View Full Version : The says it all thread

Ray Pina
08-16-2011, 11:59 AM
Who has boxing gloves, mouth piece and cup? How many times a week are they incorporated into your training? (questions do not apply to those 38 or older)

I honestly haven't wrapped up and put on gloves in a while but I know when I was really training, training to fight, it was a 5 days a week thing. I'm not in the same condition now, don't have the same fire/desire to fight, but I am more skilled, particularly on the ground.... it would be an interesting match up.

I just moved to a new house three months ago and I'm going to hang my heavy bag tonight, just for the conditioning and footwork. Thinking about taking the taiji saturday morning class at the beach.... just something to supplement the BJJ because I'm getting a little bored.

I don't want to start training boxing or kick boxing again because frankly I've reached a point where I'm frustrated being coached to fight in a way that is not natural/desirable for me (I don't like bobbing and weaving. I don't like "boxing". I like to close, jam and finish or disengage and start again). And I don't have a need to be conditioned to death.... Ideally I'd have a student to train how I'd like too but don't have one.

Well, this post started as one thing and became another.

08-16-2011, 12:08 PM
Ray, I think you should actively try and find one or two guys to train. Someone in their early twenties with little to no training would be able to really appreciate what you have to offer. Plus you can 'build them from the ground up' so to speak, yet have a mature adult to work with at the same time.

08-16-2011, 12:16 PM
I have it all and used them a couple of times a week. But that was when I was 39-40. Uh oh.

Now I don't use that stuff. Am around 45. Might use it in friendly and very light sparring just for safety, but when it shouldn't actually be necessary.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-16-2011, 12:36 PM
44 here. I have it all, in several variations (Cobra punch, MMA fingerless etc....) I even have set of the original UFC gloves with the red cross on them.

08-16-2011, 12:43 PM
Who has boxing gloves, mouth piece and cup? How many times a week are they incorporated into your training? (questions do not apply to those 38 or older)...

I have many sets of those. Starting from Karate gloves, Bruce Lee "Enter The Dragon" gloves, boxing gloves, and MMA gloves.

Your question would no longer apply to me 27 years ago. :(

08-16-2011, 01:07 PM
I have to protect my knuckles.

so I always wear protective before hitting the hanging bag

or flour bag on a bench or sturdy table for pi and shuai zhang.

I just wear heavier clothes when I kao shoulder, chest/back, hip on hanging heavy bag.

do not want to leave too much sweat on the hanging bag

but I do wipe and clean the bags all the time.

they are not sweat proof.

if I have a partner around, then I would be kicking and punching a mitten/pad along the forearm--



Ray Pina
08-16-2011, 01:26 PM
Wow. I'm inspired but you older guys. I'm 37 and feeling it already. I almost blacked out training last night... with a bunch of 18 to 25 year olds in a hot Puerto Rican gym with no A/C or even fan.

Guess I can't use age as an excuse yet. Got to increase my cardio.... added running back to the regiment (hate it) two weeks ago. But already dropped 7 pounds. Nothing major. Just 1.5 miles in the morning or evenings.

Golden Arms
08-16-2011, 04:23 PM
I have several pairs of boxing gloves, elbow pads, shin guards, mouth guards, mma gloves, bag gloves, etc. They are great tools to have around.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-16-2011, 06:28 PM
Wow. I'm inspired but you older guys. I'm 37 and feeling it already. I almost blacked out training last night... with a bunch of 18 to 25 year olds in a hot Puerto Rican gym with no A/C or even fan.

Guess I can't use age as an excuse yet. Got to increase my cardio.... added running back to the regiment (hate it) two weeks ago. But already dropped 7 pounds. Nothing major. Just 1.5 miles in the morning or evenings.

We feel it to. That is why I do a lot more Qi Gong and internal form work than I used to. I have to just to recover now.

08-16-2011, 06:56 PM
I don't like "boxing". I like to close, jam and finish or disengage and start again). And I don't have a need to be conditioned to death....
Well, this post started as one thing and became another.

That is a very KUNG FU essenced statement. That approach has a lot of wisdom in it...:)

08-16-2011, 07:02 PM
Wow. I'm inspired but you older guys. I'm 37 and feeling it already. I almost blacked out training last night... with a bunch of 18 to 25 year olds in a hot Puerto Rican gym with no A/C or even fan.

Guess I can't use age as an excuse yet. Got to increase my cardio.... added running back to the regiment (hate it) two weeks ago. But already dropped 7 pounds. Nothing major. Just 1.5 miles in the morning or evenings.

We feel it to. That is why I do a lot more Qi Gong and internal form work than I used to. I have to just to recover now.

Good point. I was going to recommend Ray to focus more on Internal stuff, including Tai Chi. Exploring one's breathing and the various methods available one will conclude that correct practice can contribute to one's conditioning and stamina.

