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08-30-2011, 11:01 AM
i just started taking both of them so i dont know much but how effective would u say they are or what are the strongest parts about them

08-30-2011, 11:04 AM
You wouldn't be at the Hong Luck club by any chance??

CLF has a great rep as a fighting style if you train properly. Lots of application and usefulness but that to a large degree is up to how well you put into practice what you learn. I know nothing about Do Pi.

Not sure if that helps at all.



taai gihk yahn
08-30-2011, 11:28 AM
CLF has a great rep as a fighting style if you train properly. Lots of application and usefulness but that to a large degree is up to how well you put into practice what you learn.
more insanity! :eek::eek::eek:

I know nothing about Do Pi.
isn't it some derivative of a bunch of different southern systems?

why yes, yes it is! (answering his own question)

08-30-2011, 11:33 AM
wasn't the founder and CTS classmates?

Ray Pina
08-30-2011, 11:33 AM
This is a great opportunity. You're interested in taking a martial art for its effectiveness.

You said you already started. Did you look at other schools? Are you open to styles outside of Kung Fu?

Not to sound like an MMA nutrider. And I'm not suggesting MMA or fighting even. With over 30 years of martial arts training in Okinawan Karate, external and internal Chinese boxing, competing in kick boxing, MMA and boxing and jiu-jitsu.... if I had to start over, I'd start with jiu-jitsu.

It's fun. You learn very fast right away how to use everything. You'll get in great shape... also, because of it's importance, if you find a good club (most areas do) you'll be tied into area fighters.

I would check it out.

With that said. How are your classes going? Do you feel like the training is taking you to a place where you'd feel comfortable going a couple rounds with a similar sized stranger? Do students who have been there 2 to 3 years ... how do they look? Do you get the, "This guy could handle most people" vibe from them?

You should get that vibe from a great many people in martial club. It's available. Don;t settle for nothing less if you're spending your time and money. Money can be replaced. Time.......

08-30-2011, 12:12 PM
yea i am at hong luck actually the training is pretty intense so id say its good i mainly focus on boxing because im competing soon but i am good to hong luck on the side because over time id like to learn lots of styles

08-30-2011, 01:17 PM
take it from a CLF guy,

CLF is good, practical, no nonsense traditional system. If you listen to much to this forum you will end up losing your desired to learn anything, really.

If you stick to CLF (i know nothing too about Do Pi) it has everything in it aside from actual wrestling. CLF's defense is great, its offense can be fierce under the right hands, and you get to learn much more than ring fighting when you go to CLF.

the choice is yours. don't take the forum too seriously. try not to be a victim of it.

taai gihk yahn
08-30-2011, 01:40 PM
wasn't the founder and CTS classmates?

possibly; i'm sure Ross would know; all I know from CTS, if I recall correctly, is that he had nothing at all good to say about it (but I may be mistaken on that, lol)