View Full Version : Too far.

07-15-2011, 01:31 PM
i have never once made a thread to complain about trolls. i have never once made a PM to any moderator to complain about anyone.

but this guy directly attacking me for no reason with insults and made up things about me is too far. i actually support this magazine and martialartsmart.com with purchases. i dont front, i dont make things up and im always an honest, fair and balanced person in my discussions.

this is too far seriously. mattador is just a malicious individual with the agenda of spreading mis information about people he doesnt know on this forum.

i'll be taking an extended break from this online **** until some order gets put in place.

i know its no loss but this is how it is. i'm not interested in spending my time in a place where some idiot on the internet can freely just attack me personal character for fun.

have fun making up more **** about me mattador....if you are ever in portland look me up.

bye guys.

07-15-2011, 01:38 PM
i have never once made a thread to complain about trolls. i have never once made a PM to any moderator to complain about anyone.

but this guy directly attacking me for no reason with insults and made up things about me is too far. i actually support this magazine and martialartsmart.com with purchases. i dont front, i dont make things up and im always an honest, fair and balanced person in my discussions.

this is too far seriously. mattador is just a malicious individual with the agenda of spreading mis information about people he doesnt know on this forum.

i'll be taking an extended break from this online **** until some order gets put in place.

i know its no loss but this is how it is. i'm not interested in spending my time in a place where some idiot on the internet can freely just attack me personal character for fun.

have fun making up more **** about me mattador....if you are ever in portland look me up.

bye guys.

Wow, you are a whiny little pansy. Lol. Typical of a mouthboxer who does not understand this fundamental concept: Hard external training is to toughen you mentally. Are you sure you train everyday?

Way to go and tell mom and dad on me. Cry baby.

07-15-2011, 02:20 PM
lucas is cool

I voted for his nin ja outfit.


07-15-2011, 02:20 PM
Enough. Good trolling has its entertainment value. This is overtly offensive to me, and I have thick skin.


07-15-2011, 04:00 PM
I think we need a real clean up on the forum maybe some new guidelines and rules. This is a forum about kung fu so lets keep it like that!
If you want to be a smartass or just act like an a**hole there are forums for that to so go there.

07-15-2011, 04:27 PM
I think we need a real clean up on the forum maybe some new guidelines and rules. This is a forum about kung fu so lets keep it like that!
If you want to be a smartass or just act like an a**hole there are forums for that to so go there.

EWWWWWW i guess you guys just got told about yourselves huh? hows it taste? LOL JK

07-15-2011, 04:40 PM
i came across this forum while googling for esoteric kung fu terms.

most of the posts recommended by google were pre-2008.

what strikes me is the quality and uninqueness of information in these older posts and the civility of debate and discourse.

good enough for google to rank these posts highly.

it's a long way from the substance and tone of what i see at the forum today.

the founder/owner/mods should do something to bring back the glory of its heyday or surely the forum will fade into oblivion.

the founder/owner should also consider donating the invaluable old content to a public wiki or archive in case the unthinkable happens.

07-15-2011, 04:59 PM
I have not seen any of you post before. Do all you crybabies live in the same frathouse?

07-15-2011, 05:02 PM
I know what happened. Lucas recruited all his Kung Fu buddies cause I hurt his feelings. Get over it, Lucas. Get a box of tissues and then hug your roommates. This is the saddest thread I have ever seen.

Post something meaningful if you want this forum to be good. Whining will not help. Start a discussion or be quite and let the real men debate.

07-15-2011, 05:43 PM
let the real men debate.

It's fun to share information with people who appreciates it. It's not fun to debate. Since you know that no matter what you have said, you will never make your MMA friends to have any respect to TCMA, there is no need even to try it. At least that what I have learned so far.

07-15-2011, 06:47 PM

Stay and either put the guy on ignore or just consciously ignore. I had the same exact thing with FaxiaPreta. I imagine all of the newly-created anonymous trolls will all be the same in that regard.

taai gihk yahn
07-15-2011, 08:04 PM
Wow, you are a whiny little pansy. Lol. Typical of a mouthboxer who does not understand this fundamental concept: Hard external training is to toughen you mentally. Are you sure you train everyday?

