View Full Version : Burning Palm Kung Fu - Sifu Garry Hearfield

09-14-2011, 12:14 PM
Sifu Garry is now opened to the public teaching the rare internal healing and martial art of the Burning Palm, plus other systems!

South Coast Illawarra region
All enquiries email Sifu Garry @ burningpalmsystem@gmail.com

Here is a couple of current clips he has put up, enjoy!




09-15-2011, 02:36 AM
do you have a short memory? dont you remember what happened the last time you posted about this, it turned into 16 pages of fun:eek:

Dark Chi
09-16-2011, 10:46 AM
do you have a short memory? dont you remember what happened the last time you posted about this, it turned into 16 pages of fun:eek:

Why what happened Mr Frost?

Dark Chi
09-16-2011, 10:54 AM
Sifu Garry is now opened to the public teaching the rare internal healing and martial art of the Burning Palm, plus other systems!

South Coast Illawarra region
All enquiries email Sifu Garry @ burningpalmsystem@gmail.com

Here is a couple of current clips he has put up, enjoy!




Hi Mr Lungyuil (does your name mean Dragon belly/waist?)
Been checking this link and others on Mr Gary and I must say not bad,not bad at all I've never seen an Australian White man move like that,however forgive me I mean no offence-His fore arms look to heavy for his shoulder,he also trails one leg as if its short or tight? He moves like a 35yr old but I can tell hes over 40Yrs by the way his shoulders drop(not uptight)Again I wish he wouldnt over extend his ma pu (ma bo) when rising but never the less hes not bad,not bad at all :)

Is he your sifu or a relation? and this a promotion?
Also does he teach through video correspondence?

Thanks for reading

Dale Dugas
09-16-2011, 11:25 AM
Shifu Garry Hearfield has some serious skills.

Dark Chi
09-16-2011, 11:43 AM
Shifu Garry Hearfield has some serious skills.

Interesting Mr Dale have you crossed hands with Mr Gary by any chance?

09-16-2011, 02:26 PM
I've always been impressed with Sifu Garry's knowledge and skill! I mean he can be moody and change his mind on you and stuff (he's human, and what human doesn't have faults? I know I sure do, lol!); but as far as martial arts, he's the real deal! I even bought some jow from him about 7 to 10 years back and it was the best jow I've come across before or since. The guy's knowledge is awesome!

09-16-2011, 02:47 PM
I think that part of the problem has been the number and variety of styles that Sifu Garry has come out with and promoted online.

He was YKM, then sorta BM as well , then Bak Fu Pai lineage holder , then another version of BM and now the Burning Palm thing. Might be skilful but hard to tell how he would do since I have never seen him do anything other than demonstrate.

I am not sure whether he is involved to have someone to promote his stuff on here but it seems like someone from his club/old student posts every time a new thing comes out for purchase.

I stopped reading the related posts a long time ago.. heck I am not even sure why I looked at this one ;' P


09-16-2011, 03:25 PM
Yes, it is my experience that Sifu Hearfield is very loyal to his teachers; and because of his background in YKM he can make virtually any system or training method work for himself. He's a solid old school martial artist in my opinion.

09-16-2011, 05:52 PM
Dark Chi,
Yes the name means dragon waist.
I am a student of Sifu Garry. I have been with him 15yrs. I was studying Jow Gar and Hung Gar and then moved onto Yau Kung Mun and Bak Fu after i found out Sifu was teaching them.
Thanks to my Sifu i have had the privilege to study some of the rarest arts in kungfu.

My Sifu has trained in YKM for over 25yrs. He has bai see'd under my grandmaster Leung Cheung. He is also a teacher or a rare internal art called Wan Yern taught to him by Sifu Cornelius Coelho whom he has also become a disciple of.

he has learnt many rare arts from GM Doo Wai but has decided to release the burning palms out first as this is a art he wants to make sure doesn't die out.

People who know him know his skill and how real it is. He has been in kickboxing tournaments and won. he has been in Judo tournaments and placed in the top 2.

