View Full Version : so what IS wrong with this?

08-08-2011, 06:19 AM
No one has yet explained to me what is wrong with this approach

1. Disagree all you want, but do so with logical lines of critical thought and provide at lease some example or evidence of your point

2. If your posts amount to "I know secrets you don't", or personal insults, or rumor, BS, Chinatown gossip, etc etc then your post should be deleted and if you continue you should be banned

*application of this principle in most instances would kill the super trolls :rolleyes:

3. Asking someone for evidence of a bizzare claim or evidence to back up a questionable claim is NOT "trolling"

4. Asking someone for evidence of things they aren't talking about or claiming IS trolling

5. If something questionable is posted, and it is posted by someone who refuses to identify themselves in any way, and if "it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck" applies, well THAT is a troll

Dale Dugas
08-08-2011, 06:30 AM

You and I see eye to eye on this.

Anyone who does not attempt to id themselves as a human and not a subhuman piece of trash troll, should be nixed from the system ASAP.

We need not the waste of bandwidth.

David Jamieson
08-08-2011, 06:38 AM
No one has yet explained to me what is wrong with this approach

1. Disagree all you want, but do so with logical lines of critical thought and provide at lease some example or evidence of your point I agree with this.

2. If your posts amount to "I know secrets you don't", or personal insults, or rumor, BS, Chinatown gossip, etc etc then your post should be deleted and if you continue you should be banned

*application of this principle in most instances would kill the super trolls :rolleyes:Can't speak to banning, tha's up to Gene, but yeah, unconstructive and unproductive posts will be weeded out as time goes.

3. Asking someone for evidence of a bizzare claim or evidence to back up a questionable claim is NOT "trolling" It depends on how you ask. If you are being a jerk about it then yes it can be a troll. If it's a simple question of, "uh, I am not certain that is true, can you show me?" then that's cool. BUt if it is some demand on the person to go searching for links and vids on the whim fo a disbeliever who by all indications couldn't care less about your time and is just looking to cause bumps, then yes, that amounts to trolling. Or when people start asking you to use google for them. That's idiotic and just as much trolling as anything else.

4. Asking someone for evidence of things they aren't talking about or claiming IS trolling Did you just make a straw baby here? lol :p I mean, who does this? who?

5. If something questionable is posted, and it is posted by someone who refuses to identify themselves in any way, and if "it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck" applies, well THAT is a troll Pretty vague here "something questionable". lol and most of you refuse to identify yourselves.

Civil discourse that doesn't degrade into feces flinging is desirable.

Posting to the appropriate forum and it doesn't make a difference if the front page is more active. If you have a Shaolin post, pout it in Shaolin, if it's street fight stuff, put it in the street fighting and reality forum, if it's about ufc, mma, fight records, what your mma club is doing etc, put it in the mma forum and so on.

Harmony comes from within and spreads out.

08-08-2011, 06:44 AM
Did you just make a straw baby here? lol :p I mean, who does this? who?

I forget exactly who did this, I want to say faxiapreta, but Sanjuro had issue with it in one of the threads RECENTLY, so not at all a "straw man"

08-08-2011, 07:08 AM
I forget exactly who did this, I want to say faxiapreta, but Sanjuro had issue with it in one of the threads RECENTLY, so not at all a "straw man"

If I can use Dale as an example.
Dale posts videos and makes claims about IP and IB and his herb products.
I don't recall any of the videos claiming that those things MAKE anyone a better fighter.
He makes the claim the IP can enable you to break slabs and his puts a video of breaking slabs.
He claims that IB can help you take shots and he puts a video of him taking shots.
Nowhere doe she claim they will make you a better fighter or give you fighting skill.
YET, he keeps getting asked to put of videos of him fighting.
Non sequitor much?
If I put up a video on HOW TO CONDITION the PE fist (which I did), It is NOT about how to use it in a fight or how to fight or how effective it is in a fight, it is about HOW TO CONDITION IT.

So, asking for a video about something that is NOT being claimed is, quite simply, trolling.
Or being a real freaking idiot with the reading comprehension of a rooster.

