View Full Version : kung fu & cancer (& other health benefits)

06-28-2011, 12:49 PM
I usually just surf this site and forums anonymously, but I wanted to share something that I thought was interesting. I was surfing the web regarding kung fu & health, and I came upon this website (not much content on it yet). This site talks about the health benefits of kung fu training. Anyways, there was one article I really liked about chi kung & exercise (particularly martial arts) for cancer (which is a topic close to my family). (There's also a good one on kettlebells, and some other stuff on nutrition.) Anyways, the cancer one has really been helpful for my family, and I share it with you in case it can be helpful to anyone:

David Jamieson
06-28-2011, 01:34 PM
Don't click that link and mods please remove this post.
There is an unusual element regarding the https value here.

also, your first post, promoting another site?

that is spam.


06-28-2011, 01:53 PM
I apologize if I do not understand the rules of posting (didn't think I had done something wrong). I just like the cancer article and wanted to share. Actually I would just copy and paste the article directly (but aren't there copyright rules against stuff like that?). I also thought the content was relevant to this community. Please advise on how I can better share info like this that has impacted me...

06-28-2011, 02:00 PM
its better than posting a dubious link to hell.......

just copy and paste.

David Jamieson
06-28-2011, 02:49 PM
I apologize if I do not understand the rules of posting (didn't think I had done something wrong). I just like the cancer article and wanted to share. Actually I would just copy and paste the article directly (but aren't there copyright rules against stuff like that?). I also thought the content was relevant to this community. Please advise on how I can better share info like this that has impacted me...

grab the article, copy it, paste it here inside of quote tags and credit the author.
the site is sketchy, it makes chromy go on alertzys.

06-28-2011, 03:04 PM
Don't click that link and mods please remove this post.
There is an unusual element regarding the https value here.

also, your first post, promoting another site?

that is spam.


LOL @ Jimerson not knowing what he is talking about once again.

Of course a warning comes up if you enter it in as a secure https connection. They don't have an SSL cert because they don't need one for that page. Request a normal http connection and it is fine.

Try linking to the main Kung Fu forum here over https and you'll also get a warning: https://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=2

Does that mean this site is sketchy too?:rolleyes:

06-28-2011, 03:27 PM
OK -- I don't know anything about this https warning stuff. It works "normally" when I go to the site. In any case, I will do my best here (I am neither tech saavy, nor forum etiquette saavy, nor copyright saavy). A snippet from the article is:

"Fight Cancer With Martial Arts & Chi Kung Meditation
Studies show that exercise (and in particular, martial arts training) and chi kung meditation can help the body to fight (or prevent) cancer.

For various cancers, there seems to be a measurable beneficial effect after a certain amount of energy-expending exercise. And according to Dr. David Servan-Schreiber's book "Anticancer" (p. 207, Table 9), among the various physical activities measured, sustained martial arts training is one of the higher ranked activities, in terms of energy expenditure (measured in MET units).

In addition, studies have shown that chi kung meditation can help one to manage stress and can help to stimulate the body's immune system and natural defenses."
(Credit goes to the web site author above...)
And then the article goes into meditation studies, and immune system & blood cell response. And then it talks about exercise & martial arts, fatty tissue, hormones, inflammation & blood sugar levels. I don't feel comfortable copying the rest of the article because the website says the content cannot be reproduced or republished.

Anyways, this was helpful to my family (a couple members of my extended family have had different cancers); and this was the first time I felt strongly enough to share something online (I usually prefer to stay anonymous). I will be happy if the info I shared helps someone. However, if I have offended with poor forum etiquette, I am also happy to disappear back into anonymity (and keep the info to myself -- my family has already benefited from this anyways)...

06-28-2011, 03:40 PM
didnt helen liang's father teach her qigong for her cancer after modern medicine doomed her to death? and now she is all better and a champion.

