View Full Version : Structure "Base" of WC

08-04-2011, 10:05 PM
"Human architecture is based on a series of circles and triangles. These have the strength to carry considerable weight, yet keep your body flexible. You can think of the entire body as a pyramid, with a solid base and a much smaller apex. The three circles represent your head, torso, and lower body. The tiny circles represent your neck and waist, supporting the structure while giving the flexibility around which the larger spheres turn and roll.

Within the principal pyramid structure, your body takes the shape of three smaller pyramids stacked one above the other. As they descend, they are progressively heavier. The mechanical principle of the neck and head can be clearly seen in this structural model: a spherical pivot, like a ball bearing, bears the weight of the larger spheres and the convergence of the pyramids."

"This model shows not only your physical structure, but also the principle lines of your energetic geometry. It includes the physical connections between the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, as well as the relations between your three major Tan Tien(center of gravity) centers. The dotted lines at the top and bottom of the model indicate the opposing polarities of the energetic pulls experienced when you practice. A long loop from the shoulders goes down around the lower Tan Tien(center of gravity). This indicates the energetic stability of the whole structure."

"If you look carefully at the point where the pillars of a bridge bear the structure's enormous weight, you will often find a small cylinder. This astonishing feature is known as a "bridge bearing." The purpose of the bearing is to take the weight while giving the entire structure flexibility.

Bridge bearings transfer loads and movements from the deck of the bridge down to the substructure and foundations. They make it possible for the structure to withstand the vibrations of traffic and the expansion and contraction caused by temperature vibrations. It is also thanks to these bearings that bridges are able to withstand severe winds, tremors, and earthquakes.

The bearings are designed to redirect the forces that move over, through and around the structure. Engineers study the "downward forces" that pass through the center of the bearing, the "transverse forces" that move horizontally through the bridge or alongside it, the "uplift forces" that enter the structure from the earth and "rotational forces" that can twist in any direction.

Our feet have a natural bridge-like structure, arching between the ball and heels. They, too, have the capacity to absorb and redirect forces moving in all directions.

As your practice deepens, you will feel a second, inverted triangle extending downwards and holding you to the earth."

"You can then use this deep strength to take the incoming force of an attack into your body and direct it down into the ground. A deep connection with the earth is essential for your martial arts power."

- From "The Way of Power" by Lam Kam Chuen

08-05-2011, 08:58 AM
What is his authority for this? Is he professor of sports science, architecture, kinesiologist, orthopedic doctor?

08-05-2011, 10:23 AM
What is his authority for this? Is he professor of sports science, architecture, kinesiologist, orthopedic doctor?

He's a Chi Kung master who specializes in human kinetics in his explanations. Sil lum tao is based off of the same platform which is why the above description is so closely aligned with WC

08-05-2011, 10:50 AM
Do you know why do I dont like to use the Triangle, hammer and nail, and Nim Lik stuffs?

Same with what you post above, those are Yi Chuan's concept.

In my opinion, these concept was introduced to Ip Man lineages in the 1950 by either Ip Man himself or his student or his exchange with YKS, we know TST's Nim lik term is a shadow of YiChuan. Those are not WCK originate, it is ok to evolve the art. but we need to be clear where it is.

When WCK talks about Triangle, hammer and nail analogy in striking, and Nim lik, those old timer or expert in TCMA knows it is importing some one else stuffs.

The funny thing is when I brought up the Emei snake evidence, some totally against me. however, what they dont know is those triangle, hammer and nail, Nim lik stuffs they think is WCK are modern creation and it is YiChuan stuffs, not WCK but a modern evolution of some WCK lineages.

Using such type of things try to cultivate the 3 sets are just like trying to using a BWM key to turn on a Mercedes Benz. one got stuck.