08-08-2011, 07:10 AM
Or being a real freaking idiot with the reading comprehension of a rooster.

insulting roosters will not be tolerated! MODERATOR! MODERATOR!


Thanks for reminding me what I was thinking about, yes, that thread

Dale Dugas
08-08-2011, 07:24 AM
Thanks Paul for an incredible example of how I get trolled by net ghosts.

Spot on with what happens.

08-08-2011, 07:27 AM
Thanks Paul for an incredible example of how I get trolled by net ghosts.

Spot on with what happens.

Anytime Bro and I would defend anyone else under the same context.
IF Dale was suggesting that his system of H2H works against MMA then a video showing him or a student fighting VS a MMA fighter would be called for.

Just like when someone claims they have the real WC or HK or CLF and that what others are doing is not correct or authentic then YES, indeed, SOME evidence MUST be shown to back up said comment.

08-08-2011, 08:51 AM
If I can use Dale as an example.
Dale posts videos and makes claims about IP and IB and his herb products.
I don't recall any of the videos claiming that those things MAKE anyone a better fighter.
He makes the claim the IP can enable you to break slabs and his puts a video of breaking slabs.
He claims that IB can help you take shots and he puts a video of him taking shots.
Nowhere doe she claim they will make you a better fighter or give you fighting skill.
YET, he keeps getting asked to put of videos of him fighting.
Non sequitor much?
If I put up a video on HOW TO CONDITION the PE fist (which I did), It is NOT about how to use it in a fight or how to fight or how effective it is in a fight, it is about HOW TO CONDITION IT.

So, asking for a video about something that is NOT being claimed is, quite simply, trolling.
Or being a real freaking idiot with the reading comprehension of a rooster.

Yet, all of the methodologies you listed above, that are practiced by you and Dale, DO have fighting applications. So, that would raise the question as to what kind of a martial artist will not see the relationaship between potent Iron Skills and a conditioned Phoenix Eye fist, with fighting?

I mean it is not rocket science. The next question would be, who is the troll, the man who practices the above skill developments, but refuses to give Youtube "evidence", or the man who is dumb enough not to connect those skills to actual combat applications?

08-08-2011, 08:57 AM
Yet, all of the methodologies you listed above, that are practiced by you and Dale, DO have fighting applications. So, that would raise the question as to what kind of a martial artist will not see the relationaship between potent Iron Skills and a conditioned Phoenix Eye fist, with fighting?

I mean it is not rocket science. The next question would be, who is the troll, the man who practices the above skill developments, but refuses to give Youtube "evidence", or the man who is dumb enough not to connect those skills to actual combat applications?

All of them can and are to be applied in fighting and yes, most MA should be able to connect the dots without being "held" along the way.
I agree with you in that regard.
That said I don't have issues with people asking for video evidence for things, after all this is the video age, I just have issues with people asking for video evidence of something not being discussed.

As for you point about putting up a fighting video.
The answer is really quite simple.
Some of us do NOT have access to sparring partners that are willing to be filmed just for the sake of answering the questions of anonimous people on the net.
People NOT willing to do the very thing they ask other to do.

Personally I enjoy doing my MA as it is now and have retired from active competition years ago and while I do spar on occasion what I will not do is make that sparring session about a video for someone that doesn't really deserve the time I would have to put into it "just for them".

08-08-2011, 09:08 AM
No one has yet explained to me what is wrong with this approach

1. Disagree all you want, but do so with logical lines of critical thought and provide at lease some example or evidence of your point

2. If your posts amount to "I know secrets you don't", or personal insults, or rumor, BS, Chinatown gossip, etc etc then your post should be deleted and if you continue you should be banned

*application of this principle in most instances would kill the super trolls :rolleyes:

3. Asking someone for evidence of a bizzare claim or evidence to back up a questionable claim is NOT "trolling"

4. Asking someone for evidence of things they aren't talking about or claiming IS trolling

5. If something questionable is posted, and it is posted by someone who refuses to identify themselves in any way, and if "it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck" applies, well THAT is a troll

This is pretty much what you do. You are only playing nice now because the mods finally jumped on you. I suspect that if you continue to complain about moderation that Gene will step in at some point and show you the door as I am sure that most other boards already have.