Way to go and tell mom and dad on me. Cry baby.

Lucas is a long-term, valued forum member; you are a little asz-hat sh1t heel who posts like a 3 y/o w a wet diaper; it's not about Lucas being a pansy, which he is not, it's about little snot-nosed fuk wads like urself having no notion of, or respect for appropriate behavior when coming into an established social network, and also taking advantage of the fact that this is a lightly moderated forum; obviously, u will hav no appreciation for what I am posting, u r just not going to get it, and subsequently will no doubt attack me w the same degree of drivel; the only difference is that I don't really give a flaming fuk about u and any sh1t u send in my direction I'll lump bak at u 10 times over just for sh1ts and giggles, until I just get bored or u get banned; either way, no biggie;

Scott R. Brown
07-15-2011, 08:41 PM
I know what happened. Lucas recruited all his Kung Fu buddies cause I hurt his feelings. Get over it, Lucas. Get a box of tissues and then hug your roommates. This is the saddest thread I have ever seen.

Post something meaningful if you want this forum to be good. Whining will not help. Start a discussion or be quite and let the real men debate.

Lucas didn't need to recruit anyone! He is a cool guy! Cool guys attract friends because they are....well, cool guys!

Pud pullers like you attract enemies because they behave like little children with parents who ignore them, so they do whatever they can to get attention, even if it is misbehavior!

Lucas spoke true, he never complains about anyone, EVER!

That makes you one of the worse a$$hats this forum has ever had! I hope your days are numbered!

Or maybe bawang can sic his ghey friends on you!

07-15-2011, 10:39 PM
My friends and I call this forum "the kung fu wasteland". Serious people gave up on this place long ago.

Scott R. Brown
07-15-2011, 11:02 PM
My friends and I call this forum "the kung fu wasteland". Serious people gave up on this place long ago.

Let's not exagerate! With freedom of expression comes bad with the good! There are plently of excellent and informative conversations here. You have to expect conflict on a BB dedicated to fighting, which is nothing other than conflict. Fighters revel in challenge and challenges ARE conflict!

As with physical fights, in verbal fights sometimes people go to far. It is part of the game! If ones doesn't want to risk injury one shouldn't fight.

Now take someone like Lucas, he is a good natured guy, who I have never read writing a harsh or negative word about anyone. He does not enter the fray, he is not here to fight! He watches and adds bits of humor and general information mostly.

That makes mattawh0re a bully! Lucas isn't here to fight, he is here to interact with friends. Mattawh0re went too far and is in the wrong. You stick to fighting those who want to fight back and leave the nice guys alone!

That makes mattawh0re the pu$$y! You don't fight those who don’t want to fight!

07-16-2011, 04:29 AM
I've never seen lucas complain about anyone!

Now take someone like Lucas, he is a good natured guy, who I have never read writing a harsh or negative word about anyone. He does not enter the fray, he is not here to fight! He watches and adds bits of humor and general information mostly.

exactly how i saw him.

I enjoy the freedom this forum has but I've also seen some of the people bring personal attacks into the frey. I can understand arguing about MA and KF in general but to actively pursue someone with PM's and personal assaults is a little far. just my opinion though. :cool:

07-16-2011, 07:46 AM
While you are all crying I will be training. Shedding tears for a "community", which is really an Internet forum, is hysterical.

Dragonzbane, I did not send him a pm. Read the thread where I complain about stinky martial artists and watch Lucas lose his mind for an imaginary slight. How can a guy cope in the real world when he cannot even cope on an Internet forum?

"I buy stuff from the website so please ban whoever I dislike". Gay.

Attack all you want you invisible heros. I have not payed attention to this place since yesterday and I am going to enjoy the rest of my weekend. You will all look back and wonder why you needed to create this drama for yourselves. Boredom. Emptiness.