His skill is very real as is his fighting prowess. We train to fight and we train to heal.

Your not sure why you looked at this thread? The funny thing is you even had time to post a comment.

Faruq and Dale,
You are both correct about my sifu. His skill and loyalty to his teachers are second to none. That is also passed down to his students.


Dark Chi
09-17-2011, 12:24 AM
I think that part of the problem has been the number and variety of styles that Sifu Garry has come out with and promoted online.

He was YKM, then sorta BM as well , then Bak Fu Pai lineage holder , then another version of BM and now the Burning Palm thing. Might be skilful but hard to tell how he would do since I have never seen him do anything other than demonstrate.

I am not sure whether he is involved to have someone to promote his stuff on here but it seems like someone from his club/old student posts every time a new thing comes out for purchase.

I stopped reading the related posts a long time ago.. heck I am not even sure why I looked at this one ;' P



Dark Chi
09-17-2011, 01:20 AM
Dark Chi,
Yes the name means dragon waist.
I am a student of Sifu Garry. I have been with him 15yrs. I was studying Jow Gar and Hung Gar and then moved onto Yau Kung Mun and Bak Fu after i found out Sifu was teaching them.
Thanks to my Sifu i have had the privilege to study some of the rarest arts in kungfu.

My Sifu has trained in YKM for over 25yrs. He has bai see'd under my grandmaster Leung Cheung. He is also a teacher or a rare internal art called Wan Yern taught to him by Sifu Cornelius Coelho whom he has also become a disciple of.

he has learnt many rare arts from GM Doo Wai but has decided to release the burning palms out first as this is a art he wants to make sure doesn't die out.

People who know him know his skill and how real it is. He has been in kickboxing tournaments and won. he has been in Judo tournaments and placed in the top 2.

His skill is very real as is his fighting prowess. We train to fight and we train to heal.

Your not sure why you looked at this thread? The funny thing is you even had time to post a comment.

and Dale,
You are both correct about my sifu. His skill and loyalty to his teachers are second to none. That is also passed down to his students.


A bai si you tell us? He must have been special,was he a bai see in YKM or PM?

How real his skill is?-I would love to cross hands with him and maybe learn something.

Prowess? Interesting word.It would seem he hasn't smiled with peace for a long time.

Hope you don't mind this is my observation.
Its clear that he has studied some kind of PM for a long time,hes picked up many bad habits.He has reach a high lvl maybe the highest level one can reach without knowing?

Mr R writes a funny analogy of him,which maybe true only to Mr R never the less his many many styles is his downfall(reason-It takes a lifetime to master 1 style and ones self also to have self control)

Its clear to me what has happened.

Mr Gary has been subjected to mis-guidance not from the sifu that he bai si'ed under. Hes gone "sa" and I don't mean "free or diverse".Hes got to the burning palm stage wich is the same yes the same as ng mor the 5 elements from PM it was said there are many ways to get there and in this case he has had to make a terrible an awful sacrifice(I don't know what it is btw)Thats why he hasn't had peace and someone else wrote an analogy he was "Moody" this has nothing to do with being fierce or the fiercest.He should be balanced and calm 1. especially at his age and 2. his level.

Pm is one of the darkest arts-we know this to be true the demons in side us we all battle,fight them torment them back but all in all they are part of us and they are us.

Body,Mind and Spirit = Kung fu

There is a story of 2 spirits we are taught.
The first spirit gleams with light the second gets darker and darker the problem was/is which do you trust?

It is deemed that the one that gleams makes you do good things at first then terrible thing as time goes by,with this as you'll believe you are beyond the Gods themselves.

The second that is darker than dark seems terrible and scarey but over time makes you aware and see clearly.

There is a similar western story if you don't get this.
Angels and Demons.
The Angel who appears is really a demon so that it make you do its bidding(or the Devils' bidding) for if it presented itself as a demon form you wouldn't do there bidding.
The real Angel appears as a Demon to test you on Gods love(and no I'm not a Christian anything trying to convert you guys through PM lol)by doing its bidding.