08-08-2011, 09:09 AM
All of them can and are to be applied in fighting and yes, most MA should be able to connect the dots without being "held" along the way.
I agree with you in that regard.
That said I don't have issues with people asking for video evidence for things, after all this is the video age, I just have issues with people asking for video evidence of something not being discussed.

As for you point about putting up a fighting video.
The answer is really quite simple.
Some of us do NOT have access to sparring partners that are willing to be filmed just for the sake of answering the questions of anonimous people on the net.
People NOT willing to do the very thing they ask other to do.

Personally I enjoy doing my MA as it is now and have retired from active competition years ago and while I do spar on occasion what I will not do is make that sparring session about a video for someone that doesn't really deserve the time I would have to put into it "just for them".

And if you do put up a fighting video where you do well against another fighter for the benefit of someone who does not deserve it, then he will more likely turn around and say, "oh your opponent was push over, or a fake".

If you put up none fighting video of some of the more complicated kung fu concepts and their explanations, then you will be told that it would not work in real fight, or it was "fantasy", just as you would, if you were writing about them.

At the end of the day, those who know of given TCMA methodologies will recognize them in writing, or if their experience of genuine TCMAs is somewhat different, then they will at least understand and appreciate them, even if they have not had direct experience in that particular practice.

However, if the person who is discussing them with you has no point of reference, then you can show them all the videos; give them your name, address and telephone number; your dog's name; the name of the highschool you studied in, etc, and it will not make any difference as regards their TCMA cluelessness.

One of my main points is that the whole video "evidence" thing has a potential (not always, of course) to go into endless circles.

08-08-2011, 09:12 AM
again, it's not rocket science.
If someone gives a thorough explanation on a technique, or on structure, in most cases, for someone with average intelligence, it is more than enough.
If they would like more clarification, there is no reason why they couldn't ask for a video to further explain or demonstrate. But it is certainly not required or necessary.
There is a huge difference between that, and saying that if you can't put up a video of you using it in a cage, than you are full of it.
We are trying to eliminate azoles.

I remember talking to someone years ago, the topic was Yang Jwing-Ming. He was to give a seminar locally and we were discussing going to it. I had mentioned that I had a great deal of respect for him due to the fact that he brought out a huge amount of information that previously was not available to the non-Chinese speaking/reading community. He translated many older texts, and wrote very detailed books on such subjects as Chin-na, Ch'i-gung, Northern Shaolin, Fukien White Crane, etc..He was not only a Martial Artist, but educated-he had a Phd. So he was a scholar as well.

The other guy says, "Yeah, but can he fight?"

I pondered his response, and wondered,
"How does it feel to be that stupid?"

08-08-2011, 10:34 AM
All of them can and are to be applied in fighting and yes, most MA should be able to connect the dots without being "held" along the way.
I agree with you in that regard.
That said I don't have issues with people asking for video evidence for things, after all this is the video age,

Forget video, how about just plain EVIDENCE.
"Boxers can hit hard" - we have TONS of video of it, we have tons of evidence for it. It isn't exactly an "out there" statement

Can people who practice "internal" or "iron palm" etc fight? Well, that is NOT even the question. The question is, does that stuff make any difference in HOW they fight or more importantly in how EFFECTIVELY they fight

And if "person x" makes the statement, it doesn't necessarily have to be "person x" in the video

If "person x" says "REAL kung fu" is so much better than any other fighting art, well, where is the evidence of this statement? :rolleyes:


08-08-2011, 10:36 AM
the topic was Yang Jwing-Ming.

I am going to say things you probably already know

1) yes, he can
2) but many say it isn't with his long fist, which is the art he first made his "name" with

3) tons of people dislike him, and it has nothing to do with either (1) or (2)

08-08-2011, 04:16 PM
Forget video, how about just plain EVIDENCE.
"Boxers can hit hard" - we have TONS of video of it, we have tons of evidence for it. It isn't exactly an "out there" statement
I can do better than that.