07-16-2011, 08:17 AM
This place would be a much better one if all the people got along, respected the others opinions, training, and what not. but, that ain't happening here. Honestly, there is a great deal of knowledge floating around here, its a real shame people can't see it for what its worth. Insecurity? maybe. Elitism? Yes, in many cases. But some of us do like coming here in hopes of making friends around the world that share the same thoughts and ideas. i know that sounds pus$y, but its true.

IMHO, on one aspect we are physical martial artists and we work to improve our physical skill. on a different level, we should work to improve our mental martial arts as well. Learning to master your mind is just as important as mastering your body. dealing with trolls can keep you sharp...i guess.

Still, isn't mastering your mind and your body what martial arts is all about? and I will say i've expanded my mind a little by participating in this hellish place. :D

Attack all you want you invisible heros. I have not payed attention to this place since yesterday and I am going to enjoy the rest of my weekend. You will all look back and wonder why you needed to create this drama for yourselves. Boredom. Emptiness.

Well, aren't you acting like the Invisible Nemesis?

Scott R. Brown
07-16-2011, 08:26 AM
While you are all crying I will be training. Shedding tears for a "community", which is really an Internet forum, is hysterical.

Dragonzbane, I did not send him a pm. Read the thread where I complain about stinky martial artists and watch Lucas lose his mind for an imaginary slight. How can a guy cope in the real world when he cannot even cope on an Internet forum?

"I buy stuff from the website so please ban whoever I dislike". Gay.

Attack all you want you invisible heros. I have not payed attention to this place since yesterday and I am going to enjoy the rest of my weekend. You will all look back and wonder why you needed to create this drama for yourselves. Boredom. Emptiness.

If you feel that way about the forum then, Go Away You Little Pu$$y!

07-16-2011, 09:50 AM
How can a guy cope in the real world when he cannot even cope on an Internet forum?
My friend always asked me, "Why do you want to waste time on the internet discussion? If someone said something bad about you, what can you do about it?"

The real world is different from the internet forum. In the real world, if someone said something bad about you, you can punch right on his face. On the internet, since you don't know who that person is, and you don't know where that person lives, you can do nothing. :(

07-16-2011, 11:35 AM
whatever you post

it is searchable or google able

or yahoo able

or bai du able

or sou gou able

or sou fu able.

so be very explicit or inplicit

whatever you post.


07-16-2011, 11:50 AM
I know what happened. Lucas recruited all his Kung Fu buddies cause I hurt his feelings. Get over it, Lucas. Get a box of tissues and then hug your roommates. This is the saddest thread I have ever seen.

Post something meaningful if you want this forum to be good. Whining will not help. Start a discussion or be quite and let the real men debate.

this isn't a bullfighting forum, you must be lost deucebag.

KC Elbows
07-16-2011, 12:01 PM
Quick synopsis:

Bob: Hey there, Lucas, want to go meet some of the guys and talk martial arts?

Lucas: Sounds good, who's coming?

Bob: Ed, and George...

Lucas: Cool, George has some cool training methods...

Bob: ...and Victor, Nate, Corey...

Lucas: Cool!

Bob: ...Seth and Hector...

Lucas: Seth? The sociopath who spends all his time entertaining himself at the expense of anyone within earshot?

Bob: Yeah, and Leonard, Roy, Frank...

Lucas: Roy, as in Seth's creepy friend with the collection of Frank Shamrock's mouth guards?

Bob: Yeah.

Lucas: You know, I forgot, I've got some six day old Indian food I really need to finish off. I'll talk to you later.

taai gihk yahn
07-16-2011, 03:43 PM
While you are all crying I will be training. Shedding tears for a "community", which is really an Internet forum, is hysterical.

Dragonzbane, I did not send him a pm. Read the thread where I complain about stinky martial artists and watch Lucas lose his mind for an imaginary slight. How can a guy cope in the real world when he cannot even cope on an Internet forum?

