View Full Version : Is Qi Like the Plasma State?

Foiling Fist
06-22-2011, 08:58 PM
"Definition: Plasma is a distinct phase of matter, separate from the traditional solids, liquids, and gases. It is a collection of charged particles that respond strongly and collectively to electromagnetic fields, taking the form of gas-like clouds or ion beams. Since the particles in plasma are electrically charged (generally by being stripped of electrons), it is frequently described as an "ionized gas."

Plasma was first identified (as "radiant mattter") by Sir William Crookes in 1879. Sir J.J. Thomson identified the nature of the matter in 1897. It was Irving Langmuir who assigned the term "plasma" in 1928.

It is odd to consider that plasma is actually the most common phase of matter, especially since it was the last one discovered. Flame, lightning, interstellar nebulae, stars, and even the empty vastness of space are all examples of the plasma state of matter."

From: http://physics.about.com/od/glossary/g/plasma.htm

Externalist (machine/muscle-heads) cannot keep their arm stationary, without flexing the muscles; and explain it without using Qi.

Here is how to test:
1) muscle use will show the muscles enlarged with blood,
the arm-hand will be rigid and/or spring back reactively.
2) when using Qi, the arm will have a little flexibility, but not much: like rattan.
3) the tissue response from being pressed down is more resilient,
than when limp yet has more give than when contracted muscularly.

If it were just the joints locking, without muscle tension, no explanation is given as to how this done consciously. Even if this were to be explained, it does not explain why the muscle tissue is neither limp nor flexed.

Scott R. Brown
06-23-2011, 03:57 AM
Plasma is a measurable substance of matter, Qi is imaginary!

06-23-2011, 08:44 AM

06-23-2011, 06:05 PM
there are pre birth or pre form or pre heaven qi

there are also after birth, after forming, after heaven qi.


06-24-2011, 04:22 AM
If Qi were a form of plasma it would be detectable using electromagnetic means. You would be able to affect and steer Qi using electric and/or magnetic fields.

I've not seen anything to this effect.

06-24-2011, 07:03 PM
Qi is an energy. Qi medirians are the path the Qi flow in continuously at every moment.

When Qi is accumulate, when it reaches a certain level of quantity, it produces heat.

Using a simple thermal meter or a infra-red thermal recorder one could monitor the temperature rise and the path of the flow if one is train in Qi accumulation and leading.

high intensity Qi when pair up with physical will enhance the physical activity.

There is no mysterious at all.

In fact, the training of standing post or Zhan Zhuang is both a training of accumulate Qi and pairing the accumulate Qi to support the physical.

Thus, the physical posture is very critical, because only a proper physical posture will align turn on or open the gate /Channel for accumulating Qi and the flow of Qi. and further pair the Qi with the physical.

Thus, not every one who does Zhan Zhuang knows how to do it. not every one who does Taiji knows how to do it. But those who knows can evoke it at will as manipulate their physical part of the body.

Again, there is no mysterious. it is all about technology or the process of how to make it happen.

With brain wave machine, thermal sensor, one's practice can be monitor and pin point. So, there is no need to guess and argue. Find some one who knows it and train it and get there.

if one is serious, go here to get train for two weeks and see for yourself. you want to bring a scientists team to examine and investigate them.... sure.. they will love to welcome all kind of study.

06-24-2011, 07:08 PM
plasma is a measurable substance of matter, qi is imaginary!


06-24-2011, 11:40 PM
Qi is an energy. Qi medirians are the path the Qi flow in continuously at every moment.

When Qi is accumulate, when it reaches a certain level of quantity, it produces heat.

Using a simple thermal meter or a infra-red thermal recorder one could monitor the temperature rise and the path of the flow if one is train in Qi accumulation and leading.

high intensity Qi when pair up with physical will enhance the physical activity.

There is no mysterious at all.

In fact, the training of standing post or Zhan Zhuang is both a training of accumulate Qi and pairing the accumulate Qi to support the physical.

Thus, the physical posture is very critical, because only a proper physical posture will align turn on or open the gate /Channel for accumulating Qi and the flow of Qi. and further pair the Qi with the physical.