08-05-2011, 10:55 AM
He's a Chi Kung master who specializes in human kinetics in his explanations. Sil lum tao is based off of the same platform which is why the above description is so closely aligned with WC

if your Sil Lum Tao is based of the same platform then you might as well doing YiChuan. Because the YiChuan people will tell you, your information come from Wang Xiang-Zai's article in the 1940. WCK before 1940 has no trace of this concept.

So, wake up. what you post above is something Yichuan or Da Chen Quan uses to cultivate their Body Rack and power generation. Sil Lum Tao is a different story.

I sure could be wrong, so do your own research to find out is a good way.

08-05-2011, 10:56 AM
Do you know why do I dont like to use the Triangle, hammer and nail, and Nim Lik stuffs?

Same with what you post above, those are Yi Chuan's concept.

In my opinion, these concept was introduced to Ip Man lineages in the 1950 by either Ip Man himself or his student or his exchange with YKS, we know TST's Nim lik term is a shadow of YiChuan. Those are not WCK originate, it is ok to evolve the art. but we need to be clear where it is.

When WCK talks about Triangle, hammer and nail analogy in striking, and Nim lik, those old timer or expert in TCMA knows it is importing some one else stuffs.

The funny thing is when I brought up the Emei snake evidence, some totally against me. however, what they dont know is those triangle, hammer and nail, Nim lik stuffs they think is WCK are modern creation and it is YiChuan stuffs, not WCK but a modern evolution of some WCK lineages.

Using such type of things try to cultivate the 3 sets are just like trying to using a BWM key to turn on a Mercedes Benz. one got stuck.

Can you define what is Nim lik?

08-05-2011, 11:05 AM
Can you define what is Nim lik?

Nim Lik is a term TST coin. So, please read his article.

In my opinion,

For me, the term Nim Lik is a in accurate.

Nim in Chinese is Thought. Lik is force. so, Nim lik means Force from Thought.
it means the strength of desire or intention in Chinese.

Nim lik the term doesnt describe what it is as people in general take it as ---- some type of misterious power generate via thinking and proper body mechanics.

it is like calling striking some one as praying power. so next time one said " praying power" that means strike some one.

on the other hand , Wang Xiang-Zai named his art Yi Chuan or Strike originated from the Intention.

For me, the name and type of Nim Lik express by TST is a shadow of Yi Chuan's power in the Yi Chuan standing stake. I could be wrong.

Also the naming of Sil Lum Tao or little idea is another mis naming.

Sil lin Tao means the training of essential details.

later, some how some one called it Little Thought/idea. That too doesnt make sense.

Thought disregard of big or small, little or large still thought. and cultivation the set means Quiet down the thought either thinking big or small or little or large thought are still off mark.

So, the ancient name is The Training of essential details, like the name said, it is a training of important details.

the modern name some use is Little Thought/idea. which really doesnt tell what is it.

Life is an evolution, and evolution is expected.

08-05-2011, 11:38 AM
Hendrik -

Once again, a whole lot of talk and bashing yet no clear definition from yourself on the basis of WC structure.

Also, are you saying that either incoming force or exertion of force isn't coming either to or fro the ground within WC?

08-05-2011, 12:51 PM
Hendrik -

Once again, a whole lot of talk and bashing yet no clear definition from yourself on the basis of WC structure.

Also, are you saying that either incoming force or exertion of force isn't coming either to or fro the ground within WC?

is it? or is it not? re read my posts and think clearly again on what I am saying and leads I am presenting.

BTW. I give reasons, definition, and Leads for anyone to investigate in if they are serious in finding out. That is not bashing.

for me,
what you presented are a Psuedo YiChuan platform or WC evolve with YiChuan core. So are you going to discuss WC or Yichuan.
one needs to get that clear before any further disucssion.

08-05-2011, 01:07 PM
is it? or is it not? re read my posts and think clearly again on what I am saying and leads I am presenting.

BTW. I give reasons, definition, and Leads for anyone to investigate in if they are serious in finding out. That is not bashing.

for me,
what you presented are a Psuedo YiChuan platform or WC evolve with YiChuan core.

