View Full Version : Gordon Liu hospitalized

09-02-2011, 09:23 AM
Oh no. What a bummer. I am scheduled to interview Gordon Liu in two weeks at the Lee Koon Hung 15th Anniversary Memorial Master's Exhibition (http://leekoonhungkungfu.com/). :(

Martial Arts Legend Gordon Liu In Hospital With Head Injury (http://twitchfilm.com/news/2011/09/martial-arts-legend-gordon-liu-in-hospital-with-head-injury.php)
by Hugo Ozman, September 2, 2011 3:20 AM

Gordon Liu, Hong Kong martial arts legend and star of THE 36TH CHAMBER OF SHAOLIN, KILL BILL 1 & 2 plus numerous other films, has been admitted into hospital with head injury. According to reports from Hong Kong, his condition was initially critical and he required assisted ventilation through a breathing tube placed in his airway. He is now in a stable condition and recovering in hospital.

There have been a lot of speculations by the Hong Kong media surrounding Liu's injury, with some reports claiming that he fell after getting drunk, and others claiming that he had a car accident. His manager states that he had a slip while playing music in a band room. Liu himself has so far refused all interviews by reporters.

We wish Mr Liu a full and speedy recovery.

Hebrew Hammer
09-02-2011, 09:30 AM
Have you met with him before? How old is he now Gene? I wish him a quick recovery as well!

09-02-2011, 09:39 AM
And I am very much looking forward to the opportunity. I can't begin to say how much I idolize Liu's body of work. I hope he recovers very quickly, quick enough to make it to Florida.

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Liu) lists his bday as August 22, 1955.

09-02-2011, 11:22 AM
劉家輝 頭傷入院 謝絕探訪 (http://www.worldjournal.com/view/aEntertainmentnews/15275784/article-%E5%8A%89%E5%AE%B6%E8%BC%9D-%E9%A0%AD%E5%82%B7%E5%85%A5%E9%99%A2-%E8%AC%9D%E7%B5%95%E6%8E%A2%E8%A8%AA?instance=ent_ pics)
September 01, 2011 06:00 AM | 606 次 | 0 0 評論 | 8 8 推薦 | 電郵給朋友 | 打印

曾拍過多部好萊塢電影的著名武打明星劉家輝,最近被傳頭部受傷入院,一度情況嚴重,其大女兒不願多談,但叫 記者自己打電話給劉家輝,證明他並無大礙。而劉家輝不想「大俠」形象受損,故謝絕探訪。

報導有指他因醉酒跌傷,亦有傳是車禍撞傷頭部,情況嚴重。無線製作資源部總監樂易玲承認劉家輝受傷入院:「 這是兩、三星期前的事,他滑倒撞到頭,進了特別病房治療,現在人已清醒,手腳都沒有問題。」

但由於治療時曾插管而影響聲帶,所以樂易玲沒有直接與劉家輝通話,無線曾想派人探訪,但劉家輝不想「大俠」 形象受損而拒絕。

此外,原本劉家輝將拍無線新劇《換樂無窮》,但他現因受傷,劇中角色改由劉江接演,監製林志華承認換角,但 拒絕透露原因。而劉家輝好友鄭佩佩及惠英紅則表示未聽聞他受傷的事。

刘家辉滑倒撞破头入院缝针 助理称其已无大碍 (http://ent.xinmin.cn/2011/09/01/11914588.html)
2011-09-01 09:49 来源:网易娱乐 作者:小易


  网易娱乐9月1日报道(文/小易) 据香港媒体报道,刘家辉日前被指滑倒目前仍在医院留医,昨日记者联络到他的经理人Eva,她透露刘家辉日前 于排练室排练时不慎滑倒,伤及头部流血,因而要入院缝针,现时已无大碍,她又指刘家辉向来喜(微博)欢工作 ,难有真正休息时间,故现时都不会安排工作给他,让他休息。

  (本文来源:网易娱乐 )
Love that cap he's wearing above.

09-02-2011, 02:43 PM
Wishing him a full and speedy recovery.

09-03-2011, 12:54 PM
This makes me sad. Hope it isn't too serious.

