philosophy lovingly illustrated by one of my favorite authors:


after all a snappy comeback beats internet butthurt any day of the week!

Scott R. Brown
06-21-2011, 01:45 AM
Misunderstood yet again:rolleyes:

I've posted here many a time sincere seeking conversation with the like minded only to find myself trolled, taunted and baited.

So my

Sincerity has been replaced with my new found operational philosophy lovingly illustrated by one of my favorite authors:


after all a snappy comeback beats internet butthurt any day of the week!

LOL!! One of my own operational philosophies as well!

06-21-2011, 02:48 AM
Do we suppose to ignore him? He is not going to change his mind no matter how hard that you may have tried.

He will first talk to you in an innocent way. The moment that you response to his comment, he will ask you "Where is your MMA gym fighting clip?"

MMA is simply a format which allows, to the best of legal ability, as full and wide a range of possible demonstrations of various skill sets as possible.

'MMA' isn't suggested as an act of 'trolling' - in fact, one would think that kung fu experts eagre to make enormous claims about themselves would welcome MMA as an almost perfect opportunity to demonstrate the proof of what they claim.

Personally, I'd have no problem with seeing people just spar competent others - kick boxers, boxers, karate, TKD - anyone who looks like they can actually attack and defend at a reasonable level... And the reason for suggesting that is not trolling, but simple scientific interest in whether or not people can actually do any of the things they charge other people to learn from them.

So my question to you would be, why areyou trying to smear Faxiapareta for making suggestions so similar to suggestions you yourself have made to so many others on other forums?

06-21-2011, 02:53 AM
Since he is not one of us. Sharing deep level information with him will not only be stupid but also be dis-respect to our TCMA.

That's interesting - it sounds like you're saying that one has to bepart of a group belief system, already believing in something, before you see that it is true or valuable.

In other words, it's an admission that your stuff can't be demonstrated as true or useful to people who don't already belong to your group and therefore 'believe' that it is true or useful.

Hmm... circular logic....

You also seem to be saying that actually proving anything people say would be disrespectful to CMA. Hmm.. how very convenient.

06-21-2011, 02:59 AM
Since a lot of these wrist lock techniques are used in law enforcement, it would be difficult to come up with real world videos. I have seen a number of wrist locks and come-a-longs used quite effectively by correctional officers.

This is always interesting. Actually, there are numerous police enforcement videos which show how extremely difficult it is to get a lock on a non compliant subject. In fact, there are, as we all know, many videos where a number of police officers struggle to subdue one individual.

Of course there are examples where a lock is got on - but there is no doubt, numerous police arrest videos exist showing how difficult it is for one officer to subdue a strong, determined opponent with a lock.

Be careful - videos need to be interpreted. Sometimes people give in, accept arrest, and this may make a lock seem more effective, when what actually changed was the will to resist.

06-21-2011, 03:04 AM
No it isn't since that is merely a duel and duels are not the only way fights occur!

Someone hasn't read their Von Clausewitz. ALL fights are duels of one kind or another, even if monstrously unevenly matched.

However, consider what you're doing - you're trying to 'close off' simpy any opportunity that puts the claims in an experimental situation to see if they work. 'Oh no, we can't use them in MMA, because other types of fight occur...'

OK, well, how about we start by looking at police videos - and get an objective footing from that? If you say 'oh no, police arrests aren;t the only type of fight' you'd be right. But otherwise, what are you saying - never, ever see if any of this stuff works under pressure? Why would you want that?

THis is what I mean when I say that to you, I seem like a troll, but to me, I genuinely can't understand why you would oppose such a self evident proposition. It's like you're saying don't check the parachute before we jump, because their other types of jumps other than over sea.

06-21-2011, 03:06 AM
see, you just skim over his posts like the above one, and go on with what you were talking about.
People just wasted five responses.

I can't understand you. You're saying that the suggestion that a technique is demonstrated in a live situation, to see if it actually works, is some kind of trolling, waste of time that should be ignored?

I just don't get that.

06-21-2011, 03:11 AM
well, Scott has worked in corrections and psych nursing, so if he says he has seen these used in a "real" situation, I'm inclined to take him on his word; and no, probably the people they "worked' on were not skilled, trained, ring fighters, and it may not have even been one-on-ones, so that may explain why they worked; but the fact is that it's still "reality", so in some contexts, they apparently do have merit in certain situations; just because something doesn't work in a single specific context doesn't mean it won't work in any other one; and even if that prison or psych ward situation doesn't have as high of a degree of contextual interference as the ring, it doesn't make it less "real"...

You might be interested in the recent British documentary showing undercover filming in a psychiatric secure hospital. Listen, five guys arm locking a frightened mental patient isn't quite what we're discussing here. I acknowledge that of course, in some situations, people get succesful arm locks on - but in the cases you're refering to, I rather suspect I could get a nostril lock on, as my'buddies' held down some kid.

Tell me, what do you think the chances of one orderly being left to subdue one equally matched violent patient are? What are his chances then, do you think? Hmm... think a little more in context, is my advice.

06-21-2011, 03:18 AM
All techniques are context dependent. One must know the context and be able to apply the proper technique and strategy based upon the context.

Demonstrated where? You do not appear to have much understanding of context, depth of experience, or knowledge of history.

Brazilian JJ is a derivative of Japanese Jui-jitsu. Jui-Jitsu was devised as a means for a Samurai to defend himself in battle should he lose his weapon. It was meant to be used against single and multiple opponents, against armed and unarmed opponents, under severe, life-threatening circumstances, on various types of terrain.

If it was not effective, the Samurai would not have wasted their time learning it, since it was essential for their survival.

That's a fallacy of false association. It's like 'I do boxing. Ali did boxing. I am like Ali.'

In other words, even if you use a sword, in what sense are you able to say that what you do is 'proved' by what a samurai in a sword fight hundreds of years ago did? I think, not much sense. And it's quite horrible and laughable in a way - as if some guy poncing around in his garage is imagining that he is equivalent to a professional solidier. Hmm...

All the Gracies did was adapt the skills to a modern urban context! The principles of the techniques have not changed, only the contextual application.

Context is everything, it you attempt the wrong technique at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances you will lose, as is now becoming very evident with the increasing number of MMAists getting killed trying to stop multiple opponents and/or armed opponents.

This is something I have been cautioning about here on this board for some 10 years now! ALL martial artists, including the new ELITE (in their own minds) MMAists, are prone to thinking they are invulnerable and will come up against reality when they misapply their skills under the wrong context!

Ah yes!!! Misunderstood! It is such a hard row you hoe when you are just too wise for your own good. I hope you have learned to speak down to us plebes now so the townspeople will not gather with pitchforks and run you out of town for creating another monster!:eek::p:D

This is just horse dust. All you're saying, in a nutshell, is 'there is no way to test anything I say!' OK - but that in itself rather convicts you.

Scott R. Brown
06-21-2011, 03:32 AM
This is always interesting. Actually, there are numerous police enforcement videos which show how extremely difficult it is to get a lock on a non compliant subject. In fact, there are, as we all know, many videos where a number of police officers struggle to subdue one individual.

Of course there are examples where a lock is got on - but there is no doubt, numerous police arrest videos exist showing how difficult it is for one officer to subdue a strong, determined opponent with a lock.

Be careful - videos need to be interpreted. Sometimes people give in, accept arrest, and this may make a lock seem more effective, when what actually changed was the will to resist.

Context!!! Context!!! Context!!!

If it doesn't work you try something else! It is that way in all encounters, including MMA fights!

Wrist Locks do not work all the time under all circumstances, that does not mean they never work under any circumstance.

If you are going to criticize the apparent logical flaws of others, see to your own first!

Someone hasn't read their Von Clausewitz. ALL fights are duels of one kind or another, even if monstrously unevenly matched.

However, consider what you're doing - you're trying to 'close off' simpy any opportunity that puts the claims in an experimental situation to see if they work. 'Oh no, we can't use them in MMA, because other types of fight occur...'

OK, well, how about we start by looking at police videos - and get an objective footing from that? If you say 'oh no, police arrests aren;t the only type of fight' you'd be right. But otherwise, what are you saying - never, ever see if any of this stuff works under pressure? Why would you want that?

THis is what I mean when I say that to you, I seem like a troll, but to me, I genuinely can't understand why you would oppose such a self evident proposition. It's like you're saying don't check the parachute before we jump, because their other types of jumps other than over sea.

Don't know Clauswitz and don't care who he is either. A gang fight is not a duel. 2,3, or 4 on one is not a duel.

A duel is a pairing off to two individuals without interference from third parties!

I can't understand you. You're saying that the suggestion that a technique is demonstrated in a live situation, to see if it actually works, is some kind of trolling, waste of time that should be ignored?

I just don't get that.

I don't recall saying that! Are you putting words in my mouth in order to justify your own behavior? Or are you Trolling?

I am saying that videos don't necessarily prove much. Just because something works in a video you have seen, just because something works in a duel in an octagon, does not mean it is effective according to other contexts.

Consequently, just because you have not seen something in a video does not mean it won't work under certain contexts! Video proof is NOT proof of much other than a particular technique worked on that occasion in that circumstance.

If you have been practicing martial arts for a long enough period of time, which does not appear to be the case for you, you would understand that all attacks have effective counters and most counters have counters. Just because you attempt technique A, at a particular time or according to a particular context does not necessarily make it ineffective at all times under all circumstances. You may have tried to execute it too slow, it may have not worked on that particular opponent because of his particular skill level, size, body composition, etc. Your timing may have been off. He may have effectively countered it for reasons from his own skill level to dumb luck! etc. etc. etc.

