View Full Version : Kulo Wing Chun Combat Strategy Seminar - suggestions

08-01-2011, 08:51 PM
I am currently preparing a second seminar to be held at UTS, the topic is "Kulo Wing Chun Combat Strategies." Any suggestions as to what to discuss?


08-01-2011, 09:07 PM
I am currently preparing a second seminar to be held at UTS, the topic is "Kulo Wing Chun Combat Strategies." Any suggestions as to what to discuss?


I would talk about how it contrasts to standard WC.

08-01-2011, 09:57 PM
That's always one option. There might be some people who aren't totally aware of the differences between form-based kung fu styles, and those that are based around san sik. Does that result in differing strategies?

08-02-2011, 12:40 AM
how each san sik usage comes with its own idea or strategy?

08-02-2011, 04:14 AM
How do you prepare your body for combat.
How do you prepare your mind for combat.

Different realistic combat scenarios.
Different threath level scenarios

Combat injury treatment.

what are the laws in your area in regards to combat/self defense

Those would be good places to start if your talking about actual combat

08-02-2011, 05:13 AM
I am currently preparing a second seminar to be held at UTS, the topic is "Kulo Wing Chun Combat Strategies." Any suggestions as to what to discuss?


Hi John

I was of the belief that the Kulo methods are point based (12/22/40) so I would presume that each point comes with a maxim/kuit?

Why not present/discuss the language being used and how it helps to understand the objective of each sansau? I would personally be more interested to see the variations of interactive exercises you use with each point to maximise your understanding of the basic motion of the sets, but I do like the interactive stuffs!

As far as using the word 'combat' goes I don't know. But that suggests 'finishing techniques' or going in for the kill imo!! And I'm not really sure that the Kulo methods were created for that purpose at all, but I'm far from experienced in the Kulo systems you are familiar with so I could be wrong.

08-02-2011, 04:01 PM
I am currently preparing a second seminar to be held at UTS, the topic is "Kulo Wing Chun Combat Strategies." Any suggestions as to what to discuss?


Hi John
My thoughts are that youll get mainly WC people, so i think whats going to be their main interest is how Kulo gets by without chi-sao in regards to combat.

Oh, and you you can put me down as attending


08-02-2011, 05:23 PM
Yeah, I'll definitely attend after the last one.

What Glenn said, would be a very good topic.

Tom Kagan
08-02-2011, 06:41 PM
I would talk about how it contrasts to standard WC.

There are few things worse than listening to someone define their methodology via contrasts with other methodology which they do not have extensive experience.

If it stands on its own, then great. But, if if doesn't, this style does not need more false dichotomies to fill in gaps in the ability to explain.

08-02-2011, 10:04 PM
Bit of a leap to assume that John dies not have extensive experience in other lines of WC.

That said, I agree with the conclusion, if not the presumption.

All the WC practitioners that attend will have their own lineage which may total a significant number of different lineages. So John comparing his own lineage against, say, Jim Fung's, might mean a lot to a Jim Fung lineage practitioner but may be of less value to, say, a William Cheung lineage holder. Any non-WC attendee probably won't know what is being discussed.

Better, I think, to stick to other suggestions, e.g. compare Kulo with forms based KF in general, or even present it assuming no previous experience in any lineage of WC or KF.

Tom Kagan
08-04-2011, 01:42 PM
Bit of a leap to assume that John dies not have extensive experience in other lines of WC.

I've made no leap because I've made no presumption about anyone's experience. I made a comment on what was asked for. People with extensive experience with a methodology do not need to define it via differences with another regardless of their level of experience in such others. It stands on its own.

08-04-2011, 03:08 PM
I've made no leap because I've made no presumption about anyone's experience. I made a comment on what was asked for. People with extensive experience with a methodology do not need to define it via differences with another regardless of their level of experience in such others. It stands on its own.

Then make a suggestion rather than telling us what you dont approve of.

08-07-2011, 07:17 PM
Thanks for the suggestions.

Since experienced fighters would not need to be preached, and beginners would not appreciat comparisons anyway, I will be presenting the concepts without comparing it to anything else. The audience can make their own comparison.

I will focus on the Kuen Kuit, with examples from the Sansik/Sansau. Hopefully the audience can adapt some of the concept into their own training.

The tentative date would be 10/9/11, 2-4pm at UTS (University of Technology, Sydney). I will post more detail once I have confirmation on availability of lecture theatre.


08-07-2011, 11:18 PM

Good to hear.

Looking forward to it.

08-08-2011, 12:56 AM
Give us goodnotice and ill try to get there maybe have a dinner after