09-08-2011, 07:05 PM
Any news on Gordon liu? I was supposed to take his seminar at the Lee koon hung memorial

09-09-2011, 09:32 AM
Last I heard, and this is unconfirmed, is that he is out of the hospital. He still isn't talking to press however.

I'm scheduled to be at the memorial next week too, Shaolindynasty. I haven't heard from Li Siu Hung about whether or not Gordon Liu has cancelled yet.

09-17-2011, 05:27 AM
I'm here in Florida with Shaolindynasty at Li Siu Hung's celebration for Lee Koon Hung. Chan Koon Tai and Chow Keung are here, along with many other noted tH.K masters, but not Gordon Liu. I got a ride from CLFnole last night.

I'll post some photos on our facebook next week.

09-20-2011, 12:13 PM
I just posted some photos on our facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150386870044363.414052.135964689362&type=1). This was a great event, even without Gordon Liu.

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/307781_10150386870964363_135964689362_10118667_997 684458_n.jpg
Sifu Li Siu Hung presents Chan Koon Tai with a plaque to deliver to Gordon Liu

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/314587_10150386871139363_135964689362_10118668_170 3300639_n.jpg
Close-up of plaque

Some forum members in action
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/303211_10150386875434363_135964689362_10118697_983 671395_n.jpg
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/295918_10150386897699363_135964689362_10118843_349 168788_n.jpg
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/297067_10150386875074363_135964689362_10118695_534 375322_n.jpg
Might have missed a few...:o

I'll post more tomorrow.

09-21-2011, 03:39 PM
No Gordon Liu but i still had a good time, Chan koon Tai was droppin knowledge all over the place:cool:

09-21-2011, 04:20 PM
It would have almost been too much if Gordon Liu showed up too. Between Chan Koon Tai and Chow Keung, there was so much already. Of course, we all hope the best for Gordon.

Here's one of my fav photos from the event.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/302897_10150388569679363_135964689362_10126850_284 982823_n.jpg

09-21-2011, 04:47 PM
What I like most about the two of them is that they are real...nothing phoney and very down to earth about everything. Of course they love their style but their feeling is it doesn't matter what style you do as long as you understand it and do it well.

09-21-2011, 11:37 PM
I'm glad to hear that you guys had a great time, and that Chen Kuan-Tai seems like a cool person to learn from.

Wishing a speedy and full recovery for Gordon Liu.

09-22-2011, 01:01 PM
I still remebered his movie about shaolin 36 chambers.

It was like yesterday.

Rapid recovery.


Li Kao
09-26-2011, 08:58 PM
Just another well wish that Gordon makes a recovery from his injuries. He is truly a living legend amongst Kung Fu cinema fans like myself and the rest of us here in this forum -- I can't tell you how many times I watched 36 Chambers and Fist of the White Lotus growing up. Before I got into Bruce Lee, Jackie, and Jet I was a Shaw Brothers fan and he was certainly one of their superstars.

Ok, sorry to be wistful there - just reminiscing a bit about the good 'ol days.

Looks like that tournament was a success - thanks for the pics!

09-27-2011, 09:37 AM
It was a memorial demonstration. And it was quite a success. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Watch for full coverage in our next issue (Jan/Feb 2012, on stands in December).

I haven't heard any updates on Gordon Liu. Anyone?

09-29-2011, 12:09 PM
I hear Gordon Liu is still in the hospital and that all reporters have been barred from covering him. It's been almost a month. That can't be good.

09-29-2011, 12:58 PM
Thats terrible. I heard at the LKH memorial that he had 2 operations for a head injury. my sifu tried to see if Phil had heard anything about what happened to him and he said nobody really knows what is going on with him

10-02-2011, 01:15 PM
It's kind of a he-said-he-said-she-said kind of thing, but I read on another forum that someone who knows Gordon Liu's daughter and spoke to her says that he's going to be fine. I really do hope so.

10-26-2011, 03:56 PM
I'm told Gordon Liu is home and resting now. He is still not seeing any reporters.