You "Show Me the Video" guys are broken records. You are just as dense as the people you criticize because you cannot see the flaws in your own thinking while you are attempting to reveal to others the flaws in theirs!

Not everything works under all circumstances just because you saw it on a video, and just because you haven't seen on a video does not mean it never works!

Context!!! Context!!! Context!!!

Scott R. Brown
06-21-2011, 03:50 AM
That's a fallacy of false association. It's like 'I do boxing. Ali did boxing. I am like Ali.'

In other words, even if you use a sword, in what sense are you able to say that what you do is 'proved' by what a samurai in a sword fight hundreds of years ago did? I think, not much sense. And it's quite horrible and laughable in a way - as if some guy poncing around in his garage is imagining that he is equivalent to a professional solidier. Hmm...

You constantly recast the original argument in order to force it to appear illogical. But all you have done is misrepresent it from the start!

And yet you insist you are not a Troll! If you are not a Troll then you do not know how to think very clearly and cannot perceive it in yourself.

The example was used to demonstrate that jui-jitsu was devised to work in the real world. The sword has got nothing to do with the argument. The sword was mentioned to inform the reader WHY jui-jitsu was developed. Any critically minded person can see this plainly. The fact you missed this simple rhetorical device demonstrates you are either poorly educated or actually a Troll who is arguing for arguing's sake!

Swords have got nothing to do with it. Nor does being a professional soldier. Samurai needed a means to defend themselves when they were unarmed against various types of attack! They trained in arm, wrist, ankle, leg and neck locks for a reason, their reasons were practical! Their survival depended upon the success of their techniques. If they had not been successful in real life they would not have trained in these arts and would not have passed them on to succeeding generations. Therefore, we may deduce that these techniques do work under some circumstance in the real world! Why? Because REAL warriors used them in REAL world battles, not wannabes in the octagon!

It is simple logic, if you cannot see it, it is because you don't want too, which curiously enough, leads one to believe you just might be a TROLL doesn't it?

This is just horse dust. All you're saying, in a nutshell, is 'there is no way to test anything I say!' OK - but that in itself rather convicts you.

Again recasting the argument in order to create an argument when you cannot defend your original position!

But what I will say is that you are not as clever as you think you are. And are just as illogical, if not more illogical, then those you seek to cast as illogical.

06-21-2011, 04:39 AM
Context!!! Context!!! Context!!!

If it doesn't work you try something else! It is that way in all encounters, including MMA fights!

Wrist Locks do not work all the time under all circumstances, that does not mean they never work under any circumstance.

If you are going to criticize the apparent logical flaws of others, see to your own first!

All that's really being argued is 1. Let's have some real tests to see what actually tends to work, and 2. Let's be careful about what we already think 'are' tests.

Arm locks work under some circumstances, of course. How general are those circumstances? Very, not very?

Seems to me that where some people will say 'oh but in MMA there are rules so that doesn't count as 'real', ' , those same people tend to say 'But in the mental home my uncle George arm locked some one'. As if a mental hospital doesn't also have its own mitigating and unusual factors.

Let's not loose sight of the real issue - which is that when people simply ask for some kind of objective evidence of the efficacy of techniques, they tend to get character assasinated. That in itself must tell us something about the techniques being more 'beliefs' than 'knowledge.;

Don't know Clauswitz and don't care who he is either. A gang fight is not a duel. 2,3, or 4 on one is not a duel.

A duel is a pairing off to two individuals without interference from third parties!

So, you're presenting yourself as qualified to talk about duels, but you've never heard of Von Clausewitz - the author of 'On War' - widely recognised as the primary Western authority and starting point in the study of wars and conflicts? He is basically the Einstein of conflict studies. And he said that all wars, all conflicts, ultimately, are duels.

But of course, you're obviously quoted widely in conflict study literature, and generally accepted as an expert by professors all over the world. Aren't you? Oh no - you're not. However, somehow, I suspect that you'll still think you're correct. Which, again, comes down to these religious beliefs you have about yourself and what you believe.

I don't recall saying that! Are you putting words in my mouth in order to justify your own behavior? Or are you Trolling?!

I think you're putting words in my mouth - as, I was responding to Ten Tigers, not you. That'll be why you don't remember saying it - you didn't.

I am saying that videos don't necessarily prove much. Just because something works in a video you have seen, just because something works in a duel in an octagon, does not mean it is effective according to other contexts.

Well duh - but ultimately this argument is saying that theOctagon is too controlled, has too many rules, isn't like the street, etc. But, if you can't arm lock or iron palm someone in a controlled environment, how the heck is anyone going to do it in a MORE chaotic and rule-less environment?

Come on... I mean, seriously, all this is about is people avoiding sparring and showing themselves up. It's not even an issue of showing deadly skills - most of these 'experts' dare not even show basic free sparring - because they'dlook terrible, they don't dare, they probably haven't got the skills, and some of them are so fat they'd puke after 15 seconds.

Consequently, just because you have not seen something in a video does not mean it won't work under certain contexts! Video proof is NOT proof of much other than a particular technique worked on that occasion in that circumstance.

Hmm... but what other kinds if proof are there, if not continual effectiveness of a technique in a pressurised environment?

From there, what seems to work is taught. Those who are taught it, a proportion will have real life defence encounters, and report back on what works.

From there, methods will be altered or continued accordingly.

But how are we supposed to know what works if we don't at least do some pressure testing? And what's the problem with videoing it?

And why do you support the alternative - endless pages of theory and backing out of actual sparring and videoing yourself doing what you claim to be able to do?

If you have been practicing martial arts for a long enough period of time, which does not appear to be the case for you, you would understand that all attacks have effective counters and most counters have counters. Just because you attempt technique A, at a particular time or according to a particular context does not necessarily make it ineffective at all times under all circumstances. You may have tried to execute it too slow, it may have not worked on that particular opponent because of his particular skill level, size, body composition, etc. Your timing may have been off. He may have effectively countered it for reasons from his own skill level to dumb luck! etc. etc. etc.

You've clearly never been in a real serious fight. I've been in several. A punch to the back of the head that you don't see coming has no counter. And in reality, under pressure, 'counters' are hard to make happen.

It's just fantasy theory that collapses the moment you're smacked in the face. The best you can do is get some experience of real contact sparring, so that atleast you're toughened up a bit and have some training in acting under extreme pressure. But fancy theory talk is the sure sign of someone who has had no real world experience.

You "Show Me the Video" guys are broken records. You are just as dense as the people you criticize because you cannot see the flaws in your own thinking while you are attempting to reveal to others the flaws in theirs!

Listen at yourself, demeaning people who simply ask for practical demonstrations of what you assert is theoretically true. In no other walk of life could you get away with that - and it clearly sublimates to you as person who is attempting to spin percpetions, to avoid you and your heroes the embarrassment of being shown up.

[QUOTE=Scott R. Brown;1106881
Not everything works under all circumstances just because you saw it on a video, and just because you haven't seen on a video does not mean it never works!

Context!!! Context!!! Context!!! [/QUOTE]

The question is, do you have anything that would work under any circumstance, beyond 1. where five of your mates are holding someone down, and 2. In the future, where you can do anything. ??

06-21-2011, 04:44 AM
You constantly recast the original argument in order to force it to appear illogical. But all you have done is misrepresent it from the start!

And yet you insist you are not a Troll! If you are not a Troll then you do not know how to think very clearly and cannot perceive it in yourself.

The example was used to demonstrate that jui-jitsu was devised to work in the real world. The sword has got nothing to do with the argument. The sword was mentioned to inform the reader WHY jui-jitsu was developed. Any critically minded person can see this plainly. The fact you missed this simple rhetorical device demonstrates you are either poorly educated or actually a Troll who is arguing for arguing's sake!

Swords have got nothing to do with it. Nor does being a professional soldier. Samurai needed a means to defend themselves when they were unarmed against various types of attack! They trained in arm, wrist, ankle, leg and neck locks for a reason, their reasons were practical! Their survival depended upon the success of their techniques. If they had not been successful in real life they would not have trained in these arts and would not have passed them on to succeeding generations. Therefore, we may deduce that these techniques do work under some circumstance in the real world! Why? Because REAL warriors used them in REAL world battles, not wannabes in the octagon!

It is simple logic, if you cannot see it, it is because you don't want too, which curiously enough, leads one to believe you just might be a TROLL doesn't it?

Again recasting the argument in order to create an argument when you cannot defend your original position!

But what I will say is that you are not as clever as you think you are. And are just as illogical, if not more illogical, then those you seek to cast as illogical.

I think here we come to the nub. The fantasy of associating yourself as a 'warrior'.

It's just a theory, but I think people who take on that persona do so because they are deeply afraid. They wear the mask that is the opposite of what they secretly feel.

Listen at yourself, almost crying because people are trying to pull that mask away - i.e. by pointing out that calling yourself fighter/warrior is just talk. And yet, you are seen, beneath the mask, regardless.

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 04:58 AM
warrior is a mindset not a job.

a 6 year old child on chemotherapy is a warrior.

The guy with ALS who still makes it to work every day is a warrior.

some kid on a pile of dirt drinking water waiting for something to happen? He's not a warrior until his mind makes him one.

That this is failed to be understood is...well odd.