Hopefully he can find genuine Internal instruction (not an easy task, nowadays), where he lives. :)

08-16-2011, 07:03 PM
We feel it to. That is why I do a lot more Qi Gong and internal form work than I used to. I have to just to recover now.

I take a different path. I spend more time in running, stretching, heavy bag, and weight. No more "internal" stuff for me for the rest of my life.

focus more on Internal stuff, including Tai Chi...
I would like to suggest the opposite. It's OK to be physical old but it's not OK to be mental old. The moment that you start to slow down, one of your legs is already in your coffin. The only way to keep you young is to move, move, and still move. When most of my friends are already "slow down", I want to "speed up".

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-16-2011, 07:31 PM
I take a different path. I spend more time in running, stretching, heavy bag, and weight. No more "internal" stuff for me for the rest of my life.

I would like to suggest the opposite. It's OK to be physical old but it's not OK to be mental old. The moment that you start to slow down, one of your legs is already in your coffin. The only way to keep you young is to move, move, and still move. When most of my friends are already "slow down", I want to "speed up".

I have been ramping up my training all summer to though. I am doing conditioning and some hiking mostly. This is in between my internal stuff.

When I have the most energy, I train the hardest. When I don't, I train the softest.

I have found I need more warmups, and recovery time. I can still push myself just has hard otherwise though.

08-16-2011, 07:43 PM
I would like to suggest the opposite. It's OK to be physical old but it's not OK to be mental old. The moment that you start to slow down, one of your legs is already in your coffin. The only way to keep you young is to move, move, and still move. When most of my friends are already "slow down", I want to "speed up".

I think perhaps I could have put my point better. What I meant was that on top of the physical conditioning, Ray should concentrate more (than before) on Qigong and such exercises. :)

08-16-2011, 07:51 PM
The only way to keep you young is to move, move, and still move. When most of my friends are already "slow down", I want to "speed up".

That is totally true.

Way past 38 here. Doing heavy bag to work on bone density and cardio.

Takes a year to recover from injuries now though.

Yum Cha
08-16-2011, 10:30 PM
That is totally true.

Way past 38 here. Doing heavy bag to work on bone density and cardio.

Takes a year to recover from injuries now though.

I hear that about recovery...

Gloves not as often as mouthguard, couple of times a month, mainly to make sure the young guys don't hurt me by accident.

Its true, as you get older, you get a confidence and relaxation that saves energy, and you get smart on how you use it. We are anaerobic mostly, so its a little different. The idea is to fight for 30 seconds, not 3 minutes.

I do a series of low impact flexibility and strength exercises daily now, which keep me fit, but now its a case of maintaining, not improving....:mad:

08-17-2011, 05:59 AM
At 50 years old my body has paid the price from the crazy 2 hour workouts 5 days a week and the 3 times a week sparring and applying techs when i was younger but after 2 knee, 1 hip and 1 elbow surgery I have pulled way back on putting on the gloves.
Although once a month its cool to mix it up a little but i can't do the take downs like I used too because I worry about the hip... but owell.

I have ramped up my training big time by supplementing my kung fu with the whole crossfit workout and I find that the anaerobic style w/o has gotten me back to where I once was many many moons ago.

Guess in the end I'll fight when and if I need too, but in the mean time I'll keep the Boss 351 stang in the garage shined up and ready to run when needed. lol

08-17-2011, 06:13 AM
Got it all use cup three times a week (got to protect the jewels lol) , boxing and MMA gloves two or three times a week, mouth guard weekly when sparring or rolling hard at my main gym, although not in the last month, main gym has been closed the past 3 weeks so no real sparring the other place its mainly pad work, isolated sparring and light sparring when/if it happens 9its a sore point) (am 35…. no wait 36 now, still enjoy grappling and MMA sparring but my comp days are way behind me so lack of real hard sparring don’t annoy me that much….just a little)

As for conditioning and strength work as you get older it’s a must, as is warming up lol

08-17-2011, 06:13 AM
Guess in the end I'll fight when and if I need too, but in the mean time I'll keep the Boss 351 stang in the garage shined up and ready to run when needed. lol

Mustangs ftw!


Ray Pina
08-17-2011, 06:53 AM
I think perhaps I could have put my point better. What I meant was that on top of the physical conditioning, Ray should concentrate more (than before) on Qigong and such exercises. :)

I have started to do some internal again. And I never got around to hanging that bag but that's what I'm gonna do at lunch.

Not necessarily slow down. I'm keeping BJJ because I love it. And that's a hell of a work out at a hell of a pace three nights a week. But I'm frustrated with boxing because I feel like I still could win fights if only I could train the way I want.... which is tuff. The place I learned it no one wanted to fight. The guys that want to fight don't want to hear about it, they want to kick box..... only that 3 year window when I had students, that was perfect.

Until a student comes a long I'm sticking with BJJ, work the bag on off nights, run and do some standing almost more for quiet meditation time and I'll take running the channels as a side benefit.

Thanks everyone for your feedback, though. It was vert encouraging.