"I buy stuff from the website so please ban whoever I dislike". Gay.

Attack all you want you invisible heros. I have not payed attention to this place since yesterday and I am going to enjoy the rest of my weekend. You will all look back and wonder why you needed to create this drama for yourselves. Boredom. Emptiness.

great; since u this place is obviously not to ur liking fuk wad, get lost;

David Jamieson
07-17-2011, 07:11 AM
I could ask Gene to be a moderator again.

I'm ok at it, I don't really get involved when I have that hat on and I just get rid of the obvious dreck.

It's not like it takes a lot of time.
I'd Understand if he said no. :)
I'd do it if he said yes.

winds...they change...

~G? You read this? :)

I'd even to have my name changed my name back to Kunglek just for good showing. :p

07-17-2011, 07:22 AM
I could ask Gene to be a moderator again.

I'm ok at it, I don't really get involved when I have that hat on and I just get rid of the obvious dreck.

It's not like it takes a lot of time.
I'd Understand if he said no. :)
I'd do it if he said yes.

winds...they change...

~G? You read this? :)

I'd even to have my name changed my name back to Kunglek just for good showing. :p

Ultimate power corrupts ultimately. You, DJ, are on the other extreme side and would be biased in your moderation. Sanjuro Ronin would he the best choice because he is not a form larping mystical iron palm hippie. He is also not a UFC crazie. Unfortunately, DJ, we all know which side of the board you fall on.

Making you a moderator is the equivalent of making knifefighter a moderator of the Kung Fu forum.

07-17-2011, 07:56 AM
there are 2 sides of a coin.

in the deepest forest, you find the most ferocious tiger.

in the deepest pond/lake, you find the oldest dragon.


among the many posters and posts

you would find something or just nothing



David Jamieson
07-17-2011, 08:43 AM
Ultimate power corrupts ultimately. You, DJ, are on the other extreme side and would be biased in your moderation. Sanjuro Ronin would he the best choice because he is not a form larping mystical iron palm hippie. He is also not a UFC crazie. Unfortunately, DJ, we all know which side of the board you fall on.

Making you a moderator is the equivalent of making knifefighter a moderator of the Kung Fu forum.

well, i moderated this forum before. For several years.

I know you are filled with rage and hate. Whatever, that's not my problem it's yours and yes, I'd delete deliberate insults, belligerence and essentially would be like a gate guard barring individuals who do not adhere to the Ts&Cs of the site without bias.

Simply by the fact that you seem to be afraid of the prospect of my becoming a moderator, I would say that would be a pretty good reason to pick that up again.

I'll PM Gene and let you know.

07-17-2011, 08:57 AM
well, i moderated this forum before. For several years.

I know you are filled with rage and hate. Whatever, that's not my problem it's yours and yes, I'd delete deliberate insults, belligerence and essentially would be like a gate guard barring individuals who do not adhere to the Ts&Cs of the site without bias.

Simply by the fact that you seem to be afraid of the prospect of my becoming a moderator, I would say that would be a pretty good reason to pick that up again.

I'll PM Gene and let you know.

Afraid of you going on a power trip? Nope. This is not real life and none of you seems to understand this.

David Jamieson
07-17-2011, 09:38 AM
Afraid of you going on a power trip? Nope. This is not real life and none of you seems to understand this.

You don't honestly think you're the only being capable of perceiving what is or isn't do you? Lol. You presume to profess a lot about others "not seeing" or "not understanding", but what is it we don't see, what is it we don't understand?

What method do you propose to use to help us understand that which you perceive us to be not getting?

Do you have a message? Some wisdom you would like to share?

please do! :)

taai gihk yahn
07-17-2011, 12:01 PM
Afraid of you going on a power trip? Nope. This is not real life and none of you seems to understand this.

why are you here? are you here to teach the forum some big old life lessons? or do u enjoy simply engaging in acrimonious interractions? u r just the latest in a recent line of individuals sorely lacking in social skills; if u think this forum is a fantasy waste of time, then just go away and leave it to those who like to delude themselves;

Scott R. Brown
07-17-2011, 08:09 PM
This is not real life and none of you seems to understand this.