Water quan, what do you think a warrior is?

06-21-2011, 05:22 AM
So, you're presenting yourself as qualified to talk about duels, but you've never heard of Von Clausewitz - the author of 'On War' - widely recognised as the primary Western authority and starting point in the study of wars and conflicts? He is basically the Einstein of conflict studies. And he said that all wars, all conflicts, ultimately, are duels.

hahahaha, um, what?

. . .oh,


06-21-2011, 05:30 AM
most of these 'experts' dare not even show basic free sparring - because they'dlook terrible, they don't dare, they probably haven't got the skills, and some of them are so fat they'd puke after 15 seconds.

I would venture a guess that 99% of the people who come onto this board to pontificate about pragmatics fit this description.

06-21-2011, 05:53 AM
What cracks me up about this whole argument is why anyone really cares!! To the posters coming in here spouting off about the eliteness or effectiveness of MMA, ask yourselves this. If everyone on this board are nothing more than a bunch of fat, overweight, white LARPers who wish they would have been born 500 years ago in China, what are you trying to prove?

It baffles me that someone would waste their time on people they pre-judge as "fat", "worthless", and unable to defend themselves. Of course, I remember last year when the regular members start posting their pics I was quite happy to see a lot of people who looked in shape and like they actually worked out. I'm sure you guys can do a search and find that thread.

But that is not the point, really. The point is I find it humoring that the loudest, most obnoxious douchebags on here are the ones who never post anything themselves, no pics, no videos, nothing. Yet love to blast everyone else for being a "Kung Fu weenie".:rolleyes:

I guess some people just have too much time on their hands.:p

06-21-2011, 06:13 AM
Me thinks you all protest too much

Every time someone brings up the word "MMA" the forum goes bonkers, people want posters banned and the lunatics come back out of the wood work

It's out of proportion and and an abnormal response that suggests many of you are NOT comfortable in your own skins

Again, I wonder why some of the foul mouthed, poor manner and clearly lunatic posters who happen to claim to be kung fu people never get this sort of reaction on here?

06-21-2011, 06:27 AM
Me thinks you all protest too much

Every time someone brings up the word "MMA" the forum goes bonkers, people want posters banned and the lunatics come back out of the wood work

It's out of proportion and and an abnormal response that suggests many of you are NOT comfortable in your own skins

Again, I wonder why some of the foul mouthed, poor manner and clearly lunatic posters who happen to claim to be kung fu people never get this sort of reaction on here?

Are you kidding?

You hurl crass epithets, call for bannings and flaunt who is on your ignore list constantly. You just happen to fall decidedly on one side of the argument.

It's pretty much even steven around here.
For every fanciaprettypants there is a razaunida.

The universe has a way of balancing itself out. The law of the conservation of idiocy.

There is nothing inherently wrong in talking sh*t, but taking umbrage with it while simultaneously engaging in it without irony is wholesale hypocrisy.

06-21-2011, 06:34 AM
Are you kidding?

You hurl crass epitaphs,

I believe you probably mean epithets.


06-21-2011, 06:35 AM
You call for bannings

Yeah, I called for banning the guy who put up a manual on rape and talked about molesting a female instructor, my bad :rolleyes:

and flaunt who is on your ignore list constantly.

what alternate universe do you live in?

A rational human being would wonder why every single time footage of someone actually fighting is shown, the kung fu people claim it isn't real kung fu and they don't know what they are doing :rolleyes:

A rational human being would wonder why in this day and age, with all the video cameras out there, you still can't find ONE piece of footage of anyone fighting with these fabled "kung fu skills"

A rational human being would wonder why educated Americans fall for scams so obvious a 5 year old could see through them

The fact that raising these questions makes you so uncomfortable is exactly the point.....

06-21-2011, 06:44 AM
Yeah, I called for banning the guy who put up a manual on rape and talked about molesting a female instructor, my bad :rolleyes:

what alternate universe do you live in?

A rational human being would wonder why every single time footage of someone actually fighting is shown, the kung fu people claim it isn't real kung fu and they don't know what they are doing :rolleyes:

A rational human being would wonder why in this day and age, with all the video cameras out there, you still can't find ONE piece of footage of anyone fighting with these fabled "kung fu skills"

A rational human being would wonder why educated Americans fall for scams so obvious a 5 year old could see through them

The fact that raising these questions makes you so uncomfortable is exactly the point.....

please stop being sensible, you know true TCMA guys dont need to film themselves to prove anything....kind of makes you wonder why if thats the case they spend so much time argueing on forums

And you know that no TCMA guy can actually work a camera..unless its for filming a form or a demo that is :)

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 06:46 AM
bunch a stuff, mostly meaningless

Ross, you are a blowhard. You blow hard. You create these mythical kung fu people who protest mma at every turn. YOu create this idea that practitioners of tcma are stunted because they don't buy into your song about the right way as you see it.

In fact, that is wholly untrue and there are probably just as many guys that are into tcma that are also into mma methods on some level.

You think because they don't actively compete they have nothing to say? YOU don't actively compete, YOU don't step into the ring and fight.

So, where you get off with some of your rants on things is beyond me.

I'm a tcma guy. I like mma methods of training. They're simple and effective. I like it. The same is true of 99% of all the tcma guys I know and hang with.

Who are the people you are indicating? You deliberately seek out the weaker ones and start bashing away, quite often out of context.

so, whatever, I don't care if you ignore me, just stop making up fantasies about what tcma people think or don't think. We know where you stand otherwise.

06-21-2011, 06:53 AM
please stop being sensible,

does seem hopeless, doesn't it :p

you know true TCMA guys dont need to film themselves to prove anything....

Yet there are hundreds of thousands of hours of forms and compliant demo footage out there

And not ONE of people fighting with "real kung fu" (tm)

06-21-2011, 07:19 AM
Yeah, I called for banning the guy who put up a manual on rape and talked about molesting a female instructor, my bad :rolleyes:

what alternate universe do you live in?

A rational human being would wonder why every single time footage of someone actually fighting is shown, the kung fu people claim it isn't real kung fu and they don't know what they are doing :rolleyes:

A rational human being would wonder why in this day and age, with all the video cameras out there, you still can't find ONE piece of footage of anyone fighting with these fabled "kung fu skills"

A rational human being would wonder why educated Americans fall for scams so obvious a 5 year old could see through them

The fact that raising these questions makes you so uncomfortable is exactly the point.....

It doesn't make me uncomfortable, I agree with every single point. That's not what I was talking about but I guess it is easier for you to just lump me in with everyone else you have problems with.

I agree that people getting their collective panty hose in a bunch over someone who challenges their beliefs is patently ridiculous. My point is that you get your drawers in a twist just as easily.

@frost; stop clapping his nuts so hard, it is embarrassing for both of you.

06-21-2011, 07:19 AM
Demonstrated where? You do not appear to have much understanding of context, depth of experience, or knowledge of history.

Demonstrated, as it the techniques posted by youknowwho, which is what I was responding to.

Context is everything, it you attempt the wrong technique at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances you will lose, as is now becoming very evident with the increasing number of MMAists getting killed trying to stop multiple opponents and/or armed opponents.

I already posted links to the far greater number of traditional martial arts practitioners who have been killed doing this.

BTW, it's not such a bad idea that something gives you the confidence to stand up for your principles with your life.

If it was not effective, the Samurai would not have wasted their time learning it, since it was essential for their survival.

It is kind of funny that you are bemoaning people getting killed by trying to go unarmed against weapons and then cite a system that was designed for that.

That being said, traditional jujitsu never worked very well. It was never really tested because, whatever the techniques or how effective they are or are not, an unarmed person never had much of a chance when facing a Samurai with a couple of swords.

Kano proved that it didn't work in the 1800's when he removed the wrist locks from the system and developed Judo. With his new system, he went on to trounce the wrist locking Jujistu practitioners. After this, Judo was chosen as the official Japanese martial art used by the police force.

All the Gracies did was adapt the skills to a modern urban context! The principles of the techniques have not changed, only the contextual application.

The Gracies adapted Kano's judo, not traditional jujitsu.

06-21-2011, 07:21 AM
I believe you probably mean epithets.


A regrettable misuse that I was not quick enough in rectifying.

Also, shut up jerk.

06-21-2011, 07:24 AM
wenshu, you certainly have an interesting approach

It doesn't make me uncomfortable, I agree with every single point.

and yet

but I guess it is easier for you to just lump me in with everyone else you have problems with.

You specifically complained about my posting(s)....

Also, if it isn't particularly obvious, I use "you" in the general sense. IE I use it rhetorically... don't assume every post I make is about you

I agree that people getting their collective panty hose in a bunch over someone

@frost; stop clapping his nuts so hard, it is embarrassing for both of you.

For someone attempting to come across as rational and dispassionate, this is unbecoming

06-21-2011, 07:28 AM
The example was used to demonstrate that jui-jitsu was devised to work in the real world. The sword has got nothing to do with the argument. The sword was mentioned to inform the reader WHY jui-jitsu was developed. Any critically minded person can see this plainly. The fact you missed this simple rhetorical device demonstrates you are either poorly educated or actually a Troll who is arguing for arguing's sake!

Swords have got nothing to do with it.

Swords have a lot to do with it. Jujistsu was developed to try to give a Samurai an option for when he had lost his weapon.

As Kano showed, it really wasn't thought out very well.