Dale Dugas can hit hard and he has video evidence of it. Furthermore, his door is always open. So, why don't you hop along to his kwoon and ask for a personal demonstration?

Can people who practice "internal" or "iron palm" etc fight? Well, that is NOT even the question. The question is, does that stuff make any difference in HOW they fight or more importantly in how EFFECTIVELY they fight

That is a question for YOU, because you have never practiced Internals, nor Iron Palm, and again, why don't you go to Dale Dugas, and ask him to show you his approach?

There are many others besides Dale Dugas, but I mention him because he is member of his forum and he has more than once said that he would be glad to "demonstrate" his way.

If "person x" says "REAL kung fu" is so much better than any other fighting art, well, where is the evidence of this statement? :rolleyes:

You know, with this post of yours you are just saying that you have never practiced authentic kung fu and hence not only that you cannot make it work in combat, but you assume that no one else can, either! :rolleyes:

So again, go to Dale Dugas, who will provide you with evidence. Otherwise, go to your local China Town and find a sifu who is around your age and touch hands with him.

I would suggest that you consider the Dale Dugas option first, because the man knows you and will show you pity, whereas in the China Town fights, as you probably know from your CTS days, things can turn very nasty for you.

I will repeat, as I have repeated so many times before to others - "evidence" is there for those who seek it, but if you are hoping to get your "evidence" of methodologies that you have never practiced yourself, from an internet forum, then I am afraid that you will be disappointed and when you persist like you are, then you are going to be called a troll.

08-08-2011, 04:18 PM
hi hardwork, i did not read a single word of what you just wrote.


steve johnson

08-08-2011, 05:40 PM
hi hardwork, i did not read a single word of what you just wrote.


steve johnson

Why should you have read it? After all, my post was not directed at you!

Could it be that you have finally started to mind your own business? If so, then hooray for personal evolution!

08-08-2011, 05:49 PM
Yang Jwing-Ming....The other guy says, "Yeah, but can he fight?"

Yang is my longfist brother. One of my senior longfist brother (the instructor of "5 tigers club" in NYC) introduced him to my longfist teacher during his college years. Since I trained my longfist in high school and Yang trained his longfist in college, we had never met in Taiwan. As far as I know, he started his sparring in his 1st year of his longfist training. he also forced his students to spar no matter they like it or not (one of his studnets is also my student).

08-08-2011, 06:05 PM
You know, with this post of yours you are just saying that you have never practiced authentic kung fu

go to your local China Town and find a sifu who is around your age and touch hands with him.

in the China Town fights things can turn very nasty for you.

I will repeat, as I have repeated so many times before to others - "evidence" is there for those who seek it, but if you are hoping to get your "evidence" of methodologies that you have never practiced yourself, from an internet forum, then I am afraid that you will be disappointed .

For cryin' out loud, RULE #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-08-2011, 06:30 PM
For cryin' out loud, RULE #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if only rules applied to some people, of course you have to be in the same reality for that to happen. :p

David Jamieson
08-08-2011, 06:42 PM
If you guys could see it in your hearts to click on that ignore member link on each others page, or you could also do it from your own user control panel!

Anyway, just drop it if it's gonna degrade into sniping at each other.

08-08-2011, 07:53 PM
If you guys could see it in your hearts to click on that ignore member link on each others page, or you could also do it from your own user control panel!

Anyway, just drop it if it's gonna degrade into sniping at each other.