Yeah! That's it! What would we do without you to set us all straight!

Hmmmmmm! Let me see........we would be a lot happier if you weren't here to save us from ourselves!

07-18-2011, 05:57 AM
Moderators here have limited power.
I myself can only moderate the southern forum and the health and fitness one.
We do NOT have the ability to moderate/take action outisde the forums we are assigned.
The best we can do is give warnings and discuss things with Gene and YES, Gene is always open for discussion.
THAT said, when we lose someone like Lucas that has been here for years and is a valued member and has never complained before about trolling, due to trolling, then we have a serious problem that needs fixing.

But I should warn you guys, when the ban hammer falls, it falls on MMA-larpers and TCMA- larpers alike.

07-18-2011, 06:08 AM
But I should warn you guys, when the ban hammer falls, it falls on MMA-larpers and TCMA- larpers alike.

Let the hammer fall, then. There won't be many people left to ban, otherwise.

Everytime a dicussion starts to gain momentum, the same two idiots spam the thread with chatter and shout down the 'on-topic' posters....until the actual contributors lose interest and stop posting.

07-18-2011, 06:14 AM
Let the hammer fall, then. There won't be many people left to ban, otherwise.

Everytime a dicussion starts to gain momentum, the same two idiots spam the thread with chatter and shout down the 'on-topic' posters....until the actual contributors lose interest and stop posting.

Believe me, I KNOW and I FEEL the pain.
Free speach is a really tricky thing BUT I am a firm believer that, IF you can't make an argument without insults then you HAVE no argument to make.
In my view, we should have a zero tolerance policy in regards to personal attacks and insults.

07-18-2011, 06:29 AM
While you are all crying I will be training.

Translation: He'll be watching internet porn and eating Doritos.

what a pu$$y.

07-18-2011, 06:30 AM
Translation: He'll be watching internet porn

you say that like internet porn is a bad thing :confused:

07-18-2011, 06:45 AM
I usually do not like banning, simply because we all have many differences of opinion and this is how learning is accomplished. That being said, personal attacks and other such vile should not be tolerated. I enjoyed reading Lucas's posts and wish that he would not leave here, but I also don't blame him. This place had gotten out of hand and pretty ******ing stupid as of late and I find myself coming here less and less.

Also, to all the trolls calling out everyone on here and calling them fakes, phonies, LARPers and all else, post a vid of yourself, even a picture, and show us all the real bad a**ss behind the computer.

Oh yeah, forgot who I was talking to.:rolleyes:

07-18-2011, 06:47 AM
you say that like internet porn is a bad thing :confused:


Not what I meant....just saying it isn't the same as training.

Well, maybe training for something, but not fighting. I'm just gonna shut up before I dig myself into a hole.

Scott R. Brown
07-18-2011, 08:20 AM
you say that like internet porn is a bad thing :confused:


Where does one find such things? Uh.......just so I know where to avoid in order to keep my mind pure!

But I should warn you guys, when the ban hammer falls, it falls on MMA-larpers and TCMA- larpers alike.

I think I can hear Darth Vadar music!

07-18-2011, 08:30 AM
[QUOTE=Iron_Eagle_76;1116097]I usually do not like banning, simply because we all have many differences of opinion and this is how learning is accomplished. That being said, personal attacks and other such vile should not be tolerated. I enjoyed reading Lucas's posts and wish that he would not leave here, but I also don't blame him. This place had gotten out of hand and pretty ******ing stupid as of late and I find myself coming here less and less.QUOTE]

I agree, but I wouldn't give up on this place yet. The flavor changes from time to time. I lurked here for a long time before becoming a member; even when it was relatively peaceful I had some concerns. I believe in the value of gentlemanly public behavior and this is a public forum. I finally decided that the exchange of information was too valuable to ignore and I've "met" quite a few here who really inspire me.