Scott R. Brown
06-21-2011, 07:28 AM
I think here we come to the nub. The fantasy of associating yourself as a 'warrior'.

It's just a theory, but I think people who take on that persona do so because they are deeply afraid. They wear the mask that is the opposite of what they secretly feel.

Listen at yourself, almost crying because people are trying to pull that mask away - i.e. by pointing out that calling yourself fighter/warrior is just talk. And yet, you are seen, beneath the mask, regardless.

Well, at least one thing is known for sure now, "You are completely INSANE!"

You read into every post what you want it to say and cannot see what is written in plain English!:rolleyes:

06-21-2011, 07:28 AM
@ wenshu if you TCMA guys can circle jerk each other and agree on ignoring us MMA guys, why cant we MMA guys agree with post others make

Also heres a bit of advice if you don’t like my posts ignore them…as I do you I only replied because you got childish and stupid, got a problem with me private message me and go from there

06-21-2011, 07:30 AM
Demonstrated, as it the techniques posted by youknowwho, which is what I was responding to.

I already posted links to the far greater number of traditional martial arts practitioners who have been killed doing this.

BTW, it's not such a bad idea that something gives you the confidence to stand up for your principle with your life.

It is kind of funny that you are bemoaning people getting killed by trying to go unarmed against weapons and then cite a system that was supposedly designed for that.

That being said, traditional jujitsu never worked very well. It was never really tested because, whatever the techniques or how effective they are or are not, an unarmed person never had much of a chance when facing a Samurai with a couple of swords.

Kano proved that it didn't work in the 1800's when he removed the wrist locks from the system and developed Judo. With his new system, he went on to trounce the wrist locking Jujistu practitioners. After this, Judo was chosen as the official Japanese martial art used by the police force.

The Gracies adapted Kano's judo, not traditional jujitsu.

Many koryu prioritize cultural preservation rather than combat effectiveness; in fact, many practitioners say that they don't care about this aspect and rather dwell in martial arts as a form of personal cultivation. Most of the "traditional'' samurai arts we see today don't actually reflect how the bushi of old trained.

06-21-2011, 07:33 AM
Many koryu prioritize cultural preservation rather than combat effectiveness; in fact, many practitioners say that they don't care about this aspect and rather dwell in martial arts as a form of personal cultivation. Most of the "traditional'' samurai arts we see today don't actually reflect how the bushi of old trained.

the above post is just as relevant to so called TCMA, good post good post!

06-21-2011, 07:35 AM
Also, if it isn't particularly obvious, I use "you" in the general sense. IE I use it rhetorically... don't assume every post I make is about you

what alternate universe do you live in?

So you're saying that wasn't directed at me?

For someone attempting to come across as rational and dispassionate, this is unbecoming

haha, I never said I was rational and dispassionate.

I stand by my original point; it is disingenuous to complain about other member's forum behavior while you happily take part yourself.

Which, I should add, is the fundamental problem with the premise of this very thread.

06-21-2011, 07:39 AM
warrior is a mindset not a job.

a 6 year old child on chemotherapy is a warrior.

The guy with ALS who still makes it to work every day is a warrior.

some kid on a pile of dirt drinking water waiting for something to happen? He's not a warrior until his mind makes him one.

That this is failed to be understood is...well odd.

Water quan, what do you think a warrior is?

I think, psychologically, I hit the nail on the head when I say that certain people harbour fantasies of being a 'warrior', not in the sense of one who perseveres, but in the sense of a self identity associated with samurais and kung fu heroes.

This is revealed in their titles and their personal propoganda.

I think this is a fantasy world, within which people pretend to be swordsmen or kung fu experts, and I think it reveals both a chronic desire to have a more elevated status in life, and a lot of fear and embarrassment at secret senses of weakness.

06-21-2011, 07:41 AM
@ wenshu if you TCMA guys can circle jerk each other and agree on ignoring us MMA guys, why cant we MMA guys agree with post others make

Also heres a bit of advice if you don’t like my posts ignore them…as I do you I only replied because you got childish and stupid, got a problem with me private message me and go from there

Ignore MMA people? I relish the opportunities I have to train with them and do so as much as I can.

You guys are so obsessed with this d*ck measuring bullsh*t that everyone who pokes fun, disagrees or is critical of you in any way is obviously some backwards thinking TCMA qi magic forms collector.

06-21-2011, 07:42 AM
So you're saying that wasn't directed at me?

the "alternate universe" quote WAS aimed directly at you because you made claims regarding me which have no basis in fact. There are a lot of people on here, and perhaps you have me confused with another poster, or someone told you something

I challenge people's views, I don't engage in personal insults, I have only rarely suggested someone be banned (and in this case, it was clearly appropriate, unless you condone rape manuals and talking about female instructors in a sexual way?) etc etc, ie things you have claimed about me have no basis in fact

06-21-2011, 07:45 AM
Ignore MMA people? I relish the opportunities I have to train with them and do so as much as I can.

your profile apparently claims you do Shuai Jiao and Thai boxing, so I still wonder why you can't see the points being made regarding how wacko some of these so called TCMA people are?

You guys are so obsessed with this d*ck measuring bullsh*t that everyone who pokes fun, disagrees or is critical of you in any way is obviously some backwards thinking TCMA qi magic forms collector.

I think you are projecting

06-21-2011, 07:46 AM
I would venture a guess that 99% of the people who come onto this board to pontificate about pragmatics fit this description.

Yes, but only a percentage of those people claim otherwise. That's who I'm talking about.

06-21-2011, 07:46 AM
I think, psychologically, I hit the nail on the head when I say that certain people harbour fantasies of being a 'warrior', not in the sense of one who perseveres, but in the sense of a self identity associated with samurais and kung fu heroes.

This is revealed in their titles and their personal propoganda.

I think this is a fantasy world, within which people pretend to be swordsmen or kung fu experts, and I think it reveals both a chronic desire to have a more elevated status in life, and a lot of fear and embarrassment at secret senses of weakness.

I'd say that this is pretty accurate.

06-21-2011, 07:50 AM
What cracks me up about this whole argument is why anyone really cares!! To the posters coming in here spouting off about the eliteness or effectiveness of MMA, ask yourselves this. If everyone on this board are nothing more than a bunch of fat, overweight, white LARPers who wish they would have been born 500 years ago in China, what are you trying to prove?

It baffles me that someone would waste their time on people they pre-judge as "fat", "worthless", and unable to defend themselves. Of course, I remember last year when the regular members start posting their pics I was quite happy to see a lot of people who looked in shape and like they actually worked out. I'm sure you guys can do a search and find that thread.

But that is not the point, really. The point is I find it humoring that the loudest, most obnoxious douchebags on here are the ones who never post anything themselves, no pics, no videos, nothing. Yet love to blast everyone else for being a "Kung Fu weenie".:rolleyes:

I guess some people just have too much time on their hands.:p

I'm not an MMA guy. MMA - although in many ways it has, of course, developed in to a 'style' of its own accord - is a format, which, as people like Cung Le show, can accomodate a wide range of fighting styles in a reasonably safe yet limited rule environment.

I don't mind HOW people show that they can do what they claim to do. I don't realy even mind if they don't prove it. What I mind is people being threatened and insulted just because they don't believe something that doesn't seem likely, and no one, apparently, can produce any evidence for.

06-21-2011, 07:52 AM
please stop being sensible, you know true TCMA guys dont need to film themselves to prove anything....kind of makes you wonder why if thats the case they spend so much time argueing on forums

And you know that no TCMA guy can actually work a camera..unless its for filming a form or a demo that is :)

Those demos use special cameras that are very expensive. Normal cameras are disrupted by high levels of qi.

06-21-2011, 07:55 AM
Well, at least one thing is known for sure now, "You are completely INSANE!"

You read into every post what you want it to say and cannot see what is written in plain English!:rolleyes:

Ah - I see hit a nerve. And not a very tough 'warrior's' nerve at that.

06-21-2011, 07:56 AM
the "alternate universe" quote WAS aimed directly at you because you made claims regarding me which have no basis in fact. There are a lot of people on here, and perhaps you have me confused with another poster, or someone told you something

I challenge people's views, I don't engage in personal insults, I have only rarely suggested someone be banned (and in this case, it was clearly appropriate, unless you condone rape manuals and talking about female instructors in a sexual way?) etc etc, ie things you have claimed about me have no basis in fact

Really? You don't engage in personal insults? You sure about that?

(Don't get me wrong, I think personal insults are awesome.)

your profile apparently claims you do Shuai Jiao and Thai boxing, so I still wonder why you can't see the points being made regarding how wacko some of these so called TCMA people are?

Dude, what are you talking about?

06-21-2011, 07:56 AM
What cracks me up about this whole argument is why anyone really cares!! To the posters coming in here spouting off about the eliteness or effectiveness of MMA, ask yourselves this. If everyone on this board are nothing more than a bunch of fat, overweight, white LARPers who wish they would have been born 500 years ago in China, what are you trying to prove?

It makes the person feel superior .Thats why they seek out boards like this and keep stirring up the same fights.They get to feel like they are top of the food chain on internet land.:D

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 08:01 AM
Really? You don't engage in personal insults? You sure about that?

(Don't get me wrong, I think personal insults are awesome.)

Dude, what are you talking about?

Ross is a delusional idiot too. He just gets more support from some braying asses because he wears a cup and runs a pseudo mma gym. lol

He's ignoring me, so he probably won't take insult at my insult. :p

06-21-2011, 08:04 AM
Really? You don't engage in personal insults? You sure about that?

cite them then......