10-27-2011, 02:38 PM
Gordon Liu Suffers Stroke and Becomes Disabled (http://www.jaynestars.com/news/gordon-liu-suffers-stroke-and-becomes-disabled/)
By Jayne on October 26, 2011


Renown martial arts actor, 56-year-old Gordon Liu (劉家輝), suffered a stroke earlier, leading to the Kill Bill star becoming significantly disabled and dependent upon a wheelchair. Due to the incident, Gordon became severely depressed. Recently, his morale increased due to encouragement from loved ones.

In earlier news, it was reported that while participating in a band practice in To Kwa Wan in early August, Gordon fell and hit his head. Since the incident, Gordon halted all his work. In the latest issue of Next Magazine, it was clarified that on that fateful day, Gordon had in fact suffered a stroke, causing him to fall down. His head crashed into a nearby stairway, resulting in a 5-inch wound on the left side of his head. He was sent immediately to the hospital for treatment.

After his stroke, Gordon’s right hand and leg suffered immobility. He also experienced speech impairment. Gordon will require long-term physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment.

How tragic.

doug maverick
10-27-2011, 02:46 PM
he needs stem cells...

taai gihk yahn
10-27-2011, 07:01 PM
another story on it:


10-27-2011, 07:29 PM
This makes me sad. I hope there's a chance for him to rehab back to as normal as possible.

Scott R. Brown
10-28-2011, 08:57 AM
It is possible to come back fully albeit rare. Alot depends upon the amount of damage and the strength of will of the individual. The brain can compensate for injury by retraining other parts to do similar tasks, however, it is like being a child again and most people can't get past their sadness and feelings of hopelessness that are also a consequence such a traumatic loss of independence and abilities.

Good Luck Gordon!

10-28-2011, 09:32 AM
http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年10月27日08:20 新浪娱乐微博
刘家辉坐在轮椅,上周由外佣推着外出晒太阳 刘家辉坐在轮椅,上周由外佣推着外出晒太阳 (http://ent.sina.com.cn/m/c/2011-10-27/08203461850.shtml)


  新浪娱乐讯 香港《壹周刊》曝出56岁的香港武打明星刘家辉,日前脑中风入院,目前右半身不遂,需长期复健,他上周被目 击在医院外晒太阳,坐在轮椅上,双颊消瘦,但努力以左手按摩右脚,希望尽快恢复以往雄风。


  刘家辉入行38年,凭苦练的功夫底子,早期以《少林三十六房》成为著名打仔,另外他曾在《唐伯虎点秋香 》演夺命书生和周星驰对打。

  由于功夫精湛,赴好莱坞拍《追杀比尔》(Kill Bill)饰武术高人白眉,演艺事业更上层楼。未料中风造成他半瘫,他一度意志消沉,后经朋友打气,才转念 积极治疗。

  上周六外佣推他坐轮椅外出,整个人瘦了一圈,右边手脚都无法移动,为怕人发现,他戴着口罩,以针织帽遮 住伤疤,记者致电经纪人Eva,对方却称已康复出院,刻意隐瞒病情。




  背景:8岁学习洪拳,1973年拍《杀出重围》入行,1978年凭《少林三十六房》走红,2003年进 军好莱坞演出《追杀比尔》1、2集,堪称事业高峰

  电影作品:《少林三十六房》、《黄飞鸿:铁鸡斗蜈蚣》、《唐伯虎点秋香》、《追杀比尔》系 列等

My father is a stroke victim. My sympathies for Gordon, his family and friends.

10-29-2011, 02:52 PM
Really sad. especially, "Due to the incident, Gordon became severely depressed." I knew it was bad, otherwise we'd have heard more sooner.
Hope he'll rise to meet this challenge like the hero we know he is. I don't care if he can do kung fu like a pro again, just hope for him to be happy.

10-31-2011, 02:20 PM
Here's Gordon Liu's official website (http://www.mastergordon.com/).

Kill Bill actor Gordon Liu suffers stroke (http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Showbiz/Story/A1Story20111028-307449.html)
The Daily Chilli
Friday, Oct 28, 2011

Renowned martial arts actor Gordon Liu has suffered a stroke, reported Hong Kong's Next magazine.