Thus, not every one who does Zhan Zhuang knows how to do it. not every one who does Taiji knows how to do it. But those who knows can evoke it at will as manipulate their physical part of the body.

Again, there is no mysterious. it is all about technology or the process of how to make it happen.

With brain wave machine, thermal sensor, one's practice can be monitor and pin point. So, there is no need to guess and argue. Find some one who knows it and train it and get there.

if one is serious, go here to get train for two weeks and see for yourself. you want to bring a scientists team to examine and investigate them.... sure.. they will love to welcome all kind of study.

i have some questions, if anyone can answer or is interested, these are serious questions. i will order my questions into 3 groups of related questions.

first off, i am simply using the term Qi, because this is a chinese martial art forum, but by using the word it is in relation to every cultures belief in the life energy.

1 the posture(s), how were they discovered? I know that these are traditions that are very old and developed through working on it, but as to the source of the posture is this something that is attributed to 'divine' or 'heavenly' intervention and instruction? or is there an oral or written tradition that explains the development of these postures?

2 why do we have to put ourselves into postures that are not our normal standard way of moving, does this mean we are some what broken. what i mean by that is, why are we not naturally able to have our pathways open simply moving regularly as we walk or run or stand normally? and why are we designed and programmed to require specific postures to achieve these results and effects? does this mean that in ancient histories of mankind we simply had never unlocked these specific postures? does this relate to missing periods of our history and lost knowledge that has been rediscovered by our most recent ancients? (that last one will soley depend on your belief as to the actual age of our species, for example of what i mean see Indian historical beliefs and others of a similar nature)

3 why do we believe that it is the case that as young people we have the ability to flow freely at all times but every single one of us slowly moves further and further away? is this due to the process of dying? and if so, does this explain the belief that developing your qi to higher degrees is good for longevity because you are working on slowing one aspect of our death?

I have not had a teacher that explained all of the aspects of qi to me over years of continuous tutelage. I have only read books to develop my own grasp of the process of qi usage and cultivation, and honestly i only remember and fully grasp but a fraction of what i have read. so these are in good faith honest questions i have posed to people who have had the experience of being taught that I have not. It is not that I do or do not subscribe to any or all of any beliefs related to qi, that is not the issue at hand, but simply in relation to the subject itself, i have these questions.

anyone who can answer in anyway. thanks.

Scott R. Brown
06-25-2011, 08:16 AM
I can and have generated heat intense enough to be felt by those sitting next me resulting in unsolicited comments about how warm it was sitting next to me in a cold room.

While I was using my mind to generate the heat, I was NOT doing any form of Qi Gong!

06-25-2011, 10:02 AM
1 the posture(s), how were they discovered?

I know that these are traditions that are very old and developed through working on it,

but as to the source of the posture
is this something that is attributed to 'divine' or 'heavenly' intervention and instruction?

or is there an oral or written tradition that explains the development of these postures?

posture is physical platform.

posture has to be proper, that proper means a proper way of handling the structure of the body such as the spine and joints if those are not handling properly. then the connectivity network flow of Qi could be weaken to the point of almost disconnect. one doesnt have to work on to experience the effect of proper structure. one simply transform to a different experience once one's structure is tune or align by the sifu.

This is a result orientated deal. sure there is writting... but mostly is one needs to have a teacher who is experience.
As the Chinese says, who has authentic transmission. authentic means know and experience both the big picture and details.

When one deal with this stuffs, it is totally not those qouting philosophy or qouting Lao Tzu...or Dao or Zen.etc.

it is a no BS unlock the body's Qi gate deal. one get tune and align with one's body, the Qi stuffs surface.

2 why do we have to put ourselves into postures that are not our normal standard way of moving, does this mean we are some what broken. what i mean by that is,

why are we not naturally able to have our pathways open simply moving regularly as we walk or run or stand normally?

and why are we designed and programmed to require specific postures to achieve these results and effects?

does this mean that in ancient histories of mankind we simply had never unlocked these specific postures? does this relate to missing periods of our history and lost knowledge that has been rediscovered by our most recent ancients? (that last one will soley depend on your belief as to the actual age of our species, for example of what i mean see Indian historical beliefs and others of a similar nature)

because the normal standard way is not the natural way and most people has no awareness on what is going on in their body and develop bad habit which against nature but unaware of it.