06-21-2011, 08:06 AM
Dude, what are you talking about?

摔角, 泰拳

did someone insert those in your profile????? :confused:

06-21-2011, 08:06 AM
It makes the person feel superior .Thats why they seek out boards like this and keep stirring up the same fights.They get to feel like they are top of the food chain on internet land.:D

People who say things like 'Really? Is there any evidence whatsoever that that is the case?' may feel superior, I don't know. My overwhelming emotion is astonishment that such a perfectly reasonable and self evident approach to claims made byothers would result in character assasination. I assume the assasins must be extremely afraid of what such an approach might reveal.

06-21-2011, 08:11 AM
It makes the person feel superior .Thats why they seek out boards like this and keep stirring up the same fights.They get to feel like they are top of the food chain on internet land.:D

I think it has less to do with feeling superior and more to do with being amazed about some of the delusional things people believe and the lies they tell. Followed by not being able to keep our mouths shut about said amazement.

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 08:11 AM
cite them then......

how about just about any interaction with me? :p

before you puzzed out cause you couldn't stand being sat down all the time from some impudent whelp like me...or so you thought. :D

06-21-2011, 08:14 AM
I'm not an MMA guy. MMA - although in many ways it has, of course, developed in to a 'style' of its own accord - is a format, which, as people like Cung Le show, can accomodate a wide range of fighting styles in a reasonably safe yet limited rule environment.

I don't mind HOW people show that they can do what they claim to do. I don't realy even mind if they don't prove it. What I mind is people being threatened and insulted just because they don't believe something that doesn't seem likely, and no one, apparently, can produce any evidence for.

Fair enough. The only problem I truly have is people who dismiss anyone who does TCMA as being a form fairy or LARPer. There are plenty of Kung Fu peeps out there like this but there are also Kung Fu guys who follow more of a Sanda and Shuai Jiao workout regiment and training method that do not fall into this category.

I still do forms, stance training, breathing exercises, basics, and meditation. Doesn't mean I don't also do bag work, pads, spar, and roll. I think the problem is both sides of this argument being CMA and MMA guys get reduntant on the bashing. Also, I truly love MMA, I think the sport has done wonders for martial arts as a whole and believe all systems of fighting are better because of it's emergence and popularity. (The ones who realize and adopted it's methods)

No one likes for their belief system to be questioned, however knowledge is usually always attained this way. Both sides should try this.

06-21-2011, 08:18 AM
摔角, 泰拳

did someone insert those in your profile????? :confused:

What don't I see about
the points being made regarding how wacko some of these so called TCMA people are?

Put it another way. I agree more with faxiapreta than may be immediately obvious but I am still critical of how he frames his narrowly predetermined agenda as some sort of critical analysis. Just as critical as I am of all the sequined silk wearing Asian mysticism fetishist LARPers.

06-21-2011, 08:22 AM
Put it another way. I agree more with faxiapreta than may be immediately obvious but I am still critical of how he frames his narrowly predetermined agenda as some sort of critical analysis. Just as critical as I am of all the sequined silk wearing Asian mysticism fetishist LARPers.

You know what the best part of this whole thread is?

10 pages and 140+ replies to a thread that was supposed to be about ignoring me.


06-21-2011, 08:28 AM
Put it another way. I agree more with faxiapreta than may be immediately obvious but I am still critical of how he frames his narrowly predetermined agenda as some sort of critical analysis. Just as critical as I am of all the sequined silk wearing Asian mysticism fetishist LARPers.

fair enough, but I'd like to see you take it to the latter as well (but that's just me)

06-21-2011, 08:36 AM
I can't understand you. You're saying that the suggestion that a technique is demonstrated in a live situation, to see if it actually works, is some kind of trolling, waste of time that should be ignored?

I just don't get that.
nope, I have no problem with an intelligent discussion, and live situation demo. That's fine.
What I do have a problem with, is his childish, "is too-is not.." endless repetition, his lack of ability to stay on topic, and the fact that he, himself has no facts, no experience and just basically talks out of his azz, but everyone else has to provide for him,what only he deems acceptable proof. Bullsh1t.
I must however commend you on picking up the gauntlet and defending him to every other poster on the forum. Bravo.

06-21-2011, 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by lkfmdc
There are a lot of people on here, and perhaps you have me confused with another poster, or someone told you something

I challenge people's views, I don't engage in personal insults. . .ie things you have claimed about me have no basis in fact

I refuse to believe you are that lacking in self awareness. . .but since you asked.

cite them then......

Pretty much any exchange between you and Frank. (not that they weren't well deserved, it is a continuing prolonged skirmish after all)

And this.

You are so poorly educated you can't read a basic English sentence

I TRAINED his son

Do you know the difference between "TRAINED" and "trained with" :rolleyes:

Maybe you should just stop posting, you are embarassing yourself, really

Again, I am not trying to pass judgement on whether or not those were justified. As I said earlier, there is nothing inherently wrong with personal insults, interpersonal hostility is kind of the pretext of all martial arts in the first place isn't it?

06-21-2011, 08:37 AM
Just as critical as I am of all the sequined silk wearing Asian mysticism fetishist LARPers.

Asian mystic chicks are hawt!

06-21-2011, 08:38 AM
fair enough, but I'd like to see you take it to the latter as well (but that's just me)

Oh but I do, often and with vigor.

06-21-2011, 08:39 AM
You know what the best part of this whole thread is?

10 pages and 140+ replies to a thread that was supposed to be about ignoring me.

Finally! A post that was worth reading!!!
nice one.

06-21-2011, 08:41 AM
Ross is a delusional idiot too. He just gets more support from some braying asses because he wears a cup and runs a pseudo mma gym. lol

He's ignoring me, so he probably won't take insult at my insult. :p

New rule:
If you can't see your own pen i s past your gut without a mirror then you're not allowed to teach martial arts LOL.!:D

06-21-2011, 08:42 AM
Asian mystic chicks are hawt!


06-21-2011, 08:42 AM
Asian mystic chicks are hawt!

Have a thing for unshaven pagans do we?

06-21-2011, 08:43 AM
New rule:
If you can't see your own ***** past your gut without a mirror then you're not allowed to teach martial arts LOL.!:D

What if it is just really small?

06-21-2011, 08:46 AM
Well played, Sir! right on cue!

06-21-2011, 08:46 AM
What if it is just really small?

Hall pass!!

06-21-2011, 08:46 AM

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 08:46 AM
What if it is just really small?

even a micro-penus is viewable with a flat stomach... lol

06-21-2011, 08:46 AM
What if it is just really small?
you're being racist against us jews...

06-21-2011, 08:47 AM
Pretty much any exchange between you and Frank.

Stating facts, no matter how unflattering, is not personal insult.

Is there any dispute that Frank always tries to portray himself as a Triad? Is that not "wannabe" behavior?

He probably has about a high school level of education. There are reasons why high school level people do not publish history articles and books. I have FORMAL academic training, I have been published in actual historical journals. Perhaps it is just my perspective, but him trying to teach us all history is pretty commical

Also, his continuing insistence he "knows" I am multiple posters is also deserving of ridicule. That should be self evident

And this.

Did you read that poster's actual posts? They WERE embarassing in their lack not only to minor detail but in what was actually being said.

To claim that TCMA people can't do well in full contact for the SAME REASON MMA people don't enter point sparring competitions is an astounding example of the non-logic applied here everyday.

Again, pointing out people are wrong and that their arguments don't hold water is not personal insult in my book

06-21-2011, 08:47 AM
'at's wot I'm talkin' bout!

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 08:47 AM
you're being racist against us jews...

uh, wait...what?

06-21-2011, 08:48 AM

sanjuro_ronin for President!!

06-21-2011, 08:51 AM
Maybe it's just perception, but

Stating facts, no matter how unflattering, is not personal insult.

Is there any dispute that Frank always tries to portray himself as a Triad? Is that not "wannabe" behavior?

He probably has about a high school level of education. There are reasons why high school level people do not publish history articles and books.

Should I also point out that a complete lack of language skills is a serious issue when attempting to document Chinese history

I have FORMAL academic training, I have been published in actual historical journals. Perhaps it is just my perspective, but him trying to teach us all history is pretty comical

Also, his continuing insistence he "knows" I am multiple posters is also deserving of ridicule. That should be self evident.

But to Frank's credit, he isnt' the craziest person on here, not by far

06-21-2011, 08:52 AM
even a micro-penus is viewable with a flat stomach... lol

So you're saying that you are familiar with this affliction?


06-21-2011, 08:53 AM
Is there any dispute that Frank always tries to portray himself as a Triad? Is that not "wannabe" behavior?

Wannabe? YOU are NOT a fighter yet you try to pass yourself off as one. now THAT's being a Wannabe.

I have FORMAL academic training, I have been published in actual historical journals. Perhaps it is just my perspective, but him trying to teach us all history is pretty comical

It's always the really whimpy guys who use EDUCATION as his only defense. You can't see the truth beyond your own wannabe ELITIST self. Military this....military that...peasant this....peasant that. What a effing joke.

Hide behind your education. thats fine. Still doesn't change the fact that YOU are not a fighter.

06-21-2011, 08:55 AM
Also, his continuing insistence he "knows" I am multiple posters is also deserving of ridicule. That should be self evident.

