View Full Version : Question for Gene Ching

06-26-2011, 12:58 AM
Hello Gene,

I'd like to ask you for your sincere advice about how to go about submitting an article to the Magazine? What format for the article/images etc?

What sort of articles are you interested in or best suits publication?

I have written for a number of MA Magazines over the years including Australasian Fighting Arts, Blitz, Impact and Traditional Karate and Combat in the United Kingdom to name but a few.

06-26-2011, 04:23 PM
Hello Gene,

I'd like to ask you for your sincere advice about how to go about submitting an article to the Magazine? What format for the article/images etc?

What sort of articles are you interested in or best suits publication?

I have written for a number of MA Magazines over the years including Australasian Fighting Arts, Blitz, Impact and Traditional Karate and Combat in the United Kingdom to name but a few.

From the grape vine I hear that Gene has a hand picked team of special MA's that will visit you and give you some kind of thorough tests.

06-26-2011, 04:42 PM

I hear articles on application are always in demand...

06-27-2011, 09:36 AM
Minghequan (and anyone else), we're always looking for new articles. In general, we're looking for technical and training articles - we like our articles to be mini-lessons, general enough that anyone can apply them to their practice yet specific enough so as not to be just a rehash of fundamental principles. That's a lot easier said than done.

Since the demise of IKF (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47753&highlight=inside+kung-fu&page=3), I've been getting a lot more submissions. Our submission to print time is now several months. Our submission to post (for e-zine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/index.php)) is significantly shorter.

06-27-2011, 09:38 AM
Also, the E-zine is a great way to build your platform; huge numbers of page views. Speaking of which... May have something for you soon for the e-zine.

06-27-2011, 09:50 AM
Yes, the e-zine gets more eyeballs in the end because it's free access, international and doesn't succumb to shelf life. Once in the archive (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/TOC/index.php), it's there for as long as the website runs. Many traditionalists are still very attached to print (as am I) so it's always a juggle. Professional writers don't care, but most martial arts writers are strictly amateur and prefer print. We do compensate for e-zine, although at a lesser rate than print. We used to compensate at the same rate until we discovered that we were the only traditional publishers that were even offering compensation for web publication.

06-27-2011, 09:54 AM
And as a professional writer who is in favour of online content AND likes getting paid I have to say thank you very much for that!

06-27-2011, 12:53 PM
we thank the publisher

and the writers

for contributing good articles in an english media both on papers and in digital format