Posture is just to bring awareness back to the part or parts of the body and promote natural flow.

3 why do we believe that it is the case that as young people we have the ability to flow freely at all times but every single one of us slowly moves further and further away?

is this due to the process of dying?

and if so, does this explain the belief that developing your qi to higher degrees is good for longevity because you are working on slowing one aspect of our death?

it is not a belief but facts when dealing with human.

because we are loosing our energy when we are aging, and then there is bad habit with the body and mind, interm of emotional habit drain....etc.

so, the input energy via food and oxygen is not charging as much but body-mind drain and blockage are increasing.

Qi gong is just promote the energy input, remove or reduce the drain and blockage. remove the drain via the mind training which use to handling the emotion and stress....etc via the body posture/move to remove physical blockage....

I have not had a teacher that explained all of the aspects of qi to me over years of continuous tutelage. I have only read books to develop my own grasp of the process of qi usage and cultivation, and honestly i only remember and fully grasp but a fraction of what i have read.

so these are in good faith honest questions i have posed to people who have had the experience of being taught that I have not.

It is not that I do or do not subscribe to any or all of any beliefs related to qi, that is not the issue at hand, but simply in relation to the subject itself, i have these questions.

anyone who can answer in anyway. thanks.

one needs to go learn with teacher who really know the details and big picture, as the chinese said, those who has authentic transmission. and then practice for years before one could see, all of these are not mumbo jumbo but as real as how to handling one's physical limps.

One of the authentic teacher in our time is the late TCM doctor, martial artist, Qigong expert Dr. Ma Li-Tang.

Dr. Ma has the transmission for the Qigong and Martial arts and TCM, he was sometimes call the father of modern Qigong of China. Learn from his writting could never be wrong.


06-26-2011, 03:50 AM
'Fields' and 'forces' are metaphors used in Western science. Think on - they are 'metaphors', as any basic book on the philosophy of science will tell you.

06-26-2011, 08:42 AM
1 the posture(s), how were they discovered? I know that these are traditions that are very old and developed through working on it, but as to the source of the posture is this something that is attributed to 'divine' or 'heavenly' intervention and instruction? or is there an oral or written tradition that explains the development of these postures?

The Qigong postures were not ”discovered” in the sense by one person in particular or in a specific time, they were evolved through human experience passing down from one generation to another. The earliest ilutsrations would be the Qigong pictures from Mawangtu.

2 why do we have to put ourselves into postures that are not our normal standard way of moving, does this mean we are some what broken. what i mean by that is, why are we not naturally able to have our pathways open simply moving regularly as we walk or run or stand normally? and why are we designed and programmed to require specific postures to achieve these results and effects? does this mean that in ancient histories of mankind we simply had never unlocked these specific postures? does this relate to missing periods of our history and lost knowledge that has been rediscovered by our most recent ancients? (that last one will soley depend on your belief as to the actual age of our species, for example of what i mean see Indian historical beliefs and others of a similar nature)

They are normal standard ways of moving ritualized so we can pay attention to our body, breath and mind, not that different to a tea ceremony except the equipment used is our body. The ancient knowledge has not been lost, it has been misunderstood by some, that is all.

3 why do we believe that it is the case that as young people we have the ability to flow freely at all times but every single one of us slowly moves further and further away? is this due to the process of dying? and if so, does this explain the belief that developing your qi to higher degrees is good for longevity because you are working on slowing one aspect of our death?

Self awareness in movements ritualized allow us to be connected to our essential being, we will still die but die knowingly and hopefully slower but there is no guarantee, Qigong can help but it is not the only factor in longevity. Besides, it is about living more fully then dying earlier or later.

06-28-2011, 12:10 PM
energy can be in many forms

plasma is only a state of many phases