Say it ain't so!:rolleyes:

But to Frank's credit, he isnt' the craziest person on here, not by far

(drum roll please) And the winner is;)

06-21-2011, 09:00 AM
I think it has less to do with feeling superior and more to do with being amazed about some of the delusional things people believe and the lies they tell. Followed by not being able to keep our mouths shut about said amazement.

How can you be amazed at the same things that are repeated on a monthly if not weekly basis?These debates that are going on now are old hat already and should hardly be shocking even if they are absurd.

06-21-2011, 09:01 AM
You know, the issue isn't the we have some people who are LARP'rs or live in their own special world.
The issue is that there is no need to be rude or insulting to make your point, fact is people resort to insults when they don't have the brains to make their point.
We need some posting rules that make that clear.
Calling someone an idiot or stupid or things like that just bring everything down to a grade two level ( worse since grade twos don't even say those things anymore).
Disagree with a point?
Make YOUR point and that is all you can do.

06-21-2011, 09:05 AM
The issue is that there is no need to be rude or insulting to make your point, fact is people resort to insults when they don't have the brains to make their point.

and, very clearly, a variation on this theme is the "you didn't learn the real stuff so you don't know" thing that gets rolled out here 10 times a day :rolleyes:

oh, and resorting to 20 year old Chinatown gossip :p

Personally, I've seen guys I completely do NOT agree with, whose arguments I even find illogical and lacking in support, at least go on and share their views. At least that makes for discussion

But when someone goes "there is real chicken blowing up chi and you haven't seen it" it kills the forum.

06-21-2011, 09:06 AM
You know, the issue isn't the we have some people who are LARP'rs or live in their own special world.
The issue is that there is no need to be rude or insulting to make your point, fact is people resort to insults when they don't have the brains to make their point.
We need some posting rules that make that clear.
Calling someone an idiot or stupid or things like that just bring everything down to a grade two level ( worse since grade twos don't even say those things anymore).
Disagree with a point?
Make YOUR point and that is all you can do.

What about implied insults coupled with back handed compliments:p


MMA for the win!

06-21-2011, 09:22 AM
Maybe it's just perception, but

Stating facts, no matter how unflattering, is not personal insult.

Is there any dispute that Frank always tries to portray himself as a Triad? Is that not "wannabe" behavior?

He probably has about a high school level of education. There are reasons why high school level people do not publish history articles and books.

Should I also point out that a complete lack of language skills is a serious issue when attempting to document Chinese history

I have FORMAL academic training, I have been published in actual historical journals. Perhaps it is just my perspective, but him trying to teach us all history is pretty comical

Also, his continuing insistence he "knows" I am multiple posters is also deserving of ridicule. That should be self evident.

But to Frank's credit, he isnt' the craziest person on here, not by far

Regardless of context, justified or not, a pejorative based on biographical information is the very definition of personal insult. No one is above it.

Now I for one think it is possible and perhaps even admirable to be personally insulting while at the same time maintaining a degree of civility and decorum. Adds flavor to an otherwise bland discussion. The problem is when people resort to ad hominems right out of the gate because they lack the ability to argue something on it's merits.

06-21-2011, 09:26 AM
Regardless of context, justified or not, a pejorative based on biographical information is the very definition of personal insult. No one is above it.

If I claimed I was going to fly a plane and you pointed out I had no training to fly a plane and thus it wasn't going to happen, is that a pejorative statement?

If pointing out something is insult, then we don't have much room for discussion

06-21-2011, 09:29 AM
nope, I have no problem with an intelligent discussion, and live situation demo. That's fine.
What I do have a problem with, is his childish, "is too-is not.." endless repetition, his lack of ability to stay on topic, and the fact that he, himself has no facts, no experience and just basically talks out of his azz, but everyone else has to provide for him,what only he deems acceptable proof. Bullsh1t.
I must however commend you on picking up the gauntlet and defending him to every other poster on the forum. Bravo.

I'm not defending him - he's more than capable of doing that himself. I'm working from general principles - if someone says 'show me the evidence' and you say 'no because you smell' then that's a general fallacy that I think, for the moment, is worth challenging, so I do. You might dress up 'you smell' with 'he talks out of his azz' but it's the same thing.

06-21-2011, 09:37 AM
are you really talking about me dude? for real? because i refuse to get into a deep meaningless debate with a guy who can't see he's not as much as he makes himself out to be so he insults others to elevate his own worthlessness? I've never gotten into a deep conversation here or shared my personal thoughts, beliefs, methods, etc for a specific reason. EVERYONE HERE IS NUTS....thats why.

You said "when they don't have the brains to make their point" are you not directly inferring that i'm stupid? If SO, BAN ME then. Because david ross is a fukkin IDIOT

Not sure why you thought this was about you Frank.
It was aimed AT ALL posters.

06-21-2011, 09:40 AM
What about implied insults coupled with back handed compliments:p


MMA for the win!

There are so many better and cooler ways to call someone a ****, right?
We don't really need to call people stupid, retards, delusional ****twats or anything like that.

We all know Dave Ross is an ASS, he KNOWS it, LOL !
That isn't the point.
You disagree with Dave ( as an example), then show where he is wrong.
Disagree with Faixa, show where he is wrong.

Calling faixa a leperchaun blowing gimp, is pointless and doesn't counter his argument one bit.

06-21-2011, 09:41 AM
LMFAO.... you can't make this stuff up

06-21-2011, 09:43 AM
Not sure why you thought this was about you Frank.
It was aimed AT ALL posters.

Because i recently called him a fukkin idiot. then i went and read some other posts and realized it may not have been directly at me alone. my bad.

Its hella funny how my being a ranked official of the Hung Mun bothers David Ross so much that he paints a picture of me pretending to be a Triad Gangster.....his delusions of being a fighter are even funnier than him accusing me of being a gangster. LMAO

06-21-2011, 09:43 AM
I'll wait for you guys to figure out your response

In the meantime, I got stuff to do


06-21-2011, 09:47 AM
Because i recently called him a fukkin idiot. then i went and read some other posts and realized it may not have been directly at me alone. my bad.

Its cool Bro.
I just want people to understand that, so many times you guys have valid points and even if it doesn't get through the heads of those you are debating with ( lets be honest, some people are just dense), it does make its point with others.
Getting frustrated because someone keeps going back to the same drivel and calling them Ethiopian Penial Sock puppets, doesn't do much but show THEM they got under your skin.

06-21-2011, 09:47 AM
A regrettable misuse that I was not quick enough in rectifying.

Also, shut up jerk.

Surely you can do better than, "shut up jerk."

David Jamieson
06-21-2011, 09:48 AM
Surely you can do better than, "shut up jerk."

I think "shut up jerk" is still usable and to the point without a lot of muddle or complexity.

try it!


06-21-2011, 09:52 AM
If I claimed I was going to fly a plane and you pointed out I had no training to fly a plane and thus it wasn't going to happen, is that a pejorative statement?

If pointing out something is insult, then we don't have much room for discussion

Sugar coat much?

Look, if you really need to believe that you are above it all I'm not going to begrudge you that.

Carry on.

06-21-2011, 09:53 AM
I think "shut up jerk" is still usable and to the point without a lot of muddle or complexity.

try it!


Shut up jerk!

06-21-2011, 09:54 AM
Surely you can do better than, "shut up jerk."

Got'cha (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv9VKKXwVxU)

jus sayin

KC Elbows
06-21-2011, 10:05 AM
fair enough, but I'd like to see you take it to the latter as well (but that's just me)

I disagree on the merits of this. It's one thing to lecture someone behaving inappropriately or rudely, sometimes a waste of time, sometimes necessary.

But, arguing with crazy people is always stupid.

I come on here to read your posts on training fighters and old stories from a new perspective, to read TGY's takes on taiji body mechanics, Sanjuro Ronin's perspective on iron hand and training methodology, Iron Eagle's posts on kung fu and training, YouKnowWho's posts on throwing, Lucas' posts on using pickle barrels for armor, Drake's posts on mma and cma, DJ's posts on northern style kungfu and his own martial arts experience, Wenshu's use of the phrase "impotent apoplexy", Bawang's translations of historical manuals, links to Monty Python skits from certain crusty old folks, Goju, and a host of other folk, who almost to a man believe mma is just fine, who almost to a man is capable of holding useful conversations regarding topics related to cma.

These conversations are always interrupted when the statement of a crazy person or an uninformed statement becomes the focus of a thread, usually by a troll, who conflates all members with larpers based on simply disagreeing with him an any point. Faxia is a good example of this behavior, or whatever his handle is this week.

Whenever you make a thread about the fantasy people buy into in kungfu, I can't help but think you pay too much attention to the wrong members here, as most of the members listed above don't buy into any of that.

06-21-2011, 10:31 AM

Calling faixa a leperchaun blowing gimp, is pointless and doesn't counter his argument one bit.

No but it's funny as phuque!

(this forum is awesome on iPad)

KC Elbows
06-21-2011, 10:35 AM
Faxia is NOT a gimp. A leperchuan told me.

06-21-2011, 10:39 AM
What's up KC!

KC Elbows
06-21-2011, 10:45 AM
What's up KC!

Not much. Slightly down, Gene never even threatens to ban me. I'm starting to think he doesn't care.

06-21-2011, 10:57 AM
PM him a few salty barbs, he'll misconstrue them as insults, ban you and then use old personal photos of you to promote cool azzed products in his awesome magazine that is now incidentally available in electronic edition for iPad;) (true story and I don't lie ever!) (((ha ha!)))