The magazine revealed the kung fu star had a stroke during band practice early August, causing him to fall and hit his head on a stairway.

He was sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

The 56-year-old Kill Bill star was said to be in a severely depressed mood after the stroke, but was recently seen to be more cheerful after receiving encouragement from family and friends.

Gordon's right hand and leg are immobile and he is currently wheelchair-bound. His speech is also impaired.

Gordon started training at Lau Cham's martial arts school of Hung Gar discipline when he was eight.

He entered showbiz in 1973 after participating in a kungfu movie funded by Lau Cham's son - popular action choreographer Lau Kar-leung.

Although he was given the role of Wong Fei Hung in Challenge of the Masters in 1976, Gordon only shot to fame as a Shaolin hero in The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, two years later.

He has participated in nearly 200 films and TV series.

Dale Dugas
10-31-2011, 03:26 PM
Prayers have been said to Green Tara for help to Gordon and his clan.

Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Sarva Atta Siddhi Siddhi Kure Soha

11-01-2011, 12:17 PM
You've Got A Friend - Master Gordon cover version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LurT_vDO3RA)

11-03-2011, 02:06 AM
I just talk with the Lau Family , and they ask for his fans to help by writing Lau Kar Fei/Gordon a hand written letters, not e-mails or facebook. To give love and moral support. It would mean alot to him. I my collecting letters for his fan who want to participate. send them before Dec 3rd.

Send your letter to Gordon Liu
2605 Hoover Ave, Suite E. National City,CA 91950

Thank you for your support and unity!

03-03-2012, 06:06 AM
Found this while looking through some forms. Can't tell is this gordon Lui? was shot in 2010. didn't think he was still up and about doing stuff, last I heard he had been in the hospital for something can't remember. was 2010 so it might have been before his ordeal.

03-03-2012, 06:08 AM

What exactly did you find...?

charp choi
03-03-2012, 08:38 AM
According to the various news sites he was injured in Oct 2011 and had a stroke.
He apparently id recovering well.

03-03-2012, 09:35 AM
Yeah Gordon Liu had a stroke......he is doing much better.

03-03-2012, 11:26 AM
Ahh, gotcha.

Sorry, I was a little confused about the question.

03-03-2012, 07:54 PM
sorry didn't post the link.

here it is


03-04-2012, 02:49 AM
Yes, that is him. He was here in Amsterdam summer 2010 and May 2011.

03-25-2012, 12:43 AM
You've Got A Friend - Master Gordon cover version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LurT_vDO3RA)

There's a short clip of him performing with his band on the 'Elegant Trails' featurette that appears on some of the Celestial/IVL releases of SB films. I forget which specific titles have it.

It was only a short fragment though.

03-27-2012, 01:13 PM
I just talk with the Lau Family , and they ask for his fans to help by writing Lau Kar Fei/Gordon a hand written letters, not e-mails or facebook. To give love and moral support. It would mean alot to him. I my collecting letters for his fan who want to participate. send them before Dec 3rd.

Send your letter to Gordon Liu
2605 Hoover Ave, Suite E. National City,CA 91950

Thank you for your support and unity!

Does anyone know Gordon Liu's current health status and if he is still accepting letters at the above address? I noticed that his daughter is currently active on his Facebook page.

08-31-2012, 01:16 PM
How is Gordon Liu doing now?

09-14-2012, 09:42 AM
My contact reports that he's stable, but is in a typical post-stroke scenario. I don't know the extent of the injury, but it's enough to keep him out of the spotlight. He's being very reclusive, which is totally understandable.

03-07-2013, 08:18 PM

This is terrible news, and I hope there is a positive outcome to all this.

03-07-2013, 08:37 PM
Wow this is sad. Hope they find him well.

03-08-2013, 12:12 AM
That sucks...been wondering what was going on with him. Thanks for the update Jimbo, wish the news could have been better. :(

doug maverick
03-08-2013, 01:22 AM
according to a friend in hong kong.. the paper there says he isnt missing..he just isnt speaking to his son.

