View Full Version : Moderation

David Jamieson
08-25-2011, 05:10 AM
Hey KFM-ers.

Please be advised that due to the recent overrun of ill intention, trolls etc a much more diligent eye will be kept on the forum and it's content to ensure that there is a modicum of decorum and harmony here.

Ad-hominem posts will be deleted as found. Opening thread about "where's my thread" will be deleted and not responded to. Bickering will be deleted, and offending members will be warned once, maybe twice if we like them and then banning requests to the site owners starts to come into play. A request to ban a member will be entered at the discretion of the mods and reviewed by the admin.

If you are not sure what or where to post, have a look at the categories as they are somewhat intuitive and easy to follow. If you put something in the wrong forum, it will be moved to the appropriate one.

Let's make it better! It's has improved a lot in my opinion, even in the last while. Maybe we'll even see some great contributors return if we can stick to a more harmonious path of discussion and avoid getting into the drama over some perceived slight...which will be deleted. :)


08-25-2011, 08:34 AM
thanks for volunteering time to do a difficult job.

hail to mods

all hail to thee.

thou are the greatest.


doug maverick
08-25-2011, 11:48 AM
i never come up to the kf forum or even too the other forums...i mostly stick to the media and internal section..troll free is the way to be...rock on!!!

08-25-2011, 11:53 AM
I have to say it's a hard job and I wouldn't want it. To many differing points of view to deal with and sorting out of bickering would get old. My thoughts about it would be in comparision to owning a pub/bar, it's kinda cool to own probably for the first month then having to deal with all the drunks all the time would get old pretty quick. :p

08-25-2011, 12:20 PM
thanks for not banning me yet!

08-25-2011, 12:25 PM
It's nice not to be asked,

- "When was the last time that you killed someone in street fight?"
- "Do you have video to prove it?"

08-26-2011, 05:36 AM
I have to say it's a hard job and I wouldn't want it. To many differing points of view to deal with and sorting out of bickering would get old. My thoughts about it would be in comparision to owning a pub/bar, it's kinda cool to own probably for the first month then having to deal with all the drunks all the time would get old pretty quick. :p

At least in the bar you can use your MA skills.

08-26-2011, 06:48 AM
even thou the forum board "looks" the same.

but there are many new functions upgraded behind the same look.

me like the fact that each post has URL, linkable and searchable.

each post is a webpage.


David Jamieson
08-27-2011, 08:54 AM
Thanks everyone!

It's starting to look great in here again!

Yay for you!

Pat yourselves on the back.

sincerely, thanks!

08-27-2011, 12:30 PM
yes thank you david,
you are doing a great job, policing these boards. It was getting out of hand, so much I stopped coming on here for a while, so thank you for stepping up.

dont worry if people complain about your moderating as some of the threads have already tried to do.... because its obviously those who complain were the trouble makers in the first place. rock on

taai gihk yahn
08-27-2011, 06:40 PM
thanks for doing what I, in my infinitimable wisdomicacity suggested, about a month ago <cough, cough>


overall, i think u r doing a commendable job; and u have been responsive to suggestions for being somewhat less heavy-handed than at the onset of ur tenure; no complaints here...

doug maverick
08-28-2011, 01:46 AM
there are waaay to man tma tcma vs mma threads...almost twelve years i been coming to this forum back when it was owned by kfo...and we are still having this discussion...fine but can it all be on one thread instead of twenty?

08-29-2011, 07:14 AM
do we really need threads about ghosts and exorcism on the main forum? :rolleyes:

08-29-2011, 07:19 AM
I agree we need much less threads about kung fu being dead, karate this, judo that.

08-29-2011, 07:23 AM
do we really need threads about ghosts and exorcism on the main forum? :rolleyes:

I second that notion. There are forums on meditation and philosophy, and on pop culture that would be better places for such fantastical (and non-ma) topics.

David Jamieson
08-29-2011, 08:29 AM
Am I looking at a different site?

Ghosts and exorcisms? where?
If it's in the main forum it really does belong in related arts.

The whole "tma/kungfu dead thing" is probably just going to get merged into a big thread.

Threads with mma in the title or comprising most of the intent of the content will likely get moved into the mma forum where they probably belong as well as comparison threads can go there.

Anyway, it is getting better. :p

08-29-2011, 08:32 AM
I never had the desire to read the entire thread, but it certainly gets murky around here


David Jamieson
08-29-2011, 08:37 AM
I never had the desire to read the entire thread, but it certainly gets murky around here


That's a sword thread mostly and it drove off into a corner talking about rituals, but quite frankly, that's the direction it took. Still way more good pics and info than it being about demons and stuff I would say.

Anyway, we are bound to have our share of people who are into these arts that some would consider out there and others not so much.

taai gihk yahn
08-29-2011, 09:28 AM
That's a sword thread mostly and it drove off into a corner talking about rituals, but quite frankly, that's the direction it took. Still way more good pics and info than it being about demons and stuff I would say.

Anyway, we are bound to have our share of people who are into these arts that some would consider out there and others not so much.

well then CLEARLY there needs to be a seperate forum for threads that start of as being about swords and veer into exorcisms; yeesh...

David Jamieson
08-29-2011, 09:36 AM
well then CLEARLY there needs to be a seperate forum for threads that start of as being about swords and veer into exorcisms; yeesh...

well, it can be a bit of a roundhouse in here with all the track switching that occurs. But if something is blatantly offensive, it's gone.