View Full Version : Martial Arts Politics & a Challenge to All!

06-25-2011, 07:11 PM
Please do not take this the wrong way or as an attack. It's not. It's simply meant to make one think and discuss.

I know, I just know I am going to cop a world of grief and "S@#t" for this but here goes ................

I am a provocateur whose works, ideas, or activities are regarded as a threat to accepted values or practices. I like many other controversial figures, am often unfairly clouded by controversy.

My greatest contribution to the Martial Arts isn't my vast catalogue of documented material. It also isn't my well-known advocacy of Dim Mak/Dien Hsueh usage in martial application. It is in fact my opening of the discussion of the need for Martial Arts to be taught as they were originally intended. To honour the concepts, principles, spirit and essence of the arts.

My promotion of the Martial Arts has not been without its controversy. It’s because I call it as I see it. And all around me I see the watering down and slow death of the real heart of the Martial Arts.

I call for the Martial Arts community of practitioners to police themselves and stop their self-satisfied and self-congratulatory “Bull” and simply teach from the heart. Within the Martial Arts you need to be able to separate the message from the messenger. Hell, in my case, sometimes you even have to separate different parts of the message (Something to do with my natural eccentricity!). One should not believe it to be so because they've been told so by their teacher or by the attendant mutually congratulating martial culture that surrounds these arts.

But the big picture isn't about my method. It isn’t about my art. It's about a call to dropping the crap, the embroidery and teaching from one’s heart.

Get your picture taken with the movers and shakers of the Martial Arts world long enough and I guess folks will start to think you are one as well ... even though you might just really be an autograph hound. It’s not who you have learned from ….. no, it’s about what you do with that you have learned!

I’ve come to realise that anyone who is achieving at a high level WILL be attacked, often viciously, often for no reason other than the fact that the criticizer hates those who DO [succeed]. Or who speaks the truths they dare not.

The old arts were not so much about style but about people. Diploma’s, certificates, scrolls, documents and titles mean bugger all without the human element!

Diploma’s, ranks, certificates and titles don’t make people. People make people!

Yes I am aware that my sign in signature suses the word "Shifu" but I used that to sign on to this forum quite some time ago. It's not part of my teachings or my everday life. In fact, I regret ever using it!

Who you learnt from, what you learnt, all these things matter little. What is important that you have learnt something good or bad and can make your own decisions as to what is right or wrong. No piece of paper or the words negative or positive of others can take away from this truth.

It’s not about me. It never has been. It’s all about the art. My personal contribution to the martial arts,

I want a teaching that is spiritual but not dogmatic. that is also practical.

That has teachers who don’t claim perfection But work towards their own perfection.

I want to understand the teachings and apply them in my life but not be bound by certain teachings that don’t make sense.

The simple truth is the real Martial Arts can only be learned through “feeling” and “sensing”.

“Feeling” the essence, the concept, the heart, body feel. Move naturally, spontaneously and respond to the situation as needed. No thought, no preconceived ideas, just nature You should strive to immerse yourself in the “feeling” of the art, embody the motion. A natural transmission of energy If you allow yourself to “feel” it will resonate through you, your mind, your body and your spirit in ways that will lead to a greater sense of being and make you receptive to attuning with yourself, your life and your Martial Arts.
For a true Martial Art to be natural and reflect the world around it then it cannot be defined by ranks, titles and techniques but by “feeling”.

“Sensing” the heart, the spirit and applying it in all you do.

Listen to your art, to your mind, to your body, to your own feelings. Then and only then will the art become truly your own.

I have been on the receiving end of a series of attacks by a certian Hysterical Historian. Even former friends of this guy have admitted in public that the Historian used them to launch his attack upon myself so it would seem that he was not getting his own hands "dirty". It just goes to show how low this "historian" will allow himself to go and how desperate he is to ply his martial arts politics against anybody who he views as a threat to his Glass Empire!

It’s part of an outstanding defence mechanism commonly called "projection" - a technique by which the "ego" of the individual defends itself against what it sees as unpleasant personal tendencies with oneself while attributing them to others. Aggression masks the underlying insecurities of the person. Those who are secure rarely have the need to attack others. People like my good buddy the "Hysterical Historian" forget the martial arts were created by people not self-aggrandising ego motivated Gods of their own making. It’s Martial "Arts" and like all arts it has a creative aspect. It is creative like any other artistic pursuit be it art, theatre or music. It is not the "Holy Grail".

Meanwhile we will go along our way happy in the reality that we are truly enjoying our walk along the martial pathway. Every now and then he sends me emails ranting and raving and using language that would make a soldiers toes curl!

He even went on to post this on his web site"

"Those who criticize others are, in spite of their own outer appearance, inwardly weak and insecure."

If only he actually practiced that which he so often preaches in public! By his own words let he be known!

I actually like this quote ... but don't often see it applied. That's why I like this forum, real people and real martial arts.

Here's the challenge and please do not take this the wrong way or as an attack. It's not. It's simply meant to make one think and discuss.

I dare ALL to drop your ranks and titles and simply be known as yourself! Of course most won't as they have too much bull**** invested within same. Who knows, if they do they may even come to like themselves after all!

06-26-2011, 03:44 AM

Me, me, me, me, ME!

Look, I have not titles whatsoever - but I'm willing to be even less titled if you'll stop saying you know kung fu.

David Jamieson
06-26-2011, 04:41 AM

guard the door.

06-26-2011, 07:20 AM
fighting methods and fighting principle

they are dead.

but a fighter is alive and free spirited or independent thinker


one may think what they may bring something to their arts


yes, you may follow the old principles and methods

you may also vary them and add some modification or bring something new altogether


it is a dynamic


again methods are dead

and you are alive

so you bring life to your arts

you follow your arts

you change your arts

you pass on