Because I suspect you don't believe me, here is a screen capture

I have put a LOT of the trolls on ignore, but you can still see them posting multiple times in forums and it is pretty clear they are just there to disrupt

Seriously, NO SERIOUSLY, maybe consider some action on them

taai gihk yahn
08-08-2011, 08:00 PM
because you have never practiced Internals, nor Iron Palm,
this is incorrect; we used to do several internal sets and IP practice in Dave's class back in the late '80's, early '90's

08-08-2011, 08:06 PM
this is incorrect; we used to do several internal sets and IP practice in Dave's class back in the late '80's, early '90's

There is no point trying to discuss anything with him. His "reality" are the visions in his demented mind. He has no sense of what the real world is. It's just a waste of time even responding to him

08-08-2011, 09:33 PM
this is incorrect; we used to do several internal sets and IP practice in Dave's class back in the late '80's, early '90's

I would guess that you got more out of those sets then Dave did. Also, many people practice "Internal" sets and "IP", but again the proof is in the pudding, and as far as Dave's opinions on the subject are concerned, it seems that he did not achieve the required results from his Internals.

I might add that his final MA path is rather different to yours. That would imply that different people get different things out of the same training, including the fact that some get less out of their training than others.

Also, I remind everyone and this is by Dave's own admission, that CTS kept a lot of stuff to himself. Dave is today a kick boxing coach and passes a lot of his forum time badmouthing TCMA methodologies that he has no idea about.

He does not engage in direct discussions of given practices or methodologies, like you do. Instead, it is his snide remarks and snobish behavior. Why? Because his teacher was CTS, that means he has a right to criticize TCMA methodologies that he has no clue about? While his main claim to fame is as a kickboxing coach?

Something is not right with him. You know it and I know it, and there are more people in this forum than ever who know it too.

So, Ross is as usual panicking and starting hate threads in my honor again, but this time people are on to him. That includes the moderators as well.

Is that a typical behavior one should expect from a guy who his a MA teacher and a "sifu" :rolleyes: apparently? I doubt it.

08-08-2011, 09:39 PM
There is no point trying to discuss anything with him. His "reality" are the visions in his demented mind. He has no sense of what the real world is. It's just a waste of time even responding to him

I have no problem discussing things with Taai Gihk, and I have done so for more than a year now. We may not agree on everything, but TCMA discussions with him are intellectually stimulating and he ACTUALLY discusses stuff??? Take a hint Dave?

You, can flaunt CTS's name all over the forum and all the time, but that does not make you a kung fu expert. Try to in the future enter discussions on the Internals; body unity (various types), chi sao (various types, not just Wing Chun); Iron Palm; forms (both fighting and DEVELOPMENT forms) and so on.

DISCUSS the issues, ASK QUESTIONS when you are unsure or lack knowledge in certain TCMA methodologies. Try to grow and if you do then perhaps there will come the day where you conquer your own personal complexes that make you so insecure and vile, when you don't see things going your way.

Best of luck.

08-08-2011, 09:42 PM
You know Ross, Harwork, if you two would just stop caring, none of this would matter. It really is that simple.

all I "care" about is that no matter what anyone is talking about, "hardwork" shows up talking about his secret kung fu training and how no one knows what they are talking about, blah blah blah. It got really tired and so I put him on ignore, but you still have to sift through lines and lines of "this person is on ignore" (I pity those who have not ignored him yet, really I do)

What is really funny is that the guy's own sifu said he trained less than two years, is a nut job and all the things he talks about on line are figments of his over active imagination

08-08-2011, 09:46 PM
You know Ross, Harwork, if you two would just stop caring, none of this would matter. It really is that simple.

You have a point there my friend. The problem is one of the things I care for is genuine TCMA practice and it gets tiring to see the same MMA guys (even if some of them, like Ross, wear a "kung fu" tag and have "studied" with Grandmaster XYZ) come into the forums, day in day out, and cluelessly badmouth these methodolgies. The same methodologies that were doing just fine combat wise, for hundereds of years before these characters were born and discovered BJJ.

Interestingly, when one calls them out on their clueless TCMA criticisms, one is then accused by a combined "MMA is best" bandwagon of glorified kickboxers of being a troll or a trouble maker - and all of this in a KUNG FU FORUM........you could not invent this stuff. LOL!