I should be in KC again sometime in August, let's hang:D

06-21-2011, 10:58 AM
He's probably got a lot on his plate, aside from nachos, to even look at you. You need to get a buddy to PM him and complain about you. Then make some derogatory posts about ninjettes and i'm sure he'll be all over you.

06-21-2011, 11:06 AM
Sinanju ROCKS!

KC Elbows
06-21-2011, 11:18 AM
PM him a few salty barbs, he'll misconstrue them as insults, ban you and then use old personal photos of you to promote cool azzed products in his awesome magazine that is now incidentally available in electronic edition for iPad;) (true story and I don't lie ever!) (((ha ha!)))

I should be in KC again sometime in August, let's hang:D

Sounds good.

BTW, REAL ninjettes prefer espinaca.

06-21-2011, 12:38 PM
I think "shut up jerk" is still usable and to the point without a lot of muddle or complexity.

try it!


This one may even be better.

"If you don't open your mouth, we won't assume that you are mute". :D

07-01-2011, 04:48 PM
Here's the other one.

13 pages and 193 posts of ignoring me.

Way to go guys!

07-02-2011, 03:45 PM
I would guarantee that Faxiapreta is either Dale Frank or Terrence Niehoff under a new screen name since they were both banned and hopelessly addicted to quarreling with people over the internet. This person follows the same M.O., but avoiding the Wing Chun board to not be too obvious.

Other than avoiding certain key phrases to avoid detection, it is the same mindless parroting without any thought behind it that is symptomatic of a sad, sad life rather than an attempt at conversation.

07-02-2011, 04:09 PM
nah, fancypanties is Mysterious Power, a former troll who was banned a few years back. Same MO, same emotionally disturbed characteristics.
Can't be Terrence, he was far too agreeable with Hendrick...unless...Nah, It's Mysterious Power...I think.

07-02-2011, 04:14 PM
nah, fancypanties is Mysterious Power, a former troll who was banned a few years back. Same MO, same emotionally disturbed characteristics.
Can't be Terrence, he was far too agreeable with Hendrick...unless...Nah, It's Mysterious Power...I think.

I am not familiar with him. I could never see T. being nice to Hendrick no matter the circumstance. T. would not pee on Hendrick to put him out if he were on fire.

07-02-2011, 05:03 PM
I would guarantee that Faxiapreta is either Dale Frank or Terrence Niehoff under a new screen name since they were both banned and hopelessly addicted to quarreling with people over the internet. This person follows the same M.O., but avoiding the Wing Chun board to not be too obvious.

Hey guys Faxia is Dale Frank aka Knifefighter. I asked knifefighter a question once a about a year ago or so and then while having a converse with faxia and I asked the same question to him. He answered it word for word exactly how Knifefighter answered.

I ask the same certain questions I asked Knifefighter to faxia and basically he answered them all with the same type of answers. Everytime I have have called him Dale or Knifefighter recently he has ingnored that post entirely.

There is no use trying to out talk him cause he will come back with the BS answers he always has. "Why can't I use critical thinking", "Snake oil", "It just does not work" "Where is the journal of peers studies showing how it works" ,'Show me a clip of you guys and your stuff in the ring". It's the same old stuff.

How about you just put him on ignore, quit playing his game, and lets have some decent duscussions or debates about relavant stuff.


07-02-2011, 05:06 PM
Hey guys Faxia is Dale Frank aka Knifefighter. I asked knifefighter a question once a about a year ago or so and then while having a converse with faxia and I asked the same question to him. He answered it word for word exactly how Knifefighter answered.

I ask the same certain questions I asked Knifefighter to faxia and basically he answered them all with the same type of answers. Everytime I have have called him Dale or Knifefighter recently he has ingnored that post entirely.

There is no use trying to out talk him cause he will come back with the BS answers he always has. "Why can't I use critical thinking", "Snake oil", "It just does not work" "Where is the journal of peers studies showing how it works" ,'Show me a clip of you guys and your stuff in the ring". It's the same old stuff.

How about you just put him on ignore, quit playing his game, and lets have some decent duscussions or debates about relavant stuff.


Wow what a sad little man. He needs to get a GF. Maybe he is shy? We need to hire Hitch for him.

07-02-2011, 05:46 PM
the answer ---

die antworten






OMG Bob is 70 or 72 Y.O.

we all got old.

me used to sing bob dylan in 1970s in a high school band


07-02-2011, 05:50 PM
Wow what a sad little man. He needs to get a GF. Maybe he is shy? We need to hire Hitch for him.
I've seen him. He will never have a gf....we should get him a ho.
we can all pitch in and get him one of these:


07-02-2011, 05:57 PM
I've seen him. He will never have a gf....we should get him a ho.
we can all pitch in and get him one of these:


RFLMFAO That might be the best we can do for him. A real woman might be asking too much from any woman.

Hebrew Hammer
07-02-2011, 06:00 PM
you're being racist against us jews...

Just cuz we're circumcised doesn't make us small, speak for yourself Tiny! Two words: Ron Jeremy.

Remember, once you go Jew, nothing else will do!

07-02-2011, 10:16 PM
I thought all Americans were circumcised.

Just so you guys know...you belong to us. Not Israel. Israel is full of Euro***s. American Jews are American and belong to America. American Jews are better than Israeli Jews because they are American.

This is the fact.

Israel sucks, American Jews is great. Like Adam Sandler and ....every movie director...and college professor.

Sometimes Israelis will tempt you to move to that ****ehole Palestine, but it is a trick. God's country is here. I hear they will give you money to move there...it is a trick. America is really God's country. Canan is a garbage dump..don't go there. We have the best Chinese, best blacks, best whites and everything. Best comes to America. US blacks are not African, they are America's...same with you Judahs. Don't forget that.

07-02-2011, 10:32 PM
Hey guys Faxia is Dale Frank aka Knifefighter. I asked knifefighter a question once a about a year ago or so and then while having a converse with faxia and I asked the same question to him. He answered it word for word exactly how Knifefighter answered.

I agree with this. Fax doesn't realize he uses the same words as knifefighter or dale does. it's crystal clear. but i play along. and i agree, no woman, blind, mentally disabled, deaf, or dumb would give him a chance. LMAO.

Most people who have competed understand this

07-02-2011, 10:33 PM
more racist ramblings from the kid whose mom tried to abort him :rolleyes:

07-02-2011, 10:37 PM
How is nationalistic inclusion racist?

You are a curious mix of ignorant, arrogant and stupid.

07-02-2011, 10:44 PM
I thought you had me on ignore :rolleyes:

racist idiot, bet your mom wanted a refund for that botched abortion

Lee Chiang Po
07-02-2011, 11:03 PM
Naaa, it is not Dale the knife fighter. Dale is far too stupid. I thought so too at one time, because he actually does make reference in exactly the same words as Dale did, but I still say Dale is way far too stupid.

07-02-2011, 11:21 PM
Sometimes Israelis will tempt you to move to that ****ehole Palestine, but it is a trick. God's country is here. I hear they will give you money to move there...it is a trick. America is really God's country. Canan is a garbage dump..don't go there. We have the best Chinese, best blacks, best whites and everything. Best comes to America. US blacks are not African, they are America's...same with you Judahs. Don't forget that.

this is so full of barbed racism that punching a baby in the face would be more appropriate. :rolleyes:

07-02-2011, 11:25 PM

Hebrew Hammer
07-02-2011, 11:50 PM
I thought all Americans were circumcised.

Just so you guys know...you belong to us. Not Israel. Israel is full of Euro***s. American Jews are American and belong to America. American Jews are better than Israeli Jews because they are American.

This is the fact.

Israel sucks, American Jews is great. Like Adam Sandler and ....every movie director...and college professor.

Sometimes Israelis will tempt you to move to that ****ehole Palestine, but it is a trick. God's country is here. I hear they will give you money to move there...it is a trick. America is really God's country. Canan is a garbage dump..don't go there. We have the best Chinese, best blacks, best whites and everything. Best comes to America. US blacks are not African, they are America's...same with you Judahs. Don't forget that.

You're trying too hard Princess...take a day off, let someone else be a douchebag.

taai gihk yahn
07-03-2011, 05:26 AM
KFMF celebrates the 4th in it's usual, inimitable fashion...


07-03-2011, 09:47 AM
this is so full of barbed racism that punching a baby in the face would be more appropriate. :rolleyes:

You have dragonzbane in your name. This means that you are a certified loser. Nothing you say is valid. You are either very fat or twiggy and carry the mark of the loser wherever you go. If you manage to possibly have a girlfriend, she will jump at the opportunity to have sex with a real alpha male and probably does. If I went to your home when you were not there I would easilly feck your woman and then I would break your sci fi figurines and feed your dragon toys to my dog. If you were home I would knock you down and step on your neck and make you watch me do your woman.

Then later when you are crying on her shoulder pouring out your broken heart to her saying "why...why? She will stare blankly ahead and not have the heart tell you, "because you are a weak ***** and I have needs."

07-03-2011, 09:48 AM
I just saw X-men First Class last night. Magneto is Jewish!

must've shortened it from Magnetowitz.....

07-03-2011, 09:53 AM
If he has US citizenship he is American, not some palestinian.

Like Einstein...American baby..feck yah!