The true sage sees clear and tell this story to all the PM masters to give them peace and smile again :)

thanks for reading

P.S I do wish you peace Mr Gary its time to let go Sir

Dark Chi
09-17-2011, 06:41 AM
I got busy at work so forgot to add this.

When you reach the healing arts in this case burning hand you are trying to heal yourself or balance yourself that's why I believe Mr Gary has been searching something to counter balance his PM,I could be wrong but I really do see this.There is no counter balancing or I've never heard anyone succeed.

Thanks for reading

09-17-2011, 07:36 AM
The first spirit gleams with light the second gets darker and darker the problem was/is which do you trust?

I think you've been watching too many Star Wars movies. Trust the force LUKE.....DARK CHI IS NOT YOUR FAh-tha

09-17-2011, 08:21 AM
Why what happened Mr Frost?

its not hard just search for the other burning palm threads, safe to say at least one of his sifu is probably the most discredited TCMA master out there which may or may not say something about the mans skills, as pointed out by others he has claimed several sercret and unique styles and some of the claims are ...shall we say...well go read the other burning palm thread and make up your own mind

09-17-2011, 03:27 PM

Can you please provide links to the thread you write about. Also links to the following:

his sifu is probably the most discredited TCMA master out there

09-17-2011, 09:10 PM
Sifu's' skills are awesome, my belly still hurts from getting kneed by him...a few years ago.:) He can actually fight with min far...I haven't seen many people who can do that.

If Sifu trails his leg at all, that's okay...he had a concrete wall fall on his leg and shatter it, not seconds after he fell off of it no less. I still am not sure how he can outrun me doing ba bu gong si...:confused:

Sifu's' teachers are respected and have been for a long time.

Everyone knows the story about Wai, but noone knows the story about him. It's hilariously sad. Something like :D:(



Dark Chi
09-17-2011, 11:25 PM
its not hard just search for the other burning palm threads, safe to say at least one of his sifu is probably the most discredited TCMA master out there which may or may not say something about the mans skills, as pointed out by others he has claimed several sercret and unique styles and some of the claims are ...shall we say...well go read the other burning palm thread and make up your own mind

Oh my my Mr Frost I see what you mean,I'll stay away from the freight train TY.

I can't believe how Kung fu has evoled so much on the tinternet.

I think someone wants to be famous,best go and check.

Dark Chi
09-17-2011, 11:30 PM
I think you've been watching too many Star Wars movies. Trust the force LUKE.....DARK CHI IS NOT YOUR FAh-tha

I just googled Star Wars and this film came up,Sorry I've not seen it.Whats it about?

Also I don't have a son called Luke.

Your Post makes no sense to me sorry,I guess low level practitioners need not apply in this case.LOL

09-18-2011, 03:04 AM

Can you please provide links to the thread you write about. Also links to the following:
really do you find the search function that hard to use?

here you go

one doo wai thread

he is also on this thread http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=996614&highlight=wai#post996614

have fun

Dark Chi
09-19-2011, 09:26 AM
really do you find the search function that hard to use?

here you go

one doo wai thread

he is also on this thread http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=996614&highlight=wai#post996614

have fun

TYSM Mr Frost
I see now.Only read the first one and now have read them all.

Dark Chi
09-19-2011, 09:40 AM
really do you find the search function that hard to use?

here you go

one doo wai thread

he is also on this thread http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=996614&highlight=wai#post996614

have fun

It seem this has been going on a long time.
Thats where the problems are just as I pointed out "miss guidance" Mr Gary seems to have lost his way "Sa".

Its NOT MR Garys fault in anyway-I dont know GM Doo Wai or Mr Gary and in no way am I going to try to clear their names, but I know you can't taint them with the same brush.(I dont know any GMs at all btw the title grand master has always made me chuckle,lol)

Thanks for reading.

Dark Chi
09-19-2011, 09:53 AM

This is what I think you have stumbled on,please try to read it all before you judge.

Thanks for reading

Yum Cha
09-19-2011, 02:26 PM
Hey Dark,
if there are many ways to raise the fire, is it the same fire?