My strategy is to try to ignore the horrible stuff and try to keep the threads going that offer some intelligent commentary.

taai gihk yahn
07-18-2011, 04:05 PM
since it appears that this is the only thread at least peripherally related to general forum events of late that has not been closed...

first, I'd like to express my appreciation for Gene, DJ and others who got involved, at least in part bec of the thread I started, and dealt w the two primary troll perps of late; it seems like the departure of the aforementioned valued forum members also has helped to bring about a sea-change of sorts (and the subsequent return of at least one of the recently departed, under an albeit new nom-de-guerre); frankly, I can totally appreciate the difficulty involved in a balanced degree of moderation: it's much easier to ban everyone or just never get involved at all, so the fact that there are those attempting to bring an even-handed approach to bear is most welcome;

again, I am all for freedom of expression, and use of banning only for hateful or clearly trolling folk (well, at least trolls who lack the wit of a John Takeshi); the hope is that those individuals who lack any modicum of reasonable social skills will gravitate away from here is the word gets out that boorish behavior will not be tolerated as it once was - this will significantly enhance the overall quality of the environment which, frankly is as much social as it is technical; bottom line, newbs should have the self-monitoring skills to behavior with circumspection until they gel in with the regulars, and understand the nuances of the enviornment; that way, we wont have repeats of things like Mattador trolling Lucas and calling him a whiner: if he had been here for any time at all, he'd have known that Lucas was the LAST guy to complain about that sort of thing; so context is important...

the Forum is dead; long live the Forum!

07-18-2011, 04:31 PM
I would blow KC Elbows if I could.

David Jamieson
07-18-2011, 05:16 PM
I would blow KC Elbows if I could.

Learn Yoga.

Please help where you can.

Band of yahoos...and all that. :)

07-18-2011, 05:34 PM
Things are relatively quiet for now. We'll try our best to keep it so. Thanks for your support, everyone.

07-18-2011, 09:03 PM
Wow, you are a whiny little pansy. Lol. Typical of a mouthboxer who does not understand this fundamental concept: Hard external training is to toughen you mentally. Are you sure you train everyday?

Way to go and tell mom and dad on me. Cry baby. Doesn't "matter" dipshht, you are Bantana! :D

07-18-2011, 11:22 PM
Well, between Mattador, Snipsky, YiQuanOne and Bawang, this forum has gone down the toilet. I glance at it only when I'm really bored these days. Anything of value here just gets sh!t on by the trolls.

David Jamieson
07-19-2011, 03:31 AM
Well, between Mattador, Snipsky, YiQuanOne and Bawang, this forum has gone down the toilet. I glance at it only when I'm really bored these days. Anything of value here just gets sh!t on by the trolls.

I've got a broom and hammer.

Just point at them.

07-19-2011, 05:33 AM
I've got a broom and hammer.

Just point at them.

Unfortunatley, he doesn't know what to do with them. :p

David Jamieson
07-19-2011, 07:54 AM
Unfortunatley, he doesn't know what to do with them. :p

Sure I do, I hold up the broom and shake it whilst making scary faces and saying "shoo shoo!"

Then if no trolls move, I hit the broom with the hammer!

works great!

actually, the hammer is a request.

I request a hammer and it falls on the target.

Then, THEN i bring in the broom and sweep up.

The hammer belongs to the overlord...

taai gihk yahn
07-19-2011, 08:01 AM
I request a hammer and it falls on the target.
that was like a level 9 magic user spell, right?

David Jamieson
07-19-2011, 08:23 AM
that was like a level 9 magic user spell, right?

really? lvl9 you say? well, I'm only a level 2 mod at this point.

I used to be lvl 70!

But I took a 4 year hiatus...I had to catch up on my rage... :p

07-19-2011, 08:29 AM
the forum needs more female posters.

then guys will be more behaving or restraining from going too far.



David Jamieson
07-19-2011, 08:49 AM
gonna close this one now. No longer required.