06-28-2011, 04:20 PM
I wish there was solid evidence that martial arts helped fight or prevent cancer. I really do. We've been monitoring such research here:
Tai Chi as Medicine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50553)
Qigong as Medicine

Does that mean this site is sketchy too?:rolleyes:This site is definitely sketchy. After all, we let all you yahoos post here for free. :rolleyes:

didnt helen liang's father teach her qigong for her cancer after modern medicine doomed her to death? and now she is all better and a champion.
Opening and Closing the Gates of Heaven: Helen Liang's Triumph over Tragedy, Battling Lymphoma with Qigong, Tai Chi and Chinese Medicine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=353) by Martha Burr

06-28-2011, 04:29 PM
I wish there was solid evidence that martial arts helped fight or prevent cancer. I really do. We've been monitoring such research here:
Tai Chi as Medicine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50553)
Qigong as Medicine
This site is definitely sketchy. After all, we let all you yahoos post here for free. :rolleyes:

Opening and Closing the Gates of Heaven: Helen Liang's Triumph over Tragedy, Battling Lymphoma with Qigong, Tai Chi and Chinese Medicine (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=353) by Martha Burr

word. i knew gene had the goods

06-28-2011, 06:48 PM
Just to clarify -- I know I didn't copy and paste the whole article (again for copyright reasons), but the article doesn't say kung fu or chi kung "cures" cancer. What it does is cite studies where, for example, meditation helped to increase certain immune cell response versus a control group, basically saying one group was fighting cancer better than the other group. Looks like (according to the article), the studies are detailed in a book called "Anticancer". When I showed the article to my family, I don't think anyone was thinking there was a miracle cure -- what they were thinking was that if they exercised more or maybe learned some chi kung, it might help help their recovery. And actually, I'm probably going to look for the book "Anticancer" on Amazon or something...

David Jamieson
06-28-2011, 07:06 PM
dca cures cancer.

if wishes were horses, and beggars could ride, we'd be riding... :)


06-28-2011, 07:54 PM
my brothers are big believers in acupuncture

there are certain points will increase immune systems

including killing some cancer cells

but not all of them.

kung fu practice may massage some of the points

but if you have suspicions of cancer of any kind

go to see your family doctor then oncologist

have them biospy etc

chemo, surgery, laser, radiation etc are treatments of choice.

kung fu may not cure your cancers.

oncologist will.


06-28-2011, 08:38 PM
The Shanghai Rehabilitation Club for cancer patients was established in 1989. in 1993, a survey was conducted of its 1,054 club members having cancer. The survey results revealed that 64 percent of the members having cancer had recovered. It was conclude that of those cured of cancer, 85 % were persistent in exercising GLQG
Some of the benefits from properly practicing GLQG therapy were improved s1eep, appetite, improved immune functions that contributed to preventing replaces and metastasis, improved quality of life, and prolonged survival.....



06-28-2011, 08:58 PM
cancer can be cure.


wing chun never be cure.

for wing chun euthanasia only option.

06-28-2011, 09:31 PM
I can cure cancer with kung fu.

Once I will your body, the cancer will also die. It can' t live without the host.

06-28-2011, 09:35 PM
one of the problem is reasoning.



Like Guoling Qigong,
Internal Kung fu enter to the natural via two doors --- silence and loose that is the key of all healing and curing. that is working with a full coverage of physical, mental, and soul level of human.

curing means to take the body, mind, soul back to its origin and let them rebuild themselve. Qigong and Internal art is just doing that.

06-28-2011, 09:38 PM
--- silence and loose that is the key of all healing and curing. that is a full coverage of physical, mental, and soul level of human.

your mother is loose, but she is not very silent.

06-28-2011, 09:48 PM
bawang and I okazuzo'd her and she kept yelling ya ma te.

We threatened to kill her pet...and she still wouldn't shut up so we killed it..then she wept.

David Jamieson
06-29-2011, 04:43 AM
cancer can be cure.

Yes, DCA has been shown to cure it.
It is also in some respects preventable. Depends how one chooses to live their life.

06-29-2011, 05:06 AM
Yes, DCA has been shown to cure it.
It is also in some respects preventable. Depends how one chooses to live their life.


Exercise daily and stop eating processed food. Only eat foods that can be killed(some people prefer to eat even red meat sparingly) or grown.

No guarantees, but it definitely lowers your chances. And not only of cancer. Of most killing diseases.

06-29-2011, 05:37 AM
Cure? No.
Help you fight it? Yes.

David Jamieson
06-29-2011, 05:41 AM
Cure? No.
Help you fight it? Yes.

It can be used to go further, the current hurdle is mere greed...as usual.

06-29-2011, 09:36 AM
Cure? No.
Help you fight it? Yes.
As TGY is so fond of reminding us, the fly in the ointment with a lot of these studies is that most any general health practice will be beneficial to a patient under any sort of duress. Scientifically speaking, the bulk of these studies are shallow because there's no alternate exercise control group. If your two experimental groups are 'kung fu' vs. 'no kung fu', kung fu better well show some effect with cancer patients. Your experimental groups need to be 'kung fu' vs. 'general calisthenics' or some other comparable form of exercise.