I'm not an academic Pak Mei guy, I like to hear people's opinions on the esoteric stuff.

Personally, I think it is...simply morphing through the many interpretations and buddhist evolutions of language and thought. Each spinning off little eddies of uniqueness as well...

Even the Tao has a similar kind of experience...

This is all kind of general stuff, but the Pak Mei take on it has its own character IMHO.

Dark Chi
09-20-2011, 02:18 AM
Hey Dark,
if there are many ways to raise the fire, is it the same fire?

I'm not an academic Pak Mei guy, I like to hear people's opinions on the esoteric stuff.

Personally, I think it is...simply morphing through the many interpretations and buddhist evolutions of language and thought. Each spinning off little eddies of uniqueness as well...

Even the Tao has a similar kind of experience...

This is all kind of general stuff, but the Pak Mei take on it has its own character IMHO.

There are many ways yes and yes it is the same fire,however It seems that you too stumble on the possibilities of the illusion of fire,this I cannot extend my knowledge to as I simply do not know and would guess it is possible.

So you aren't a western HK PM guy?shame I like having fun with them guys :)

Bingo!!! yes this is where you grab my attention like a bui changing to a fuw jow.....what do you know of the taoist way?

Please tell me more if you are capable?If not then I bow first.

09-20-2011, 02:24 AM
Dark Chi,

I contacted Sifu Garry about your post relating to Kundalini. He had a read and wanted me to tell you..."Thanks for the read; it was good reading. Yes, I have researched Kundalini. It has some things close to what I practice, but not from a Hindu point of view." He also said, "the demon hasn't entered, I've got an overload already." He said you would understand.

Anyhow, I contacted him about it, and that was his response on it.



Dark Chi
09-20-2011, 03:06 AM
Dark Chi,

I contacted Sifu Garry about your post relating to . He had a read and wanted me to tell you..."Thanks for the read; it was good reading. Yes, I have researched Kundalini. It has some things close to what I practice, but not from a Hindu point of view." He also said, "the demon hasn't entered, I've got an overload already." He said you would understand.

Anyhow, I contacted him about it, and that was his response on it.



TY thank you.

the overload is just the beginning I wish him well.

Dark Chi
09-20-2011, 03:17 AM

Martial Arts.

Mental Disorders.

Yum Cha
09-20-2011, 10:55 PM
TY thank you.

the overload is just the beginning I wish him well.

I once had a girl tell me I had beautiful open chakras....

Quick, what does that mean?? Was she flirting???

Maybe it was just that my fly was down...:D

Dark Chi
09-21-2011, 03:53 AM
I once had a girl tell me I had beautiful open chakras....

Quick, what does that mean?? Was she flirting???

Maybe it was just that my fly was down...:D

LOL i thinks she was being nice about your open chakra on the top of your head (bald patch,you know what they say about baldoes.......)

09-21-2011, 08:44 AM
Dark Chi,
I am a student of Sifu Garry. People who know him know his skill and how real it is. He has been in kickboxing tournaments and won. he has been in Judo tournaments and placed in the top 2.

His skill is very real as is his fighting prowess. We train to fight and we train to heal. Thanks

Knowing what a private person Sify Garry is I know this'll never happen, but it'd be great to see some footage of his tournament fighting. I think he may be one of the rare people who uses his kung fu, not san da/kickboxing, successfully in tournaments. How many other people do you see out there competing that you can instantly tell what style they practice from seeing them fight?

Yum Cha
09-21-2011, 04:48 PM
Knowing what a private person Sify Garry is I know this'll never happen, but it'd be great to see some footage of his tournament fighting. I think he may be one of the rare people who uses his kung fu, not san da/kickboxing, successfully in tournaments. How many other people do you see out there competing that you can instantly tell what style they practice from seeing them fight?

Oh, I think I'd like to hear about the kickboxing tournaments, what more can you tell?

Yum Cha
09-21-2011, 04:54 PM
LOL i thinks she was being nice about your open chakra on the top of your head (bald patch,you know what they say about baldoes.......)