03-08-2013, 08:56 AM
guess he is alive, the HKPD contacted the son to let him know. According to this article (http://www.jaynestars.com/news/gordon-liu-is-safe-but-refuses-to-see-his-son/)

03-08-2013, 09:18 AM
according to a friend in hong kong.. the paper there says he isnt missing..he just isnt speaking to his son.

Geez. Not sure which article is more sad.

03-08-2013, 09:55 AM
Here's our thread about when Gordon Liu had his stroke: Gordon Liu hospitalized (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61761)

03-08-2013, 06:10 PM
Well, at least he is alright. He has simply named a new guardian and was not in any danger.

03-09-2013, 10:40 PM
Well, not good news, but it's certainly better news. Good to know.

04-16-2013, 11:59 AM
What a terrible outcome. Kudos to Jayne Stars for staying on this story.

Gordon Liu May Sell Home to Pay Hospital Bills (http://www.jaynestars.com/news/gordon-liu-may-sell-home-to-pay-hospital-bills/)
By Addy on April 13, 2013

Above: Gordon Liu with legal guardian, Amy Fan.

Martial arts actor, Gordon Liu (劉家輝), may have to sell his home in order to pay for his hospital bills.

Financial woes and family disagreements plagued the 57-year-old action star after he suffered a stroke in August 2011. Believing that his family only had eyes on his fortune, Gordon refused to see his wife and two children. Gordon’s former assistant, Eva Fung, also refused to return his 2 million RMB film remunerations that were left in her prior care.

The stroke, which struck the left side of Gordon’s brain, affected his language abilities and his mobility on the right side of his body. Gordon initially stayed at a sanatorium and had the strength to walk and play simple physical games. However, the outbreak of his family drama took a toll on Gordon’s health and he now has to stay hospitalized in bed. Gordon’s hospital bills cost $100,000 HKD per month.

In an interview, Gordon’s current assistant and guardian, Amy Fan (樊亦敏), revealed that Gordon may have to sell his own home to pay for his medical bills. She also disclosed that Gordon had already made a will, which was witnessed by both Amy and his lawyer.

“Gordon chose me to be his consignor because Eva used to be my assistant, so I was very familiar with Gordon’s situation. Before, there were a lot of contractual problems and Eva couldn’t handle it all. I was the one who helped out. Gordon has already arranged everything that needed to be handed down under the presence of his lawyer. I am just a witness and I will not get any benefits. I’ve been a fan of Gordon since I was very young, and I think I am doing the right thing by helping him out.”

Amy told Sudden Weekly that Gordon already used up most of his saving and has to partially rely on his social security disability benefits. With Eva still refusing to return Gordon his remunerations, Gordon may be forced to sell his 800-square-feet flat on Caine Road. Gordon purchased the property for $1 million HKD in 1992; the current market price has risen to $8 million HKD. According to the reports, Gordon’s two children – Kris and Sonia – still reside in the flat.

Amy admitted, “Gordon will not rule out the possibility of selling the flat or mortgage it to the bank. His family and children all say that they don’t have the ability to take care of him.”

She added coldly that out of Gordon’s family, only his elder sister Theresa and niece would pay visits to Gordon and show concern for his health. The rest of his family only had eyes on his money.

With the support of Amy and close friends, Gordon is slowly recovering. When the press paid him a visit, he smiled and made a ‘victory’ sign hand gesture.

Gordon Liu Clarifies Rumors in Exclusive Interview (http://www.jaynestars.com/news/gordon-liu-clarifies-rumors-in-exclusive-interview/)
By Katrine on April 15, 2013


Since a stroke left him wheelchair-bound in 2011, Gordon Liu (劉家輝) has been battling family discord and financial troubles in the public spotlight. Rumors afloat that Gordon’s wife and children are eyeing his money and that his former assistant Eva Fung is also refusing to return his cash assets worth millions (HKD). At the end of 2012, Gordon made a sudden decision to appoint close friend Amy Fan (樊亦敏) as his guardian. Amy has since served as Gordon’s spokesperson and delegated his assets to pay for his increasingly expensive medical bills.