I hear qigong cancer claims constantly. I've also just lost two friends to cancer with in the last few months, one of whom was a lifelong martial arts practitioner. It's my job to be skeptical as well as hopeful.

06-29-2011, 09:39 AM
kung fu practice or some forms of physical activity

lower your blood pressure

improve cardio pulmonary function

booster your immune system in general


cancer curing

your immune system and outside medical or surgical interventions

are both needed.

do not delay in seeking physician help

your life is at stake.


06-29-2011, 09:44 AM
I hear qigong cancer claims constantly. I've also just lost two friends to cancer with in the last few months, one of whom was a lifelong martial arts practitioner. It's my job to be skeptical as well as hopeful.

If you investigating into Guoling Qigong and how Guoling went to a few big names in China to compose her "NEW" Qigong which is evidentaly cure cancer for herself others.

There are certain qigong elements which is needed.

Not every qigong is equal. and most so called Qigong, Kung Fu, internal art actually dont have these neccesary/important elements.

also, if a Qigong practice is not approach 3 -4 hours a day, it is not going to be healing effective.

most people do not have these level of quality and quantity practice for Qigong healing to work or transform's one's body.

Not to mention there is the mind - soul element needed which is not common to general public.

it is all about technology and process to transform one's body and mind. So, Qigong doesnt cure anything, but transform the body and mind into a new life form which is no longer the old one with disease.

06-29-2011, 09:55 AM
As TGY is so fond of reminding us, the fly in the ointment with a lot of these studies is that most any general health practice will be beneficial to a patient under any sort of duress. Scientifically speaking, the bulk of these studies are shallow because there's no alternate exercise control group. If your two experimental groups are 'kung fu' vs. 'no kung fu', kung fu better well show some effect with cancer patients. Your experimental groups need to be 'kung fu' vs. 'general calisthenics' or some other comparable form of exercise.

I hear qigong cancer claims constantly. I've also just lost two friends to cancer with in the last few months, one of whom was a lifelong martial arts practitioner. It's my job to be skeptical as well as hopeful.

I agree that, comparable studies MUST be done before any concrete claims are made.

06-29-2011, 11:04 AM
I also agree with GeneChing's statement immediately above. However, I do not think it is so important to show that kung fu is better at healing (or, in this case, fighting cancer) than all else. Rather, I place more emphasis on GeneChing's statement "most any general health practice will be beneficial to a patient..." As a kung fu practitioner myself, I think the art I practice qualifies as a fantastic & rigorous form of exercise, both externally and internally; and I would love for everyone to try it. But I know that people have varied interests, and not everyone is interested in kung fu. More than that, there are too many people out there that have no interest in healthy fitness practices whatsoever (and prefer to lie on the couch) -- I've seen this in my own family. As far as cancer is concerned, if a patient, who reads one or more of these studies, is not interested in kung fu, but starts doing general calisthenics for the first time in his/her life, that's a big step. And if that person decides against chi kung meditation, and instead supplements his calisthenics with some sort of yoga or other reputable breathing/meditation practice, then as far as I'm concerned, the studies have added value and have made a positive contribution. For me, at least, the key is to get people to make a positive change in their life and adopt healthy fitness habits. While a well-rounded kung fu curriculum can be an efficient way to "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" (in this regard), I am just happy if someone close to me makes a healthy change for the better...

06-29-2011, 11:11 AM
Just imagine what that would do for the CMA community. People would flock to the arts. CMA could get funding, medical grants, and all sorts of benefits. Obviously, that hasn't happened. It makes such claims rather flaccid, sad to say.

Don't get me wrong. CMA is great for health. It's just that suggesting that it is a significant cancer preventative is premature and boastful.

06-29-2011, 11:16 AM
I think Bob Hope

a comedian that lived over 100 years.

he said

"3 laughters a day made you live forever"

or something like that

may be some one else said that



remember to tell 3 jokes and laugh out loud 3 times a day

that is



06-29-2011, 11:21 AM

you may search more quotes

it is internet.


06-29-2011, 11:23 AM
"3 laughters a day made you live forever"
Laughing yoga (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1109456#post1109456)