Ay ya Hing dai....It was more fun when she traced them out with her hands...:p

Dark Chi
09-22-2011, 03:50 AM
Ay ya Hing dai....It was more fun when she traced them out with her hands...:p

LOL you moa gau chore-aaa sin sang!

09-22-2011, 07:53 AM
Oh, I think I'd like to hear about the kickboxing tournaments, what more can you tell?

You'd have to ask lungyuil. But hell Yum Cha, you live in Oz! You can be a spectator in the tournaments live in person, lol!

Yum Cha
09-22-2011, 12:14 PM
You'd have to ask lungyuil. But hell Yum Cha, you live in Oz! You can be a spectator in the tournaments live in person, lol!

Yea, you are making a good point there...

09-23-2011, 08:06 PM
This is from Sifu Garry.
At 15yrs of age won the Hapkido Association middle weight division all belts upto black belts. Then left started Yau Kung Mun Kung Fu,at the same time studying under Sifu John Suttle (Was the Aust Kung Fu and Kickboxing full contact champion). John Suttle was a Red Sash teacher under Wong Cheung Leung Wing Chun. His teacher was Barry Lee.

Sifu Garry had his first full contact kickboxing fight under the Australian Kung Fu and Wu Shu federation at 16yrs old and never fought under the Australian Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Association held by President Leung Cheung.

From 16yrs upto 22yrs Sifu Garry fought 8 fights losing only 1 of those at age 16yrs.
The one fight he lost, he was 16yrs old and the opponent was 24yrs old.

Upto a couple of yrs ago, Sifu Garry after only 3months of Judo, went into the South Coast Championships (one of the biggest Tournaments in the southern region) came in second in his weight division and then was asked to enter the 100 kilo and over (open division). In this he got 3rd place beating a black belt in the finals.

He is continually refining his fighting style based on his systems.

Now for you Matthew (Yum Cha),
Please post your fighting Bio and please don't exaggerate this as I have it all on tape given to me by Sifu Leung Cheung. IF you would like I can post your awesome fighting and fitness display here for all of KFO to see that you talk yourself up and say how much of a good fighter you were.
"Was it the red or the blue bandana that fell off your baldy head??" LOL.

I think you won the fight only because the light was shining off your big bald head.. LMAO.. :) :D

Dark Chi
09-24-2011, 01:36 AM
This is from Sifu Garry.
At 15yrs of age won the Hapkido Association middle weight division all belts upto black belts. Then left started Yau Kung Mun Kung Fu,at the same time studying under Sifu John Suttle (Was the Aust Kung Fu and Kickboxing full contact champion). John Suttle was a Red Sash teacher under Wong Cheung Leung Wing Chun. His teacher was Barry Lee.

Sifu Garry had his first full contact kickboxing fight under the Australian Kung Fu and Wu Shu federation at 16yrs old and never fought under the Australian Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Association held by President Leung Cheung.

From 16yrs upto 22yrs Sifu Garry fought 8 fights losing only 1 of those at age 16yrs.
The one fight he lost, he was 16yrs old and the opponent was 24yrs old.

Upto a couple of yrs ago, Sifu Garry after only 3months of Judo, went into the South Coast Championships (one of the biggest Tournaments in the southern region) came in second in his weight division and then was asked to enter the 100 kilo and over (open division). In this he got 3rd place beating a black belt in the finals.

He is continually refining his fighting style based on his systems.

Now for you Matthew (Yum Cha),
Please post your fighting Bio and please don't exaggerate this as I have it all on tape given to me by Sifu Leung Cheung. IF you would like I can post your awesome fighting and fitness display here for all of KFO to see that you talk yourself up and say how much of a good fighter you were.
"Was it the red or the blue bandana that fell off your baldy head??" LOL.

I think you won the fight only because the light was shining off your big bald head.. LMAO.. :) :D

LOL a challenge on a forum? never seen this before,lol I'm excited.

