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Rolling Elbow
01-14-2001, 12:03 AM
Ok guys and gals, I do have a question beyond praising the moderators of this forum.

Recently, while practicing limb destruction techniques, I found my knuckles and skin around the hand to be really sensitive. In fact, it hurt me more to hit someone elses arms (because my precision still sucks) than i think it did them to receive it(then again the person i was working with is tough and conditioned along the arms and nerves).

So I have opted to hang a small sand bag from my ceiling and pound it with combination strikes. The sand packs tight at the bottom of the bag and is awesome for develloping the palms and hands. I don't have llot of time to dick around with iron palm training, so i want to know from veteran sand bag users, if i need to worry about arthritis in teh future or harm to my bones. Ideally people will say there is no point in conditioning the hands cause i will likely not ever fight again..but if i do? I want em ready- let me know please.

FT jump on board man, i need your opinion on this one.

Michael Panzerotti
Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

fiercest tiger
01-14-2001, 01:13 AM
in ykm we have a hanging sand bag iron palm drill, then small rocks to steel ball bearing. so you are doing some type of conditioning regardless. it does get in doenst it! :D

make sure you use dit dar my man!!

is your sand bag small or big, ours is a small tight bag that is used for timing and accuracy. punches, hammers, palms, elbows, shoulders are used.

thats true about conditioning you may never fight, but i want to take kung fu or my style to the limit and i believe that one day you may need it.

let your injuries heal, so muscle and bones are strong. you may have a bone bruise and they take along time to heal. one hit on that same spot can put you out oif training for a good month. always take care when conditioning and analyse your skin and bones of the striking weapon... well thats what i do!!!!

take care



01-14-2001, 06:56 AM

When I trained as a junior, my hands and knuckles also got really sore and sensitive.

I later learned that the injuries was not so much caused by the hardening and toughening of my hand and knuckles, but, more so because my punches were not dead straight at time of impact.

Basically, you hit, and if you havent got the right technique, you vibrate a little at the end. The effect is that you "scuff" the contacting point. It wasnt a clean hit, but rather a hit that impacted, then waved around a bit. Tke skin rubs against the rough surface of the bad or whatever, making your hands or what ever sore.

Thus fixing your technique is probably a good idea to fix before worrying about toughening your hands. Once you fix your technique, that cuts the damage out that you do to yourself. Then worry about the other factors.

As for arthiritis, hitting bags is actually better. The main cause of this in martial arts is actually punching/kicking as hard as possible in mid air. The jarring from the sudden stop damages teh joints.

Impact work has a jarring effect on the body, BUT not on the joints in terms of locking them out. (hyper extension as an exagerration, but you get the idea.)

Just make sure you dont hit anything when your arms and legs are already completely straight. They should be bent at time of impact, and straighten as you hit THROUGH the target.


The Force will be with you...always

01-15-2001, 06:49 PM
FT wrote:
"you may have a bone bruise and they take along time to heal. one hit on that same spot can put you out oif training for a good month"

I asked about this on another thread that went dead. Funny how I seem to kill posting wherever I go. ;)

I have had a hard time training the distal head of my radius (the bone sticking out before the wrist). It was overly sensitive, and last week I thought I injured it during conditioning, it hurt so bad. So I stopped hitting that area. Two days I ago I accidentally hit it, and lo and behold, now there is no pain! Anyone care to explain if I've caused an injury that will reaapear, or if it finally toughened up?

"Waiting is bad." - Musashi

01-25-2001, 01:14 AM
sorry, this is off the topic but what do limb destruction comprise of? Is this in a lot of systems and are there different names?

Rolling Elbow
01-27-2001, 07:04 PM
Quite simplu put, limb destruction refers to striking or double striking the same area (nerve, muscle, or "funny-bones")on an attacking limb. Most common will obviously be the attack on the arm or leg of the opponent as he attacks. For example, if your opponent attacks with jabs or crosses, you can position yourself just slightly "outside" his range and use trinagular footwork to evade while you smash his radial nerve (top of forearm)or his bicep. Limb destructions are great for setting the tone..eventually the goal is to work up the body from the limbs. Another example from a kick is actually evading and puching the attacking leg on the inside of the leg (anterior femoral nerve) or using your own legs to kick the kicking leg.

Michael Panzerotti
Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

07-03-2001, 11:14 PM
I too have noticed that my kunckles and skin around my skin to be extremely sensitive and so I have considered using an iron palm bag for increasing the sensitivity in my hands. I have been told that mung bean is traditionally used but could I replace it with something else I was advised to try and use pinto beans?

07-04-2001, 09:03 AM
Panther, just buy a beginning iron palm bag from wing lam, it's like $10 or something and comes filled with mung beans.


07-04-2001, 09:09 AM
I have an iron palm training bag but my question to you is what else can I fill it with I cant seem to find mung bean?