View Full Version : intro

08-16-2011, 02:50 AM
Hi, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself. You can call me Jey, and I just recently got interested again in kung fu, when I reevaluated my goals after being fascinated by the stories my dad told of his days back when he learned kung fu daily. So here they are: Starting from most important to least important. I don't like to pick fights, but should someone else's safety be compromised and I'm responsible for them, I will do whatever it takes, and if need be I will put them in the hospital. Wing Shu Chin and Oyama Matsutatsu both were incredible in their own ways. Wing was later able to take hits anywhere, INCLUDING THE GROIN, while Oyama was famous for either heavily subduing bulls with one hit or killing them on site. The interesting part is Wing was rumored to be the victor when he was pitted against Oyama.

With that said, I want to be as fast as possible and close to reaching the sheer force that Oyama had. I'd be extremely happy if I achieved his power, but I will be satisfied if I reach close to it. My next goal would be to be able to carry really heavy loads, say 50 lb in each hand or more. My dad said that Vietnam is not an easy place to find money, so his kung fu master and some of his older friends worked a job carrying huge loads of glass in canvas bags, often 100 lb, even though they knew the glass could severely cut their shoulders. They often came home with shards stuck in their feet, because nobody could handle wearing thick sandals in the burning weather.

Those are my ultimate goals: to be able to lift extremely heavy loads with ease and hit strong enough to knock a bull out. I'd love to be able to achieve those goals and be as massive and shredded as a bodybuilder, but I've heard you can't have everything and that being shredded and huge. I've heard 190 lb at 5% bf, is not conducive to kung fu, as far as speed and flexiblity goes. I've never seen anyone who looks like this: http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v354/151/122/517272385/n517272385_1531579_9801.jpg and has been featured in a kung fu magazine. Thanks to anybody who replies, and I really hope I don't end up with bad advice. On other forums, when I pursued bodybuilding to its fullest, I followed the wrong advice for a year before I was steered on the right path by a savior who cared about giving results to those who needed help.

08-16-2011, 06:19 AM
Hi Kansuke!