09-24-2011, 07:42 PM
This is from Sifu Garry.
At 15yrs of age won the Hapkido Association middle weight division all belts upto black belts. Then left started Yau Kung Mun Kung Fu,at the same time studying under Sifu John Suttle (Was the Aust Kung Fu and Kickboxing full contact champion). John Suttle was a Red Sash teacher under Wong Cheung Leung Wing Chun. His teacher was Barry Lee.

Sifu Garry had his first full contact kickboxing fight under the Australian Kung Fu and Wu Shu federation at 16yrs old and never fought under the Australian Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Association held by President Leung Cheung.

From 16yrs upto 22yrs Sifu Garry fought 8 fights losing only 1 of those at age 16yrs.
The one fight he lost, he was 16yrs old and the opponent was 24yrs old.

Upto a couple of yrs ago, Sifu Garry after only 3months of Judo, went into the South Coast Championships (one of the biggest Tournaments in the southern region) came in second in his weight division and then was asked to enter the 100 kilo and over (open division). In this he got 3rd place beating a black belt in the finals.

He is continually refining his fighting style based on his systems.:D

Yeah, Sifu Garry is a fuggin' warrior!!! I wish he or Buby'd put fighting kung fu style rather than kickboxing on a DVD for me so I could see how it's done, lol. I know Sifu Garry makes you work for his knowledge though. So I won't be getting any DVDs any time soon, lol.

Dark Chi
09-24-2011, 11:43 PM
Yeah, Sifu Garry is a fuggin' warrior!!! I wish he or Buby'd put fighting kung fu style rather than kickboxing on a DVD for me so I could see how it's done, lol. I know Sifu Garry makes you work for his knowledge though. So I won't be getting any DVDs any time soon, lol.

Mr Faruq I doubt they give their art away for free.its ashame I too would love to see but I won't
Be paying for it,the reason is no MA is worth paying for imo.

I also find it strange that Mr Gary uses one of his students to post, only that it messes the students Individuality.

Yum Cha
09-25-2011, 04:37 AM
This is from Sifu Garry.
At 15yrs of age won the Hapkido Association middle weight division all belts upto black belts. Then left started Yau Kung Mun Kung Fu,at the same time studying under Sifu John Suttle (Was the Aust Kung Fu and Kickboxing full contact champion). John Suttle was a Red Sash teacher under Wong Cheung Leung Wing Chun. His teacher was Barry Lee.

Sifu Garry had his first full contact kickboxing fight under the Australian Kung Fu and Wu Shu federation at 16yrs old and never fought under the Australian Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Association held by President Leung Cheung.

From 16yrs upto 22yrs Sifu Garry fought 8 fights losing only 1 of those at age 16yrs.
The one fight he lost, he was 16yrs old and the opponent was 24yrs old.

Upto a couple of yrs ago, Sifu Garry after only 3months of Judo, went into the South Coast Championships (one of the biggest Tournaments in the southern region) came in second in his weight division and then was asked to enter the 100 kilo and over (open division). In this he got 3rd place beating a black belt in the finals.

He is continually refining his fighting style based on his systems.

Now for you Matthew (Yum Cha),
Please post your fighting Bio and please don't exaggerate this as I have it all on tape given to me by Sifu Leung Cheung. IF you would like I can post your awesome fighting and fitness display here for all of KFO to see that you talk yourself up and say how much of a good fighter you were.
"Was it the red or the blue bandana that fell off your baldy head??" LOL.

I think you won the fight only because the light was shining off your big bald head.. LMAO.. :) :D

Travis, right?
Ok, you put me in a difficult position...