I don't know man. I respect your knowledge but you never really quite make sense or put things into logical contexts within your posts. A streamlined clarity would be nice....

As far as my lineage goes, these concepts are heavily emphasized within the system. Especially the balloon concept(if you don't know this one, push a finger into a balloon and think about how it reacts) which only works if the entire body moves as one unit. Call it what you will but I find it effective and that can't be a bad thing.

08-05-2011, 01:10 PM
What's the point of this?

08-07-2011, 02:29 PM
Nim Lik is a term TST coin. So, please read his article.

In my opinion,

For me, the term Nim Lik is a in accurate.

Nim in Chinese is Thought. Lik is force. so, Nim lik means Force from Thought.
it means the strength of desire or intention in Chinese.

Nim lik the term doesnt describe what it is as people in general take it as ---- some type of misterious power generate via thinking and proper body mechanics.

it is like calling striking some one as praying power. so next time one said " praying power" that means strike some one.

on the other hand , Wang Xiang-Zai named his art Yi Chuan or Strike originated from the Intention.

For me, the name and type of Nim Lik express by TST is a shadow of Yi Chuan's power in the Yi Chuan standing stake. I could be wrong.

TST doent pretend (or want to pretend) that he's doing anything other than WC, you infer he's doing some poor mans copy of some internal style.

Hop on a plane, knock on his door, and go and test his structure ,that you seem to think is so fundamentally flawed, then come back and tell us how you went.

08-07-2011, 04:46 PM
There is only one real structure that is the human skeleton. it keeps the body upright,mobile and balanced.

08-07-2011, 07:41 PM
I don't really care what it is, or where it is from. I choose not to be slave to doctrines, traditions nor politics. If it is a good tool, I will adapt it and use it.

I've been on the receiving end of TST's Nim Lik. I would not like to argue with him.

08-09-2011, 04:08 PM
I don't really care what it is, or where it is from. I choose not to be slave to doctrines, traditions nor politics. If it is a good tool, I will adapt it and use it.

I've been on the receiving end of TST's Nim Lik. I would not like to argue with him.

Well put and I agree!

08-24-2011, 07:49 AM
truth is truth naming it is meaningless. its all the same anyway.

10-05-2020, 02:26 PM
Do you know why do I dont like to use the Triangle, hammer and nail, and Nim Lik stuffs?

Same with what you post above, those are Yi Chuan's concept.

In my opinion, these concept was introduced to Ip Man lineages in the 1950 by either Ip Man himself or his student or his exchange with YKS, we know TST's Nim lik term is a shadow of YiChuan. Those are not WCK originate, it is ok to evolve the art. but we need to be clear where it is.

When WCK talks about Triangle, hammer and nail analogy in striking, and Nim lik, those old timer or expert in TCMA knows it is importing some one else stuffs.

The funny thing is when I brought up the Emei snake evidence, some totally against me. however, what they dont know is those triangle, hammer and nail, Nim lik stuffs they think is WCK are modern creation and it is YiChuan stuffs, not WCK but a modern evolution of some WCK lineages.

Using such type of things try to cultivate the 3 sets are just like trying to using a BWM key to turn on a Mercedes Benz. one got stuck.

anyone know if there's any truth to this?

10-09-2020, 03:04 PM
Interesting enough, there is truth embedded in the past history of WingChun. Maybe best to let sleeping dogs lie, though. There has always been contention amongst the WingChun clans.

10-10-2020, 01:11 AM
]It is up to the lineage/Clans to document and pass down accurate or misleading information about family origins to their students if they want. That's pretty much what the CTMA preservation projects are all about in general. There will always be fact-checking, regardless.

10-10-2020, 05:20 PM
I've never really read anything pre 1950.. if indeed there is anything to read. so I'm not really sure... I do know that IM said that TST knew more about the internal aspects of wing Chun than him. so it may be true to some respect?