PS. Not content with accusing genuine TCMAists who show him for the kung fu clueless individual that he is, of being trolls....Ross, will always go on to invent stories to discredit his opposition, in this case me....LOL

But even that is wearing thin, as he is being called on it by other posters and even the moderators. I wonder what his students think about his antiques and utter lack or moral limits??? Or are his students just like him, in that they have no moral scruples either? Who knows? I just wish them all good luck......

08-09-2011, 12:12 AM
With all this talk of overzealous moderation and cleaning up the place, WHY THE HELL IS THIS 'HARDWORK' CLOWN STILL HERE?

08-09-2011, 05:39 AM
With all this talk of overzealous moderation and cleaning up the place, WHY THE HELL IS THIS 'HARDWORK' CLOWN STILL HERE?

Well, (1) he CLAIMS to be a "kung fu person" so trolling on the side of kung fu must be ok and (2) "Mr Moderator" has stated on this forum about 100 times how much he hates me so I guess that attacking me is ok.... :rolleyes:

08-09-2011, 05:46 AM
I would guess that you got more out of those sets then Dave did. Also, many people practice "Internal" sets and "IP", but again the proof is in the pudding, and as far as Dave's opinions on the subject are concerned, it seems that he did not achieve the required results from his Internals.

I might add that his final MA path is rather different to yours. That would imply that different people get different things out of the same training, including the fact that some get less out of their training than others.

Also, I remind everyone and this is by Dave's own admission, that CTS kept a lot of stuff to himself. Dave is today a kick boxing coach and passes a lot of his forum time badmouthing TCMA methodologies that he has no idea about.

He does not engage in direct discussions of given practices or methodologies, like you do. Instead, it is his snide remarks and snobish behavior. Why? Because his teacher was CTS, that means he has a right to criticize TCMA methodologies that he has no clue about? While his main claim to fame is as a kickboxing coach?

Something is not right with him. You know it and I know it, and there are more people in this forum than ever who know it too.

So, Ross is as usual panicking and starting hate threads in my honor again, but this time people are on to him. That includes the moderators as well.

Is that a typical behavior one should expect from a guy who his a MA teacher and a "sifu" :rolleyes: apparently? I doubt it.

You really don't know enough about Dave to make this call.
You may THINk you know, but you don't.
Dave decide to focus on the sport combat element and went the Sanda route and good for him, YET for those that are interested in the TCMA route, he offers that too.
Much like Mike Parella does, though Mike's school is not as "out there" as Dave's ( Mike's choice)
BTW: I miss Mike and his postings and videos of the various "gungs".
I digress.
I really think the WHOLE forum would be better if YOU out Dave on ignore as he has put you.
In terms of YOUR longevity here, it is a strong suggestion on my part.

08-09-2011, 05:52 AM
You really don't know enough about Dave to make this call.

he knows ZERO about me, but that isn't really the point

Much like Mike Parella does, though Mike's school is not as "out there" as Dave's ( Mike's choice)
BTW: I miss Mike and his postings and videos of the various "gungs".

I talk to Mike every single day, he won't be back, and trolling has a lot to do with it.

08-09-2011, 06:20 AM
he knows ZERO about me, but that isn't really the point

I talk to Mike every single day, he won't be back, and trolling has a lot to do with it.

Mike was a great and informative poster and we are all the LESS for him not being here.
His "gung" vidoes on IP, "hammer" work, and his spearfinger video on the watermelon were excellent and inspirational.

David Jamieson
08-09-2011, 06:31 AM
he knows ZERO about me, but that isn't really the point

I talk to Mike every single day, he won't be back, and trolling has a lot to do with it.

You sure it has nothing to do with not stooping to some of this? lol

08-09-2011, 06:32 AM
You sure it has nothing to do with not stooping to some of this? lol

It's amazing that two out of three moderators have seen the light, and yet ONE missed the point ENTIRELY :rolleyes:

08-09-2011, 06:33 AM
Mike was a great and informative poster and we are all the LESS for him not being here.
His "gung" vidoes on IP, "hammer" work, and his spearfinger video on the watermelon were excellent and inspirational.

I love all his videos. Seems like a real down-to-earth, no nonsense kind of guy.