You see, I started training with your Si Gung when I was one of those guys that was primarily a Tae Kwon Do guy, with '3 months' of this and that over about 10 or more years. After a couple of years of full contact training with Cheung Leung and fighting with Adrian, Eduardo, Donnie, and Sam, (you know Sam, right?) it got me to a second place in the NSW State Championships.
Each of those guys was a champion, some several years running. My blood was on the walls of that Kwoon, and so was a little trophy, up amongst dozens of others, some of them a lot bigger. I earned that by taking a beating 5 nights a week from big heavyweights down to squirly lightweights, the tournament itself was easy. Now, I was there with a bunch of great lads, guys I still see every New Year, James, Valient, Ming, Herman, Uncle Kit and the rest of them, and I still pay my respects. I trained with those guys until the kwoon closed its doors. You can understand how it would be really offensive of someone who wasn't there sweating and bleeding 5 nights a week for club honour was saying that they were? As for Gazza's achievements, well, they speak for themselves.

While I don't expect you to understand, honour, brotherhood and tradition. I'll cut to the chase, You think there's anything on that 25 year old tape of me, with 2 years experience, bleeding the Pak Hok guy for a win is something that would embarrass me?
Just the opposite Peaches, that's gold, probably something as dear to me as anything out there, I've been looking for that tape for a long time. I only ever saw it once, got my 5 minutes with Cheung Leung, and I remember the big lesson I got from it.

So, instead of dropping me an email saying, 'Hey Uncle Matty, I got some vid of you back in the day, wanna copy?' and earning my friendship, gratitude and respect, yet still getting the chance to gig me for laughs, man to man, instead you choose to taunt me with this online in public, and you know I like to keep it private.

You make your choices I guess. You can join Kyle in the 'Pests from Gary" club.

Dark Chi
09-25-2011, 08:24 AM
Travis, right?
Ok, you put me in a difficult position...

You see, I started training with your Si Gung when I was one of those guys that was primarily a Tae Kwon Do guy, with '3 months' of this and that over about 10 or more years. After a couple of years of full contact training with Cheung Leung and fighting with Adrian, Eduardo, Donnie, and Sam, (you know Sam, right?) it got me to a second place in the NSW State Championships.
Each of those guys was a champion, some several years running. My blood was on the walls of that Kwoon, and so was a little trophy, up amongst dozens of others, some of them a lot bigger. I earned that by taking a beating 5 nights a week from big heavyweights down to squirly lightweights, the tournament itself was easy. Now, I was there with a bunch of great lads, guys I still see every New Year, James, Valient, Ming, Herman, Uncle Kit and the rest of them, and I still pay my respects. I trained with those guys until the kwoon closed its doors. You can understand how it would be really offensive of someone who wasn't there sweating and bleeding 5 nights a week for club honour was saying that they were? As for Gazza's achievements, well, they speak for themselves.

While I don't expect you to understand, honour, brotherhood and tradition. I'll cut to the chase, You think there's anything on that 25 year old tape of me, with 2 years experience, bleeding the Pak Hok guy for a win is something that would embarrass me?
Just the opposite Peaches, that's gold, probably something as dear to me as anything out there, I've been looking for that tape for a long time. I only ever saw it once, got my 5 minutes with Cheung Leung, and I remember the big lesson I got from it.

So, instead of dropping me an email saying, 'Hey Uncle Matty, I got some vid of you back in the day, wanna copy?' and earning my friendship, gratitude and respect, yet still getting the chance to gig me for laughs, man to man, instead you choose to taunt me with this online in public, and you know I like to keep it private.

You make your choices I guess. You can join Kyle in the 'Pests from Gary" club.

Peaches LOL I just love it,so funny and well written Dai Lo,Dai Lo Yum cha.
So much History.

09-26-2011, 10:07 AM
People....can't we just all get along?

09-29-2011, 08:45 PM

I have no problem with you, and I never have. Please do not bring me into this. If I am a pest for telling the truth about whatever comes up, so be it.

We are from the same style, same country, and same many things...We should be able to communicate. I will be in Oz next year. We can discuss whatever issues then. I have grown old, and I despise empty talk. Man to man, private...much better.

By the way, I saw the tape mentioned. You went the distance and won. Your style was raw. I know you have improved very much since then, but you did good anyways...That is all that matters.



09-30-2011, 03:41 AM
"Peaches..." :D

Muahaha GOLD!! :)

09-30-2011, 07:49 AM
Respect everyone that helped pave the road for us.