07-03-2011, 10:15 AM
You have dragonzbane in your name. This means that you are a certified loser. Nothing you say is valid. You are either very fat or twiggy and carry the mark of the loser wherever you go. If you manage to possibly have a girlfriend, she will jump at the opportunity to have sex with a real alpha male and probably does. If I went to your home when you were not there I would easilly feck your woman and then I would break your sci fi figurines and feed your dragon toys to my dog. If you were home I would knock you down and step on your neck and make you watch me do your woman.

Then later when you are crying on her shoulder pouring out your broken heart to her saying "why...why? She will stare blankly ahead and not have the heart tell you, "because you are a weak ***** and I have needs."

and you gained all this "knowledge" from surfing the net, amazing. :rolleyes:

if your going to try and insult someone please learn how to do it. insinuating circumstantial drivel into text form that a monkey with a keyboard could produce is not insulting, it's more humor to me. So if your going to insult me you need to go in a different direction. Your attempt lacked vigor and originality. Please continue, I do find it funny.

07-03-2011, 10:16 AM
so my son got firecrackers

I have to make sure

fire safety

or he does not burn himself.


07-03-2011, 10:59 AM
then I would break your sci fi figurines


My laugh for the day....:D

07-03-2011, 07:26 PM
Yes, please.

You, Dale Dugas, David Jamieson, YouKnowWho, and a couple of the others with sub-human intelligence levels please do me a favor and put me on ignore. It's a lot of work and gets kind of tiring having to keep proving over and ove how you are lacking in critical thinking skills.

Thanks for doing me the favor. I appreciate it.

Now I can start having normal conversations with the rest of the people who have actual human intelligence.

Who is this faxiapreta cat?

07-03-2011, 10:23 PM
Who is this faxiapreta cat?

initial guesses were the return of "knifefighter" but recent posts indicate it's not him

07-04-2011, 06:46 AM
I just saw X-men First Class last night. Magneto is Jewish!

That was rather suggested by the concentration camp scene in the previous movie.

07-05-2011, 10:32 AM
My two cents...

I believe in the martial art traditions of honor and respect... though we may disagree at times we can all be civil, cordial, and respectful in our discussions.

Name calling, racial slurs, ****phobic remarks, violence, sexual degradation, mudslinging, and bullying should be frown upon since it is against the true nature of what we learn (and teach).

To be honest, many here would be embarrassed to recommend this forum to a younger student as most of the participants in the forum are not acting how adults should act, especially ones who have been involved in the martial arts for a long time.

Think about this... if someone researching the net to find a place to learn/train in your local area and they stumble upon this forum and you have written disparaging remarks about someone... would you think that that person would inquire about your school?

Hebrew Hammer
07-05-2011, 10:47 AM
My two cents...

I believe in the martial art traditions of honor and respect... though we may disagree at times we can all be civil, cordial, and respectful in our discussions.

Name calling, racial slurs, ****phobic remarks, violence, sexual degradation, mudslinging, and bullying should be frown upon since it is against the true nature of what we learn (and teach).

To be honest, many here would be embarrassed to recommend this forum to a younger student as most of the participants in the forum are not acting how adults should act, especially ones who have been involved in the martial arts for a long time.

Think about this... if someone researching the net to find a place to learn/train in your local area and they stumble upon this forum and you have written disparaging remarks about someone... would you think that that person would inquire about your school?

Finally an adult shows up...wait till you tour the Wing Chun threads...

07-05-2011, 11:54 AM
My two cents...

I believe in the martial art traditions of honor and respect... though we may disagree at times we can all be civil, cordial, and respectful in our discussions.

Name calling, racial slurs, ****phobic remarks, violence, sexual degradation, mudslinging, and bullying should be frown upon since it is against the true nature of what we learn (and teach).

To be honest, many here would be embarrassed to recommend this forum to a younger student as most of the participants in the forum are not acting how adults should act, especially ones who have been involved in the martial arts for a long time.

Think about this... if someone researching the net to find a place to learn/train in your local area and they stumble upon this forum and you have written disparaging remarks about someone... would you think that that person would inquire about your school?

Dude, don't even go there, I am this close to just waving the white flag !

07-05-2011, 11:55 AM
I wish I was the keeper of the all knowing BAN Hammer. I would throw it at most of you as if it had leprosy!!

Seriously, all MODS here are dropping the ball big time.. Most is not all Moderators should be stripped from their BAN Hammers and banned themselves.. We don't need this kind of garbage to freely flow through here and contaminate such a good Kung-Fu forum.. Sad indeed..

All of you should considered your IP's BANNED !

I'm new here as you can see by my total # of posts, and this trash trolling orgy has me on the virge of ejecting myself otta here..
Real Stupid, ignorant, prejudice and all around racially motivated posts.. I don't know how much I can stand of this.. Moderators..... DO your FUking Jobs!!

07-05-2011, 12:07 PM
I wish I was the keeper of the all knowing BAN Hammer. I would throw it at most of you as if it had leprosy!!

Seriously, all MODS here are dropping the ball big time.. Most is not all Moderators should be stripped from their BAN Hammers and banned themselves.. We don't need this kind of garbage to freely flow through here and contaminate such a good Kung-Fu forum.. Sad indeed..

All of you should considered your IP's BANNED !

I'm new here as you can see by my total # of posts, and this trash trolling orgy has me on the virge of ejecting myself otta here..
Real Stupid, ignorant, prejudice and all around racially motivated posts.. I don't know how much I can stand of this.. Moderators..... DO your FUking Jobs!!

We don't have the "ban hammer", sorry.
The most we can do is close threads and delete posts.

Violent Designs
07-05-2011, 07:53 PM
initial guesses were the return of "knifefighter" but recent posts indicate it's not him

"recent posts" indicate he is not?

what gives.

i've always thought that was Dale too.

07-05-2011, 08:31 PM
Wow what a sad little man. He needs to get a GF. Maybe he is shy? We need to hire Hitch for him. Nice DETECTIVE WORK, ginosifu, they always give themselves away thru compulsive behavior patterns, LOL! :D

07-05-2011, 08:36 PM
How is nationalistic inclusion racist?

You are a curious mix of ignorant, arrogant and stupid. And you are Bantana. :D

07-05-2011, 08:45 PM
My two cents...

I believe in the martial art traditions of honor and respect... though we may disagree at times we can all be civil, cordial, and respectful in our discussions.

Name calling, racial slurs, ****phobic remarks, violence, sexual degradation, mudslinging, and bullying should be frown upon since it is against the true nature of what we learn (and teach).

To be honest, many here would be embarrassed to recommend this forum to a younger student as most of the participants in the forum are not acting how adults should act, especially ones who have been involved in the martial arts for a long time.

Think about this... if someone researching the net to find a place to learn/train in your local area and they stumble upon this forum and you have written disparaging remarks about someone... would you think that that person would inquire about your school? Cool! you're now in charge of managing the troll influx. They will surely take your words to heart. :)

07-05-2011, 08:49 PM
I wish I was the keeper of the all knowing BAN Hammer. I would throw it at most of you as if it had leprosy!!

Seriously, all MODS here are dropping the ball big time.. Most is not all Moderators should be stripped from their BAN Hammers and banned themselves.. We don't need this kind of garbage to freely flow through here and contaminate such a good Kung-Fu forum.. Sad indeed..

All of you should considered your IP's BANNED !

I'm new here as you can see by my total # of posts, and this trash trolling orgy has me on the virge of ejecting myself otta here..
Real Stupid, ignorant, prejudice and all around racially motivated posts.. I don't know how much I can stand of this.. Moderators..... DO your FUking Jobs!!

See you've never been a moderator. Try a few other popular forums, Trolls comming out of the virtual woodwork. :( Push a button and send them a "Troll Virus".

07-05-2011, 08:55 PM
See you've never been a moderator. Try a few other popular forums, Trolls comming out of the virtual woodwork. :(

disagree, the trolls here are a special breed of retarded

07-05-2011, 09:02 PM
disagree, the trolls here are a special breed of retarded They do seem to have stamina. :)

07-05-2011, 09:15 PM
at least they might be able to do a basic harse stonce.......unlike Faxie.....

Hebrew Hammer
07-05-2011, 10:26 PM
The key is not reward the Trolls aka negative attention seekers, they only continue to thrive because some of you engage them and do it over and over. You want a troll to leave...don't feed him. Its really a simple mind game...if you don't mind, they won't matter.

07-06-2011, 06:28 AM
We don't have the "ban hammer", sorry.
The most we can do is close threads and delete posts.

And this is precisely why your forum finds itself in the loosing end of the competitor forum. This is the perfect place for trolls to flourish and in destroy your relevance with the MA community.

Indeed, this failure to give you all a Ban Hammer is what's wrong with this forum.. Sad.... sad indeed.


07-06-2011, 06:32 AM
And this is precisely why your forum finds itself in the loosing end of the competitor forum.

Which competitor forum?

07-06-2011, 06:35 AM
Which competitor forum?

Gene and I have a side project going on

07-06-2011, 06:36 AM
Gene and I have a side project going on

You put way too much effort into that photoshop job.

07-06-2011, 06:39 AM
You put way too much effort into that photoshop job.

yup, two whole minutes :D

07-06-2011, 06:41 AM
Too much effort. :p

07-06-2011, 12:34 PM
Dude, don't even go there, I am this close to just waving the white flag !
I hear ya brother

07-06-2011, 07:45 PM
Which competitor forum?
Yeah, what competition, Commander Instigation? There is no competition, thus: trolls with no life doing the next best thing. :D