On Monday, Amy invited Ming Pao to a sit-down interview with Gordon to clarify rumors once and for all. Amy stated that this will be Gordon’s last public interview as he wishes to quietly recuperate. Gordon was quiet nervous the night before, but agreed to the interview for the sake of his friends and fans who are worried about his well-being.

Gordon accepted the interview at his private hospital room, accompanied by Amy and his psychiatrist. He appeared frail and seemed to have lost weight dramatically, weighing only 120 pounds. Gordon was in good spirits when reporters arrived, asking to eat when he saw cake and smiled when posing for photos. Amy was attentive by his side, making conversation while filing his nails.

Gordon became nervous however when reporters attempted to begin the interview. He repeatedly asked to change his incontinence pads to force reporters out of his room. Gordon eventually calmed down when reporters removed the cameras. Due to his speech difficulties, Gordon responded to questions mostly by shaking and nodding his head.

During the interview, Gordon expressed that he is happy. He admitted that it was his personal decision to appoint Amy as his guardian and he is happy under her care. He wants Eva to return his money, and wishes to see his relatives and niece his niece.

When asked if he would like to see his wife and two children from his second marriage, Gordon suddenly frowned and signaled for the reporters to leave. Although Amy and his psychiatrist both tried to comfort him, Gordon decided to end the interview and waved goodbye.

Reporters also reached out to Eva on Tuesday regarding Gordon’s comments. Eva stated she will speak when the timing is right.

04-16-2013, 05:09 PM
That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that, especially about someone who's work has given me a great deal of entertainment over the years.

04-16-2013, 05:18 PM
money grubbing biznatches....they need to get masterkilled :mad:

I hope he makes a decent recovery, he's been an inspiration to a lot of people...

04-16-2013, 07:49 PM
I wish the best for him.

Unfortunately, sometimes it's situations like these that reveal some people's true natures.

04-17-2013, 01:33 AM
I join everyone in wishing Mr. Liu a quick recovery.

05-02-2013, 12:12 PM
I'm not sure who Amy Fan is. I've turned up two actresses by that name - Fan Yik-Man (樊亦敏).

Gordon Liu in dire straits after stroke (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/entertainment/gordon-liu-in-dire/642372.html)
POSTED: 18 Apr 2013 2:08 PM

Hong Kong veteran action star Gordon Liu appeared frail and skinny, when he met the Hong Kong media to clear the air regarding the many rumours that surround his current condition.

HONG KONG: Hong Kong veteran action star Gordon Liu, who suffered a stroke in 2011 that paralysed the right side of his body, and was hospitalised since January this year for severe cramps, recently cleared the air regarding the numerous reports about him and his estranged family, reported Hong Kong media.

Although there were rumours that he had died, Liu is very much alive, though his health has deteriorated since his stroke.

The 57-year-old actor appeared frail, skinny and had sunken cheeks when he met with Hong Kong media at the hospital where he is receiving treatment.

He now weighed just 54kg, required constant care and found it difficult to speak, resorting to nodding and shaking his head to answer questions.

However, Liu is in relatively good spirits, and managed to express that he hopes his former guardian, Eva Fung, who has refused to return his savings, which he had earlier entrusted to her, will do so.

Liu also confirmed that he has appointed his actress friend, Amy Fan, as his new guardian, and expressed that he is happy in her care.

Fan told Hong Kong media that she is currently trying to get Liu’s finances in order, pointing out that Liu’s treatment and expenses come up to HK$100,000 (S$16,000) each month.

She expressed that she will take legal action against Fung to retrieve Liu’s money, and would consider mortgaging or selling Liu’s flat, which is worth about HK$8 million (S$1.2 million) to cover Liu’s expenses in the meantime.

Fan went on to reveal that while Liu has been trying his best to recover from his stroke, the stricken action star is prepared for the worst and has drawn up a will.

The actress also explained that Liu has refused to meet with his family because he did not want them to see him in his current state, and not because he hates his family.

One of the most well-known names in the Hong Kong film industry, Liu shot to fame after appearing in the classic martial arts film “The 36th Chamber of Shaolin”, and has gone on to appear in films like “Kill Bill” as well as “Flying Swords of Dragon Gate”.