10-10-2020, 08:06 PM
:) Thing about WingChun guan is that practicing this art , even slightly, if that is what you are doing, is directly related to the roots of it's mother-style, which is YongChun guan. Here is an article written by a practitioner of one of the historic lineages wherein the author speaks of details (secrets) of the system and Sui Lim Tao in particular. You may say, "Oh, that is nothing I learned at my WC school. I never heard my instructor mention any of this. (?).
I am not in any way associated with the Family Lineage presented in the link below but I do understand exactly what is being spoken of in the article pertaining to many of the techniques being described based on closed door SLT instruction from my teacher (female married to Kungfu instructor). The best thing about her instructions was that she readily answered any questions about the use of the techniques of the SLT weapons cabinet that I raised. Beyond that, my keen interest in YongChun form techniques makes it easy for me to understand some of the closed door material mentioned in this document.

10-12-2020, 12:30 AM
Yong Chun Crane Style : :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOyVCFVPjn8

10-12-2020, 06:01 PM
Yong Chun Crane Style : :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOyVCFVPjn8

thanks :cool:

do you think there was "snake" techniques added to this? I've read that YKSwc practioners refer to there style as snake crane WC.. as does... well the SCwc practitioners.

10-12-2020, 10:08 PM
:) Mainland China WingChun is all known as snake/crane Southern fist style close-quarters boxing, developed by Opera troupe members on the Red Junks, early 1850's. At least one of those practitioners was acknowledged by more than one clan lineage to be a monk in hiding who taught the art to other martial artists performing in the operas. There were a number of the Red Boats traveling up and down the rivers stopping at towns along the way.
Master IP Man taught a modified version of Wing Chun in Hong Kong that had no references to the history of the style other than relating to to the mythical legend of a "warrior nun" from the Shaolin Temple and the use of WingChun boxing to overthrow the Qing (Manchu ) government, which most of the mainland lineages consider a cover to hide out amongst the public during revolutionary times. Yong Chun style was developed much earlier and is known to have been developed by a young woman from a martial arts family. This may have been carried over to Wing Chun through the aforementioned myth that was used in a fictional wuxia novel written at the time some years later for entertainment reading. * The practice of WingChun is not a style that openly emulates any animal behavior as do some kung fu styles. Crane and snake styles do. Noticeably. As do tiger, mantis and dragon styles.
One form of Southern Snake style : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndjok3qGQIE

10-13-2020, 02:26 PM
:) Mainland China WingChun is all known as snake/crane Southern fist style close-quarters boxing, developed by Opera troupe members on the Red Junks, early 1850's. At least one of those practitioners was acknowledged by more than one clan lineage to be a monk in hiding who taught the art to other martial artists performing in the operas. There were a number of the Red Boats traveling up and down the rivers stopping at towns along the way.
Master IP Man taught a modified version of Wing Chun in Hong Kong that had no references to the history of the style other than relating to to the mythical legend of a "warrior nun" from the Shaolin Temple and the use of WingChun boxing to overthrow the Qing (Manchu ) government, which most of the mainland lineages consider a cover to hide out amongst the public during revolutionary times. Yong Chun style was developed much earlier and is known to have been developed by a young woman from a martial arts family. This may have been carried over to Wing Chun through the aforementioned myth that was used in a fictional wuxia novel written at the time some years later for entertainment reading. * The practice of WingChun is not a style that openly emulates any animal behavior as do some kung fu styles. Crane and snake styles do. Noticeably. As do tiger, mantis and dragon styles.
One form of Southern Snake style : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndjok3qGQIE

funnily I read an old magazine article about hasayfu recently, noticed that they have yckjm in their style, as well as a wing Chun in their lineage.

10-13-2020, 08:15 PM
:) Yes. And they're not the only Hung Gar clan that had access to WingChun Guan.... and vice versa.