David Jamieson
08-09-2011, 07:16 AM
It's amazing that two out of three moderators have seen the light, and yet ONE missed the point ENTIRELY :rolleyes:

You sure like to project a lot of conditions onto others in your sphere don't you. :rolleyes:

@Dave, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
The fact that you cannot have a conversation with the guy that doesn't derail and diminish into petty junk is a glaring example of why you should change tack. I have no idea why you insist on continuing on with it, unless you enjoy trolling and having it continue.

@HW108 - If you can't approach a conversation without denigrating the person, then don't post.I have no idea why you insist on continuing on with it, unless you enjoy trolling and having it continue.

Frankly, I don't see much difference between you two. You're just on the extreme ends of the same piece of rope.

08-09-2011, 07:34 AM
Jamieson, if you can't grasp the idea or incapable of handling the idea of beinga moderator, you don't have to be one :rolleyes:

@HW108 - If you can't approach a conversation without denigrating the person, then don't post.I have no idea why you insist on continuing on with it, unless you enjoy trolling and having it continue.

wow! you got it! :rolleyes:

08-09-2011, 07:35 AM
Frankly, I don't see much difference between you two.

which is why you probably shouldn't be a moderator :rolleyes:

I don't go on EVERY SINGLE THREAD HE POSTS ON and talk badly about him. In fact, I have him on IGNORE and don't talk about him at all

He is a freak, and again, other moderators have grasped this idea....

08-09-2011, 07:59 AM
You really don't know enough about Dave to make this call.
You may THINk you know, but you don't.

I respectfully disagree. He is no kung fu sifu. Having said that, he may be a half decente kickboxing coach and that is fine, but we are not in kickboxing forum and we don't need people like him to come here troll, insult TCMA posters and even attempt to chase some of the newer ones away, to sell his system of kung fu tagged kickboxing and his school.

Irony is that he could promote his school without all the vile cr@p and lies that he throws at people.

Dave decide to focus on the sport combat element and went the Sanda route and good for him, YET for those that are interested in the TCMA route, he offers that too.
And god help those people who go to him for TCMA training - or haven't you been reading his posts as regards the TCMAs?

Also, you would be hard pressed to find Ross actually discussing authentic TCMA matters with REAL TCMA-ists. Usually what you get with him is a quick entry, a couple of insults and then out of there before his TCMA cluelessness is exposed. I believe that he has read the "Art of War". He has built a reputation on being a CTS student, but there is no substance to his posts, unless he is LECTURING or telling CTS stories, otherwise I really don't recall him discussing any valid TCMA concepts with anyone.

I mean where was he when we were discussing TCMA development forms, Body Unity, Qi gong, sticky hands, sensitivity training etc. I'll tell you where, he was sitting behind his screen and scratching his head, which must be tough job when one is wearing kickboxing gloves!

Much like Mike Parella does, though Mike's school is not as "out there" as Dave's ( Mike's choice)
BTW: I miss Mike and his postings and videos of the various "gungs".

Actually, I have been watching his videos to get a better idea of Lama Pai. I enjoy his videos and I hope he starts posting again.

I really think the WHOLE forum would be better if YOU out Dave on ignore as he has put you.
Do you really believe that he has put me on ignore. I mean he has had me on ignore for years now, but always manages to answer all my posts.....LOL!

Whatever you do, don't fall for his mind games.

In terms of YOUR longevity here, it is a strong suggestion on my part.
It is interesting, throughout my years here, Dave Ross has doctored the quotes my statements into anti semetic and racist comments, he has used my sifu's real name ( a man who is also a dear friend) to spread lies about me on multiple times, on this forum. He has started hate threads in the past and currently. Yet, you don't see that as a threat to his longevity here?

You don't see the fact that in every other post where he is not spreading lies about me,he is slinging mud at the moderators, particularly David Jamieson? You don't see that as threat to his longevity here?

Look, Dave has been here for a long time. Not only does he have an anti TCMA/pro MMA agenda here, he is the biggest troll here. However, he is the loudest one to cry and complain against other supposed "trolls" to divert attention from his own antiques. Does everyone fall for this? Well at least one moderator hasn't.

Look god knows, I have had my differences with David Jamieson, but the man sees right through Dave Ross, and is not (and never taken cr@p) from him. I have a feeling that perhaps if he was moderating when Ross was doctoring my posts into anti semetic statements, as serious offence in any forum, then Dave Ross would have been banned and ended up a permanent member of Bulshido, where people like him belong.

As for David's moderating, then I will say that he means well and he trying to put some order in this forum, but all we hear are grown men crying and complaining about him. Of course, Ross's complaints have personal issues (as always) attached to them.

Personally, I find people complaining any moderator in such a manner diruptive. Moderators are volunteers/chosen by the people who run this site, in this case Gene, who until now must have thought that the forum's members consisted of tough martial artists, not complex ridden cry babies.

Anyway, Gene's decision has to be respected, as well as the actions of any moderator that he chooses. This is not Democracy (thank god), that is the owner chooses the moderators, who are voluteers and the mods do their best at doing a job that unfortunately involved dealing with the likes of Ross.


PS. and EDIT: If you go to my first post that started all of this, you will see that I was making a fair point. Dave complaining about trolls and lack of good moderations, is like the kettle calling the pot black. Again, no one here, with the exception of one or two people noticed that!

08-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Is there ANY TIME in the near future that people on this forum will actually converse and no have a b1tchfest? every fricken thread is full of egotistical dookie. :eek:

08-09-2011, 08:06 AM
Is there ANY TIME in the near future that people on this forum will actually converse and no have a b1tchfest? every fricken thread is full of egotistical dookie. :eek:

There are a number of fine threads on here, but as soon as "hardwork" shows up it is always the same dog pile. Unfortunately, jamieson can't get beyond his personal dislike for me long enough to do what he's done to everyone else on the forum (delete them, threaten them and lock their threads) :rolleyes:

08-09-2011, 08:12 AM
I am going to say things you probably already know

1) yes, he can
2) but many say it isn't with his long fist, which is the art he first made his "name" with

3) tons of people dislike him, and it has nothing to do with either (1) or (2)

I would like to hear more about this.

And, what do you expect out of his retreat?

08-09-2011, 08:15 AM
@HW108 - If you can't approach a conversation without denigrating the person, then don't post.I have no idea why you insist on continuing on with it, unless you enjoy trolling and having it continue.

NO trolling, the man insists on lying about my TCMA past and invents stories about my sifu, etc. So, I exposed his lies and put him in his place. Can you believe that some people refer to Ross as sifu?:confused::rolleyes:

Frankly, I don't see much difference between you two. You're just on the extreme ends of the same piece of rope
If you mean that I practice authentic TCMAs and Ross, is on the extreme a mere kickboxer, then you are right. :p

Seriously, I have said what I had to say about this subject matter. My main point as regards Ross's forum rules (what a laugh), was that considering his character and his vile antiques in the past, he was in no position to make forum rules against trolls.

Again, the kettle calling the pot black. Everything else you saw after that was the manifestation of Ross's complexes and insecurities, accompanied with the usual nasty immoral streak that probably goes back to his up bringing.

Anyway, I made my point in my first post to Ross and many agreed with what I was saying, so I am off to actually post on TCMA matters, now. If anyone wants to discuss this any further then they can PM me.

Scott R. Brown
08-09-2011, 08:58 AM
Is there ANY TIME in the near future that people on this forum will actually converse and no have a b1tchfest? every fricken thread is full of egotistical dookie. :eek:

It happens, but it is rare. What do you expect when people disagree! People have emotional investments in their points of view, therefore compromise is rare. This is part of life.

Politicians argue, countries argue, scientists argue, families argue, pastors argue, everyone argues, everyone has an agenda they wish to promote and it is one they think is better than everyone else's agenda!

Martial Arts is about prevailing in conflict, how can discussions about MA be any different?

It is best to accept it and not fight it, because by fighting it you are participating in conflict anyway by your disagreement with what already is and cannot be avoided!